genius evil

Chapter 258 You Are Shameless Than Me

Chapter 258 You Are Shameless Than Me
Fix the building.

The Xiuxiu Building is one of the properties of the Xu family in Tiannan City. This is where Mr. Xu works, and it is also one of the core industries of the Xu family in Tiannan City.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, a black Volvo CX90 slowly drove out of the underground parking lot and onto the road.

Mr. Xu was sitting in the back seat, holding a mobile phone, talking on the phone, laughing once or twice from time to time, the exhaustion from working all day, with that smile, it dissipated a lot unknowingly.

The call was from Xu Anqi.

Every two or three days, Xu Anqi would call Mr. Xu, and the time of the call was always the most relaxing time for Mr. Xu.

Mr. Xu knows that he is getting older and his energy is not as good as before. Sooner or later, the huge property will be handed over to Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi was still young, and Mr. Xu didn't want to put too much pressure on Xu Anqi too early, but it was intentional or unintentional. He cultivated Xu Anqi, and most of the time, he would deliberately talk about the company's affairs.

Xu Anqi is also smart and cooperative, which makes Mr. Xu very pleased.

This phone call lasted about ten minutes, and Mr. Xu was about to hang up when he suddenly felt that the car that was driving smoothly on the road shook violently.

Before Mr. Xu could understand what happened, he heard a "bang" in his ears, and then his body fell forward uncontrollably, and then he completely lost consciousness.

On the other end of the phone, Yilan Middle School, because the phone hadn't been hung up yet, Xu Anqi followed very clearly, and heard the violent impact.

After the sound, Xu Anqi's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly called the old man Xu on the other end of the phone, but after a long time, there was no response, Xu Anqi burst into tears, hurriedly hung up the phone, and called Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was eating at Sister Lan's restaurant at this time, when he received a call from Xu Anqi, and before he got through, Xu Anqi's crying came to his ears.

"Jiang Chen, something happened to my grandfather." Xu Anqi choked up.

Ten minutes later, a Land Rover Discovery Express rushed out of Yilan Middle School in a rampage.

Only at this time did Jiang Chen have time to ask: "Squad Leader Xu, what happened to the old man?"

"I don't know... I don't know..." Xu Anqi shook her head, she only heard a crash, and then she never heard Mr. Xu's voice again, she had no idea what happened.

"You call the company." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Oh... good... good..." Xu Anqi was terrified. Except for instinctively calling Jiang Chen, she was in a state of confusion. Jiang Chen reminded her that she hurriedly picked up her mobile phone and dialed Tiannan City. The phone over there.

"Car accident?" Soon, Xu Anqi got the specific situation.

"Grandpa is in the hospital now. According to the doctor, his life is not in danger." Xu Anqi's heart became much more stable. What she was most afraid of was that something would happen to the old man.

"A car accident? What a coincidence." Jiang Chen said softly.

He caused a car accident for Song Yang, and now, Mr. Xu had a car accident. It seemed to be a coincidence, but Jiang Chen certainly wouldn't think it was a coincidence.

"You want to lure me to Tiannan City, right? Then this time, it will be as you wish." Immediately, Jiang Chen said in his heart again.

Yilan City is nearly three hours' drive away from Tiannan City. Jiang Chen drove the Land Rover all the way and arrived in Tiannan City in two hours. Then, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi met Mr. Xu in the hospital.

"An Qi, Jiang Chen, why are you two here?" Seeing the two of them, Old Master Xu was quite surprised.

"I came with An Qi, the old man is in good spirits." Jiang Chen laughed.

"It's just a little thing." Mr. Xu also smiled.

Mr. Xu just fell into a coma when he was in a car accident. He was fine physically and could talk and laugh. Seeing Mr. Xu like this, Xu Anqi was completely relieved.

"An Qi, I'm fine here. Jiang Chen has been driving hard. You take Jiang Chen home to rest first. I'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Old Master Xu ordered.

"I'll just stay in a hotel." Jiang Chen could see that Xu Anqi wanted to accompany Mr. Xu in the hospital, so he said.

"What kind of hotel are you staying in? Go live with me." While talking, a figure walked in from the outside. When he saw Jiang Chen, he said with a smile, who else could there be except Zhou Ji.

Zhou Ji ran over, hooked his shoulders, and said, "Jiang Shao, I was looking forward to the stars and the moon, but I finally brought you to Tiannan City."

"I'm here, so you're not afraid that I'll steal your limelight?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"My eldest son Zhou's limelight is so easy to grab." Zhou Ji rolled his eyes.

The two were chatting and laughing, they didn't stay in the hospital much, and they left soon.

"Why didn't you see Mr. Xu's bodyguard?" As soon as he walked out of the hospital, Jiang Chen's expression sank slightly.

"Bodyguard? What do you want a bodyguard for?" Zhou Ji was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "Young Master Jiang, don't you think that something happened to the old man was a conspiracy?"

Zhou Ji thought very simply about this matter, thinking it was just an accident.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked back.

