genius evil

Chapter 259 The First Good Show

Chapter 259 The First Good Show

It was a woman's voice, the voice was deep and mellow and dark and charming. When people heard that voice, they couldn't help but want to take a look at what kind of woman a woman with such a voice would be.

Jiang Chen didn't hold back, following the sound, Jiang Chen looked sideways, and in Jiang Chen's line of sight, a graceful figure walked gracefully.

It seems that because of the conversation, the woman who came was smiling at Jiang Chen while walking, her eyes were soft and charming.

This is a charming woman just like her voice, quite enchanting, especially the towering pair of headlights on her chest, which is extremely eye-catching.

This woman also seemed to be very aware of her capital, so she was very bold and open, and almost exposed all the capital on her chest.

"Zhong Lulu." Zhou Ji also saw this woman with a rather complicated look on his face.

"Hi, my name is Zhong Lulu." The woman named Zhong Lulu stretched out her hand and smiled at Jiang Chen.

"Do I know you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know." Zhong Lulu shook her head.

"Do you know me?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I believe we will meet soon." Zhong Lulu's expression was ambiguous.

"We'll meet soon, that means we don't know each other yet, right? Since you don't know each other, why are you acting so proactive?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I—" The red lips parted slightly, and Zhong Lulu was obviously at a loss.

"Could it be that you want to prove that you are a shameless woman?" Soon, Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"I...not." Zhong Lulu shook her head.

"You lied." Jiang Chen's voice suddenly rose by more than an octave.

Zhong Lulu was dumbfounded, staring at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

"You are obviously a shameless woman, how can you say no, is it possible that if you tell me you are not, you are really not? Or, do you think I, Jiang Chen, have a face that is innocent and easy to deceive? You want to lie to me?" Jiang Chen hummed.

"Your name is Jiang Chen?" Reaching out to cover her lips, Zhong Lulu properly concealed the embarrassment caused by Jiang Chen's aggressiveness, and said, "You are a nice person with a nice name. The reason why I took the initiative is because I think what you said just now, It's just interesting."

"And then?" Jiang Chen looked expectant.

"Then, you are more interesting." Zhong Lulu said with a wink as she stretched out her tongue and licked her red lips.

"So you are seducing me now?" Jiang Chen asked very directly.

"Will you take the bait?" Zhong Lulu neither admitted nor denied it.

A woman who is good at displaying her own charm not only knows how to use her own advantages, but also knows what kind of words can best tickle a man's itch.

"A rich, tall and handsome man like me is really popular everywhere he goes." Jiang Chen sighed.

The corner of Zhou Ji's mouth was twitching. He felt that he was about to admire Jiang Chen to death. After all, not any man could be so comfortable in front of this famous courtesan in Tiannan City.

Zhou Ji was a little curious again, because he could tell that Zhong Lulu had a great interest in Jiang Chen. As for why Jiang Chen took the initiative because he was interesting, Zhou Ji naturally didn't believe it.

He is also an interesting man, why didn't Zhong Lulu seduce him?
"Could it be that Jiang Chen is really handsome?" Zhou Ji was a little depressed, as if he was not worse than Jiang Chen, right?
"Are you interested, let me buy you a glass of wine?" Zhong Lulu invited.

"Just drinking?" Jiang Chen showed no interest.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Zhong Lulu asked with a smile on her lips.

"You asked the wrong question. It's a big mistake. It's not what I want, but what you want. You must be extremely hungry and thirsty right now, and you really want to do something to me." Jiang Chen was full of confidence. look.

"You are so interesting." Zhong Lulu couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm, so she could only deal with it passively, and she was at a loss for words.

"It's boring, your morals are so low, I really don't know how you have the nerve to come out and seduce men." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen pulled Zhou Ji and walked inside.

We found a table, sat down, and ordered drinks.

Zhou Ji drank the wine with a weird face and said, "Jiang Shao, are you rejecting Zhong Lulu?"

"Looking at how distracted you are being seduced by her, why is this woman famous?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Not only is she very famous, but she is also very famous. This woman is notoriously seductive. I don't know how many men bow down to her." Zhou Ji looked very yearning.

"Or, I'll give you the chance. After all, you have to know that I'm a decent person and never act recklessly." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Zhou Ji was really moved, but his heart was only a momentary thing. He was interested in Zhong Lulu, yes, but the problem was that Zhong Lulu was not interested in him.

"Zhong Lulu is a very special woman. Few of the men she falls in love with escape her palm. I don't think she will give up seducing you." Zhou Ji was extremely envious.

