genius evil

Chapter 271

Chapter 271
Behind the iron gate is a relatively airtight space with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The incandescent lamps illuminate this space as if it were daytime. In the middle of it, there is a square arena.

From a little distance away, Jiang Chen could still clearly see that there were spots of blood on the ring.

At this time, there was a person standing above the ring, it was a strong white man, when he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, the strong white man turned his head, glanced towards Jiang Chen, then hooked his finger, He made a provocative gesture towards Jiang Chen.

However, what attracted Jiang Chen's attention was not that side of the ring, nor was it the strong white man on the ring who provoked him. What attracted Jiang Chen was the densely packed cameras in this space, and the wall hanging on the wall. Remote CCTV.

Here, it is an underground boxing ring!
"What should I do?" After a few glances, Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"Go to the ring and beat him; or, be knocked down by him." The middle-aged man pointed to the strong white man on the ring and said.

"Rules?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, there are no rules. The battle can only end when one party dies." The middle-aged man whispered.

"It's bloody and brutal, but I like it." Grinning, Jiang Chen chuckled.


Hearing the sound, the middle-aged man was slightly startled, what did he hear?He actually heard Jiang Chen say he likes it!
Did he hear it wrong, or did Jiang Chen say something wrong?

You know, almost none of the guys who appeared in this underground boxing ring came here through normal channels.

Most of them were desperadoes, sent here through special channels, and the other part, like Jiang Chen, were forced to enter here.

This is a place without rules, and even those desperadoes will never say they like it. After all, in this place, either killing or being killed, there is no third choice.

Unless you are crazy, you will like it.

The middle-aged man didn't think Jiang Chen was a lunatic, because he could tell that Jiang Chen was very calm. This guy with a gentle face and a thin body even had the immature aura unique to students.

In fact, Jiang Chen was indeed a student.

So what exactly does liking mean?Do you like it here, or do you like to kill?
Jiang Chen didn't care what the middle-aged man was thinking, he walked towards the ring step by step, and went directly onto the ring.

"Go ahead." Jiang Chen said.

The strong white man didn't know if he understood Jiang Chen's words, but just after Jiang Chen's words fell, he clenched his fist and went straight to Jiang Chen's head.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it. When the strong white man punched him, he just randomly kicked that guy's crotch, and then while the strong white man was howling in pain, he swept past him again. , Swept off the neck of the strong white man.

Like a kite with a broken string, the strong white man was swept off the ring by Jiang Chen's kick.

"Is that so?" Smiling slightly, Jiang Chen said to the stunned middle-aged man.

"Yes... yes..." The middle-aged man nodded subconsciously and said yes, looking at Jiang Chen as if he saw a ghost.

One must know that the burly, gorilla-like caucasian man has blown the heads of countless people in this underground boxing ring.

But for the two people who were clearly disparate in size, in front of Jiang Chen, the strong white man looked like a weak chicken, and Jiang Chen solved it with just two kicks.

He finally understood why the mysterious person said that he wanted him to bet heavily on Jiang Chen. With Jiang Chen's terrifying fighting power, it might not be impossible to win ten games in a row.

"This should be considered a warm-up, right?" Jiang Chen continued.

"That's right, according to the regulations, you need to play a total of ten games today, and there are nine other people." The middle-aged man explained.

"Call out all those nine people." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You mean, you hit nine of them?" The middle-aged man swallowed.

"Do I have another choice?" Jiang Chen was in a lazy state, "That guy told me, playing a game, I thought it should be very interesting, since it's so boring, let's end it early Bar."

"Do you want to think about it again?" The middle-aged man reminded.

"If you dare to say another word, I don't mind breaking your neck at all." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

One minute later, nine people appeared on the ring.

There are people of white race, black race and yellow race, all of them exude a strong bloody breath, and they all look at Jiang Chen with sharp eyes. The eyes that look at Jiang Chen like that are obviously looking at a prey or an animal. dead.

"Among you, is there anyone who can understand what I say?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"What do you want to say? Kneel down and beg for mercy?" To Jiang Chen's surprise, the one who answered Jiang Chen's question was not one of the two yellow men, but a big black man.

"Oh, I just think this game is boring, I just want to talk to you guys." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It seems that you like to talk nonsense." The mandarin of the black man was quite fluent.

