genius evil

Chapter 267 Be My Woman

Chapter 267 Be My Woman

"Too...too little..."

Zhou Ji was stupefied, feeling like a thunderclap. He was so startled by Jiang Chen's words that he almost jumped up from the ground.

Even if it is a terminal illness that cannot be cured by modern science, spending [-] million to treat it, no matter what, it will not be less, right?At most, there is no way to cure it.

The consultation fee is [-] million. It is not an exaggeration to say that the price is sky-high. Jiang Chen actually thinks it is too little, and hesitates whether to treat the disease. This is completely a lion's mouth, asking for money.

No, even if you want money to death, isn't that how you want money?This is simply the rhythm of going crazy.

Zhou Ji wished he could knock open Jiang Chen's head to see if Jiang Chen's brain circuits were different from ordinary people's. How could he have the nerve to say so?

Besides, even Sleeping Beauty's disease is very difficult to cure, very difficult to cure, for the sake of her being a charming and lively beauty, can't she be a little cheaper and give a small discount?What do you mean by saying too little?
What is this called?
This is called IQ touching, okay?No, IQ and EQ are touching.

Anyway, Zhou Ji was slandering Jiang Chen to death in his heart. He felt that Jiang Chen was usually quite smart, so how could he be messed up at a critical moment?

It was the same with Chen Sen just now, he pretended to be so cool, but half of the coolness ended unfinished.

The same goes for treating Sleeping Beauty, how domineering and sideways it is to rush up and grab her little hands, you don't want to be a domineering president, this opening is all exposed.

"One hundred million? Too little? Doctor Jiang, are you sure you're not joking?" Uncle Zhong's expression became uneasy.

When he went to pick up Jiang Chen at the door, Jiang Chen asked about money as soon as he opened his mouth, which made him understand that Jiang Chen was probably here for money, which already made his impression of Jiang Chen not very good.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen actually said that the money was short, which made Uncle Zhong's impression of Jiang Chen drop to the freezing point. Roll as far as you can.

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face and said solemnly.

"Okay, I'll pretend you're not joking, how much do you want to treat Miss?" Taking a breath of cold air and suppressing the anger in his heart, Uncle Zhong asked.

"Money is a trivial matter. It's not a matter of more money or less money." Jiang Chen shook his head, became more serious, and suddenly said to the woman: "What do you think of me?"

"What do you want to express?" Different from Zhou Ji's shock and Uncle Zhong's dissatisfaction, the expression on the woman's face has not changed much.

"Oh, I just want to ask you, for the sake of my handsome face, how likely is it that you will fall in love with me?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Huh?" Xiumei frowned slightly, and the expression on the woman's face finally changed a little.

"I didn't complete what I said just now. One hundred million is too little for a consultation. I still feel that it is too little. It's really not a money problem, but a human problem, and that person is you." Jiang Chen is good at it. Pointing at the woman, he said, "Come on, be my woman, and I'll treat your illness."

The woman's eyes were shining brightly, and the expression on her face was quietly removed, replaced by endless frost, as if there was darkness filling the sky.

"Of course, it's not my Jiang Chen's habit to force others to make things difficult. If you figure it out, contact me anytime." Jiang Chen smiled, shrugged, waved at the stunned Zhou Ji, and walked out in a big way.

"Miss, do you want it?" When Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji left, Uncle Zhong made a gesture of cutting down with his right hand.

In Uncle Zhong’s view, Jiang Chen is really daring. No wonder he said that the money is too little. Dare is the idea of ​​wanting people without money. In that way, he can get both money and sex in the end. It’s really a big ambition , This made Uncle Zhong angry.

"No need for now, this Jiang Chen is a bit weird, let's have a look first." Reminiscent of the words Jiang Chen said, although the woman's complexion was not very good-looking, she looked thoughtful.

15 minutes!

Zhou Ji naturally couldn't understand what this number meant, but she knew it very well.

She only had 15 minutes to talk, and after 15 minutes, she was about to fall asleep.And once you fall into a deep sleep, the next time you wake up, it will be eighteen hours later.

This also means that she now sleeps a full eighteen hours a day, and this sleep time has been getting longer.

If this state cannot be improved, then one day in the future, she will fall into a deep sleep forever and will never be able to wake up again.

And the title of Sleeping Beauty came from this, because she is a woman who spends more than five-sixths of the 24 hours a day sleeping.

"Miss, what do you mean?" Uncle Zhong also felt that Jiang Chen was a bit weird.

You know, Uncle Zhong could tell that Jiang Chen came here for money at the beginning, but later he suddenly aimed at his own lady, although Uncle Zhong never doubted his lady's charm, nor did he think that Jiang Chen The boy with a fresh blood can resist the charm of his young lady, but Jiang Chen's attitude changed too quickly.

"Send someone to investigate Jiang Chen's origin, I want all his information." After pondering for a while, the woman said: "In addition, spread the news and increase the consultation fee to one billion."

"Yes." Uncle Zhong nodded.

One billion is not a small number.

In the past, the [-] million consultation fee caused countless people to go crazy. This time, the ten-fold increase in one breath is destined to make them even more crazy.Even if it takes [-] billion, Uncle Zhong won't think there is a big problem.

