genius evil

Chapter 253 I Don't Know When I Was Sold Out

Chapter 253 I Don't Know When I Was Sold Out

At noon, the school cafeteria.

Jiang Chen had just finished cooking when he heard Jiang Yanyan calling.

"Jiang Chen, here." Jiang Yanyan waved her right hand towards Jiang Chen.

"I'm so handsome." Jiang Chen walked over with the plate in his hands, and yelled as soon as he sat down.

"I just asked you to come here, what does it have to do with whether you are handsome or not?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

Look at Jiang Chen's words, it seems that she called Jiang Chen over because she fell in love with Jiang Chen's beauty. The question is, does Jiang Chen have beauty... Well, the previous Jiang Chen did not, but the current Jiang Chen Dust, it seems that she has a little bit... But she definitely doesn't have any thoughts in this regard, okay?
"If I'm not handsome, why do you call me Yanyan? If I'm not handsome, why are there so many people in the cafeteria, Yanyan, you just saw me at a glance? What is it called? Stand out from the crowd, stand out from the crowd .” Jiang Chen spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

"If you like it, at worst, I'll just pretend I don't see you in the future." Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand Jiang Chen putting gold on her face.

"Student Yanyan, you have already said that you are pretending, that is self-deception." Jiang Chen was very angry.

"I like it." Jiang Yanyan stared.

"You're duplicity." Jiang Chen also stared.

"I didn't." Jiang Yanyan's eyes widened.

"It's time to eat." Xu Anqi thought it was funny, so she had to interrupt the pair of live treasures.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have called him that guy. I was almost pissed off." Jiang Yanyan bit off a piece of chicken leg meat as she spoke, as if she was eating Jiang Chen's meat.

"It's not that you don't know that he is like this." Xu Anqi comforted.

"Squad leader Xu knows me best." Jiang Chen smiled playfully.

Xu Anqi blushed slightly, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, are you busy these days?"

"Well, I'm a bit busy, but if you have any orders, Squad Leader Xu, I promise you will be available at any time. Of course, the same is true for Yanyan." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm going to die, what does it have to do with me?" Jiang Yanyan looked like she was going to kick Jiang Chen every minute, but she was happy in her heart.

Thinking that Jiang Chen was knowledgeable, he didn't favor one person over another, no, it should be because he didn't value sex over friends.

Jiang Chen being able to say this meant that she didn't have no sense of existence, and Jiang Yanyan was quite happy.

"That's right, it has nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said seriously.


Jiang Yanyan really kicked Jiang Chen.

Just after the meal was finished, Jiang Chen's mobile phone text message rang.

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and took a look. His expression was rather surprised. He greeted Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, and quickly got up and walked outside the cafeteria.

"An Qi, did you notice Jiang Chen's reaction when he looked at his phone?" Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi walked out of the cafeteria arm in arm, gossiping.

"What's wrong?" Xu Anqi was a little puzzled.

"He looked like he was surprised, and he seemed surprised again. I can guarantee that a woman must have found him, and he is a beautiful woman." Jiang Yanyan said with great certainty.

The person looking for Jiang Chen was indeed a woman, and indeed a beautiful woman.

Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the school gate, he saw a Hummer H2 parked there. He was dressed in a black dress and a red dress, standing by the car door.

After seeing Jiang Chen, Hong Yi didn't even say hello, and just got into the car.

Jiang Chen walked over unsteadily, knocked on the glass of the co-pilot's window, Hong Yi put down the glass, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "Get in the car."

"I suddenly understood a problem." Jiang Chen said as if he didn't hear Hong Yi's words.

"What's the question?" Hong Yi answered subconsciously, puzzled.

"About why you don't have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Hongyi was dumbfounded, how did Jiang Chen know that she didn't have a boyfriend?
No, this is not the point, the point is, does she have a boyfriend or not, what does it have to do with Jiang Chen, what does Jiang Chen mean by this?
"You are too ungentle, too unlovable." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Willow's eyebrows were erected, and the red clothes were displeased.

"It was you who sent me the message, saying that you were waiting for me at the school gate. I came, but you didn't even say hello, you just got in the car. I understand that you want me to get in the car too, but why should I get in the car? "Jiang Chen said lazily.

The so-called too ungentle, too uncute, do you mean this?Hongyi thought to herself.

She couldn't help being a little annoyed, she's always been like this, it wasn't just to show Jiang Chen deliberately, what Jiang Chen wanted from her, could it be that she couldn't greet her with a smile?

"What do you want?" Hong Yi asked this question.

"Smile gently and cutely, and I'll get in the car." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Dream." Hongyi snorted coldly, furious, Jiang Chen thought she was someone, was she just kidding?What did you say to ask her to smile softly and cutely? It's just a dream.

"That's a pity." Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't come to beg you." Hong Yi threw a word to Jiang Chen, started the car, and drove away.

