genius evil

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Inside Yilan Middle School, beside Weiming Lake.

People who are blown by the warm wind are drowsy.

Jiang Chen was lying on the grass, looking drowsy.

By the lakeside, Shuang'er, dressed in white sportswear, holds willow branches and keeps hitting the water surface. His crisp movements and flexible and beautiful posture give people infinite reverie.

"Xiao Shuangshuang has made great progress, and it seems that she is becoming more and more beautiful." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

When he encountered a sniper attack last night, even if he teased Song Yang a little bit, the hostility in Jiang Chen's heart didn't ease much.

On the contrary, at this time, Jiang Chen's heart calmed down a lot.

"Sure enough, I still like looking at beautiful women." Jiang Chen muttered.

Shuang'er didn't know what was going on in Jiang Chen's mind. She was sweating like rain, and quickly knocked out the willow branches in her hands, leaving ripples on the calm lake.

As Jiang Chen said, taking care of the beauty of every movement, considering Shuang'er's current progress, how could Shuang'er not understand that the so-called beauty is actually a kind of coordination when the body exerts strength.

When the movements are coordinated, the aesthetic feeling will naturally exist.

But despite the great progress and understanding of this point, it is still an impossible task for Shuang'er to maintain the coordination of every movement.

For the time being, she couldn't coordinate every movement, so she could only coordinate her movements as much as possible, and this was why Jiang Chen would say that she had made great progress.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

Just when Shuang'er was exhausted and struggling to support herself, two far from coordinated applause resounded by the quiet Weiming Lake in a rather abrupt way.

Accompanied by the sound of applause, two figures appeared slowly.

A combination of an old man and a young man, one is a young man with a complexion as black as charcoal, and he is wearing a white suit. Even the shoes and socks are white, which is quite conspicuous.

The other is a middle-aged man with a slightly dark complexion, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a serious smile, he is two steps behind the young man, with sharp eyes.

The one who applauded was the young man whose complexion was as black as charcoal.

The sudden applause interrupted Shuang'er's own rhythm in an instant. Shuang'er let out a foul breath, had to throw away the willow branch in his hand, and turned around.

Afterwards, Shuang'er saw this strange combination. With just one glance, Shuang'er's face changed slightly, and her eyes inevitably fell on the young man.

"Who asked you to applaud?" Jiang Chen asked the young man with a displeased face after spitting out a weed in his mouth.

This guy's ugly skin is fine, why can't he be a little bit self-aware?Doesn't he understand that his act of applauding is like throwing a mouse dropping into a pot of thick white soup, which is very disturbing and extremely unpleasant?

"I can't help it." The young man smiled, and said, "Jiang Chen, I'm so excited and happy."

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid.

"I know you like to play dumb." The young man pointed it out directly.

"You know shit." Jiang Chen scolded even more directly.

The young man was slightly taken aback, and immediately burst out laughing, "Being famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is worse than being famous. Jiang Chen, you are indeed an interesting person. Let me introduce myself. My surname is Bai, and my single name is Tian. You can call me The name Bai Bai, of course, if you are more polite, you can also call me Bai Shao."

"The skin is dark like charcoal. It's too boring to have a surname of Bai. Why don't you have a surname of black?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Huh?" Bai Tian frowned slightly, a little displeased.

"Why, are you unhappy?" Jiang Chen cast a playful look at Bai Tian and said.

"Are you provoking me on purpose to make me angry, right?" Bai Tian said suddenly.

"Xiaobai... No, Xiaohei, has anyone taught you that it is not good to be smart. This bad habit needs to be changed." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Huh?" Bai Tian's brows couldn't help but wrinkle even tighter.

It's okay to call him Xiaobai, but he changed his surname without authorization and called him Xiaohei.

Even if his skin is very dark, you can't call him that.

You know, the surname Bai is an honor to look at the entire Tiannan City.

"I didn't mean to make you angry on purpose, it's because your appearance made me unhappy, so I decided to make you even more unhappy than me." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Haha--" laughed loudly during the day, and said, "So that's the case, but I was thinking too much."

"Don't pretend to be profound in front of me. Although the truth is very simple, if I don't say it so clearly and directly, can you understand it?" Jiang Chen sneered.

"It's hard to understand, but in my opinion, it's because you and I don't understand each other well enough. When we understand enough, we will naturally understand." Bai Tian said noncommittally.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, he said again during the day: "Jiang Chen, the reason why I came to you today is to give you and myself a chance to get to know each other."

"Not interested." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"You will be interested." Bai Tian didn't take it seriously, and said, "For example, if I want, I can completely solve the troubles of the Song family for you."

