genius evil

Chapter 254 You Are Cheating

Chapter 254 You Are Cheating
Qiao Yan was tall and strong, Kong Wu was powerful, and he seemed to belong to the type with extremely strong explosive power, which meant that his movements would not be too flexible.

Of course, Qiao Yan doesn't need to be flexible. His strongest strength is strength. He only needs to suppress his opponent with absolute strength. In Qiao Yan's view, it doesn't matter whether he is flexible or not.

Moreover, Qiao Yan's height also had an advantage, almost a head taller than Jiang Chen, and there was a huge disparity between them in terms of strength.

Qiao Yan thought so, and he did the same. When he rushed in front of Jiang Chen, Qiao Yan clenched his fist with his right hand and punched Jiang Chen.

Straight fist, attacking with the momentum of hitting Huanglong directly, there is no fancy or skill at all.


Seeing Qiao Yan's punch, Jiang Chen smiled. With his sophistication, how could he fail to see Qiao Yan's plan.

Without even looking, Jiang Chen clenched his fist and punched him.


The two fists collided fiercely in the air, making a dull sound.

Qiao Yan's face suddenly changed slightly, his body swayed, he staggered a few times, stepped back a few steps, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"Is it very painful?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile as he stretched out his curled fingers.

"It really hurts, how did you do it?" Qiao Yan stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

When the two fists collided, he clearly realized that Jiang Chen's strength was slightly inferior to his own. Logically speaking, it should be Jiang Chen who was pushed back, but it turned into him. Make it difficult for him to understand.

"It's very simple." Jiang Chen said with a smile, "When a person attacks you in two ways while his strength remains the same, the first is to slap you in the face, and the second is to slap you in the face. A punch, which way will hurt more?"

"Of course it's the second type." Qiao Yan said without thinking.

"That's right, it's the second type. When you slap your face, the contact area between the palm and your face is much larger than that of a fist, so the pain is naturally much less." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"But, you and I both punch." Qiao Yan understands the truth, but it's not so easy to understand.

"This is a matter of skill." Jiang Chen said lightly.

There is one more thing that Jiang Chen didn't say, that is the understanding of the joints of the human body. Jiang Chen is a genius master with both medical and moral skills. His understanding of the human body is beyond imagination.

"I think you're playing tricks on me." Qiao Yan snorted coldly, a little unbelieving, he clenched his fist and slammed at Jiang Chen again.

"I've explained everything so clearly, you still don't believe me, you're so stupid." Jiang Chen felt that he was very innocent. Why would no one believe him when he told the truth, and when he told a lie, others often took it as the truth? , Could it be that there is something wrong with his character?


The two fists collided again.

Qiao Yan only felt that an awl had hit his fist hard, his face was contorted from the pain, he sucked in the cold air, and broke out in cold sweat.

"I said that you are not my opponent, and you are still unwilling to let you take the initiative to admit defeat. The current situation is really not very good." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"This—" Qiao Yan's eyes widened, extremely aggrieved and annoyed.

What kind of freak is Jiang Chen? He has all the strength in his body, but he doesn't even have the slightest room to display it.

The three men in red, Meng Xin, also looked at each other in blank dismay. The three of them were clear about Qiao Yan's strength. It could be said that in a head-on confrontation, none of the three of them could be Qiao Yan's opponent.

But when Qiao Yan and Jiang Chen confronted each other head-on, Qiao Yan and Jiang Chen were not on the same level at all.

"This Jiang Chen is really perverted." Meng Xin said with emotion.

Meng Xin knew about Song Shi and Song Yan's death at Jiang Chen's hands, but after all, he never saw Jiang Chen make a move with his own eyes, so he didn't have an intuitive understanding of Jiang Chen's combat effectiveness.

Right now, Qiao Yan and Jiang Chen were fighting, and they could see it clearly, which naturally made Meng Xin sigh.

"Yes, pervert." Lu Li nodded in agreement.

"It's just opportunistic." Hongyi snorted coldly.

"Oh? How do you say it?" Meng Xin looked at Hongyi in surprise.

Hongyi didn't answer Meng Xin's question, but said to Qiao Yan: "Qiao Yan, don't confront Jiang Chen head-on, use your own advantages."

"My advantage?" Qiao Yan was stunned for a moment.

His advantage, of course, is strength, and he wanted to use this advantage, but he didn't have the opportunity to use it at all.

"Your advantage is that you are older than him." Hongyi continued.

Qiao Yan was even more stunned. What kind of advantage is this?
"The girl in red means that you are older than me." Jiang Chen grinned, then Jiang Chen pointed to his own face and said, "It seems that the red dress has taken a fancy to me, and these days the little fresh meat is popular ah."

"I should be more mature than you." Qiao Yan corrected seriously.

Qiao Yan also had his own thoughts on Hongyi, he would not admit that he was older than Jiang Chen, old and mature are two completely different concepts.

