genius evil

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

After more than two hours, the movie ended.

Just as Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi walked out of the movie theater, even when they saw Han Ye, he also walked out.

"Come here." Jiang Chen waved to Han Ye.

Han Ye pulled Xiaoqian and walked over with a smug smile, and said, "Dude, is the movie good?"

Jiang Chen took a look at the poor guy, then glanced at Xiaoqian, and said very speechlessly: "I said, you really came to see the movie."

"Yeah, otherwise why am I here?" Han Ye said with a smile.

"Why are you here? Do you want me to teach you?" Jiang Chen said with a stare.

"The problem is, I really don't know what else I can do besides watching movies." Han Ye said aggrievedly.

"It's just the two of you in the theater, of course you can do whatever you want." Jiang Chen reminded.

"What can I do?" Han Ye said to himself, suddenly remembered something, and said in a loud voice: "Brother, if you have something to do, go first, I have to watch another movie."

While talking, she dragged Xiaoqian to buy a ticket.

"I'm going to die." Xiaoqian kicked Han Ye directly, feeling that all her face was lost by this guy.

I didn’t do it when I could do whatever I wanted just now, but at this time I was reminded of what I could do, so I thought about doing it, it was too late.Besides, even if she wanted to, it would be embarrassing to be in front of Jiang Chen.

"Let's go, let's go eat, I'll treat you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"How embarrassing is this? Why don't I treat guests." When Han Ye heard Jiang Chen say treats, he immediately regained his energy.

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance to treat guests." Jiang Chen said with a good-natured look.

Han Ye's whole body was stunned. He just wanted to be a little more polite. Do you understand, how could Jiang Chen do this? Isn't this bullying?

There was a western restaurant on the first floor of this comprehensive commercial building, and soon, the four of Jiang Chen went downstairs and appeared in the western restaurant.

Han Ye ordered some food familiarly, and said with a bitter face, "Dude, I can see why you are richer than me. You are so good at saving money."

Jiang Chen smiled, and was about to speak when he heard a voice: "Yo, that's not Han Ye, he's here for dinner."

While talking, a young man with greasy hair and pink face walked over with his arms around a scantily clad woman.

"He Kun, I ate my food and didn't provoke you, did I?" Han Ye's face was slightly unsightly, and he changed his hippie smile and said coldly.

"I didn't say you provoked me, why are you so nervous. I'm just saying hello to you, just to kindly remind you that this western restaurant is very expensive. Don't run out of money to pay the bill, just make a joke." The young man named He Kun squinted his eyes and said.

"No matter how poor I am, Han Ye, I can still afford a meal, so don't bother you." Han Ye said expressionlessly.

"I'm not worrying about you, I'm worrying about Xiaoqian. If you tell me how you are better than me, Xiaoqian will fall in love with you." He Kun glanced greedily at Xiaoqian, There was a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"He Kun, do you believe that I dug out your eyeballs?" Xiaoqian was aggressive in front of Han Ye, and even more aggressive in front of He Kun.

"Xiaoqian, no matter what, you and I are childhood sweethearts. I just kindly advise you that there is no future for following this guy. If you regret it, I welcome you at any time." He Kun said indifferently, and didn't take Xiaoqian's threat to heart.

"Please call me by my name, my name is Qi Qian." Xiaoqian said coldly.

"Okay, Qi Qian is Qi Qian." He Kun smiled and said, "To be honest, I just like your pungent smell."

Laughing, He Kun walked away with the woman in his arms, and sat down at a nearby table.

"Brother, it's a bit of a joke, I'm sorry to let you see a joke." Rubbing his face, Han Ye said.

"It doesn't matter, you just remember to pay the bill later, by the way, do you have the money to pay the bill?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Uh..." Han Ye gave Jiang Chen a weird look, and said, "Brother, do you think I look like the kind of person who slaps his face and makes himself fat?"

"Like." Jiang Chen said with incomparable certainty, Han Ye's face drooped immediately.

Half an hour later, after the meal was finished, Han Ye asked the waiter to pay the bill. When the bill was delivered, Han Ye was about to take his card and swipe it. When he saw the bill, his eyes almost bulged come out.

"Is this bill wrong?" Frowning, Han Ye asked.

"Sir, there is nothing wrong." The waiter said with a smile.

"More than 100 million, and you still tell me that there is no mistake?" Han Ye said angrily.

When he just looked at the menu, the meal and a bottle of valuable red wine cost about thirty thousand yuan, but the bill turned out to be more than one million yuan. Didn't he understand that he was being fooled? ?
"Sir, our restaurant has clearly marked the price, and there is no deception." The waiter was still smiling, and his attitude was so good that no one could find any faults.

