genius evil

Chapter 269 Taking Other People's Cars to Pick Up My Girl

Chapter 269 Taking Other People's Cars to Pick Up My Girl
Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Zhou Ji looked at Jiang Chen strangely, and said, "Young Master Jiang, this nursing home is the best hospital in Tiannan City."

The best meaning often means the most expensive, and this nursing home, which doesn't even have a name and is unknown to the public, is indeed the most expensive.

"This sanatorium is related to Sleeping Beauty, right?" Instead, Jiang Chen asked again.

"Jiang Shao, you are so smart, you have already guessed everything before I said anything." Zhou Ji flattered desperately.

The actual owner of this sanatorium is none other than Ling Qingluo, the Sleeping Beauty.

Ling Qingluo is the creator of this sanatorium. At the beginning of its establishment, the sanatorium was used for Ling Qingluo's private recuperation. Later, with the expansion of the scale and medical team, in order to divert expenses, it gradually accepted outside business.

Of course, when it comes to accepting business from outsiders, at least 90.00% of the people are turned away by the exorbitant medical expenses alone, and they are not even qualified to step into the gate of the nursing home.

This is also the reason why the interior of this nursing home is quite quiet.

"Your flattery is too disgusting." Jiang Chen's face was full of disgust.

"Is there? Did I flatter?" Zhou Ji pretended to be crazy, even if he was flattering, he couldn't directly admit that he was flattering, okay?Otherwise, this flattery will have no effect.

Near Zhu Zhechi, near the ink is black.

One thing I have to say is that Zhou Ji and Jiang Chen were mixed together, and they didn't learn anything else. This face is much thicker than before.

Because Han Ye's injury needs to be dealt with, Zhou Ji drove much faster than when he came here. It only took about forty minutes. The two cars, one in front and one behind, drove into Xu's residence. Villa estate.

The villa manor where the Xu family lives is quite large, and there are single-family villas inside. The distance between the two villas is very far, which absolutely protects the privacy of the residents. Naturally, the price of the villas here is also It's ridiculously high.

From a distance, I saw three cars parked outside the courtyard of the villa, one was a Lamborghini with a cool shape, and the other two were two big bread cars.

Seeing the Lamborghini, Zhou Ji was stunned for a moment, and said, "Young Master Jiang, that car seems to belong to He Kun. You said that guy He Kun probably came to his door."

Jiang Chen didn't answer this question. In fact, he didn't need to answer this question, because he had already seen He Kun.

"This guy, isn't he impatient?" At this time, Zhou Ji also saw He Kun, and he drove the car over and stopped beside the Lamborghini.

"He Kun, what are you doing here?" As soon as the car stopped, Zhou Ji got out of the car and said in an unfriendly tone.

"So it's Young Master Zhou, why, I'm not welcome here?" He Kun said in a haughty tone.

He Kun, even Han Ye never paid attention to him, let alone Zhou Ji in front of him.

Even if the Han family has fallen, it has once been brilliant. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, isn't it?As for the Zhou family where Zhou Ji belonged to, it has never been brilliant, and He Kun just doesn't take Zhou Ji seriously.

"You're right, you are indeed not welcome, get out before I get angry." Before Zhou Ji could speak, Jiang Chen, who got out of the car and walked over, said coldly.

"Haha, you told me to fuck off, are you sure you're not out of your mind?" He Kun sneered while staring at Jiang Chen.

He Kun also just came here, and was planning to rush into the villa to drag Jiang Chen out, but this is not a big deal, Jiang Chen just appeared in front of him on his own initiative, how can He Kun be unhappy.

And the reason why he found this place was naturally because of Xu Anqi's relationship. After a little inquiring, he figured out that the little beauty who followed Jiang Chen was called Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi from the Xu family.

In the past, the background of the Xu family might make He Kun a little bit afraid, but the situation is very different now, with many forces eyeing them, and they want to be on the fat of the Xu family at any time. After taking a bite, He Kun didn't take the Xu family seriously, and after a little inquiring, he brought someone over.

As for who Jiang Chen was and what kind of identity he was, He Kun was too lazy to inquire about it. He didn't even bother to know Jiang Chen's name.

It was precisely because he didn't know who Jiang Chen was that he was as arrogant as ever. Otherwise, He Kun might have to weigh his actions carefully.

"You are mentally ill." As soon as Zhou Ji raised his hand, Zhou Ji slapped He Kun in the face.

"Zhou Ji, you dare to hit me?" He Kun was stunned, completely stunned, he stared at Zhou Ji suspiciously and angrily, wishing to tear a piece of flesh and blood off Zhou Ji.

"Oh, I didn't want to slap you. I slapped you on behalf of Young Master Jiang, so as not to dirty Young Master Jiang's hands." Zhou Ji put all the responsibility on Jiang Chen.

