genius evil

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

This night is destined not to be a peaceful night.

Some people, after tonight, will suffer and wait to die, while some people have already died.

The person who died was He Kun.

Before He Kun died, he was tossing about on a big bed in a hotel, trying to vent his grievances and anger on the woman beneath him.

After He Kun finished venting, he died, a very miserable death without any warning, bleeding to death from seven orifices.

"Young Master Bai, I have received news that He Kun is dead." Uncle Li said to Bai Tian.

The news of He Kun's death was not deliberately spread out, but He Kun can be regarded as a member of the Bai family after all. After He Kun's death, the He family got the news, and immediately informed the Bai family. Uncle Li is here.

"How did you die?" Holding a cigar in his left hand and a cigar cutter in his right, he trimmed it carefully until the cigar in his hand was neatly trimmed, and he picked up a match to light it and smoke it. asked casually.

He knew He Kun.

But in the Bai family, there are not many people who really regard He Kun as a human being. At least in the eyes of Bai Tian, ​​He Kun is just a dog of the Bai family.

The life and death of a dog naturally does not require too much attention.

"It's very strange to die. It's hard to say whether it died on a woman's belly or by Jiang Chen's hands." Uncle Li knew Tian Tian's character, but if it wasn't for this matter, maybe it had something to do with Jiang Chen, he would have It will not disturb the daytime at night.

"Jiang Chen?"

As soon as he heard the words Jiang Chen, he exhaled a puff of smoke, took a look during the day, and said, "That idiot He Kun went to provoke Jiang Chen?"

"It should be that Jiang Chen provoked He Kun unintentionally." Uncle Li explained, and then explained the conflict between Jiang Chen and He Kun.

"Oh, you said, Jiang Chen said that He Kun lived for eight hours?" Frowning, he asked in doubt during the day.

"It is precisely because Jiang Chen said this that I think that He Kun's death may have something to do with Jiang Chen." Uncle Li nodded and said.

Calculating the time, the time of He Kun's death was not exactly eight hours after leaving Xu's house. Such a coincidence is too easy to associate.

Moreover, it may not really be a coincidence!

"If this is the case, then this matter is much more interesting." Said thoughtfully during the day.

"Young Master Bai, what do you think Jiang Chen did on He Kun's body? Can He Kun die silently?" Uncle Li asked suspiciously.

"According to our investigation of Jiang Chen's information, Jiang Chen seems to know some medical skills, and it belongs to the kind of Chinese medicine." Bai Tian smiled, and then said: "This is actually a small trick, some Chinese medicine can still do it, don't go too far Nervous. But since this matter has something to do with Jiang Chen, we can't just let it go."

"Young Master Bai, what do you mean?" Uncle Li asked.

"Then He Kun is just a dog of my Bai family, but even if it is a dog raised by my Bai family, it is not something that anyone can casually beat to death. Beating a dog depends on the face of the owner, right? Jiang Chen beat him to death I killed a dog of my Bai family, what do you think I should mean? At least you should come to the door and apologize to me." Said casually during the day.

"Apologize?" Uncle Li was taken aback, with a strange expression on his face.

Jiang Chen killed He Kun, all he needed was an apology?Before the day, he wasn't so generous. Even if he looked at Jiang Chen differently and wanted to recruit Jiang Chen, he wouldn't be so generous, right?

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" Hehe smiled and asked during the day.

"Young Master Bai, I think Jiang Chen shouldn't be too cheap." Uncle Li said truthfully.

"Oh, then do you think that, given Jiang Chen's character, he would willingly apologize to me?" Bai Tian asked with a half-smile.

"No." Uncle Li said without thinking.

In the end, he finally realized what he had planned during the day. The so-called apology was just a cover.

An apology is fake, but making Jiang Chen bow his head is real.

"But, since Jiang Chen won't be willing, what if he refuses?" Uncle Li said after thinking about it.

"Then, there's no need to give him another chance. I've always killed people who can't handle it directly." The voice in the daytime became indifferent.

From Bai Tian's point of view, he gave Jiang Chen two chances in total.

Once it was to give Jiang Chen a business card, and once it was this time.

The two chances meant to recruit Jiang Chen. This was already the limit of patience during the day. If Jiang Chen didn't know what to do, then there was no need for Jiang Chen to keep it.

This is the rule of the game during the day, simple and rude.

For a person like him who thinks he is superior, recruiting or killing someone is nothing more than a whim, and the fate of a small person is often just a matter of thought.


Is Jiang Chen a small person?
Perhaps in the eyes of some people, he is, for example, the Song family, such as the Bai family.

But Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't belittle himself and think that he is a small person. The starting point of his life in this life is so high. If even he is a small person, then what can be considered a real big person?
To Jiang Chen, this little game with Chi Kaize was just a boring pastime. It was far from being a fun game, but it also helped him pass some boring time.

