genius evil

Chapter 247

Chapter 247
When Ye Sichen went back, Jiang Chen didn't pick it up, but Liu Yufei arranged for the company's driver to drive him.

The company is rich and powerful, bought several buses, and hired two drivers. In short, the money is not bad, and everything is of high standard.

Moreover, Liu Yufei had a little selfishness in making such an arrangement. She wanted to let Ye Sichen see the company's financial resources.

Little did they know that the silly white sweet star didn't have the slightest awareness of this kind of thing, and her thoughts were all on Jiang Chen.

That was Jiang Chen's company, and it was a product of Jiang Chen's company, otherwise, how would she care about these things?
When Sister Mi saw Ye Sichen come back, she was greatly relieved.

Ye Sichen came back a little earlier than she expected, which meant that after Ye Sichen went out, the situation was better than she expected.

How could Sister Mi know that what happened to you today is not bad at all, and it was worse than she expected.

"Sister Mi, I bought you a present." Ye Sichen said fawningly, and took out the things prepared for Sister Mi.

In addition to the packaged silk scarf bought at the jewelry store, Ye Sichen also gave Sister Mi a cosmetic as a gift.

Sister Mi opened the package, took out the silk scarf, looked at it and was disgusted to death, and said, "Can this thing be used?"

At first glance, it looks cheap and can't be cheaper. It is estimated that it is not even ten yuan.Sister Mi's eyesight has been tempered a long time ago, and in terms of her quality of life, she would despise this silk scarf as a rag for her.

"Sister Mi, this is a gift." Ye Sichen emphasized very seriously.

"Okay, okay, gift." Sister Mi had no choice but to put it away, but she made up her mind that she would never use it even if she died, it was too bad.

Then, Sister Mi picked up the cosmetics and just took a look at them. Sister Mi just put them down, terrified, "Sichen, where did you buy Sanwu products? You even bought two copies. Hurry up and give them to me." Throw it away."

She has used countless international first-line cosmetics brands, but she has never used domestic cosmetics, let alone this small brand whose name she has never heard of before.

At first glance, Miss Mi thought it was produced in a sanwu factory. Although the packaging was exquisite and looked good, she didn't dare to take risks. You know, this is something that is used on the face. What should I do if I am disfigured?
Ye Sichen was helpless, she knew it would be such a result, and naturally she would not throw it away. No matter what, Jiang Chen gave her something, so she decided to use it first.

Ye Sichen took the cosmetics and got up to go to the bathroom. She walked a lot today, she was a little tired, and planned to wash her face and sleep for a while.

"Sichen, what are you doing with your cosmetics in the bathroom?" Sister Mi yelled again.

"Try it out." Ye Sichen replied.

"Try?" Sister Mi's heart almost jumped out of her throat in fright, her voice was high-pitched and high-pitched.

Ye Sichen smiled slightly: "Miss Mi, you should try it too, Jiang Chen said, it works very well."

"No." Sister Mi just shook her head without thinking about it, then she widened her eyes, put her hands on her hips, and said with a sneer, "So it was Jiang Chen who gave it to you, so he gave it to you? He also has the nerve to show it ? How can you accept that?"

Sister Mi was so angry, even though Ye Sichen was very naive and simple, and looked easy to deceive, but he couldn't deceive like this.

Which man wants to give Ye Sichen something, not hundreds of thousands or millions? Go dream.

Anyway, Sister Mi decided that she must strictly guard against death in the future, and no matter what, Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen could not meet again.

Fortunately, he will be returning to Yanjing tomorrow, so Ye Sichen probably won't come to Yilan City again in his life. That guy Jiang Chen can't go after Yanjing, right?
"This is a product produced by Jiang Chen's company." Ye Sichen introduced, and the person had already entered the bathroom.

Sister Mi hurriedly chased after her and asked, "What company does Jiang Chen run?"

"A medical beauty company." Ye Sichen didn't know much.

"It's a small company, it's not famous at all." Sister Mi curled her lips, not because she was snobby or something, but because she had seen too many big scenes with Ye Sichen.

"It seems that it hasn't officially opened yet." Ye Sichen thought for a while, turned on the faucet, poured some water on his face with both hands, then squeezed out a little facial cleanser, gently spread it evenly, and started to wash.

"Ah, Sichen, you haven't taken off your makeup yet." Sister Mi didn't have time to react, and Ye Sichen started working on her face and yelled.

Although Ye Sichen doesn't rely on his face for food, the necessary level of maintenance is indispensable. Besides, Ye Sichen's skin is as tender as water, and if it is a little damaged, it will be a waste of money.

Ye Sichen froze for a moment, but also realized that he hadn't removed his makeup.

Ye Sichen has the habit of putting on makeup every day. She wears light makeup. However, even though it is light makeup, she will carefully remove it before washing her face to ensure that there are no cosmetic residues on her face.

"Hurry up and wash your face, remove makeup first." Sister Mi reminded.

Ye Sichen nodded, picked up clean water and washed it, then wiped off the water droplets with a soft silk towel, while Sister Mi prepared makeup remover and cotton pads, and when Ye Sichen dried his face, let Ye Sichen turned his head sideways.