"Are you out of your mind?" Jiang Chen glared at Bai Tian.

"You really have a personality, but you're a little reckless." Not to mention his temper during the day, it's not that good at all, no matter how good his temper is, being choked by Jiang Chen many times is a bit unbearable .

"It seems that my life and death have nothing to do with you. Although I am handsome, you are not a woman. Even if you go to Thailand at this time, it is too late in terms of time. Why are you so concerned about my life and death? ?” Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Haha--" Tiantian laughed again.

"Stop laughing, no matter how loud you laugh, it won't be able to hide the embarrassment in your heart." Jiang Chen pointed it out mercilessly.

"You're wrong, I'm not embarrassed at all." Shaking his head during the day, he said seriously: "On the contrary, your sharpness is just to cover up your inner fragility."

"I... fragile?" Jiang Chen had a ghostly expression on his face.

"Don't doubt my words." While talking during the day, he pinched out a business card, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "There is my number on the business card, if you have any troubles that cannot be resolved, please call me at any time. I."

After finishing speaking, Bai Tian waved and led the dark-skinned middle-aged man away.

"Young Master Bai, what happened to that Jiang Chen? He thought the nature of this time was the same as the last time? Song Shi and Song Yan's matter was suppressed by some groups, and it was not easy for the Song family to intervene, but this time he almost took Song Yang was killed, did he think the Song family would let him go easily?" The middle-aged man said while walking.

"Uncle Li, don't doubt Jiang Chen's IQ, if he is an idiot, it's not worth my coming to see him in person." Bai Tian said slowly.

"Young Master Bai, what do you mean?" Uncle Li was a little puzzled.

Uncle Li had no objection when he came to Jiang Chen during the day, and even looked forward to it. Although Jiang Chen was a big trouble, if it could be used during the day, it would undoubtedly be a sharp sword.

However, from Jiang Chen's attitude, it can be seen how rebellious Jiang Chen is.

"Jiang Chen is smart, but he is too sensitive and too cautious." Commenting during the day, he said, "It's just that a little person with no power and power has managed to attract a little attention. How can he be careless?"

"So, Young Master Bai, are you willing to give Jiang Chen another chance?" Uncle Li asked.

"Opportunity?" Bai Tian smiled and said, "You really think it's an opportunity. I always only give others a chance, and never give it a second time. This Jiang Chen, how can he be an exception."

"This—" Uncle Li was taken aback for a moment.

"An accident happened to Song Yang, and the Song family's anger escalated. Once Jiang Chen calls me, if I come forward, then no matter whether he admits or denies, he will become my daytime person." Bai Shao said.

Uncle Li's eyes lit up, yes, that's it.

This can't help but make Uncle Li feel sad for Jiang Chen, a small person is a small person, no matter how powerful the jumping is, it can't escape the palm of the big person.

Jiang Chen is a small person. During the day, there is no doubt that he is the big person who controls everything.

It has to be said that Bai Tian's move was quite skillful, even if it was him, he failed to discover Bai Tian's intention in the first place.

"Master, do you know who Tiantian is?" When Uncle Li was talking to Baitian, Shuang'er, who had woken up, was also talking to Jiang Chen.

"The three major families of Baiguantong in Tiannan City, that guy named Tiantian, when he introduced himself, his sense of superiority was almost overwhelming. How could I not know?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Master, since Bai Tian is so optimistic about you, if he comes forward, the Song family will never dare to embarrass you again." Shuang'er couldn't help reminding.

Jiang Chen knew about the three major families of Bai Guantong, but perhaps he didn't know what these three families meant.

During the day, as the eldest son of the Bai family, the first family in Tiannan City, it is no surprise that he is the next head of the Bai family. His energy can be imagined.

"Song family, who can make things difficult for me?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

This is self-confidence, even more conceited. He dared to torture Song Yang like that, and he never worried about the Song family's revenge. Otherwise, how could he be so stupid as to attack Song Yang.

"Master, the Song family is not as simple as you think." Shuang'er was a little anxious.

An accident happened to Song Yang, and only one night had passed, and the news had already spread. Shuang'er came here today, and she originally planned to talk to Jiang Chen about this matter.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not as simple as you think."

Shuang'er just couldn't speak anymore, she sighed softly, she still felt that Jiang Chen was too reckless, but, Jiang Chen had already said that, so what else could he say.

She could only hope that if Jiang Chen really had troubles that he couldn't solve, he could call the number on the business card, but soon, Shuang'er smiled wryly, because Jiang Chen was tearing up the business card that was on the daytime card little by little. smash.

(End of this chapter)

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