Back at the Xu family villa, Mr. Xu and Xu Anqi had already fallen asleep. Jiang Chen had showered and walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. He was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

"Squad leader Xu came to knock on my door again." After listening for a while, Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Jiang Chen, is that you?" Soon there was a knock on the door. Outside the door, Xu Anqi's voice was soft, with a hint of laziness and sleepiness, clearly just waking up.

"Squad leader Xu, you came knocking on the door in the middle of the night, so you don't want me to eat again?" Jiang Chen opened the door and said with a smile.

"I just came to see if you're back." Xu Anqi said shyly.

Earlier, Jiang Chen had left the villa by himself without saying what to do, which made Xu Anqi quite worried. She couldn't sleep well, and when she heard some movement, she got up and came over to take a look.

"And then?" Jiang Chen looked expectant.

"Then, I went back to sleep." Xu Anqi blushed.

"Squad leader Xu, I don't study much, so don't lie to me. If you don't want to feed me down, why not let me feed you down. My skills are great, you must like it." Jiang Chen Said quickly.

"No." Xu Anqi hastily refused.

It was obviously cooking noodles, but Jiang Chen wanted to say something like below, and he said it in such an ambiguous manner, it was unbearable every minute.

Jiang Chen giggled, but he would not just let Xu Anqi leave like that. He grabbed Xu Anqi's arm, pulled Xu Anqi into the room, and closed the door smoothly.

"Then don't eat noodles, let's go to sleep, don't worry, it's just sleep...Really, look at my eyes, don't you look very innocent and naive, it's really just sleep, don't let your imagination run wild." Jiang Chen While talking, she sent Xu Anqi to the bed.

Xu Anqi was completely dazed by Jiang Chen's words. It's okay to say that she got into Jiang Chen's bed inexplicably last time, but this time it was also very inexplicable.

Jiang Chen was too domineering, he seemed to be asking for her opinion, but in fact, he was simply beheading before playing.

"Okay, you can go to sleep. By the way, do you want to take off your pajamas?" Jiang Chen followed and lay on the bed, pulled off the quilt, and wrapped them both up.

Xu Anqi's body was tense and she was so ashamed that she couldn't speak. She curled up nervously, leaving her back to Jiang Chen, speechless.

"Squad leader Xu, do you want me to help you take off your pajamas?" Jiang Chen touched it with one hand.

"Jiang Chen, have you thought about what university to take?" Xu Anqi asked suddenly.

"Squad leader Xu, it's your fault. Let's only talk about romance tonight, not study." Jiang Chen gently moved his hand over Xu Anqi's body.

"Shall we go to the same university in the future?" Xu Anqi tried her best to endure the itch, so as not to irritate Jiang Chen accidentally, and said softly.

"Squad Leader Xu, are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Xu Anqi giggled and said, "Jiang Chen, I really hope that the two of us will go to the same university, so you have to study hard."

Xu Anqi knew that Jiang Chen didn't like to study, but Jiang Chen could get a perfect score in mathematics even if he didn't study much. If he worked a little harder, she believed that Jiang Chen's score in the college entrance examination would definitely not be that bad.

Of course, Xu Anqi also has a little selfishness. Her selfishness is that she hopes that Jiang Chen can make some changes for her. As long as Jiang Chen is willing to do something for her, even if Jiang Chen's college entrance examination results are not ideal in the future, she will be very happy. of.

"And then?" Jiang Chen is a fine person, how could he not understand, Xu Anqi said so much, there must be a follow-up.

"Then, and then." Xu Anqi became coy.

"No, we have to say it now." Jiang Chen deliberately made it difficult.

"Then...and then...I'll be your girlfriend." Xu Anqi shrank her head under the quilt, her voice was like a gnat, inaudible.

"Squad leader Xu, even if I am admitted to the same university as you, it will be a month or two later. What will we do tonight? You won't let me stay on the empty bed cruelly, right?" Jiang Chen said. The tone, that is called a grievance.

Xu Anqi was going to get out of bed, but when she heard Jiang Chen's words, she couldn't get out of bed anymore. By some coincidence, her soft body gently arched in Jiang Chen's embrace, and Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation. , hugging Xu Anqi tightly in her arms.

"Squad leader Xu, you took the initiative this time, but I didn't do anything." Jiang Chen acted obediently after taking advantage of it, and the shy Xu Anqi's body was burning hot.She felt that Jiang Chen was really too bad, too hateful, how could he bully her like this?

And she was blaming herself a bit, she was clearly being bullied by Jiang Chen, but she had no strength to resist at all. Counting this time, since coming to Tiannan City, it was the second time that Jiang Chen took the initiative to send her to her door to be bullied. .

"This scoundrel will be bullied by him for the rest of his life." Xu Anqi thought in her heart, inexplicably flustered, inexplicably sweet!

(End of this chapter)

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