When Ye Sichen turned around, Miss Mi just froze for a moment.

"Sichen, did you go out without makeup today?" Sister Mi asked wonderingly.

"The effect seems to be really good." Ye Sichen didn't answer Sister Mi's question, she turned to look in the mirror and murmured.

"You must have forgotten to put on makeup." Sister Mi said with certainty.

Ye Sichen smiled slightly and said, "Miss Mi, you can try it too."

Sister Mi is a little unbelieving, just after Ye Sichen went out, she also went out, and she was wearing heavy makeup, she didn't believe that it could really be washed off with such a casual wash, otherwise, she would need makeup remover do what?Wouldn't it be superfluous?
Relentless, Sister Mi wetted her face, then squeezed facial cleanser to wash her face, and after 1 minute, when she dried her face and looked in the mirror, Sister Mi was stunned.

In the past, she would wash her face for no less than 3 minutes each time. This time, she only washed her face for 1 minute on purpose to belittle the effect of this facial cleanser. However, in 1 minute, her face was washed clean, leaving little cosmetic residue. Nothing.

"Try this lotion again." Ye Sichen handed it to Sister Mi.

"Beauty, moisturizing, whitening and moisturizing." Sister Mi took a look and sneered in her heart.

There are so many messy effects, it's a hodgepodge.

But I have already tried the facial cleanser, and even though I still dislike it, Sister Mi is not so resistant, she pours a little on the palm of her hand, and gently pats her face.

"It feels very cool, as if every pore is desperately absorbing water. It is obvious that the skin is gradually becoming firmer. Is it my illusion?" Sister Mi was a little distracted, and she hurried to look in the mirror.

Impressively seeing the face in the mirror, subtle changes have taken place, and the bags under the eyes that were a little loose due to fatigue have disappeared a lot.

"It's amazing." Sister Mi said nana.

"Sister Mi, do you think it's easy to use?" Ye Sichen asked softly.

"It's not bad." I have already tried it myself, and it's hard for Sister Mi to say anything sarcastic.

"Jiang Chen's company is looking for a spokesperson, and Jiang Chen thinks I'm a good fit." Ye Sichen said.

"Could it be that you have already agreed?" Sister Mi's question was very sharp.

"Sister Mi, do you think I can agree?" Ye Sichen asked.

"You have never accepted any endorsement. This area is blank. Although the company has actively planned to help you develop in this area in the past two years, the time is not yet ripe. I suggest you refuse." Sister Mi said seriously Said.

"I want to agree." After a moment of silence, Ye Sichen said.

"No." Sister Mi said firmly.

"Miss Mi, you have tried it, and the effect is very good, isn't it? If there are no major accidents, I will use Jiang Chen's cosmetics in the future. If this is the case, why don't you accept the endorsement?" Ye Sichen asked seriously .

Miss Mi was stunned for a while. It wasn't just Ye Sichen who planned to use Jiang Chen's products, but she also came up with this idea, but it's just a trial. If the effect is really good, then she will continue to use it. Where? Will he be as sure as Ye Sichen said?

It was as if he had been brainwashed by Jiang Chen.

"With your worth, how much endorsement fee can he afford?" Sister Mi said deliberately.

Ye Sichen went to the living room to get his mobile phone, and called Jiang Chen. After hanging up the phone, Ye Sichen's expression was obviously a little surprised.

"Sichen, he can't even get a penny out of it, can he?" Sister Mi laughed.

"Jiang Chen said that the endorsement fee is [-] million a year, and if it is signed for three years, it will be [-] million." Ye Sichen said slowly.

"How much?" Sister Mi thought she had heard wrong.

[-] million, an international first-tier superstar endorses an international first-tier brand, doesn't even reach this price?
"Too much." Ye Sichen shook his head.

"It's too much, it's not too much." Sister Mi hurriedly said, only a fool would think too much, Ye Sichen can be stupid, but she can't.

"Sister Mi, did you agree?" Ye Sichen looked at Sister Mi in a daze, but she still felt that it was too much.

"I can't make up my mind about this matter. I'll call the company first." Without the exorbitant endorsement fee, Sister Mi could have refused by herself, but with such a large amount of money involved, Sister Mi has no way to make a decision. up.

After the phone call, the other party said they would wait for a reply, so Sister Mi put away her phone, looked at the cosmetics, and at Ye Sichen.

Jiang Chen gave a sky-high endorsement fee, can his company make it back?
On this issue, Miss Mi expressed doubts. After all, if they were cruel and signed directly for three years, Jiang Chen's company would probably go bankrupt.

The risk is too great, and it doesn't conform to the principle of doing business at all. Unless Jiang Chen has extremely strong self-confidence and his cosmetics can be popular all over the country, otherwise it will definitely be a loss-making business.

But if, on the surface, this sum of money is an endorsement fee, but is actually used to curry favor with Ye Sichen, then it seems... Miss Mi shuddered, she really was a rich man, and she really was full of bad tastes.

(End of this chapter)

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