genius evil

Chapter 249 You are not an idiot, who is an idiot?

Chapter 249 You are not an idiot, who is an idiot?

A black Land Rover was driving slowly on the road in the dark.

Tangyue sat in the car, but she didn't sit in the co-pilot, but sat alone in the back seat, and didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen, but kept turning her head, pretending to concentrate on watching the scenery outside the car window.

That kiss in the hotel room before, thinking about it now, still made her blush, and being alone with Jiang Chen in such a relatively closed space, Tangyue always felt an indescribable discomfort.

"Teacher Tang..." Driving the car, Jiang Chen looked at Tang Yue through the rearview mirror inside the car, with a slight smile on his lips, and called out.

"Ah—" Tangyue came back to her senses.

"Teacher Tang, where are you from?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Yanjing." Tangyue didn't know why Jiang Chen would ask this question, and replied strangely.

"In this way, Mr. Tang, you used to study in Yanjing, right?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"En." Tangyue nodded.

To be precise, her studies before her high school career were all in Yanjing, and her university was in Tiannan City, but since Jiang Chen didn't ask such details, Tangyue didn't tell Jiang Chen in detail.

Because, for some reason, it gave her a strange feeling of being questioned about her household registration, which was so strange.

"Teacher Tang and Li Pan'er used to have a good relationship when they were in school." How did Jiang Chen know that Tangyue would have such complicated thoughts, so he asked again.

"Are you really interested in her?" Tang Yue asked instead of answering Jiang Chen's question.

"No." Jiang Chen said with a smile, "I'm just a little bit curious about her, but I think that if there is no need, Teacher Tang, you can properly keep a little distance from Li Pan'er in the future. "

"I don't understand." Tangyue was a little puzzled.

"I don't quite understand it for the time being, but I think, maybe I will understand it soon." Regarding Li Pan'er, Jiang Chen only had a little doubt, and this doubt, under the current circumstances, has no support.

"Are you suspecting Pan'er?" Tangyue frowned and asked, she was not a fool, she could faintly feel something from Jiang Chen's words.

"She is too proactive." Jiang Chen just said lightly.

"Pan'er has always been like this, she probably has no other intentions." Tangyue explained on behalf of Li Pan'er.

"Then, it's very likely that I'm really handsome and attractive." Jiang Chen touched his face with his hand, bragging narcissistically.

"Uh—" Tangyue was at a loss for words.

Jiang Chen directly sent Tangyue back to the downstairs of the teacher's dormitory at the school, and then drove to the parking lot. After the car was parked, Jiang Chen walked towards the dormitory.

It was still early, and the students were all doing evening self-study in the classroom. On the playground a little far away, there were scattered figures of activity.

Living in the school is not convenient, especially for a student like Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen quite likes such an atmosphere.

Before he had gone far, Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped slightly. At the same time, a feeling of extreme danger rushed to his heart. The hairs on his back stood on end, and cold sweat broke out in an instant.

In the next second, Jiang Chen kicked his right foot on the ground suddenly, and under the leverage, the figure rushed out to the side like a cannonball.


Almost at the moment Jiang Chen rushed out, the hard concrete floor where he was originally located suddenly exploded, leaving a deep hole.


Jiang Chen frowned suddenly, and the figure that rushed out exerted force again, and rushed out again.

"Bang... bang..."

After several shots in succession, the sound of bullets falling to the ground could be heard. The nearest bullet almost passed by Jiang Chen's head. His head was about to explode just a little bit away.

"Damn you bastard." The anger in Jiang Chen's heart suddenly burst out.

In order to kill him, someone even invited a sniper over, which is really a big deal.

"Who could it be?" Jiang Chen said to himself, frowning and looking towards the roof of the dormitory building. Judging from the trajectory of the bullets, the sniper was impressively on the roof of the dormitory building.

After a glance, Jiang Chen had a thought, and he used his body skills, moving like a snake, and quickly rushed towards the dormitory building.

"Bang... bang..."

Several more gunshots rang out, but Jiang Chen was moving too fast, considering the cumbersomeness of the sniper rifle, it was impossible to shoot him.

In just a dozen seconds, Jiang Chen rushed into the dormitory building, stepping a dozen steps, and rushed upstairs.

On the roof of the dormitory building, a black figure leaned quietly in the direction of the corner.

It was a young man with a flat-shaved head, his name was Dong Bao, he was a sniper, and he was quite well-known in the entire Jiangnan Province.

For this sniping mission, Dongbao had been lurking on the rooftop for five or six hours, and finally waited for Jiang Chen to appear.

After seeing Jiang Chen, he didn't shoot immediately, but waited until Jiang Chen walked into the best range and adjusted the best angle before pulling the trigger in a hurry. If you make a move, you will be killed as soon as you make a move.

