genius evil

Chapter 250 One Evil Dog

Chapter 250 A Vicious Dog

A Jin would come because he was summoned by Master Quan. After receiving the call from Master Quan, A Jin immediately put down everything in his hands and rushed over as soon as possible.

Ah Jin walked very fast, and sneaked into the living room on the first floor very nimbly.

This is Master Quan's residence, but Master Quan is not in the living room at this time, but is sitting in the dining room adjacent to the living room. To be precise, Master Quan is sitting at the dining table and eating.

"Master, I've already ordered this, and I haven't had dinner yet." A Jin leaned over and said with narrowed eyes.

"Have you eaten?" Master Quan held a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, slowly cutting the pork head on the plate.

The plate was huge and contained a whole pig's head.

This is a dish that Master Quan likes very much. The pig's head meat is boiled in water. Except for soy sauce, no condiments are added. After the pig's head is cooked, it can be eaten directly.

Ah Jin knew about Master Quan's hobby, but tonight's pig, whether it was the chef's passive sabotage or something else, he was almost half-mature.

After Master Quan cut it off with a single knife, blood streaks appeared, but Master Quan didn't seem to notice, he cut a large piece of meat, chewed it, and his appetite was quite good. Looking at his expression of enjoying the pork head meat, it seemed that he was eating some kind of abnormal meat. It's rare and delicious.

"I've eaten." A Jin shrank his neck and replied truthfully.

Not to mention that he really ate it, even if he didn't eat it, looking at the bloody pig's head, he couldn't even eat a bite.

Ah Jin really didn't understand, with the status of Master Quan, he couldn't eat any kind of delicacy, why he only preferred such a dish.

"Do you want to eat some more?" Master Quan stuffed a large piece of bloodshot pork into his mouth and asked lightly.

"How can I have such a good appetite like yours." A Jin laughed.

"That's right." Master Quan nodded, and said slowly: "This man, he can stuff as much food into his stomach as he has a big appetite. He must not hold on to it, otherwise it will be bad for the stomach."

"My lord, you are right." A Jin nodded, with a gleam of disapproval flashing in his eyes.

"It's a pity that some people have such a big appetite and are full after eating two or three bites, but because the temptation is too great, they still try their best to stuff them into their stomachs. Ajin, you said that would cause What are the consequences?" Master Quan raised his head and glanced at A Jin.

"It must have broken the stomach." Ah Jin said with a smile.

"What about you, is your stomach broken?" In Master Quan's eyes, two rays of light shot out.

Ajin's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Master Quan in astonishment, not understanding what kind of meaning this question of Master Quan meant.

"I can't answer my question, or do you think your appetite is actually quite good, no matter how much you eat, you can't hold it?" Master Quan asked again.

"'s not..." On Ah Jin's forehead, cold sweat broke out.

"Since not, then I'm curious, who told you to do something to Jiang Chen?" Master Quan stared at A Jin, with anger flashing in his eyes.

"Master, already know..." Ah Jin felt embarrassed.

He hired a sniper to kill Jiang Chen behind Master Quan's back, and he himself is still waiting for the final result. Thinking, Master Quan learned about this so quickly.

Master Quan was noncommittal and snorted coldly.

A Jin immediately smiled wryly and said: "Master, the reason why I attacked Jiang Chen was because I really couldn't swallow my anger. That Jiang Chen was too deceitful."

Quickly, Ah Jin explained how Jiang Chen took away his gold necklace and car, embellishing it, his tone filled with righteous indignation, as if he wished he could peel Jiang Chen's skin and extract Jiang Chen's bones.

Master Quan listened expressionlessly, without expressing any opinions. It was not until Ah Jin finished speaking in one breath that Master Quan said, "What is the success rate of this matter?"

"The sniper I hired is called Dongbao. Looking at Jiangnan Province, he is well-known, at least [-]% sure." A Jin said in a rather determined tone.

"[-]%?" His eyebrows raised, Master Quan looked at A Jin with a half-smile, and said, "[-]% sure, you dare to do it?"

"Master, [-]% sure is my lowest estimate, at least [-]% sure." A Jin said hastily.

"Ninety percent, it's about the same, so Jiang Chen is dead, right?" Master Quan asked slowly.

"If nothing else happens, I'm dead." Ah Jin gritted his teeth.

"Unfortunately, he didn't die." Master Quan shook his head suddenly.

"What?" Ah Jin's expression changed again.

Jiang Chen is not dead?

true or false?

He even hired snipers to kill Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen couldn't be killed. What unexpected situation happened?
"Yes, Jiang Chen is not dead." There was a bit of anger in Master Quan's voice.

"No, it's impossible." Ah Jin said loudly with a look of panic, "How could this happen? Could it be that the sniper I hired let the water go? Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen not die."