"Then how do you know that my refusal wasn't just playing hard to get?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Shao, you are a decent person." Zhou Ji reminded.

"Yeah, when you're not serious, you're not human." Jiang Chen said calmly.


A little farther away, at another table, Zhong Lulu was sitting there alone drinking red wine.

This woman explained very well what it means to attract bees and attract butterflies. She only sat down for 5 minutes, but at least three waves of men came over to strike up a conversation.

Zhong Lulu didn't pay any attention to it, her eyes were shining with resentment, as if Jiang Chen was none other than Jiang Chen tonight, which inevitably made many men in the bar itch with hatred for Jiang Chen.

Then in the tenth minute or so, someone couldn't bear it anymore, got up from the chair, and walked to Jiang Chen's table with a bottle of red wine.

"Trouble is coming." Zhou Ji said gloatingly.

Not to mention that these guys are jealous of Jiang Chen, even he is inevitably jealous. Whoever called Zhong Lulu is so obvious, Jiang Chen is still so pretentious?

"He came to invite me to drink." Jiang Chen said lightly.


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, the guy who came over threw the wine bottle in front of Jiang Chen with a bang.

"Look, I just said invite me to drink." Jiang Chen picked up the wine bottle with a smile and poured himself a glass.

Zhou Ji was stunned for a moment, as if this was really the case.

But who is this guy, he doesn't know him at all, okay?He didn't even know him, and Jiang Chen had just arrived, so there was no need to think about it, he definitely didn't know him.

It's okay to come here to buy a drink for no reason, and you still have a aggressive posture, you are really sick in your head.

"I'm not here to buy you a drink." That guy was indeed aggressive, even vicious, but following Jiang Chen's movement of pouring the wine, he broke his power in an instant.

There was no way, he had no idea that Jiang Chen would play like this.

"This red wine is not bad. Do you have any more? If you have any, bring another bottle." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said with satisfaction.

"You get out of here right away, I don't mind giving you another bottle." Lowering his voice, the guy said.

"You want to date that woman?" Casually, Jiang Chen pointed at Zhong Lulu.

"Ask any man in this bar who wouldn't want to pick her up?" said the guy.

"Then you go make a drink, don't think that if you send me a bottle of wine, I will help you make a drink... Well, no, for things like picking up girls, is it possible to ask someone to help?" Jiang Chen later learned Said with hindsight.

"Fuck, don't be stupid, get out of here quickly, or I'll be rude to you." That guy lost his patience.


Almost as soon as the guy's voice fell, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped him across the face, and said leisurely, "You're welcome not for saying, but for doing."

"You dare to hit me." The guy was a little crazy.


Jiang Chen directly kicked that guy flying out, and then, Jiang Chen hooked his fingers at Zhong Lulu.

Seeing Jiang Chen's gesture of hooking his fingers, Zhong Lulu immediately put down the wine glass in his hand, walked over slowly, looked at Jiang Chen shyly and timidly, and said, "Jiang Shao, you called me?"

"Are you ready?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

A blush flashed across Zhong Lulu's face, and she looked very coy, and said coyly, "Young Master Jiang, I can't understand what you are talking about."

"Someone said that women are born actors. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, grabbed the red wine bottle on the table, and smashed it on Zhong Lulu's head, then smiled. He said, "Do you understand now?"

As Jiang Chen smashed down the red wine bottle, all the people in the huge bar, regardless of men or women, looked at Jiang Chen with dumbfounded eyes.

They were all stunned, and Zhou Ji was also stunned.

"Jiang Shao, your way of picking up girls is really special." Zhou Ji looked full of emotion.

"Oh, then you should study hard, maybe it will come in handy in the future." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Don't." Zhou Ji waved his hands hastily. Not every man can learn this kind of trick, and he, who pretends to be sympathetic and cherishing jade, certainly can't learn it.

"It's really an eye-opener. You need to study hard." A voice came faintly.

Accompanied by the voice, a young man slowly walked over. He stared at Jiang Chen, with flames dancing between his brows and eyes.

"Jiang Chen, long time no see, but you still remember me." The man said.

"It's not been a long time, just a few days." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"But why do I feel that time has passed for a long time? Oh, maybe my hatred for you is too deep." The man said.

"If you like it, I don't mind at all. Let your hatred for me become deeper." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You are wrong, after this time, it should be you who came to hate me." The man shook his head, and said slowly: "It's a pity that I made some arrangements, you think you are very smart, and you act very pretendingly." I don’t know, you’re just a lowly wretch!”

(End of this chapter)

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