"You will find out after a while that the time for me to talk nonsense is to give you time to survive. Of course, if any of you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, I might consider doing it a little lighter." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

"You're dead." The big black man smiled coldly, and he didn't know what he said to the other eight people. All of a sudden, the eight people rushed towards Jiang Chen like hungry wolves.

"It's really stupid. In fact, you can live a little longer, even if it is a second or two longer, why bother to die in such a hurry." Jiang Chen sighed regretfully, and with a silver needle in his hand, he shot out.

The nine people who rushed over were all stabbed with silver needles without exception, and they were all unable to move after that.

Jiang Chen walked over, stepped on a person's neck, and with a click, the neck bone of that person was crushed by his step, and he died instantly. Jiang Chen's foot moved slightly, and he stepped on another guy's neck ...

This is a very pure killing without any aesthetic feeling. Except for the sound of bones cracking, there is no other sound. It is like a silent horror movie. It is not bloody, cruel or tragic, but it combines all horror elements, All presented vividly.

One kick is to reap a life. When Jiang Chen finally stepped on the neck of the last person, the scalp of the middle-aged man was almost about to explode.

He is the contact person of this underground boxing arena. I don't know how many scenes of killing, and I don't know how many ways of killing people, but he has never seen a single one, and even his soul is trembling.


It's a devil!
Apart from these two words, the middle-aged man could no longer find any suitable adjectives to describe Jiang Chen.

"Can I leave now?" Jiang Chen asked, there was no smoke in his voice.

"Of course." The middle-aged man nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said quickly, lest if he spoke slowly, his neck would be broken by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled, and strode outside. Just as he walked out of the abandoned factory, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang again.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be so easy to deal with my well-prepared show. It seems that even if I tried my best to overestimate your existence, I still greatly underestimated you... However, thank you for giving I made a billion pocket money." The hoarse mechanical voice came to Jiang Chen's ears.

"Perhaps the best way to thank you is to take your head off and give it to me as a ball." Jiang Chen said lightly.

God laughed and said, "This game is not fun, but I am sure about you. Don't worry. Next, I will arrange better and more exciting games for you to play."

"Innocent idiot, do you think that I am here because I was threatened by you?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Isn't it?" God said noncommittally.

"First, I'm too bored. I wanted to find something to pass the time. I just came here to play your so-called game. Second, I want to kill people. I believe you have seen that for me, killing people is so important." A simple thing will not be more difficult than drinking water and eating." Jiang Chen said.

"So, you mean that you killed those guys on purpose to show me, to make an example to others? You are threatening me, right?" God said slowly after a moment of silence.

"If you can threaten me, of course I can also threaten you. This is a very simple truth, isn't it? Chi Kaize, have you thought about how to die?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You..." God was taken aback, his voice changed, and the shock was beyond words, and he couldn't hide it no matter what.

"You are really stupid if you say you are stupid. You are such a childish and pitiful guy. I just tried a little bit, so I can't hold back like this? Then I will ask you seriously, have you thought about how to die? ?” Jiang Chen laughed.

"Don't play tricks, it seems that you have already guessed that it was me, you just need a piece of evidence, even if I don't admit it, you will definitely believe it is mine, right?" Since Jiang Chen exposed it, Chi Kaize also Don't hide it anymore, said in a cold voice.

"You're right, who told me that I am a good-natured person, with friends all over the world, and you are the only one who has enemies. Even if you think about this kind of thing with your toes, you can think that it was you who did it. Do you admit it? What does it matter if you admit it?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen, it's too early for you to be complacent. This is just the beginning." Chi Kaize ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said sharply.

"Don't speak big words in front of me needlessly. This only proves that you are greedy for life and afraid of death. If you don't think about how to die, it doesn't matter. I will give you time to think about it slowly. If you think about it, call me anytime." Jiang Chen After speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Chi Kaize was already covered in cold sweat while pinching the phone.

Chi Kaize did not expect his identity to be exposed so easily, which meant that the revenge plan against Jiang Chen was completely disrupted, and what he would endure next would be Jiang Chen's endless revenge.

"Damn it!" Slamming the phone on the ground with force, Chi Kaize said viciously. At this moment, his heart was completely flustered!
(End of this chapter)

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