"This can only show that you are too naive and too stupid." Master Quan lowered his face and shouted, "You idiot, do you know what this means that we have officially declared war on Jiang Chen, we have done All of those things are about to surface."

"Master, I didn't think carefully about this matter, but even so, so what, does Jiang Chen really dare to be your enemy? If he really dares to make a move, we will just take advantage of the situation and swallow the Bauhinia." Ah Jin said disdainfully.

"I don't know what Jiang Chen will think or do for the time being, but I know exactly what you think." Master Quan had a bad expression on his face, and said sharply, "Jiang Chen is just humiliating you a little. That's all, you can't bear such a small humiliation, you have the courage to attack Jiang Chen without authorization and disrupt my deployment."

"Master, it was an accident." Ah Jin's facial features were all huddled together, and he felt wronged.

"I don't care if it's accidental or not." Master Quan shook his head, beckoned to Ah Jin, and said in an orderly tone, "Come here."

A Jin glanced at Master Quan, and looked at the knife in Master Quan's hand again, inexplicably frightened, but he knew that he couldn't refuse Master Quan's order at all, so he had to drag his feet and walk over.

At the moment when Ah Jin approached, Master Quan suddenly moved. With a movement of his left hand, he clasped Ah Jin's arm, stabbed Ah Jin's palm with a knife, and directly pierced Ah Jin's palm. .

"Do you know it's wrong?" Pulling out the knife, Master Quan asked in a cold voice.

"Know...know." Enduring the severe pain, Ah Jin said in a trembling voice.

"I don't want to make such a mistake again, otherwise, I will die." Master Quan looked at A Jin with a fierce look on his face, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Yes... yes..." Ah Jin didn't dare to disobey, he did what Master Quan said.

"Get lost!" Master Quan waved his hand, saying as if to repel flies.

Ah Jin just bowed to Master Quan, covered the wound on his palm, and walked quickly outside the house.

"Ah Jin, although you were raised by me, you must always remember to me. I can take back what I gave you at any time, including your life." , Master Quan said as if talking to himself.

Ah Jin didn't hear the last words of Master Quan, he left the small building, got into his car, opened the locker, took out a roll of gauze from inside, gritted his teeth, and bandaged his injured palm.

"So ruthless." Ah Jin's face was extremely ferocious.

Ajin knew very well what Master Quan's knife meant. It was a warning, because what Master Quan wanted was never an obedient subordinate, but an obedient dog.

Only dogs are absolutely loyal, and people are unpredictable. How can an old fox like Master Quan trust anyone other than himself?

And what the dog eats is decided by the owner. It is the owner's will to eat more or less, and whether it is good or bad. When his dog is no longer obedient and makes decisions without authorization, Master Quan is naturally very unhappy.

"Master Quan, I know you think of me as a dog, but I, Ajin, am absolutely unwilling to be a dog." Ajin said silently in his heart, and the ferocious expression on his face became more and more intense.

"Master Quan, do you think I haven't thought about it, this time asking a sniper to kill Jiang Chen may fail? It's good to succeed once and for all, but if you fail, you just lost a sum of money, but don't forget, Failed, but dragged you into the water, I don't care what plans and calculations you have, what I want is for you and Jiang Chen to fight, otherwise, how can I, A Jin, reap the benefits of being a fisherman? Woolen cloth?"

A Jin murmured, Dong Bao failed to kill Jiang Chen, A Jin was not too disappointed except for the accident, he was even a little bit looking forward to the head-on collision between Jiang Chen and Master Quan.

Naturally, in the past, Ah Jin would never have had such courage. He would have such a calculation, to a large extent, because he had an inseparable relationship with Song Yang.

That time at the entrance of the hospital, in the car, Song Yang promised him that if Jiang Chen died, he would take over.

Jiang Chen's death is a prerequisite, but only Jiang Chen's death, it is still very difficult for him to rise to the top position, unless Master Quan is kicked away.

Ajin knew that with his own ability, he couldn't kick Master Quan away, so he could only rely on external force. Without a doubt, Jiang Chen was the best external force.

That's why Ah Jin looked forward to failing to kill Jiang Chen. It should be known that his panic-stricken and unacceptable appearance was just pretending to be seen by Master Quan, so as not to be seen by Master Quan. It's the same, but fortunately, no matter how cunning Master Quan is, he will be deceived in the end.

A Jin stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, as if he had already seen that Master Quan and Jiang Chen were fighting to the death, that lesson was really something he was looking forward to.

"Master Quan, Master Quan, you've been plotting all your life, and it's time to experience what it's like to be plotted against. Even if I, Ajin, are a dog, I'm still a vicious dog, a vicious dog that can bite its master!" said viciously After finishing this sentence, Ah Jin kicked the gas pedal and drove away in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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