"You're just older than me, after all I'm not." Jiang Chen acted shamelessly, and also had an inexplicably strange sense of superiority.

Ah, that's right, he is indeed talented, to be exact, he can't even reach it, what a beautiful youth this must be.

The corner of Qiao Yan's mouth twitched, wondering if he was really old, but he was only in his 20s, less than 30, so how old was he?

"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about?" Hongyi couldn't take it any longer, and said angrily, "Qiao Yan, I'm not saying you're old, what I mean is that you have more combat experience than Jiang Chen. What are you in a daze for?"

"I understand."

Qiao Yan suddenly realized, and finally understood what Hong Yi meant when he said that he was older than Jiang Chen.

Old age is often not a good thing, but in terms of combat experience, it is definitely an extremely powerful advantage.

He has been in the ground group for many years, and there have been countless battles, big and small. How can Jiang Chen, who is less than a high school student, be able to compare?

Qiao Yan secretly scolded himself for being stupid, why he couldn't even think of such a simple question, and Hong Yi had to remind him again and again to understand. In this way, even if he defeated Jiang Chen in the end, the impression in Hong Yi's heart would plummet. .

"You know what the fuck, you guys are cheating, it's unfair, it's so unfair." Jiang Chen suddenly yelled loudly, his face full of grievances.

"Cheating? Did someone say you can't cheat?" Hong Yi sneered, a little smug.

"Even if you didn't say it beforehand, you guys can't cheat so obviously, right? And you're still making excuses, which greatly hurt my young heart." Jiang Chen argued red-faced.

"Since I haven't said it, there's nothing wrong with cheating, isn't it? If you think you can't do it, you can admit defeat." Hong Yi was very indifferent.

"No? I can't do it?" Jiang Chen turned from grievance to anger. As a man, how could he not do it? This woman can insult his soul, but absolutely cannot insult his body.

The red clothes glanced at Jiang Chen with a half-smile, this rascal and satyr really couldn't stand the excitement at all.

And Meng Xin looked at Jiang Chen with pity. After all, he was too young. This Jiang Chen knew he was cheating, and he was actually hooked. I have to say that the charm of beautiful women is great.

"Let's get started." Jiang Chen didn't care what Meng Xin was thinking, and hooked his fingers at Qiao Yan, as if he couldn't wait to prove that he was good at it.

"Be prepared mentally. I'll beat you to the ground in one minute, one minute." Qiao Yan stretched out his tongue and licked his lips with a strong fighting spirit.

Qiao Yan didn't like cheating, but absolute power couldn't suppress Jiang Chen, which made him extremely aggrieved. He urgently needed to defeat Jiang Chen, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

"Hey, it's not dark yet, don't daydream, don't talk about 1 minute, even if I give you an hour, you don't want to beat me, even if you cheat, but the relationship between a top student and a scumbag The gap cannot be made up so easily." Jiang Chen's mouth was full of disdain.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." Hong Yi lazily listened to Jiang Chen's nonsense, and urged.

"Who is it?" Jiang Chen looked confused.

"Qiao Yan, you go." The red-clothed pink face flushed slightly, this guy really has an unforgiving mouth, I hate this kind of smooth-tongued man the most, let's see if he can still talk when he is beaten down for a while,

"Come on." Qiao Yan growled.

After the sound, Qiao Yan stepped forward and shot quickly.

In addition to suppressing opponents with strength, Qiao Yan is best at melee combat. He must crush Jiang Chen to death.

"It's really stupid." Jiang Chen sighed.

Qiao Yan is good at melee combat, isn't he also the best at melee combat... Of course, Jiang Chen is good at all kinds of fighting methods, but, subject to the current power, melee combat is the best way to use him The fighting method of strength is also Jiang Chen's favorite fighting method.

Just as Qiao Yan approached, Jiang Chen also made a move. He punched Qiao Yan several times in a row, each punch was faster than the punch.

Qiao Yan didn't even realize it, he just got hit. By the time he realized it, he had already fallen to the ground.

There is no way, it seems that Jiang Chen's every punch is not hitting the vital parts, avoiding Qiao Yan's block, but the punch is really too painful, the pain is like smashing the bones of Qiao Yan's body. It looks like it has been torn apart section by section.

"Will you still fight?" Jiang Chen seemed quite unsatisfied.

"No more fights." Qiao Yan waved his hands quickly, how dare he fight again, if he fights again, maybe the bones in his body will really be torn apart by Jiang Chen.

"Red clothes, see clearly, cheating or something is really annoying." Jiang Chen smiled like a flower blooming on his face.

Hong Yi's face turned black, Meng Xin and Lu Li were stunned, saying that when they are older, they have rich combat experience. Qiao Yan is old and has rich combat experience, but it is still useless, he can't perform at all, and he is completely one-sided was suppressed by Jiang Chen.

"I'll fight you." Hongyi suddenly spoke, and as she spoke, she walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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