"It's true that you didn't come to beg me, but you'll show me a smile." Watching the car leave, Jiang Chen smiled amusedly, while counting silently in his heart.



The Humvee came in the reverse direction, and stopped firmly beside Jiang Chen. The red clothes inside the car opened the corners of its mouth, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Haha..." Jiang Chen smiled triumphantly, pulled the car door and got in.

As soon as Jiang Chen got into the car, the smile at the corner of Hong Yi's mouth disappeared immediately, replaced by a face full of frost, he stepped on the accelerator heavily, and the car sped along the road like an arrow leaving the string.

After a while, Hong Yi's mood finally calmed down a little. She drove the car and said expressionlessly, "I heard that I was looking for you during the day."

"You know so soon? I didn't see that you cared about me so much." Jiang Chen laughed.

"It's not a good thing during the day, you'd better stay away from him, otherwise you won't know when you'll be sold out." Hong Yi decided to ignore Jiang Chen's nonsense and kept his usual calm tone.

"That's right, you guys are not good at bothering me, I have to stay away from you guys, so that I don't know if I'm sold out." Jiang Chen nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

"You—" Hong Yi broke his power in an instant.

"What, are you angry? You said this, not me." Jiang Chen was a pure and innocent person.

Hong Yi gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do about Jiang Chen. She said coldly, "You will understand what I mean later."

"You came to me just to talk about this matter?" Jiang Chen was quite casual.

"It's not me looking for you, it's Qiao Yan looking for you." Hong Yi tilted her head and glanced at Jiang Chen, her eyes gleaming gloatingly.

Twenty minutes later, the Humvee stopped in front of a boxing gym. After getting off, the red shirt led Jiang Chen into the boxing gym and went up to the second floor.

The second floor is very big, a tall and strong figure waved his fists to hit the sandbags. After hearing the sound of footsteps and seeing Jiang Chen coming in, the man twisted his neck and grinned at Jiang Chen, then punched him suddenly. The sandbags were directly blasted.

"It's too cruel." Jiang Chen murmured.

"Yeah, it's too cruel." Hong Yi had a hint of pride, looking forward to the scene when Qiao Yan punched Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, are you interested in playing?" The person who punched the sandbag was Qiao Yan.

But here, besides Qiao Yan, there were two other people, Meng Xin whom Jiang Chen had met before, and another guy named Lu Li.

Meng Xin smiled at Jiang Chen, while Lu Li had a cold expression on his face, as if Jiang Chen hadn't paid back the money he owed him.

"Okay, let's play." Jiang Chen said casually, and walked towards the sandbag.


Walking to the sandbag, Jiang Chen suddenly punched it out.


The sandbag exploded, and the iron sand flowed all over the ground.

"It's not fun at all." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Including Hong Yi, Qiao Yan and the others looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

With one punch, Jiang Chen exploded the sandbag with just one punch. What a terrifying explosive power this should be.

You know, even though all four of them have the ability to blow up sandbags, especially Qiao Yan, who is famous for his strength, I don't know how many sandbags he destroyed.

But don't look at how Qiao Yan exploded a sandbag before, but that was the result of his continuous accumulation of energy and finally exploded. It would be absolutely impossible for Qiao Yan to explode a sandbag casually like Jiang Chen. possible.

"I heard from Hongyi that you are looking for me? Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen looked at Qiao Yan and asked the question knowingly.

How could Jiang Chen fail to notice the reaction of the four of them, and laughed secretly in his heart, hitting sandbags, which is what he is best at. This guy wanted to give him a bad impression, but he chose sandbags when he couldn't do anything. .

Following Jiang Chen's words, the eyes of the three people in red fell on Qiao Yan.

"Are you interested in fighting with me?" Although it was unexpected, Qiao Yan naturally wouldn't be scared back so easily, he said.

"Can I refuse?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Qiao Yan shook his head.

"I can't even refuse. Why do you still ask me if I'm interested? Could it be that you won't fight me if I say I'm not interested?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"This—" Qiao Yan was stunned for a moment, he was just being polite out of habit, why did Jiang Chen go so far on the line?

"Actually, I really have no interest at all. You are not my opponent at all." Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, you are too self-righteous, you will know if you are right or not." Qiao Yan said coldly.

"I never lie." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Could it be that you want the four of us to join forces?" Qiao Yan's face was very ugly.

"You are beautiful, I just want you to take the initiative to admit defeat." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"You—" Qiao Yan was furious.

"If you don't want to take the initiative to admit defeat, everyone is kind, hello, how are you?" Jiang Chen was talking in a rambling manner.

I have to say, Jiang Chen's mouth is too poisonous, Qiao Yan is Jiang Chen's opponent, but there is no way for him to take the initiative to admit defeat. With a roar, Qiao Yan charged towards Jiang Chen like a cannonball. past.

(End of this chapter)

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