genius evil

Chapter 256 Don't Bully Me

Chapter 256 Don't Bully Me

The white-haired old man was exactly Mu Fang who had dealt with Jiang Chen before.

"Old Mu."

"Old Mu."

Seeing Mu Fang's appearance, Meng Xin Luli and that Qiao Yan all greeted Mu Fang one after another. The three of them felt uneasy for a while. They didn't expect that today's event would shock Mu Fang. up.

"The people in your team are really shameless. Why, beat the young ones to grow old?" Jiang Chen looked at Mu Fang and said with a half-smile.

"I have seen the previous situation, and I don't mean to embarrass you." Mu Fang shook his head.

What he said was the truth. If he really wanted to embarrass Jiang Chen, he would not have solved the troubles of the Meng family for Jiang Chen.

Moreover, with his identity, he would never explain it to Jiang Chen.

"I didn't expose you, so why not tell yourself." Jiang Chen smiled.

With Mu Fang's sophistication, when Jiang Chen said this, his old face was slightly hot, and he said, "Jiang Chen, put down the red clothes first."

"Old man, I have been bullied for so long just now and you didn't come forward. You have not started to bully people yet, and you have come forward, which makes me very embarrassed." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth, and he didn't have the slightest intention to put the red clothes down. mean.

"Jiang Chen, what is the status of Mr. Mu, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine." Lu Li couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily.

"Tell me, do you really dislike me, or do you have a crush on Hong Yi and want to blow hair in front of her?" Jiang Chen's expression was very thought-provoking.

"I...Of course I don't like you." Lu Li said, even if he had the idea of ​​showing off in front of the red clothes, it was impossible for him to admit it in front of everyone.

"I really don't understand, why don't you dare to express the true thoughts in your heart, don't you realize that I'm actually helping you confess to Hongyi?" Jiang Chen was very puzzled.

"This—" Lu Li was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't believe that Jiang Chen would be so kind, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

If he said it was for Hong Yi, then maybe he could win Hong Yi's favor.

"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about." Hongyi said angrily at this moment.

"I'm not talking nonsense, this guy named Lu Li has a crush on you, don't you know?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I don't know." Hong Yi said without thinking.

"Lu Li, Lu Li, it seems that you really have to work hard. Did you hear that, she doesn't know you like her." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Red clothes, I...I..." Lu Li's Adam's apple twitched, he wanted to say something, but it was difficult to say it when he got to his lips.

Seeing Lu Li like this, Hong Yi was angry and anxious, why didn't they realize that they were played by Jiang Chen.

Qiao Yan was like this, and so was Lu Li.

I really don't know whether to say that Jiang Chen is too shrewd, or that Qiao Yan and Lu Li are too stupid, and they were played by Jiang Chen without any effort.

"Stop talking." Hong Yi interrupted Lu Li. After all, she was one of the parties involved, and some things were hard to say, but she didn't want Lu Li to continue to be played by Jiang Chen.

Lu Li sighed, and closed his mouth unwillingly. He knew that he had absolutely no chance.

"Jiang Chen, is this interesting to you?" Hong Yi asked.

"I just helped you prove your charm a little bit, you should be happy, right?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Don't think I don't know that you have no good intentions." Hongyi said angrily.

"No kindness?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal, his eyes swept over Qiao Yan, Luli and Meng Xin one by one, and said lightly: "What about you, do you have kindness?"

Before they could reply, Jiang Chen continued: "You called me here today, you just want to suppress my vigor, right? If I'm not strong enough, why don't you humiliate me as much as you want? Well, my performance , did not fulfill your wishes, or even humiliated you in turn, did you mean that I have no good intentions?"

Having said that, Jiang Chen turned his gaze, landed on Mu Fang, and said slowly, "I'm young, don't bully me."

"Meng Xin, Qiao Yan, Lu Li, Hong Yi, you four, apologize to Jiang Chen." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mu Fang immediately shouted.

Jiang Chen's words seemed wordy and without point, but Mu Fang was so old and sophisticated, how could he not hear it? Jiang Chen went around for a reason, and it was the kind of reason.

Especially Jiang Chen's last sentence, I am young, please don't bully me, it is a reminder, a warning, and even a threat.

Although Mu Fang couldn't have been threatened by Jiang Chen so easily, and he didn't think that Jiang Chen could bully Hong Yi in front of him, but apologizing is just an attitude.

Jiang Chen wanted this attitude, so he gave it this attitude.

Of course, the reason for this is still the reason why Mu Fang regards Jiang Chen very highly. If the death of Song Shi and Song Yan gave Mu Fang the intention to win Jiang Chen over, he still did not give up after being rejected and forcibly gave Jiang Chen a favor. dusty words.

So this time, it was still a favor, a favor that was just right in his own opinion.

After all, although he didn't come just now, he saw Jiang Chen, Qiao Yan and Hong Yi through the monitoring in the boxing gym.

