genius evil

Chapter 281 You will definitely take pity on me

Chapter 281 You will definitely take pity on me
"Master Jiang, maybe you have your own confidence, but you should be very clear about what the consequences will be if these things are obtained by the Song family? And can those consequences be something you can bear?" ?” Xiumei frowned slightly, Ling Qingluo said.

From Ling Qingluo's point of view, Jiang Chen sounded like a dead duck when he said such a thing.

Although the Song family was not comparable to the three major families of Bai Guantong, their energy was extraordinary, and according to the information she found, there was an old grudge between Jiang Chen and the Song family.

If the Song family found out that Song Yang's death was actually related to Jiang Chen, then it would be unknown whether Jiang Chen could leave Tiannan City alive.

Jiang Chen is very strong, but can he be strong enough to fight against a family alone?
Therefore, Jiang Chen's words made Ling Qingluo not very happy, and her complexion became much uglier.

"Sleeping Beauty, I said you are very smart, but unfortunately, you seriously underestimated my IQ." Jiang Chen sighed, and said helplessly, "Could it be that you think that I will be afraid of the Song family's revenge?"

Jiang Chen dared to send Song Yang to die, so he never worried about being retaliated by the Song family.

The main reason why he didn't do it himself was that he didn't like troubles. Furthermore, wouldn't it be more interesting to send Song Yang to his death in a dramatic way?
Jiang Chen has always thought that he is a very interesting man, so it is normal to do one or two interesting things, isn't it normal?

To be more specific, Jiang Chen didn't take Song Yang and the others seriously at all, it was because they took themselves too seriously.

It's that simple.

But it is obvious that Jiang Chen thinks it is very simple, but some people think it is complicated. Ji Feng is half of it, and Ling Qingluo is one.

It's understandable for Ji Feng to think it's complicated. After all, if Ji Feng doesn't want to die, he must do his best to fight for the chance to survive.

As for Ling Qingluo, in Jiang Chen's view, she was a bit presumptuous.

Even though she is a beautiful woman, making one or two small mistakes can be forgiven, but this kind of behavior of being kidnapped by someone for no reason really made Jiang Chen quite displeased.

Because Jiang Chen has always thought that he is a very smart man, how can he suppress his IQ without limit just because he has a handsome face?
"If I was really worried about being retaliated by the Song family, then would I be so stupid as to leave such an obvious handle?" After a pause, Jiang Chen continued.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen grinned, and said again: "You took this so-called handle to make a deal with me, a deal that you think you are right, but, from another angle , but you are forcing me to kill you to silence you."

Jiang Chen said three words in a row, and Ling Qingluo's complexion changed three times in a row. In the end, when Jiang Chen said something like killing someone to silence her, Ling Qingluo finally realized that she had taken it for granted.

Without waiting for Ling Qingluo to speak, Jiang Chen said again: "And I'm really curious, are you so sure that I can cure your illness? One thing, before it's no more than 50.00% sure, take such a big risk You haven't thought about the risk, maybe it will be nothing?"

"Even if I'm only [-]% sure, I must grasp it." Ling Qingluo said without doubt.

Ling Qingluo really didn't know whether Jiang Chen could cure herself, but since she had such an opportunity and she seized it, she would naturally not give up.

"Too naive." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"If you were me, you would understand that I have no choice at all." Ling Qingluo looked at Jiang Chen, and there seemed to be infinite sadness in those clear eyes.

"It's not that you don't have a choice, you just don't want to make that choice for the time being." Jiang Chen said lazily, curling his lips.

"You mean I must be your woman before you are willing?" Ling Qingluo's eyes flashed, and she quietly became a little more serious.

She had prepared meticulously, and the transaction hadn't even started, so it was nothing but a few words, but Jiang Chen's words were correct, she had a choice, and even more choices.

Apart from choosing to be Jiang Chen's woman, she could have other choices, she just didn't want to make that choice.

"This is a precondition that cannot be changed. Since you haven't prepared well, there is no need to talk about it." Jiang Chen patted the front seat while talking, and said, "Uncle Zhong, stop the car."

"Jiang Chen, you got into my car, do you think you can get off so easily?" Ling Qingluo said coldly.

At this time, she no longer called Jiang Chen "Jiang Miracle Doctor", but directly called Jiang Chen's name, with a cold and stern meaning beyond words.

With a smile, Jiang Chen said: "Although I am handsome, although I am good in bed, although I am known as the golden gun can not defeat the bully, although I have the title of Seven Times in a Night, but you are threatening me so blatantly!" , don’t let me get out of the car, is it because you plan to arrest me and be your husband?”

"Uncle Zhong, slap your mouth." Ling Qingluo said angrily.

At this moment, the Bentley that was driving stopped silently. Uncle Zhong opened the door to get out of the car, and opened the door of the rear seat again.

The car door opened, and Uncle Zhong stretched out a hand, directly clasped Jiang Chen's right arm, and then pulled Jiang Chen out of the car with a big hand.

