genius evil

Chapter 255 Beauty tricks are the most annoying thing

Chapter 255 Beauty tricks are the most annoying thing

From Hong Yi's point of view, Qiao Yan is really an idiot. Kong has great strength and rich combat experience, but she hasn't used it at all, which makes her hate iron for steel.

Of course, this was not what annoyed Hongyi the most.

What annoyed Hong Yi the most was Jiang Chen, who was too good at exploiting loopholes and too opportunistic, Qiao Yan was too stupid, and in the end, he could only be ravaged by Jiang Chen, with no room for retaliation.

"Don't, don't come here." Seeing Hongyi walking towards him, Jiang Chen waved his hands in a panic and shouted.

"Are you afraid?" There was a sneer on the corner of Hongyi's mouth, thinking that Jiang Chen still had self-knowledge, knowing that he and Qiao Yan could not count at all in the battle, and was afraid of losing to himself.

"I just don't want to hit women." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Really? Then you just stand still and I'll beat you up." Hong Yi would never believe Jiang Chen's nonsense.

You know, this guy was filled with righteous indignation when he kept saying that they cheated, but in the end he beat Qiao Yan to the ground in twos and twos, which was too cunning.

In short, I would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than Jiang Chen's words.

"How can this be done? Isn't this bullying?" Jiang Chen naturally disagreed, and said to Meng Xin and Lu Li: "Why don't you two come on, I really don't have the habit of beating women."

"The two of us?" Meng Xin pointed at himself and then at Lu Li, quite moved.

The battle between Qiao Yan and Jiang Chen was too disappointing. Jiang Chen's methods were very weird, and it could even be said that the victory was invincible. It's not like Meng Xin didn't want to fight Jiang Chen.

But before he could speak, Hong Yi spoke first, and Meng Xin had no choice but to remain silent.

Jiang Chen didn't want to fight with Hong Yi, but wanted to fight with him. To be exact, it was a [-]v[-], and Meng Xin was immediately moved.

"Yeah, just the two of you, come on, experience my true strength." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers and said provocatively.

"If you want to fight the two of them, it's okay, just beat me first." Hong Yi naturally refused to give up Jiang Chen to Meng Xin and Lu Li.

"As I said, I don't hit women." Jiang Chen was helpless.

"You look down on me, right?" Hong Yi's face was frosty.

Jiang Chen sighed, and said innocently, "I don't."

"You have it." Hongyi snorted coldly, and said, "What do you need, are you willing to fight me?"

"No matter what, let me tell you, don't use beauty tricks on me, it won't work for me." Jiang Chen said loudly.

"As long as you are willing to fight with me, I can promise you one condition." Hong Yi said to himself.

"What condition?" Jiang Chen was really moved.

"Any kind of condition is fine, as long as it's not too much." There was a slight smile in Hong Yi's eyes, and she could see that Jiang Chen was about to be persuaded by her.

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, shook his head vigorously, and said: "Damn woman, you have already said not to use beauty tricks on me, but you still come to this trick, don't you know that beauty tricks are the most annoying thing ?"

"That's right, it's a beauty trick." Hongyi didn't have the idea of ​​a beauty trick at first, but when Jiang Chen said it, she just followed it up.

"I still refuse to fight you." Jiang Chen resisted the temptation and said.

"Are you a man?" Hong Yi sarcastically.

"Here again." Jiang Chen had a very headache expression, as if this was the most unbearable thing, he pretended to be very embarrassed, and said: "Okay, I promised you, don't forget that you said if."

"Don't worry, I won't forget." What Hongyi was waiting for was Jiang Chen's words. As for what she said, did she say anything?

Don't forget, she said that she agreed to Jiang Chen with one condition, but there was a premise, the premise was not to go too far, the problem is, whether it is too much is entirely for her to judge.That is to say, the initiative is still in her hands, and Jiang Chen can't take advantage of her.

"Let's do it." After saying that, Hongyi immediately said, not giving Jiang Chen any room for repentance.

"Ladies first." Jiang Chen made an inviting gesture.

"Okay." Hong Yi was not going to be polite to Jiang Chen. Under the vibration of his arm, he untied a soft whip from his waist, and quickly drew it towards Jiang Chen.

"You cheated again!" Jiang Chen hurriedly dodged and shouted.

"Did anyone ever say that you can't use weapons?" Hong Yi said jokingly, and lashed at Jiang Chen with another whip.

"No, I just want to tell you that since you like cheating so much, I'm going to cheat too, lest you think I'm easy to bully because of my honest face." Jiang Chen snorted, turning sideways to avoid the red Yi's whip.

"Honest looking?"

Hearing Jiang Chen boasting, Hong Yi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This guy is as slick as a fox, and he is ashamed to say that he has an honest face, even if all the honest people in the world are dead, the word honesty has nothing to do with him at all.

