genius evil

Chapter 265

Chapter 265
At around nine o'clock the next morning, an Audi A4 slowly drove out of the villa where Xu's family lived.

Zhou Ji drove the car, looked sideways at Jiang Chen from time to time, and finally couldn't help asking: "Jiang Shao, did you not sleep well last night or what happened?"

Zhou Ji felt a little puzzled. If Jiang Chen had dark circles, it would be fine, but Xu Anqi also had very thick dark circles. It is understandable that one person did not sleep well, but how should he understand it if two people did not sleep well?
It wasn't that Zhou Ji was too naive, but that he felt that even if Jiang Chen had lust for Xu Anqi, he probably wouldn't have the guts to eat Xu Anqi under Mr. Xu's nose, right?

Of course he didn't know that Jiang Chen had indeed acted sexually and courageously last night. He didn't eat it, he just ate a big bowl of noodles.

Although the taste on that side was quite good, Jiang Chen almost swallowed his own tongue, but it was inevitable that he could not sleep alone, that's why he had such dark circles under his eyes.

"It's because I didn't sleep well. I'm a little excited when I think that I can earn [-] million immediately." Jiang Chen pretended to be open-minded about money.

"Uh, Young Master Jiang, even though I always think your acting skills are pretty good, but you obviously didn't care about it this time, what's the matter with obviously bullying my IQ?" Zhou Ji complained dissatisfied.

"Do you have such a thing as IQ?" Jiang Chen asked bluntly.

Zhou Ji was dissatisfied immediately, and said loudly: "Jiang Shao, you said last time that you were quite moved by my IQ, how could you not admit it."

"It is indeed quite touching... well, touching." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Zhou Ji drove his Audi car through Tiannan City. After a while, he got further and further away, and finally stopped in front of the gate of a nursing home that was not very impressive.

The sanatorium is not very eye-catching, but the internal layout is quite good, but what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that this sanatorium didn't even have a name.

If Zhou Jiyou hadn't told him on the way that this was a nursing home, Jiang Chen would have thought it was a private secret manor.

"Jiang Shao, you can drive in directly to this place, but it's a bit troublesome, I'll go and register first." Zhou Ji greeted Jiang Chen, opened the door and got out of the car.

Impressively, I saw that the gate of the sanatorium was heavily guarded, and there were black-clothed bodyguards patrolling. The number of people was not small. Compared to this sanatorium, which didn’t even have a name, the existence of those black-clothed bodyguards made this place invisible. A little more mysterious atmosphere.

Zhou Ji contacted the nursing home yesterday, and soon after registering and returning, he was about to drive in after getting in the car, when he heard a sound of the horn, and then, a black BMW car drove over quickly, just in time Blocked at the gate.

"Damn, do you still have a sense of public morality?" Zhou Ji honked the horn hard and cursed.

The door of that BMW car opened, and a figure emerged from the car. He was dressed in a black suit, his hair was combed meticulously, and he was wearing a pair of glasses.

"Do you want to be so pretentious?" Zhou Ji glanced at him and said sourly.

"It's not that he pretends to be forceful, but that you don't look like a prince in a dragon robe." Jiang Chen sneered, feeling that the guy looked familiar, took another look, and then was stunned for a moment.

"Even if I'm not like the prince, I'm better than that pretentious guy... Hey, it's Chen Sen." Zhou Ji was also taken aback for a moment, and then recognized the man.

"Zhou Ji, you go over there and tell him to come over." Jiang Chen also recognized that the man was Chen Sen, and said lightly.

Zhou Ji hadn't seen Chen Sen for a while since the incident happened at the Chen family's villa in the eastern suburbs of Yilan City. This was the first time he saw Chen Sen afterwards.

Even though he was not from the Xu family, when he saw Chen Sen, he still had the feeling that an enemy was extremely jealous.

Smiling teasingly, Zhou Ji opened the door to get out of the car, and walked over quickly.

Chen Sen was registering there. Just after registering, someone patted his shoulder. Turning around, Chen Sen saw Zhou Ji and couldn't help being stunned.

"Zhou Ji, long time no see." Chen Sen said with a slight smile.

Even if the current situation is not very good, even if he is rumored to be a slave with two surnames, in front of Zhou Ji, Chen Sen still has an almost innate sense of superiority.

"Yeah, long time no see, are you interested in chatting?" Zhou Ji said with a smile.

"Are you talking to me?" Chen Sen pointed at Zhou Ji, then smiled jokingly, and said, "The two of us, do you have anything to talk about? Or do you naively think that you have something to talk to me?"

"No, it's not that I want to talk to you. The two of us really have nothing to talk to. Someone wants to talk to you." Zhou Ji smiled back and pointed at the Audi.

The two cars were very close to each other, with a distance of about three meters, which was enough for Chen Sen to see the situation inside the car clearly. Following the direction Zhou Ji pointed at, Chen Sen looked, waiting to see clearly the figure sitting in the co-pilot Afterwards, Chen Sen's expression couldn't help but change.

"He and I have nothing to talk about." Chen Sen recognized Jiang Chen sitting in the car, and cursed bad luck in his heart.

"I don't think Young Master Jiang will be happy about what you said." Zhou Ji said deliberately pretending to be serious.

