genius evil

Chapter 251 A Little Game

Chapter 251 A Small Game
Hotel, tall building.

This is a luxurious presidential suite.

Song Yang held a glass of red wine in his hand, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, drinking in small sips.

The taste of red wine is very good, and Song Yang can't help but feel a little greedy. Of course, he has always been restrained, the reason why he has such an impulse is that he likes fine wine is a direct reason, and the bigger reason is because He's in a pretty good mood right now.

Song Yang was in a good mood because he received the news that Ah Jin had made a move on Jiang Chen.

Dongbao appeared in Yilan City and killed Jiang Chen.

In this matter, Ah Jin thought that he was doing it in a secret, and no outsiders knew about it, but he didn't know it. Not only did Master Quan know the news in advance, but he also knew that Dongbao failed to kill Jiang Chen in the first place. Song Yang also received the news early. , and even Song Yang knew exactly when Dongbao came to Yilan City.

Just as Master Quan learned of Dongbao's failure to kill Jiang Chen sooner than Ah Jin did, Song Yang also learned about it at about the same time.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn't die, and Song Yang's mood, even if it wasn't bad, would definitely be hard to call good. However, there are some things that cannot be calculated so simply.

Jiang Chen was difficult to deal with.

How difficult is Jiang Chen to deal with? On this point, perhaps the members of the Song family are the ones who have the most say for you. After all, even Song Shi and Song Yan, who were members of the local group, died at the hands of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's degree of difficulty can be seen.

Furthermore, the ground group stepped forward to win over Jiang Chen. In order to win over Jiang Chen, they even solved the troubles related to the Meng family for Jiang Chen. This is also an extremely obvious proof.

Jiang Chen and the Song family all wished him to die sooner, but everyone in the Song family also knew that Jiang Chen did not die so easily.

Song Yang, on behalf of the Song family, handles matters related to Jiang Chen. He is naturally very clear about this point. Because he knows this point, after learning that A Jin hired a sniper to kill Jiang Chen, he came to Song Yang to kill Jiang Chen. Look, this is just another strong proof that Ah Jin is indeed a fool.

Song Yang made a promise to Ah Jin, and it was not so much a promise as a meaningless empty promise. Song Yang used that promise to lure Ah Jin to do something to Jiang Chen.

Ah Jin's attack on Jiang Chen, on the surface, it was only Ah Jin's personal matter, but Ah Jin represented Quan Ye, so it was equivalent to Quan Ye's attack on Jiang Chen.

Song Yang's real purpose was this, he didn't put his hopes on that idiot Ajin to get rid of Jiang Chen, otherwise wouldn't it appear that the Song family was incompetent, and Song Yang was incompetent?
What Song Yang wanted was to use Ah Jin to push Lord Quan to the opposite side of Jiang Chen, and watch a dragon-tiger fight between Jiang Chen and Lord Quan.

But tonight, his layout had begun to bear fruit, so how could Song Yang be in a bad mood.

The glass of red wine was quickly finished, Song Yang didn't go to pour himself another glass, he picked up his coat, put it on, and went out.

Song Yang planned to go to the bar to have a sit. Besides drinking, he might have a nice affair, so tonight would be the icing on the cake.

After leaving the hotel, Song Yang got into the car, turned on the navigation, searched for the nearest bar, and then drove towards the bar.


Almost as soon as Song Yang's car was on the road, when he kicked the accelerator and was about to speed up, a car in front suddenly came in the opposite direction and almost hit him head-on. Song Yang hurriedly braked to stop the car.

A little cold sweat broke out on his back, and Song Yang's face was slightly gloomy. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, there would have been a car accident.

"Bastard." After swearing, Song Yang wanted to open the car door and get out of the car, so as to teach that guy who drove indiscriminately a lesson.

Song Yang had just opened the car door, and before he could get out of the car, the door of the retrograde car opened, and a figure came out of the car.

After that figure got off the car, it soon appeared next to Song Yang's car.At the same time, the man stretched out his right hand, grabbed Song Yang by the collar, pulled Song Yang out of the car, and threw him on the road.

"Jiang Chen." The body rolled down on the road, and Song Yang finally saw clearly who that person was.

After seeing clearly, Song Yang's eyeballs couldn't help flickering, thinking why Jiang Chen came to him.

"Song Yang, right? Let's play a game, what do you think?" That person was Jiang Chen. He walked over, looked down at Song Yang, and said with a half-smile.

"Game?" Frowning, Song Yang got up from the ground.

"That's right, it's a game, a little game." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Song Yang shook his head immediately and refused. Although he couldn't figure out why Jiang Chen came to him for the time being, Song Yang felt that this game must not be so fun.

To be precise, it was a game, but he was being played by Jiang Chen, and Song Yang naturally wanted to reject it.

"I'm also very embarrassed, I'm afraid you can't refuse." Jiang Chen kicked Song Yang to the ground while speaking.

