genius evil

Chapter 270 The First Good Show

Chapter 270 The Second Good Show

There were many wounds on Han Ye's body, but only one or two fatal wounds, especially the wound on the head was the most serious, but he couldn't die, Jiang Chen had a way to keep him alive.

After sending Han Ye to the villa, Jiang Chen quickly treated Han Ye's injuries, and the matter was over.

Of course, it would take quite a while for Han Ye to fully recover, but those have nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

After Qi Qian helped Han Ye take a bath and changed his clothes, she drove away with Han Ye.

Qi Qian's mood is very complicated, complicated and indescribable.

Originally, she was worried that He Kun would trouble Jiang Chen. After all, there was no conflict between Jiang Chen and He Kun. It was because of helping Han Ye that he provoked He Kun.

When He Kun appeared, she sat in the car and didn't come out, but she could see the situation clearly. Jiang Chen's combat power was too terrifying, completely inhuman.

God knows how fast her heart beat when the ten people brought by He Kun started to fight, and after Jiang Chen casually dealt with them, her heart beat even faster.

Even when he was in the western restaurant, he realized that Jiang Chen might not be simple, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would be so difficult.

Moreover, Jiang Chen also had a certain relationship with the Xu family, to be precise, it was related to Xu Anqi, but she also saw Xu Anqi and Jiang Chen hugging together.

"Han Ye." Through the rearview mirror, Qi Qian glanced at Han Ye who was lying on the back seat and hadn't woken up yet, Qi Qian murmured to herself.

She knew very well that it was Han Ye's luck to know Jiang Chen.

Next, even if He Kun wants to take revenge, then Jiang Chen will be the first to bear the brunt, and Han Ye may have time to heal his injuries in peace.

It wasn't that Qi Qian was selfish and pushed these troubles on Jiang Chen, but she felt that Jiang Chen had the ability to deal with He Kun, but Han Ye didn't.

Naturally, Qi Qian would not know that after today, He Kun would no longer be able to trouble anyone.

"Squad Leader Xu, let me take you for a drive, and watch another movie by the way." As soon as Qi Qian left, Jiang Chen said to Xu Anqi.

For things like picking up girls, all you need is to strike while the iron is hot. Xu Anqi has already taken the initiative to throw herself into her arms. Will it be far from taking the initiative to climb into his bed?
Jiang Chen, who is well versed in the essence of picking up girls, naturally wants to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Xu Anqi blushed slightly, knowing that Jiang Chen was going to play tricks again.

She threw herself into her arms just now, not for the sake of the Lamborghini, she is not interested in cars, no matter how expensive the car is, to her, it is just an ordinary means of transportation.

Jiang Chen said to go to a movie again, Xu Anqi felt a little weak when thinking of what happened in the theater last time, not knowing whether to agree or reject.

If you agree, you feel bad; if you refuse, you feel wrong again, and you will feel shy.

"Squad leader Xu, you must be thinking about what movie to watch, right? Don't think about it, anyway, we don't really go to the movies." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Xu Anqi's face turned even redder. Of course she understood that Jiang Chen didn't really want to go to the movies with her, but how could she say so directly? Grandpa and Zhou Ji were watching.


Xu Shi couldn't stand it anymore, Mr. Xu coughed lightly.

"Squad Leader Xu, did you hear the old man's cough? The old man is not feeling well and needs to rest, so let's not disturb his rest, let's go quickly." Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Old man, I am in good health, I don't feel well at all." Mr. Xu blew his beard and stared.

The relationship between Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi is not clear, it is not a matter of a day or two. Regarding this matter, Mr. Xu's usual attitude is to turn a blind eye to it, but Jiang Chen actually made a fuss in front of his old man. Xu Anqi, if she doesn't care anymore, Xu Anqi will really be deceived by Jiang Chen.

"Is the old man not feeling well?" Blinking his eyes, Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said, "But I obviously heard you cough."


Old Master Xu coughed again, this time he was purely angry at Jiang Chen.

"An Qi, accompany me to the company in the afternoon." Old Master Xu said to Xu Anqi, ignoring Jiang Chen lazily.

Jiang Chen's face immediately collapsed, while Xu Anqi covered her lips and chuckled lightly, her dimple was like a flower!
In the afternoon, Mr. Xu really took Xu Anqi away.

Zhou Ji didn't know what he was busy with, so he also left. In the huge villa, apart from the servants, Jiang Chen was the only one left.

Everyone has something to do, but he has become an idler.

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be in a hurry to deal with that guy He Kun." Jiang Chen muttered, this feeling of doing nothing is really not good at all.

