genius evil

Chapter 268 I Like Your Shamelessness

Chapter 268 I Like Your Shamelessness

Earth, after all, is not a cultivation world.

To kill a genius, or to put it another way, to kill a genius who doesn't know he is a genius, for Jiang Chen, this kind of thing will not give Jiang Chen a sense of accomplishment or pleasure, on the contrary, it will be quite regrettable.

From the point of view of his original intention, Jiang Chen did not want to do such a thing as killing.

He put forward the condition of letting Sleeping Beauty be his woman, which meant that he wanted to save Sleeping Beauty more.

It has nothing to do with beauty, but this kind of physique, which is hard to find in millions.

To kill it or let it self-destruct is undoubtedly a disastrous thing.

However, no matter how rare Sleeping Beauty's physique is, Jiang Chen cannot unconditionally help Sleeping Beauty. Only when Sleeping Beauty becomes his woman and falls in love with her, can he lead Sleeping Beauty to cultivate.

This is not selfishness, but, the matter of self-cultivation is Jiang Chen's biggest secret at present. He is not from Earth. Once the matter of self-cultivation is exposed, more secrets are likely to be exposed.

Another point is that the Nanxing Lake suicide case has always left a deep shadow in Jiang Chen's heart, or it has always given Jiang Chen a sense of potential crisis.

Before he was strong enough, he would not put himself in a dangerous situation again, so he had to act cautiously.

"Earth, the body of the wood spirit, is it an accident or a coincidence? What is the origin of Sleeping Beauty?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself in his heart. For a moment, his thoughts flashed and were complicated.

How did Zhou Ji know that so many thoughts popped up in Jiang Chen's mind in an instant.

Jiang Chen didn't answer him, he was still rambling on and on, suddenly he didn't know what he thought of, Zhou Ji said in surprise: "Jiang Shao, you are An Qi's boyfriend, my future Brother-in-law, you are blatantly picking up girls under my nose, thinking of stepping on two boats, do you think this approach is too much?"

With a movement of his arm, a silver needle suddenly appeared between Jiang Chen's two fingers.

Seeing the silver needle, Zhou Ji was startled. He jumped back two steps in shock and said, "Young Master Jiang, what are you doing? Let's talk carefully. A gentleman uses his mouth and doesn't move."

"Well, I was thinking, you know so much, should I kill someone to silence you?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Don't, actually I don't know much at all." Zhou Ji said hastily.

"Then you're sure you won't tell Squad Leader Xu about today's matter, right?" Jiang Chen smiled, the threat palpable in his words.

"Jiang Shao, what you said is wrong. Do you think I am the kind of person who likes to make small reports? Let me tell you, I have always been righteous, and I am famous for my brotherly loyalty. Little Song Jiang, what he said is that he's just letting me down." Zhou Ji brought his brazenness to the extreme.

"That's right. I like your shamelessness. Help me with one thing. I want information about Sleeping Beauty. The more detailed the better...By the way, what's Sleeping Beauty's name?" Jiang Chen asked.

Zhou Ji curled his lips secretly, this guy didn't even ask his name, he just wanted to flirt with him, but he said: "Ling Qingluo."

"Qingluo? The body of the wood spirit, interesting." Jiang Chen grinned lightly, took Zhou Ji, and left the nursing home.

After leaving the gate of the nursing home, Jiang Chen opened the door and was about to get into the car when he suddenly saw a car galloping towards him.

It was a black business car. After the car drove over, before the car came to a complete stop, a figure just pushed the door and jumped out, rushing to the doorman's registration office.

After registering, the woman ran back in a hurry, with a look of anxiety and sadness on her face.

"Qi Qian, what happened?" Jiang Chen asked, this woman was none other than the bastard he had dealt with before, namely Han Ye's girlfriend Qi Qian.

Han Ye had a good impression on Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen also remembered Qi Qian as a woman.

"It's you?" Hearing Jiang Chen's call, Qi Qian stopped and turned her head to look at Jiang Chen.

"Why are you here?" Qi Qian asked.

"Did something happen?" Jiang Chen didn't answer Qi Qian's question, but asked again.

He could tell that Qi Qian's state was very wrong, and it seemed that something serious had happened, otherwise this woman with a bit of a pungent personality would not be in such a state.

"It's Han Ye... something happened to Han Ye, and He Kun ordered someone to beat him up." Qi Qian choked up, and tears came out.

"Very serious?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Qi Qian nodded lightly, didn't say much, and opened the rear door of the business car forcefully, and then Jiang Chen saw a blood-stained figure lying curled up on the back seat, it was Han Ye.

Han Ye obviously passed out, the clothes on his body were broken in many places, and what was even more shocking was his head, which had obviously been hit with a blunt instrument, and had a wound with rolled flesh.

"He Kun, that kid, his attack was too ruthless. This is to punish Han Ye to death." Zhou Ji followed to have a look, and smacked his mouth.

Hearing the sound, Qi Qian glanced at Jiang Chen, hesitated before saying, "You have to be careful, then He Kun is looking for you everywhere now."

