genius evil

Chapter 264 There is beauty alone, knocking on the door in the middle of the night

Chapter 264 There is beauty alone, knocking on the door at midnight
"Jiang Chen, you can be funny, people ask your name, and you won't say it properly." Walking out of the western restaurant, muttering, Xu Anqi complained.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "That guy is not a beauty, why did you tell him his name?"

"But you admire him a little, don't you?" Xu Anqi blinked.

Jiang Chen accepted Han Ye's invitation to watch a movie, and he took the initiative to invite Han Ye to dinner. Although it turned into Han Ye's treat in the end, Xu Anqi knew that with Jiang Chen's character, if he didn't look at Han Ye quite pleasing to the eye, he would definitely There will be no intersection with Han Ye.Not to mention helping Han Ye.

As Jiang Chen himself said, Han Ye is not a beauty.

"I just think he's funny." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Fun?" Xu Anqi was dumbfounded. What's the reason?
"Of course it's fun. By the way, Squad Leader Xu, what shall we do tomorrow, why don't we watch another movie, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No." Thinking of what happened in the theater earlier, Xu Anqi's face burned hotly, she twisted her slender waist, and ran towards the car in a panic.

"Woman, your name is duplicity." Jiang Chen murmured, seeing Xu Anqi running, swaying like a small white flower in full bloom, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, heartbroken. Inexplicably hot.

Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi drove back to the villa, and when they got out of the car, Xu Anqi, who was full of shame, ignored Jiang Chen and ran away on her own, while that bastard Zhou Ji came over with a mean face.

"Jiang Shao, I have contacted everything. Do you have time tomorrow? If not, then the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow." Zhou Ji said.

"I have time every day, but it's better the day after tomorrow." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Since you have time, why not tomorrow?" Zhou Ji asked strangely.

He was also thinking, if Jiang Chen stepped on shit and got lucky and accidentally cured the Sleeping Beauty's illness, he would be able to get a little benefit fee, you know, it's a [-] million consultation fee! , no matter how stingy Jiang Chen was, if he missed a little, it would be enough to make him cool for a while.

Although Zhou Ji also knew that the probability of this happening was like winning 500 million yuan by casually buying a lottery ticket on the street, but anyway, there is something to look forward to, right?
There is still a dream, what if it comes true?

"Of course it is to give them time to prepare the money. Well, one day is probably not enough, or the day after tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't, it will be done tomorrow." Zhou Ji said hastily, "You don't have to worry about the money, Young Master Jiang, I promise you will never miss a penny."

Jiang Chen stayed at the Xu family's villa that night.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Chen was soundly asleep when suddenly his ears moved, and his eyes opened instantly.

In the corridor outside the room, there were subtle footsteps. Judging from those footsteps, the visitor was walking towards the room he was in.

"Squad Leader Xu, you're not going to knock on my door in the middle of the night, are you?" Jiang Chen murmured to himself, and got up from the bed.

It was Xu Anqi in the corridor. Xu Anqi walked to the bedroom where Jiang Chen was sleeping, hesitated for a moment, and was about to reach out to knock on the door, but when she saw the door, it opened suddenly, and a hand stretched out from inside, directly holding the door. She hugged and walked towards the head of the bed.

Xu Anqi was in a daze, and before she could understand what was going on, her body fell into the soft big bed, and Jiang Chen's body was pressed down immediately.

"Jiang Chen, don't." Even if she had never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman, Xu Anqi understood what Jiang Chen wanted to do to her at this moment, and said in a hurry.

"Squad leader Xu, this time is different from the movie theater, but you came here on your own initiative, so you can't say what you mean." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

This little girl tickled his heart during the day, and came knocking on the door at night, which really gave Jiang Chen the urge to turn into a beast in a second.

"I didn't." Knowing that Jiang Chen had misunderstood, Xu Anqi couldn't help crying and explaining, "Jiang Chen, are you hungry? I'll cook noodles for you."

"Cook noodles for me?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, there was something wrong with this style of painting.

"Don't you like noodles? It's just that I can only cook noodles. How about I wake up the servant and cook you something?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Squad Leader Xu, that's why you came here at night to knock on the door?" Jiang Chen was crying, he was about to take off his pants, okay?

"Aren't you hungry?" Xu Anqi asked seriously.

Xu Anqi knew about Jiang Chen's appetite. For Jiang Chen, the Western food for dinner was not enough to squeeze between his teeth, and she herself didn't eat much. After being starved in the middle of the night, thinking about Jiang Chen Chen should also be hungry, and that's the one who knocked on the door, not what Jiang Chen thought.

But Xu Anqi also knew that this kind of behavior of knocking on the door in the middle of the night would easily cause misunderstandings, so she could only pretend to be serious in order to divert Jiang Chen's attention.