"Go down, I'm going to rest." The woman said with a light wave of her jade hand.

Uncle Zhong bowed towards the woman, and walked out respectfully.


"Jiang Shao, walk slowly, wait for me." As soon as he walked out of the villa, Zhou Ji yelled loudly, walked quickly, and caught up with Jiang Chen in front of him.

Jiang Chen didn't know what he was thinking, the expression on his face was fluctuating, and he couldn't hear Zhou Ji's voice. It wasn't until Zhou Ji grabbed his arm that he withdrew his thoughts.

"Young Master Jiang, to be honest, I'm about to admire you to death." Zhou Ji said loudly, almost prostrated himself on the ground, and bowed to Jiang Chen.

Zhou Ji felt that he was wrong, outrageously wrong, but fortunately he still thought that Jiang Chen wanted money to die, but how could he have thought that Jiang Chen's methods were much, much better than he thought.

Where people want money, they want people at all.

Not to mention, if there is a choice between Yiyi and Sleeping Beauty, Zhou Jina will also choose Sleeping Beauty. After all, such a beautiful and enchanting beauty is not comparable to Yiyi.

As for billions and tens of billions, if Sleeping Beauty can really come up with so much money, then she will need people even more. When she tricks people into her hands, the money will fall into her pocket sooner or later.

It was also this point that made Zhou Ji admire Jiang Chen so much.

"Zhou Ji, from the perspective of a bystander, what do you think is the possibility of Sleeping Beauty falling in love with me?" Jiang Chen ignored Zhou Ji's bluster, and asked seriously.

"Jiang Shao, do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Zhou Ji said after hesitating.

"Of course it's the truth." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"The truth is, I think it's almost impossible." Zhou Ji said, after thinking about it, he decided not to hit Jiang Chen. It would be bad if Jiang Chen became angry. He changed his words and said, "Of course it's not a possibility None, maybe she's blind."

"Get out!" Jiang Chen kicked Zhou Ji, kicking Zhou Ji to the ground.

Zhou Ji got up from the ground with a grunt, and said with a smile: "Jiang Shao, I just like the advantage of your shamelessness."

"It's really not shameless this time, if Sleeping Beauty can't fall in love with me, she will die." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Zhou Ji's eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, tsk tsk, listen to this, what else could it be if it wasn't shameless?This shame is thicker than the walls of the Great Wall. Fortunately, Jiang Chen had the nerve to say such a thing, at least he would never be able to say it.

"Jiang Shao, did you say the wrong thing? It should be that if Sleeping Beauty didn't fall in love with you, you would die. Just call it something. You'll be haggard because of Yixiao, and your clothes will get wider and wider, and you won't regret it at all?" Zhou Jiwen creaked Said.

Jiang Chen smiled, but didn't say anything more.

He knew that what he said just now was too shocking, it was easy to draw people's daydreams, and there was a taste of coercion and coercion.However, according to Jiang Chen's original intention, in this situation, either possess or destroy.

Speaking of it, his performance is quite restrained, and this is also because he is now living in a relatively harmonious and peaceful living environment like the earth, not the cruel world of cultivation like the True Spirit Continent.

The reason why Jiang Chen had such two different mentalities was that when he was taking Sleeping Beauty's pulse, he accidentally discovered it, which made him feel extremely shocked.

That is, Sleeping Beauty's physique actually belongs to the body of the wood spirit, which is not one among thousands.

You know, looking at the True Spirit Continent, it is boundless, with a population of billions, and wood spirit bodies are very rare.And the earth, with a population of only billions, has a body of wood spirits. How can Jiang Chen not be shocked by this?
The body of the wood spirit, compared with the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, is a born and powerful body for cultivation. Once you embark on the road of cultivation, you will make rapid progress at an astonishing speed, and you will be extremely evil.

Amazing vitality, super self-healing ability, innate closeness, terrifying auxiliary attack, no matter what kind, it all shows that this kind of physique is inherently extraordinary.

If this kind of physique appeared in the True Spirit Continent, it would definitely be looted by all races. In the major holy places, there would be extraordinary existences like saints and saints.

This is a natural evildoer. Even if Jiang Chen claims to be a genius, it is far from it. This will naturally make Jiang Chen have thoughts of possession or destruction. Moreover, such thoughts, in a certain moment, are extremely powerful. strong!

It was very easy for Jiang Chen to destroy Sleeping Beauty, or in other words, he didn't have to do anything at all, Sleeping Beauty was already destroying herself.

If this situation continues to develop, if it cannot be effectively relieved, within a few years, Sleeping Beauty will sleep forever and become a real Sleeping Beauty.

She will not die, and she can even live longer than ordinary people, and even her five sense organs and six senses still exist after a deep sleep. Death is more cruel.

If Jiang Chen wanted to save Sleeping Beauty, it would be a very simple matter.

Because Sleeping Beauty is not sick at all, he just needs to give Sleeping Beauty a key to open the door to the world, and that key is to let Sleeping Beauty embark on the road of cultivation.

Salvation or destruction is entirely in Jiang Chen's thought!
(End of this chapter)

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