"Then let him come to me." Jiang Chen said lightly, moving his wrist a few times quickly, a few silver needles were stuck in the key parts of Han Ye's injured body.

Following Jiang Chen's silver needle shot, the bleeding on Han Ye's head that was bleeding stopped instantly. Qi Qian glanced at it, but couldn't see anything, while Zhou Ji let out a hey, and said, "Then what?" Kun is really going to look for Young Master Jiang, so things will be fun."

It's fun, of course He Kun took the initiative to send him to his door looking for death!

To be honest, Zhou Ji was quite looking forward to this happening. He just wanted to see what it would be like to see He Kun being slapped in the face by Jiang Chen. You know, He Kun is a very arrogant guy, and he has been deflated a few times. of.

Besides, watching the excitement for free anyway, no matter standing or sitting watching, the back will not hurt.

"Why, you know that He Kun?" Jiang Chen asked with his head sideways.

"How can I not know him? That guy is very domineering and arrogant. Because of his relationship with the Bai family, he has done a lot of immoral things." At the end, Zhou Ji took a look at Qi Qian and said, "Qi Qian, you are pretending If you don’t know me or what’s going on, I know that sooner or later something will go wrong with you and Han Ye.”

Tiannan City is very big if you say it is big, but it is very small if you say it is small.

Zhou Ji's identity is almost at the same level as Han Ye and He Kun, which means that he is in the same circle.

Moreover, the matter between Han Ye and Qi Qian was full of trouble because of He Kun, but many people were watching the excitement, so it depends on how He Kun made things worse.

No, He Kun made things worse after all, but it seems that not only Han Ye was involved this time, but even Jiang Chen was involved.

This made Zhou Jilue a little curious, Jiang Chen had only been in Tiannan City for a day or two, how did he get to know Han Ye and Qi Qian?It seems that the relationship is not bad?
"So, He Kun is a member of the Bai family?" Jiang Chen was not familiar with the situation in Tiannan City, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that his eyes were dark, so he asked.

"He just thinks he's from the Bai family. How can the Bai family value him? He's not even a collateral. Of course, such a small relationship is enough to make He Kun walk sideways. "Zhou Ji said sourly.

The three major families in the provincial capital are Bai Guantong.

With such a ranking, the weight of the family is inadvertently highlighted.

The Bai family ranked first among the three major families, and the amount of energy can be imagined. This also relieved Jiang Chen. No wonder Han Ye kept giving in and avoiding when conflicts occurred. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

The Han family is actually not too bad. Even if it is not as good as the first-class family like the Song family, it is still one of the top second-rate families. But that is a thing of the past. After the death of Han Ye's father, the Han family left. As they went up and downhill, the situation went from bad to worse, but the He family hugged the Bai family's thigh tightly and went all the way up.

In this way, when He Kun bullied Han Ye, he would naturally have no psychological burden at all. He slapped Han Ye openly in the face, which was not something that happened once or twice.

If it wasn't for He Kun in the western restaurant, if He Kun really went too far, it is estimated that Han Ye would continue to endure.After all, if there is no other way, Han Ye doesn't want to turn against He Kun.

And the price of turning his face is beyond Han Ye's ability to bear, such as the current situation.

"Let's not talk about it, just drive with me, you don't need to go into this nursing home." After a few words, Jiang Chen said.

"This is you?" Qi Qian anxiously brought Han Ye here to treat Han Ye. She hasn't entered yet, so how can she leave.

"It's nothing. What Jiang Shao meant was that he treated Han Ye's wounds himself." Zhou Ji reminded carelessly, feeling a little envious of Han Ye's luck in stepping on dog shit.

Jiang Chen treated Sleeping Beauty, and the lion opened his mouth to make him panic with embarrassment. This treatment for Han Ye is nothing more than a white cure.

Qi Qian saw that Jiang Chen had given Han Ye the needle to stop the bleeding just now, the technique was familiar, and the needle was effective, so she thought that Jiang Chen might be a doctor, and his medical skills should be quite good.Looking at Zhou Ji's attitude towards Jiang Chen, he knew that Jiang Chen's status was unusual, so he probably wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, so he nodded quickly.

As for Xu Anqi, Qi Qian didn't know her. In the huge Tiannan City, not many people knew Xu Anqi, except for a few families who paid close attention to the Xu family.

One is that Mr. Xu protected Xu Anqi too well, and the other is that Xu Anqi is still a student, and she studied in Yilan City in high school, so she didn't have many opportunities to show her face.

Otherwise, through Xu Anqi, Qi Qian could get to know Jiang Chen sideways.

After the three of them got into the car, Zhou Ji drove the car ahead to lead the way, while Qi Qian followed behind in a commercial vehicle, and together they went to the villa where Mr. Xu lived.

"Then Han Ye was beaten to death, Qi Qian didn't send him to the hospital, what is he doing in this nursing home?" Jiang Chen asked a little strangely after the car drove for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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