"I think I'm fine, how about cooking noodles or something, and talk about it later?" Jiang Chen resisted the urge to take off his pants, and said in a negotiating tone.

"It will be dawn later." Xu Anqi reminded nervously, lest Jiang Chen would do that to her, otherwise, she didn't know whether she should cater to Jiang Chen or reject Jiang Chen. , feel a little bit wrong.

Perhaps what was even more wrong was the current atmosphere, because she was dragged into bed by Jiang Chen without any mental preparation at all... just kissed during the day, and had sex at night, the rhythm was too fast.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Grandpa gets up early every day." Xu Anqi reminded again.

"I'm hungry, two eggs, add chopped green onion and sesame oil." Jiang Chen grimaced, and reluctantly climbed off Xu Anqi's body.

As soon as Jiang Chen crawled away, Xu Anqi immediately jumped off the bed, ran out of the room, and ran downstairs to the kitchen in one breath.

When she opened the refrigerator to get the ingredients, Xu Anqi couldn't help but chuckle.

"Really, it's too embarrassing." Xu Anqi whispered to herself, touched her still hot cheek, then skillfully added water to the pot, and turned on the gas.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen put on his clothes and went downstairs. The noodles were already cooked.

Two steaming bowls of noodles, one large and one small, were placed on the dining table. Two poached eggs were spread on top of one bowl, sprinkled with green onions, and the aroma of food and sesame oil could be smelled from a distance.

The other bowl was relatively light, because Xu Anqi didn't like onions and was on a diet. The small bowl didn't contain eggs, but ham sausage.

Jiang Chen was in the restaurant with Xu Anqi, one was facing a big bowl and the other was eating noodles with a small bowl, not to mention, Xu Anqi, who only knows how to cook noodles, cooked noodles quite well.

Jiang Chen almost just snorted a few big mouthfuls, emptied the noodles in the bowl, took another bite of an egg, and stuffed them into his mouth like a jujube, within 2 minutes, even the soup and noodles, and he ate it clean net.

Xu Anqi ate very delicately in small bites. Although she couldn't count the noodles one by one, it took nearly 10 minutes to finish a small bowl of noodles.

The two had enough to eat and drink, and stared at each other for a while, Xu Anqi packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to scrub, Jiang Chen had nothing to do, and ran to the kitchen to join in the fun.

"Squad Leader Xu, do you know what you look like now?" Seeing Xu Anqi's meticulous movements of washing dishes, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Like what?" Xu Anqi took a dry towel, carefully wiped the bowl clean, put it in the disinfection cabinet, and asked curiously.

"A good wife and mother." Jiang Chen touched his chin.

"It's not as good as you said." Xu Anqi said shyly.

She is not the kind of ambitious woman, and she is not strong in character. To her, being a good wife and mother may be the best compliment.

But Xu Anqi naturally doesn't feel that she is that good, after all, as far as she can only cook noodles, she can only do simple housework... It is too far from the standard of a good wife and mother.

"Well, it's not as good as I said. At least, knocking on the door in the middle of the night is really not good at all." Smacking his mouth, Jiang Chen said.

"Don't say it anymore." Xu Anqi gave Jiang Chen a blank look, thinking that this guy wouldn't hold grudges, she didn't deliberately tease Jiang Chen, it was just that Jiang Chen thought too much.

"Squad Leader Xu, I have to say this. After all, I am a clean and self-respecting man, and I have always cherished my reputation the most. From now on, Squad Leader Xu, please don't knock on my door casually at night. Just knock ten or eight more times." Jiang Chen said with a serious face.

"Ten times and eight times?" A blush flew across Xu Anqi's face, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat after only knocking once. ?
I don't know how Jiang Chen has the face to say that he cleans his body and cherishes his reputation. This is clearly encouraging her to do bad things, but I don't know why, although Xu Anqi clearly knows Jiang Chen's intentions, Xu Anqi has a faint feeling of excitement As a result, Xu Anqi's little face burned hotly again.

"Squad Leader Xu, do you think ten times or eight times is too little?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he couldn't take advantage physically, but he still had to take advantage of verbal advantages. Otherwise, how could he sleep peacefully in this long night?

"No, no." Xu Anqi hurriedly shook her head.

"Oh, what does Squad Leader Xu mean, you want me to knock on your door? That's right, girls still have to be more reserved. As a man, you should take the initiative. Don't worry, Squad Leader Xu, I understand your intentions." Interesting." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"It's going to be tricky, that's not what I mean." Xu Anqi didn't dare to tell Jiang Chen any more, and ran upstairs.

"It's not that I will play tricks, men are not bad, women don't love." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Xu Anqi's feet softened, she almost stepped on the ground, she was so ashamed, she wondered if Jiang Chen would really knock on her door tonight?In that case, should she not open the door, or should she open it?

(End of this chapter)

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