"Zhou Ji, are you threatening me?" Chen Sen was displeased.

"How dare I threaten you, I'm just telling the truth." Zhou Ji was in a good mood.

In the past, every time he bumped into the Chen family brothers, he would only be humiliated, and he was often ridiculed and bullied. It was rare for Chen Sen to be humiliated, which inevitably made Zhou Ji proud and feel like a human being .

"Tell me the truth?" Chen Sen sneered, turned around, and walked towards the BMW.

Zhou Ji stretched out his hand to stop Chen Sen, and said, "Chen Sen, Young Master Jiang didn't let you leave, I think you'd better stand here and don't move, otherwise I don't know what will happen. There is no guarantee."

Chen Sen's expression darkened, and he stared at Zhou Ji intently, wishing he could bite off a bite of flesh from Zhou Ji's body.

The cool Zhou Ji, regardless of Chen Sen's reaction, ran to the Audi car and said, "Young Master Jiang, Chen Sen is too arrogant, I can't invite you here."

"Then you go and ask him, do you want me to invite him in person?" Jiang Chen's tone was still calm.

"Okay." Zhou Ji nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He felt that Jiang Chen's aloof style was too stylish.

"Chen Sen, Young Master Jiang asked me to ask you, do you want him to invite you in person?" Zhou Ji told Chen Sen exactly what Jiang Chen had said.

Chen Sen's cheeks twitched slightly. If he asked Zhou Ji if he was threatening him just now, it was just ironic, then Jiang Chen's words were a real threat.

"Too much deceit." Immediately, such an idea popped up in Chen Sen's mind.

Yes, it was too much deception, and then, Chen Sen affirmed this idea, Jiang Chen's behavior clearly determined him.

"It's unnecessary for Young Master Jiang to invite me. It's really something to do today. If it's another day, I'll invite Young Master Jiang to drink tea." On the surface, Chen Sen said with a smile.

Naturally, he refused to see Jiang Chen, and he had nothing to say when he passed. The most important thing was that even though this was the second time he saw Jiang Chen, deep down, he was a little apprehensive towards Jiang Chen.

He was afraid of showing cowardice, and afraid that Jiang Chen would see the clues. If Jiang Chen found out that Mr. Xu's matter was caused by him behind the scenes, he might not be far from death.

Chen Sen has never doubted Jiang Chen's methods. Jiang Chen even killed Song Shi and Song Yan, and even Song Yang. His current identity is just that of the Song family. He is just a running dog, relying on the Song family to reward him for a bite of food, Jiang Chen will not take him seriously.

"Drink tea?" Zhou Ji's face was a little weird, he never thought that Chen Sen would still reject Jiang Chen.

However, Zhou Ji was still very quick to convey Chen Sen's attitude to Jiang Chen.

"Then wait until he invites me to drink tea." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Shao, didn't you, did you let him go so easily?" Zhou Ji asked puzzled.

"Twisted melons are not sweet, I, Jiang Chen, do not have the habit of forcing others." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Okay." Although he was a bit reluctant, Zhou Ji went over and told Chen Sen what Jiang Chen had said.

Chen Sen breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Jiang Chen would not let him go. Who knew that Jiang Chen would be so easy-going, so strange, he got into the car immediately, and drove into the nursing home.

"Jiang Shao, Chen Sen doesn't give you face so much, aren't you angry at all?" Zhou Ji also got into the car and drove to the nursing home. He didn't seem to be in Jiang Chen's mood because of Chen Sen's refusal. But there was a little bit of influence, on the contrary, he seemed to be in a good mood, and his tone was a bit provocative.

To be honest, how much he wished that Jiang Chen could jump out of the car and beat up Chen Sen violently. Thinking about it, the scene is very touching, isn't it?
God knows what Jiang Chen was thinking, it was fine if he didn't beat someone up, but he didn't even get angry, which made it hard for Zhou Ji to understand.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I really don't understand." Zhou Ji said honestly.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Zhou Ji anymore, being rejected was certainly not something to be happy about, but the reason why Jiang Chen's mood was not affected was because today's contact was just a trial.

The interior of this sanatorium is not big, and its layout is similar to that of a small villa manor. It is not difficult to see that a lot of thought was put into the construction of the sanatorium.

Naturally, in this way, the people who are eligible to enter this nursing home are all people with extraordinary identities and backgrounds.

It just so happened that Song Yang belonged to such an identity.

This is not the first time for Chen Sen to come here. He went to the ward where Song Yang was in by familiar means.

In the ward, a little nurse was changing Song Yang's dressing. Song Yang was talking nonsense, and his hands were dishonest, touching the little nurse back and forth.

"Chen Sen, you're here." Seeing Chen Sen appear, Song Yang greeted him, withdrew his hand, and signaled the little nurse to leave first.

He is not in good health, so he can only use his hands to mop up some oil, and he can't do other things for the time being.

"Song Shao, I saw Jiang Chen." Chen Sen said.


"Jiang Chen." Chen Sen slightly emphasized his tone to let Song Yang hear clearly.

"Jiang Chen?" With these two words in his mouth, Song Yang's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp!

(End of this chapter)

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