"Damn it, who would do it?" Zhou Ji gritted his teeth, he still believed Jiang Chen's words.

"I can't be sure at the moment, but don't worry, someone will jump out on their own initiative." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then I... what should we do?" Jiang Chen said not to worry, but Zhou Ji was a little anxious.

"You don't need to do anything, just lead the way and find a place to drink." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He had already arrived in Tiannan City, and soon, this city, will It will become lively because of his arrival.


Tiannan City, a luxurious villa.

"Dong dong..."

The sound of knocking on the door rang at this moment.

"Come in." A voice sounded from inside the study.

"Young Master Bai, I have news." The man entered the study and said with a smile, it was Uncle Li.

"Oh, what news?" Bai Tian asked with interest.

"Young Master Bai, you must never have imagined that Jiang Chen has come to Tiannan City." Uncle Li said.

"Jiang Chen, have you come to Tiannan City?" This news really surprised Bai Tian, ​​and immediately, Bai Bai smiled and said: "Xu Xiuyuan had an accident, Jiang Chen came to Yilan City, this matter is really interesting, Doesn't Jiang Chen know that someone deliberately lured him here?"

"No one knows what Jiang Chen is thinking. He is now with Zhou Ji, drinking in a bar." Uncle Li said a little strangely.

"Jiang Chen's interest is not bad, it seems that he has already noticed something." Thinking for a while, Bai Tian said slowly.

"Maybe soon, Young Master Bai, your business card will be effective." Uncle Li flattered.

"Then wait for him to call me." Bai Tian smiled slightly, speaking, he was quite looking forward to this call.


When Jiang Chen came to Tiannan City, the news spread immediately. Except for Bai Tian, ​​who had been paying attention to Jiang Chen, and soon received the news, Song Yang learned about it faster than Bai Tian.

"Young Master Song, as you wish, Jiang Chen is here." In the nursing home, Chen Sen once again appeared in Song Yang's ward and reported the matter to Song Yang.

"The speed is really fast enough." Song Yang smiled.

Although Chen Sen made a move on Mr. Xu, it is still unknown whether Jiang Chen will come, but Jiang Chen came very quickly.

"It's fast enough. From this, it's not difficult to see that the relationship between Jiang Chen and the Xu family is really good." Chen Sen said gloomyly.

"He has seen Xu Xiuyuan, where is he now?" Song Yang asked.

"Red Devil." Chen Sen spit out these two words.

"Red Devils Bar?" At this moment, Song Yang frowned slightly, his expression was a little surprised, "You mean, Jiang Chen is in the Red Devils Bar? There is no mistake."

"Absolutely not." Chen Sen shook his head. For Jiang Chen, even going to a bar to drink, Chen Sen also felt a little weird.

After all, even if Xu Xiuyuan was fine, Jiang Chen wouldn't be in the mood to go to the bar to drink, but Jiang Chen went to the bar anyway, what exactly did he want to do?
"It seems that your methods are not very clever." Song Yang glanced at Chen Sen and said, "If nothing else happens, Jiang Chen has already seen some clues to your and my intentions."

"Song Shao, what do you mean?" Chen Sen was a little puzzled.

"It's very simple, Jiang Chen is waiting for us to jump out." Song Yang said coldly.

"Then isn't this a little troublesome?" Chen Sen was a little worried.

"No, there is no trouble at all, this is exactly the result I want." Song Yang's expression was a bit strange, he snorted coldly, and he continued: "If Jiang Chen is hiding, then it will be a real trouble. "

Chen Sen's eyes lit up, he understood what Song Yang meant, and he asked, "Shall we do it now?"

"Don't worry, there will be people who are more anxious than us. Have you spread the news about Jiang Chen coming to Tiannan City?" Song Yang asked.

"Those who should know about this, know about it." Chen Sen said.

"Then wait and see the good show." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Song Yang's expression was filled with anticipation.


The Red Devils Bar was exactly where Zhou Ji took Jiang Chen to drink.

The time is around 08:30 in the evening. This time is neither too early nor too late. It is the time when the bar is full of people.

"Young Master Zhou."

"Young Master Zhou."

It can be seen that Zhou Ji is a regular customer here, just entering the bar, there are many voices saying hello, and there are even one or two young girls who take the initiative to post over and throw themselves into their arms.

"I said, are all the beauties in Tiannan City so active?" Jiang Chen had a sense of sight when he entered the city like a bumpkin.

"This handsome guy, I don't take the initiative to everyone." Said the woman in Zhou Ji's arms.

"But you will definitely take the initiative towards me, but unfortunately I don't like you." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Handsome guy, you're so funny." The woman said with a smile.

"Did I say something wrong? Look at me, am I more handsome than him, am I richer than him?" Jiang Chen pointed at Zhou Ji and said solemnly.

"Jiang Shao, I think you are more shameless than me." Zhou Ji was very aggrieved.

"Oh, this is also one of my advantages." Jiang Chen nodded with a smile.

"That's right, shamelessness is indeed an advantage." Just as Jiang Chen's words fell, a voice sounded rather abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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