Jiang Chen's method, in the eyes of the four in red, may be suspected of being opportunistic, but in Mu Fang's view, it is naturally not so simple.

Without absolute strength, how to be opportunistic?

If the strength is too weak, if you want to take advantage of it, you will be humiliating yourself. Jiang Chen just showed his strength in a relatively novel way.

And this point is valued by Mu Fang even more. Jiang Chen's strength is much stronger than his mouth. He is as smart as a monster and has amazing potential. Mu Fang's desire to win over Jiang Chen has become extremely strong. He doesn't mind. Show favor to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry." Meng Xin said cruelly.

"Jiang Chen, I..." Lu Li was very reluctant, but Mu Fang had already said so, so he could only bow his head and apologize.

"There's no need to apologize, I've said it all, I'm more practical." Before Lu Li finished speaking, Jiang Chen waved his hand to interrupt.

"Jiang Chen, don't go too far." Lu Li couldn't help it again.

In his opinion, bowing his head and apologizing to Jiang Chen was already very reluctant, Jiang Chen didn't accept Mu Fang's favor, it was shameless at all.

"Don't get angry." On the contrary, Mu Fang looked easy to talk, and said with great interest: "Jiang Chen, what conditions do you have?"

"Old man, you are a smart person, and I like to deal with smart people like you. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, it's just a very trivial condition." Having said that, after a slight pause, Jiang Chen's tone , quietly became a little bit more hostile, "I was almost killed last night, you all know about it, I want to know, who is the instigator behind the scenes. By the way, last time I was framed and blamed , It is still a case of unjust injustice, and I also want to know who did it."

"Jiang Chen, you're embarrassing me." Mu Fang smiled wryly.

Jiang Chen said lightly that he would not embarrass him, but these two questions clearly embarrass him.

"It might be embarrassing for someone else, but for your team, it's an extremely simple thing." Jiang Chen said cunningly.

After finally taking the initiative, the conditions were laid out, so it was natural for the lion to open his mouth, otherwise, even he himself would be embarrassed.

"It's hard to do." Mu Fang shook his head and said, "Of course, it's not impossible. The premise is that you are a member of my team."

"Once you join my local team, these two requirements will naturally not be a problem. But you are not a member of the local team, so it is impossible for me to mobilize the resources of the local team to do things for you. I think, you You can seriously consider whether to join my team." Mu Fang said seriously.

"It seems that my conditions seem to be a bit too much, so let's choose one of the two." Jiang Chen blinked.

Mu Fang smiled and said, "No."

"You're going too far." Jiang Chen stared.

He has regressed, but this old man doesn't regress. Is there such a way to negotiate conditions?

"Jiang Chen, you have to understand that my team has good intentions for you, otherwise, there is nothing to talk about between us." Mu Fang had to remind.

Jiang Chen is smart because he is smart, but he is too smart. To the extreme, he often pretends to be confused. Mu Fang had no choice but to speak clearly.

"With your attitude, there is nothing to talk about, so let's not talk about it. I'd better go to the hotel with Hong Yi to get a room, otherwise, my loss today will be for nothing." Jiang Chen put his big hand on Hong Yi's long legs. I patted it up, felt the amazing elastic touch, moved my feet, and wanted to go.

As soon as Jiang Chen moved, Mu Fang also moved. When he stretched out his right hand, he clasped Hong Yi's arm, and immediately pulled it to grab Hong Yi.

"I said old man, you are quite old, don't imitate young people's hands and feet." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and pulled along Mu Fang, and his feet swayed, resisting the red clothes. Mu Fang bumped into it.

Mu Fang had no choice but to withdraw his hand, raised his right foot, and kicked Jiang Chen's knee, saying: "Old man, I haven't used my hands for many years, it's good to move my hands and feet."

Mu Fang's kick seemed random, but it was extremely tricky, causing Jiang Chen's face to change slightly, knowing that this Mu Fang should be a member of the silver rank.

Jiang Chen couldn't dodge it at all, because he didn't have enough room to maneuver, unless he put down the red clothes and used the red clothes to block, but Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't do such a thing, suddenly accumulating power on his right leg, Jiang Chen After the dust came first, he pushed his knee towards Mu Fang's kick.


Jiang Chen's figure flickered, and he took two steps back, while Mu Fang followed him like a shadow, stretched out his hand again, and clasped Hong Yi's right arm.

"Old man, you are getting old, it seems that you don't understand what it means to be sympathetic to the fragrance and cherish the jade." Jiang Chen knew that he was not Mu Fang's opponent, so he had no choice but to let go, and the red clothes were pulled over by Mu Fang.

"You are very good." Mu Fang looked at Jiang Chen appreciatively.

"Of course." Jiang Chen nodded his head narcissistically, and left as soon as the figure moved.

"Jiang Chen, stop for me." Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to leave, Hong Yi yelled loudly, intending to rush up and stop Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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