"Han Ye, Han Ye, I said earlier that this restaurant is very expensive, do you believe it now?" Then He Kun got up at some point and walked over, smiling playfully.

"It's your fault, right?" Han Ye stared at He Kun, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Han Ye, it doesn't matter who did it. What's important is that you, a guy who can't even pay for a meal, don't you feel ashamed? Otherwise, let Qi Qian accompany me for one night. , I paid for it for you, what do you think?" He Kun said lightly.

"You're dreaming." Han Ye yelled.

"More than 100 million, just let Qi Qian accompany me for one night. You won't lose out on this deal. I advise you to think carefully about it." He Kun snorted coldly.

Following He Kun's words, he saw several bodyguards walking over and surrounded Jiang Chen's table.

"He Kun, do you think I'm really afraid of you?" Han Ye was really angry, even though he was often bullied by He Kun before, but he had never been so angry before.

"Han Ye, it's useless to be stubborn, isn't it just a woman?" He Kun said leisurely, obviously confident.


The applause sounded crisp and abrupt, and Qi Qian, who hadn't spoken the whole time, raised her hand and slapped He Kun in the face.

"Smelly woman, you dare to hit me?" He Kun looked at Qi Qian in disbelief, and slapped Qi Qian's face with his backhand.

He Kun and Qi Qian were very close, and because Qi Qian was sitting, when He Kun slapped him across the face, Qi Qian had nowhere to hide.

Qi Qian closed her eyes, intending to bear the slap abruptly, but at this moment, a voice rang out slowly, "It's wrong to hit a woman as a bad habit, do you know if you want to change it?"

The imaginary slap did not land on the face. Hearing the sound, Qi Qian opened her eyes and saw that He Kun's palm fell on Jiang Chen's hand at some point.

"You dare to stop me?" He Kun said angrily.

"I've always been a pity, and the worst thing I can see is someone hitting a woman in front of me. Of course, don't worry, when you hit a man, I will never stop you." Jiang Chen pushed He Kun away confidently. Pushing back a few steps, he said calmly.

After saying this, Jiang Chen picked up the wet towel on the table, wiped his hands carefully, pointed at He Kun, and said to Han Ye: "You really want to beat this guy up, right? "

"That's right." Han Ye nodded vigorously.

If He Kun hadn't brought four bodyguards with him, he would have been unable to resist.

"Then what are you waiting for, fight." Jiang Chen urged.

"But--" Han Ye was a little hesitant. He wanted to beat someone, not be beaten.

"Don't worry, they won't do it, oh, I won't do it either, bullying people is not my habit." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You four do it, I'm going to break one of this kid's hands." Just after Jiang Chen finished speaking, He Kun pointed at Jiang Chen and gave an order.

"I said they won't do anything, so don't bother, Han Ye, what are you still doing?" Jiang Chen's voice suddenly sank.

When Han Ye saw the situation, the four bodyguards did not do anything. Although they didn't understand what was going on, they stood up abruptly, waved their fists, and punched He Kun in the face.

"Do it, do it for me." He Kun growled, while stepping back to avoid Han Ye's fist.

But no matter how He Kun gave orders, the four bodyguards still stood there motionless, like a piece of wood.

And at this time, Han Ye slammed He Kun's face heavily with his fist, knocking He Kun to the ground, and then rushed forward, sitting on He Kun's body, punching one after another, He Kun, who was hitting straight, screamed.

Qi Qian watched Han Ye beating people for a while, and watched Jiang Chen for a while. Han Ye taught He Kun a lesson, which made her feel happy. She even wished she could fight in person and beat He Kun up. There was no way, He Kun was so hateful up.

When Qi Qian looked at Jiang Chen, her eyes became extremely strange. Jiang Chen said that the four bodyguards would not do anything, but the four bodyguards did not do anything.

What kind of situation is this? You know, those four bodyguards were brought by He Kun. Maybe He Kun knew that she and Han Ye were going to watch a movie and brought them on purpose. trap.

The people brought by He Kun naturally wanted to listen to He Kun, but now they listened to Jiang Chen's words. Qi Qian couldn't figure out what was going on, but she vaguely understood that this guy who just watched movies and was just eating, I am afraid it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Han Ye fought for 5 minutes before he stopped and said excitedly, "Dude, it's cool, it's so cool, I've wanted to do this for a long time."

"More than 100 million meals per meal, I really haven't eaten it before, and I eat it very well." Jiang Chen smiled, pulled Xu Anqi up and walked outside the restaurant.

"Brother, you're leaving now, I don't know your name yet." Han Ye said hastily.

"Well, you can just call me Lianxiangxiyu Xiaolangjun." Jiang Chen said slowly while walking.

Han Ye and Qi Qian looked at each other again, sweating again...

(End of this chapter)

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