Of course, the reason why he dared to slap He Kun was also because of Jiang Chen's presence, otherwise he would only have conflicts with He Kun unless he was ill.

"Zhou Ji, you are finished, and you, you are also finished." He Kun nodded Zhou Ji with his hands, and then Jiang Chen, and then waved, the doors of the two large vans swung open, and there were more than a dozen roads. The figure rushed over quickly.

When He Kun came to trouble Jiang Chen, he was naturally prepared. He didn't do anything, but Zhou Ji did.How could this keep He Kun from being angry.

"Hit me, hit me to death." He Kun ordered loudly when the dozen or so people rushed over.

"Jiang Shao, I've always been a person who doesn't use my hands, so you should do something like this." Zhou Ji took two steps back and hid behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was speechless, but when the dozen or so guys were gearing up to fight, they kicked them without even looking at them.

One kick, Jiang Chen only needs one kick to deal with these small shrimps and crabs.

To be honest, even if it was just a kick, Jiang Chen felt like a bully.

But there is no way, if he doesn't bully others, he will be bullied.

Following Jiang Chen's attack... no, it was a kick, and within a few seconds, those dozen or so people lay down on the ground one after another, crying like ghosts and wolves.

Then, Jiang Chen slapped He Kun's face.

"I really don't understand how you would be so stupid as to have the courage to bring someone to retaliate against me. Your situation can't be described as mentally ill. You are completely cerebral palsy." Jiang Chen said lazily.

He Kun was dumbfounded.

Firstly, he was a little confused by Jiang Chen's slap in the face, and secondly, Jiang Chen killed all the dozens of people he brought with him, and the shocking scene made him dizzy.

It's not that He Kun has never seen someone who can fight, but no matter how he can fight, at best, he can put all these dozen people together, and it will take some time, right?

Who is as perverted as Jiang Chen? In just a few seconds, not more than ten seconds, the people he brought with him lost their fighting power one by one, lying on the ground and unable to even get up.

"Okay, you can get out now, that's right, just get out, Lamborghini stays." Jiang Chen just slapped He Kun, and didn't do anything to He Kun again.

Just like what that bastard Zhou Ji said, hitting a bastard like He Kun would really get his hands dirty, and he wasn't even interested in slapping He Kun one more time.

"Jiang Shao, let him go like this?" Zhou Ji asked puzzled.

You know, he thought Jiang Chen would torture He Kun to death, how could he let it go so easily, he slapped He Kun in the face, if He Kun retaliated, even if he didn't dare to retaliate against Jiang Chen , what should I do if I retaliate against him?
"What if we don't let him go? Kill him?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I think it's a good idea." Zhou Ji nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, really watching the excitement and not afraid of big things.

"You think I'm stupid, this idiot is worth my fight?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, and said slowly: "Besides, he's going to die soon, so what does it matter if he kills him or not?"

"What is going to die soon?" Zhou Ji was even more puzzled.

"Well, it's not very fast, maybe I can live for another eight hours." Jiang Chen smiled.

He Kun and the people he brought left soon. When they came, they came with great momentum, and when they left, they all looked like bereaved dogs, especially the arrogant He Kun, who was slapped by Zhou Ji and Jiang Chen one after another. Not to mention sweeping the floor thoroughly, even getting into his beloved car.

Jiang Chen naturally noticed the venomous look in He Kun's eyes when he left, but he naturally didn't take it to heart. From the time He Kun appeared and made a move, He Kun had long been a dead person in his heart.

He, Jiang Chen, wants to die silently, and there are many ways. Logically speaking, for a small person like He Kun, Jiang Chen should not be so heavy handed, but it is obvious that He Kun is too good at jumping. Little people on the bright side are often more troublesome, Jiang Chen doesn't like trouble, so he can only send He Kun to die.

When Xu Anqi heard the movement, when she came out of the house, she happened to see Jiang Chen, and then saw the yellow Lamborghini.

"Jiang Chen, whose car is this?" Xu Anqi glanced at it and asked curiously.

"Mine, no, it's yours. I gave you a gift. Do you like it?" Jiang Chen walked over, put the car keys into Xu Anqi's hand, and said with a smile.

"Gift?" Xu Anqi was taken aback.

"That's right, it's a gift. Although it's not a holiday, nor is it your birthday, I think you'll like it, so..." Jiang Chen deliberately paused, spread his hands, and waited. Xu Anqi threw herself into her arms.

And it really didn't disappoint him, after a car and some sweet talk offensive, Xu Anqi threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms like a bird cuddling her.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ji felt as if he had seen hell. He dared Jiang Chen to ask He Kun to keep the car because of such an idea.

But is it really okay to pick up your girl with someone else's car?How could there be such a brazen person in this world?
In vain, he felt that he had learned by Jiang Chen's side, and almost learned how to be shameless. Judging from the situation, he didn't even learn a little bit...

(End of this chapter)

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