"Why don't you call that girl Fairy Tale?" Jiang Chen muttered again.

Fairytale is a member of the Tong family. Jiang Chen already knew about this. He came to Tiannan City this time to meet Fairytale. That person is like a woman who loves fairytale stories. Among the many women I have seen, she has the most peculiar personality and hobbies.

With a thought, Jiang Chen picked up the cell phone and was about to call Fairy Tale, but before he could dial the number, his cell phone rang.

Taking a look, he saw that it was an unfamiliar number, Jiang Chen answered it lazily, and pressed the button casually, but very quickly, the unfamiliar number was dialed in again.

"Who?" Jiang Chen answered the phone a little annoyed.

"Jiang Chen, right?" A slightly hoarse mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone.

Even if he didn't have much research on these little tricks, how could Jiang Chen not be able to hear that the speaker used something like a voice changer to change the frequency of his voice.

"It's me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You can call me God." The other party smiled, in a very happy mood, and said, "Are you interested in playing a little game?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested at all." Jiang Chen refused without thinking.

Just kidding, this hide-and-seek guy who came out of nowhere, said he was going to play games when he said he was playing games, where should he put his face?
"But I don't think you can refuse, let me guess, you are in Xu's house now, right?" said the guy who called himself God.

"You can insult your own IQ, but I don't want my IQ to be insulted by you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The other party knew his mobile phone number and his name, and it was too simple to know where he was now. The so-called guessing was just a sham.

God laughed and said: "I heard that you are an interesting guy. The more interesting you are, the more I want to play this game with you. Remember what I said, this is a game you can't refuse."

"Reason." Jiang Chen was talking lazy nonsense.

"Grandpa Xu had a car accident two days ago. Fortunately, he was lucky. His old bones were not broken, but what if there is another car accident? What will happen?" God said calmly. .

"I know you have some tricks, maybe you can keep Mr. Xu safe, but this is only temporary, unless you stay in Tiannan City and don't leave, but what about the situation in Yilan City, can you take care of it? ’ continued God.

"It seems that I really have no way to refuse." There was a bit of coldness in Jiang Chen's voice.

"Don't mistake me for threatening you. I'm just telling you that I have enough reasons to convince you to play this game." God said calmly.

"Just click, how to play?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, around eight o'clock in the evening, there will be a car to pick you up outside the villa manor, you just need to get in the car. Remember, you have promised to play this game, I don't want you to go back on your word, and at the same time I I warn you, once you go back on your promises, the consequences will be unbearable." God snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

"It's not something I can bear, right? Then I hope that you can bear the consequences I bring to you." Jiang Chen sneered.

At around half o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen had just walked out of the villa manor when he saw a black car parked by the side of the road.

Jiang Chen walked over, opened the car door casually, and sat in the passenger seat.

"Jiang Chen, you're already in the car, right?" The car just started when God's call came in again.

"Worried that I will backtrack?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"No, I'm not worried about you because you're a smart guy, but you know, smart people get confused sometimes, like right now, I guess, you're going to get your hands on the driver right away and check on me identity," said God.

"It seems that I don't need to do useless work." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Don't feel depressed, soon, you will know how fun and exciting this game is, enjoy the feast I prepared for you." God said proudly;

The car was driving on the road, making seven turns and eight turns, obviously taking a detour. It took a full hour for it to finally stop at the gate of an inconspicuous abandoned factory on the outskirts of Tiannan City.

The car stopped, and the driver got off and led the way, leading Jiang Chen into the factory.

Just after entering the factory, a middle-aged man greeted him inside. When he saw Jiang Chen, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "It's your turn soon. I hope you don't disappoint me too much with your performance tonight. Well, you know, I'm betting heavily on you."

"Really?" Jiang Chen raised his hand violently, and with a stretch of his right hand, he grabbed the middle-aged man's neck and lifted the middle-aged man up.

"Tell me, who is that guy who hides his head and tail?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"It's useless, I don't know anything, even if you kill me, you won't get any information you want." The middle-aged man shook his head and said, looking at Jiang Chen with pity.

"You think I'll believe your words?" Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"You don't have to believe my words, but you will soon understand that I have no reason to lie to you." The middle-aged man gasped.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen ordered as soon as he let go.

The factory has been abandoned for many years, no matter whether it is inside or outside, it is inconspicuous, but when a rusty iron door was pushed open, and after seeing the scene inside, Jiang Chen immediately understood why the middle-aged man would say that he was not cheating His reason!

(End of this chapter)

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