As for Jiang Chen saying that he also cheated, Hong Yi would not take it to heart. In this boxing gym, there are no other weapons except the gloves. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to fight her with the gloves on, right?
But soon, Hongyi understood what Jiang Chen meant by cheating.

Just when Hongyi swung the third whip horizontally towards Jiang Chen, her right wrist suddenly felt a pain, the pain was very light, like being bitten by a mosquito.

If it weren't for Hong Yi's more sensitive constitution, such a little pain would be hard to notice in battle.

But even though he felt the pain, Hong Yi didn't take it to heart. The whip in his hand opened and closed, whipping in the air, making a crackling sound.

Hongyi pulled out the whip, and was thinking about whipping Jiang Chen's face into blossoms, when she suddenly felt that something was wrong, because she pulled out the whip with all the strength, but after the whip was pulled out, it was so weak and powerless .

Jiang Chen grabbed the whip with his big hand, pulled it hard, pulled it away, and said with a smile: "If you want to bully an honest person, there is no way."

Hong Yi was taken aback. Damn it, her weapon was snatched away by Jiang Chen so easily. This has never happened before.

Then Hong Yi lowered her head, and realized that a silver needle had been pricked on her right wrist at some point.

Reminiscent of the slightly painful feeling just now, how could Hongyi not understand what happened, and stretched out his left hand to pull out the silver needle.

But her speed is fast, Jiang Chen's speed is fast, almost Hong Yi's left hand has just been stretched out, and there is an extra silver needle on her left arm.

The silver needle pierced into the arm, and Hong Yi's left hand immediately lost its strength and hung down softly.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Hong Yi gritted her teeth, wanting to cry but not crying.

"I said I was going to cheat, and I reminded you." With a smile on his face, Jiang Chen walked towards the red clothes and said with a smile.

"If you are a man, fight me openly and aboveboard." Hongyi trembled angrily. Jiang Chen had said that, but how could she know that Jiang Chen's cheating method would be so weird.

"Okay, but let's change the battlefield." Jiang Chen threw down the whip, then put the red clothes on his shoulders, and walked towards the stairs.

"Let go of me, what are you going to do?" Hong Yi panicked, kicking her legs wildly.

"Naturally, it's about proving to you whether I'm a man or not... Well, you brought me to this boxing gym. You should be familiar with it. Where is the nearest hotel?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Hotel? Are you going to take me to a hotel?" Hong Yi was terrified. This damned guy probably wanted to take her to a hotel to open a room.

"Yeah, I'll take you to a hotel to get a room, we'll have a big fight, otherwise how can I prove to you that I'm a man?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Ah—rogue, pervert, let me go!" Hongyi yelled.

"Jiang Chen, stop."



Seeing that something was wrong, Meng Xin and Lu Li hurriedly stopped him.

It's fine if Jiang Chen is joking with Hong Yi, but the problem is, the two of them can tell that Jiang Chen doesn't seem to be joking.

If Jiang Chen really resisted Hong Yi and went to the hotel to get a room and prove to Hong Yi that he was a man, this matter would be a big deal, and it was impossible for them to watch this happen under their noses.

"Are all the people in the ground group so shameless?" Jiang Chen was extremely upset.

"Jiang Chen, Hong Yi also has words and no intentions, so don't embarrass her." Meng Xin said with a wry smile.

"No, it's not embarrassment, it's a matter of principle, absolutely no compromise." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, I apologize to you on behalf of Hongyi." The bitterness on Meng Xin's face grew stronger.

Perhaps it was because of being in the environment like the ground group, Hongyi was very aggressive and had a very strong personality, but this time she met Jiang Chen, a guy who didn't play cards according to common sense, and she met her nemesis.

"Meng Xin, don't apologize, I want to see what he can do to me?" After the initial panic, Hongyi calmed down a lot, and said coldly.

"Red clothes, don't be angry. You are also at fault for this matter. It's nothing to apologize to Jiang Chen." Meng Xin has a little understanding of Jiang Chen's temper. This guy is soft but not hard.

"I won't apologize to him even if I die." Hong Yi said bitterly.

"Oh, I forgot to say, even if you apologize to me, it's useless. I'm a more practical person. If I say I'm going to open a room, I must go to open a room. It's not my habit to go back and forth." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, don't be impulsive." Meng Xin said hastily.

"Do I look impulsive?" Jiang Chen asked back with a smile, and then Jiang Chen said again: "Don't worry, I will definitely not be impulsive. I just have a rational discussion with the girl in red about whether I am a man or not."

Meng Xin was stupefied, but Na Lu Li couldn't hold back anymore, and said, "Jiang Chen, if you want to take the red clothes away, you have to pass my level first."

"You are not my opponent, so don't bring yourself to be humiliated." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, you are too frightening." Lu Li had long disliked Jiang Chen, and when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he wanted to make a move.

"Lu Li, stop." But at this time, a voice came, and along with the voice, an old man with white hair walked in slowly at the door. The old man glanced at Jiang Chen and smiled. Said: "Jiang Chen, you also put down the red clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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