The result was somewhat beyond Dong Bao's expectations. He could almost imagine that a bullet hit Jiang Chen's forehead, blowing Jiang Chen's head like a rotten watermelon, but it was extremely weird. It was dodged by Jiang Chen.

The next few shots all missed the target without exception, and then Dongbao saw that Jiang Chen rushed into the dormitory building at an extremely fast speed.

A sniper pays attention to one-hit kills. Once the sniper fails, he must flee immediately. However, Dongbao has no plans to leave just yet.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, he accepted the mission to kill Jiang Chen, and the employment money he received was the highest sum since his debut, so high that he couldn't resist it.

On the other hand, Dongbao is confident that after the sniping failed, he can still take Jiang Chen's life. It is true that he is a sniper, but he is not just playing with sniper rifles.

If you didn't snipe Jiang Chen at a long distance, then at a close range, you can shoot Jiang Chen headshot again.

Thinking of that commission, which would be fully credited soon, Dongbao was in a very good mood, even after Jiang Chen rushed into the dormitory building, he lighted a cigarette for himself quite leisurely and smoked.

Dong Bao planned to wait until Jiang Chen got on the roof, he would first scold him for being an idiot, and then kill Jiang Chen.

After all, Jiang Chen was sniped by him, so it's fine if he didn't run away, but he actually ran over to settle accounts with him, what is it if he isn't a fool?This is simply to die.

Dongbao took three puffs of a cigarette, and Jiang Chen had already appeared on the rooftop.

"Stupid." As soon as he saw Dongbao, Jiang Chen cursed.

Dong Bao was stunned for a moment, as if this sentence was his line, what did Jiang Chen do, why did he want to steal his line?
"Don't be in a daze, it's you, idiot." Jiang Chen pointed at Dongbao, and walked over step by step.

You know, although he went upstairs very fast, as an excellent sniper, his ability to escape is unquestionable. This guy is waiting for him on the roof of this building stupidly. What is it if he is not a fool?
Is there anyone more stupid than this in the world?
"You will soon understand who is the idiot." Dong Bao slowly stretched out his right hand, and a pistol appeared in his hand. The dark muzzle was aimed at Jiang Chen's head.

"There's nothing I don't understand about this. You're not a fool, whoever is a fool, it's really rare to be a fool to your level." Jiang Chen didn't seem to see the gun in Dongbao's hand. He walked over and took the gun into his hand. and then put it on Dongbao's head.

"Before I blow your head off, tell me who hired you to kill me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"This—" Dong Bao's pupils contracted, his eyes widened, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes as if he had seen a ghost.

How could his gun be taken away by Jiang Chen, as if he was holding the gun, not to shoot and kill Jiang Chen, but to take out the gun and give it to Jiang Chen.

Furthermore, why his right hand couldn't move for some unknown reason, and what happened.

Damn it, who the hell is this guy? No wonder the employment fee is so high. He thought he got a big deal, but now it seems that he was cheated.

"You only have ten seconds. If you don't speak within ten seconds, you will die." Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to talk nonsense.

He has never been so on the brink of life and death, even the last time, when Song Yan sent a bomb, the situation was within his control.

But this time, it could almost be said that he brushed past the god of death. If his vigilance was not strong enough, he would definitely be dead. Jiang Chen's anger can be imagined.

"I don't know." Dong Bao said quickly.

He could tell that Jiang Chen wasn't joking, even though he had ten seconds, he didn't want to waste a single second.Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen turned his back on him and only gave him five seconds after the promised ten seconds?
"It seems that you don't want to tell the truth anymore." With Jiang Chen's finger, he slowly pulled the trigger.

"It's not that I'm not telling the truth. I really don't know. I haven't met the employer at all." Dongbao said hastily.

"I hope your words are really true." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"I'm not lying." Dong Bao said quickly and anxiously.

"Okay, I believe your words." Jiang Chen took a deep look at Dong Bao, and with a movement of his finger, a bullet was sent between Dong Bao's eyebrows.

"Who is going to kill me?" Jiang Chen shot and killed Dongbao without even looking at him.

Killers appeared around him time and time again. This sniper is not the strongest, but he is definitely the most dangerous. If one is not good, tonight is when he falls. This feeling of being influenced by others makes Jiang Chen feel very uncomfortable. accurate.

And just when Jiang Chen felt uncomfortable with the appearance of the sniper, a figure quickly entered an old two-story building in the downtown area of ​​Yilan. That figure was none other than Jiang Chen who wanted to humiliate After a while, Ah Jin who snatched the gold chain and also a car...

(End of this chapter)

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