genius evil

Chapter 280 The Man Who Can't Stand the Seduction of Beauty

Chapter 280 The Man Who Can't Stand the Seduction of Beauty
The black Land Rover Discovery Sport stopped in front of a bar named Ye Shi.

The car belonged to Jiang Chen, and the driver was Zhou Ji.

Jiang Chen originally thought that since this bastard wanted to drive, he should drive his own car, but Zhou Ji said that he needed to attract more beauties' attention, so Jiang Chen reluctantly let him drive. own car.

Having said that, does a man like him need a car to attract women?

Too vulgar, too vulgar.

After Jiang Chen got off the car, he stood in front of the bar and made a coquettish poss, thinking about life.

Five minutes later, Jiang Chen couldn't help but yelled: "Zhou Ji, where's the beauty you promised? Get the hell out of here, I promise I won't beat you to death."

"Jiang Shao, it's not that there are no beauties, it's really your poss, who looks so stupid." Zhou Ji said aggrieved.

While talking, Zhou Ji rolled into the bar disheveledly. He didn't want to be beaten into a fool by Jiang Chen just because he told the truth.

Inside the night bar, there were already three people waiting, two men and one woman, when they saw Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji, they got up one after another.

"Zhou Ji, this must be Young Master Jiang." The only woman looked at Jiang Chen without blinking her eyes, as if she wanted to see clearly what was different about Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang." Zhou Ji acted as an intermediary to introduce, then pointed to the woman and said, "Gan Qing'er."

The last thing is to introduce the two men, the taller one is called Su Tai, and the shorter one is called Hu Yichun.

Jiang Chen was not interested in the two men, just like Gan Qinger looked at him without blinking, he also looked at Gan Qinger without blinking, just like Gan Qinger's face grew It looks like a flower, looking so serious and selfless.

"Am I pretty?" Gan Qing'er let Jiang Chen look at her, she never blushed shyly, but showed Jiang Chen openly.

"Not pretty." Jiang Chen was an honest man, and he always told the truth.

"You don't think I'm pretty, why are you still staring at me like this?" Gan Qing'er said unhappily.

Jiang Chen didn't answer her question, but asked, "Do you know a woman named Li Pan'er?"

"Who is Li Paner?" Gan Qinger asked confusedly.

"A woman just like you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Does she look like me?" Gan Qing'er looked very curious.

"It's not very similar, it's mainly about the temperament... well, do you understand the temperament? It means that you two are the same, you don't look very good-looking, the only thing in common is that you both have big breasts, and you look pretty good. " Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"You, I really hate you to death. You say you are not good-looking, and you are teasing him." Gan Qing'er coquettishly annoyed.

"Uh, did I tease you?" Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

"Stop talking, everyone is blushing." Gan Qing'er's eyes were watery.

"But I really didn't tease you." Jiang Chen felt that he had to speak clearly, he was not the kind of man who would eat anything and eat anything.

"Jiang Shao, I beg you, please don't say yes or no, if you go on, basically nothing will happen to the three of us tonight." Zhou Ji said with a bitter face.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"What else can happen? Didn't you see that Gan Qing'er was moved by the teasing you made? After a while, the two of you ran to open a room, what else can we three big men do?" Zhou Ji reminded.

"Zhou Ji, you are going to die. Believe it or not, I tore your mouth off." Gan Qing'er turned into a shrew in a second and yelled loudly.

"Jiang Shao, do you see that this woman is not so gentle to everyone." Zhou Ji threw Jiang Chen an ambiguous look.

Su Tai and Hu Yichun felt the same way, they had known Gan Qing'er for neither too long nor too shortly, but they had never seen Gan Qing'er be so gentle with any man, maybe they really fell in love with Jiang Chen.

"A good-looking man is in demand." Hu Yichun was filled with emotion, he himself belonged to that type of bad-looking man.

As for Su Tai, it's a little better, but the good is limited. After all, it doesn't look like the legendary tall, rich and handsome.

Molesting is more about teasing. After serving the wine, driven by Zhou Ji, the atmosphere was quite lively.

The purpose of this meeting tonight is to get to know each other... Jiang Chen's reputation in Tiannan City is not small, but it is in a certain circle, such as the Bai family, such as the Song family.

Su Tai and Hu Yichun knew that Jiang Chen existed because of He Kun. He Kun was scolded by Jiang Chen and even robbed of a car. This was done so forcefully that both of them were against each other. Jiang Chen was so impressed that he entrusted Zhou Ji to set up this game.

As for He Kun's death, both of them didn't associate it with Jiang Chen. Naturally, although Zhou Ji was faintly aware of this, it was impossible for him to spread the word all over the world.