Almost without stopping, Uncle Zhong slapped Jiang Chen's face with his other hand.

This series of actions was extremely clean and neat. If Ling Qingluo let Uncle Zhong slap Jiang Chen's mouth, Uncle Zhong would never slap Jiang Chen anywhere else.

Uncle Zhong's behavior style is just like his name, dedicated to his duty.

"Uncle Zhong, is it easy for me to have such a good-looking face? If you say slap in the face, you will slap in the face. Will you give me face?" Jiang Chen grinned, letting Uncle Zhong grab his right arm like an eagle catching a chick. When Uncle Zhong slapped him, his right foot bounced like an electric shock, kicking towards Uncle Zhong's crotch.

If Uncle Zhong's movements were fast and fierce, then Jiang Chen's kick could be described as lightning-fast.

Uncle Zhong's slap was only halfway out, and suddenly there was a chill between his legs. The chilly feeling made his old face feel slightly hot.

There is no way, Jiang Chen's counterattack is too shameless.

If he was really accidentally kicked by Jiang Chen, it would be too shameful!

Uncle Zhong didn't want such a shameful situation to happen, so he could only give up palming Jiang Chen's mouth, quickly released his right hand, and took advantage of the momentum to push it back a few steps.

"Uncle Zhong, I've always been very talkative, as long as you don't slap me in the face, you can do whatever you want." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Are you serious?" Uncle Zhong's gaze landed between Jiang Chen's legs.

He is quite old, and he didn't think about playing Twilight Love with half a foot in the coffin, but Jiang Chen is different, and Zi Lian is so flirtatious. If he accidentally destroys that thing, it will definitely be worse. Is it more difficult to die?

"I'm just talking casually. Uncle Zhong, you are quite old, why is your temper so hot? Isn't it good for everyone to be friendly, shake hands, drink a glass of red wine, and make friends?" Jiang Chen smiled embarrassingly, He hurriedly clamped his legs and clamped them tightly.

Just kidding, he doesn't want to be a man with broken eggs.

The honorary title of the last eunuch on earth should be left to other young people with aspirations.

"If you really want to make friends with Miss, you won't be able to utter foul language." Uncle Zhong said coldly.

"Uncle Zhong, you made a mistake. Well, you're old, and I don't blame you for being confused... Actually, that's sweet talk." Jiang Chen said shyly.

"Hey, don't change your face so quickly, okay? This isn't singing Sichuan opera. There is a saying, even if you don't agree with me, then you should swear to defend my point of view, right?" Jiang Chen babbled Said.

"You talk too much nonsense." Uncle Zhong couldn't take it anymore, why is he so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
With this kind of suspicion, Uncle Zhong kicked like a thunderbolt, bringing a gust of cold wind and attacking Jiang Chen.

Bounced back, bent his knees, exerted strength on his ankles, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and kicked out when Uncle Zhong kicked him.


The two legs collided fiercely in mid-air, making a dull sound.

"Come again."

Licking his lips, Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice.

Uncle Zhong didn't speak, and kicked him sideways with his second kick.




The two legs collided several times in mid-air, and muffled sounds came out. Jiang Chen's eyes became brighter and his expression became more and more excited.

Speaking of which, since the battle with Song Yan, Jiang Chen hadn't been so hearty for a long time. As for the fight with the members of the ground team, it was nothing more than a playful game.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised by Uncle Zhong's strength, but not so surprised, because since the first time he saw Uncle Zhong, this old man with thinning hair just made Jiang Chen feel that it would not be too simple.

It's really not that simple.

Under the circumstances of his full-strength explosion, Uncle Zhong actually had the upper hand in such a head-to-head encounter. Every time he made a kick, he was forced to do everything he could.

"Huh?" Uncle Zhong frowned, Jiang Chen was surprised, so why wasn't he even more surprised?
Although Jiang Chen's information stated that Jiang Chen could fight, it didn't make it clear that Jiang Chen could fight so well.

"Uncle Zhong, stop." But at this moment, Ling Qingluo's voice came from inside the car.

"Sleeping Beauty, I knew you would take pity on me." Jiang Chen said brazenly.

"Get in the car." Sleeping Beauty ignored Jiang Chen and said to Uncle Zhong.

Uncle Zhong took a deep look at Jiang Chen, got into the car, and soon, the Bentley drove away.

Standing by the side of the road, Jiang Chen felt something was wrong, the car drove away, what should he do?You must know that this place is pitch black, but you can't see a passing car, let alone a taxi.

Could it be that you want him to run back?

Jiang Chen was a little depressed. If he knew earlier, he should beat Uncle Zhong to the ground. Then Uncle Zhong would not be able to drive the car. However, it seems that whether he can survive the beating is still unknown. The possibility of being beaten to the ground by Uncle Zhong Bigger, so this made Jiang Chen even more depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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