Song Yang didn't even have the strength to resist, but Jiang Chen kicked a rolling gourd and rolled on the ground.

It happened that a car was speeding away, and the wheels almost pressed against Song Yang's body. Song Yang was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"The game has begun." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you want me to be hit by a car?" Song Yang said angrily, struggling to get up.

"It's just a small game." Jiang Chen said noncommittally, but the implication was that he admitted Song Yang's words.

"Damn it." Song Yang cursed angrily.

His identity is different from Song Shi and Song Yan after all. Jiang Chen can kill Song Shi and Song Yan because of the constraints of the land group, and Jiang Chen is favored by the land group, so he does not have to bear responsibility.

Killing him was different. If Jiang Chen killed him, then Jiang Chen would never want to break free. Song Yang was confident that Jiang Chen would not dare to kill him.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would do such a crazy thing. He really didn't intend to kill him with his own hands, but this game was already deadly enough.

"That's right, you are indeed damned." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't ask someone to kill you." Song Yang had to defend himself, he didn't want to be hit by a car to death, that would be too unjust.

"If I heard correctly, are you explaining to me that you didn't hire the killer?" Jiang Chen had a playful expression.

"That's right." Song Yang nodded, aggrieved.

"If it's not you, then who is it?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Song Yang naturally couldn't confess A Jin.

"Okay, I believe it's not you, and I believe you don't know about it." Jiang Chen looked very easy to speak.

"Then you let me go?" Song Yang heaved a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Jiang Chen would not believe his words, as long as Jiang Chen believed, then this game might be over.

Even though Dongbao's assassination of Jiang Chen had something to do with him, Jiang Chen couldn't possibly know this, and he wouldn't be stupid enough to tell Jiang Chen.

"Let you go? It's pretty cool of you to think." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "If you can explain what happened in the detention room of the police station, and explain why Song Shi and Song Yan wanted to kill me , I will let you go. Even apologizing to you is negotiable."

"This—" Song Yang was dumbfounded.

He wants to explain these things, but how to explain the problem?

Especially the history of Song Dynasty and the matter of Song Yan, there is no way to explain it.

"Jiang Chen, if I die, it won't be easy for you." Song Yang gritted his teeth.

One moment, he was in a good mood and planned to go to the bar to drink and hunt for sex, but the next moment, Jiang Chen directly pushed him to the brink of hell.

The gap between the two made Song Yang's heart drop to the bottom.

If he knew that Jiang Chen would come looking for him, he would never go out no matter what, and even, he must have left Yilan City early.

But when Jiang Chen appeared, he appeared, there was no such thing as if, no matter how much Song Yang regretted it, there was nothing he could do.

"Then let's talk about it after you die." Jiang Chen said calmly, and with a flick of his hand, a silver needle sank into Song Yang's knee. Song Yang's knee softened and he knelt down. on the ground.

An approaching car hit Song Yang's face with its headlights. Song Yang was startled and rolled to the side in a hurry.

"It's a good way to roll a lazy donkey." Jiang Chen commented casually, and another silver needle popped out and sank into Song Yang's other leg.

Song Yang couldn't move his legs, so he could only grab the ground with both hands and crawl around. How could Jiang Chen give him a chance when he wanted to crawl to the side of the road? Two silver needles pierced through the air and pierced Song Yang two arms.

Song Yang's hands froze, he couldn't support his body anymore, and rolled down in the middle of the road.

"Is it fun?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, his eyes full of determination.

Encountered a sniper's sniper kill, luckily survived, Jiang Chen had a bad breath in his heart, and this bad breath just happened to vent on Song Yang at this moment.

Jiang Chen didn't know about Song Yang before, and he only learned about Song Yang's existence after asking Tang Tian, ​​and knew that what happened in the detention room was related to Song Yang.

Then, Jiang Chen came.

The address of the hotel where Song Yang lived was also given by Tang Tian. Considering Tang Tian's character of fearing the world will not be chaotic, he hoped that Jiang Chen would torture Song Yang.

Jiang Chen didn't disappoint Tang Tian either, right now, he was tormenting Song Yang to the point of ecstasy.

Song Yang opened his mouth, wanting to tell Jiang Chen loudly that this game is not fun at all, but he knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless.

Song Yang was lying on the road, full of despair. He twisted his neck vigorously, looked in the direction of the car, and silently hoped that the driver's eyes would improve, but he must not be hit to death.

But this little expectation was soon in vain. Looking at the car approaching crookedly in the distance, Song Yang's heart instantly fell into despair.

A few seconds later, with a "bang", Song Yang flew up.

"Unfortunately, the game is over." Looking coldly at Song Yang being hit by the car and falling to the ground, Jiang Chen said a word with a blank face, and then got into the car and left with a blank face.

(End of this chapter)

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