After drinking for almost an hour, the drinking party ended, Su Tai and Hu Yichun left first, and Gan Qing'er left alone.

"Jiang Shao, be honest, are you interested in Gan Qing'er? If so, I will give you her mobile phone number... As for An Qi, I will definitely keep my mouth shut." Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji went to Walking outside the bar, Zhou Ji said, breathing heavily.

"What's the phone number?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Isn't it? Are you really interested in Gan Qing'er?" Zhou Ji was dumbfounded.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the number." Jiang Chen glared at the bastard.

Zhou Ji took out his mobile phone, sent Gan Qing'er's number to Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Shao, I was just joking, you must not do anything to be sorry for An Qi - ask me to order it for you." A hotel? I have membership cards for all the five-star hotels in Tiannan City, and I can get a [-]% discount."

"Am I such a casual man?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Jiang Shao, of course I know that you are not a casual man, you just can't resist the temptation of women." Zhou Ji said solemnly.


Jiang Chen raised his foot and kicked the guy like shit.

"As far as your thoughts go, you can go as far as you want." Jiang Chen was so angry, why he couldn't resist the temptation of women, he was just a little fraternal.

A black Bentley, like a ghost in the night, silently stopped on the side of the road in front of the bar.

In the back seat, the door opened, and a woman in a cheongsam got out of the car.

Where there is scenery, there will be people, but the existence of this woman is another interpretation of this sentence.

Where there are people, there is scenery.

She stood there, just standing quietly, not ostentatious or pretentious, she was already the best scenery in front of the night bar.

"Doctor Jiang, let's talk." The woman spoke softly.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Chen smiled and walked over.

"Talk about something that Dr. Jiang is interested in." Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, the woman stretched out her hand and made an inviting gesture, inviting Jiang Chen to get in the car.

"Jiang Shao, I'm not talking about you, but you are a man who can't stand the temptation of beauty." Watching the black Bentley leave, Zhou Ji wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth in a useless manner, and muttered to himself.

"This car is really nice, how much did you pay for it? When I have money, I plan to buy one and drive it." Sitting in the car, Jiang Chen was never quiet for a moment, touching here and there.

"If Doctor Jiang is interested, this car will be given to you." The woman didn't feel dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's actions, but looked at Jiang Chen's every move with great interest, and said.

"How embarrassing is this? It's not the so-called reward for no merit." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Since Doctor Jiang likes it, I'm just an adult beauty." The woman said softly.

"No, this matter is wrong." Jiang Chen suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?" The woman was taken aback and asked.

"What do you call this kind of behavior? It's called being courteous for nothing. It's either rape or robbery." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Master Jiang, you are worrying too much." The woman shook her head.

"So, what kind of behavior is this? Sleeping Beauty, you just said that you want to talk to me. Could it be that you have promised to be my woman, and this car is a token of love you gave me?" Eyes, Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

This woman was none other than the Sleeping Beauty Ling Qingluo who had met Jiang Chen once.

Sleeping Beauty is not only beautiful when she is sleeping, she is also beautiful when she is not sleeping. She has a 360-degree delicate face with no dead ends, a soft and graceful figure, and a variety of styles that are revealed inadvertently. It is to tug at the heartstrings of others.

"Master Jiang, I didn't answer this question for you last time. It's impossible for me to answer you now." Ling Qingluo said.

Even though Jiang Chen spoke so out of tune, she was still calm.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't talk too much, you just haven't figured it out yet."

Ling Qingluo didn't answer Jiang Chen's question. She stretched out her finger and pressed the car TV on the rear seat. Soon, a picture appeared on the TV screen.

First a teahouse appeared in the picture, then a black Land Rover appeared, and then, Jiang Chen and Chen Sen entered the teahouse...

"This thing is quite high-tech, I have to install one for my car when I have time." Jiang Chen looked very envious.

"Doctor Jiang, I think you already know what I'm going to talk to you about, let's make a deal." Ling Qingluo ignored Jiang Chen's gag, she said calmly.

"How about this deal?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"It's very simple, you cure me, and I help you wipe away all traces of Song Yang's death, Chen Sen's death, and even Chi Kaize's death, I can guarantee that no one will find out about you. "Ling Qingluo said slowly.

"How can you guarantee? If I remember correctly, Ji Feng is not dead." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"If Dr. Jiang wants Ji Feng to die, I don't mind sending him to die, but I don't think there is any need for it?" Ling Qingluo asked back.

"You are very smart, and you are very good at seizing opportunities." Jiang Chen stretched his waist and said lazily: "Unfortunately, there are not enough chips!"

(End of this chapter)

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