genius evil

Chapter 282 The Destroyer and the Spoiler

Chapter 282 The Destroyer and the Spoiler

A black Bentley was driving on the road, and Uncle Zhong was driving, looking back through the rearview mirror from time to time.

Ling Qingluo, who was sitting in the back seat, was silent all the time. Although Ling Qingluo didn't talk much, Uncle Zhong could feel that Ling Qingluo had something on her mind.

"Miss, are you still thinking about Jiang Chen?" Uncle Zhong said after a while.

"What kind of person do you think Jiang Chen is?" Hearing Uncle Zhong speak, Ling Qingluo asked.

Ling Qingluo asked Uncle Zhong to collect Jiang Chen's information. This was a very simple process. The information about Jiang Chen that night was placed on her desk.

Ling Qingluo had read those materials in detail. After reading those materials, she felt that she already knew very clearly what kind of person Jiang Chen was.

So, taking this opportunity, Ling Qingluo appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and she wanted to negotiate a deal with Jiang Chen.

At the beginning, Ling Qingluo thought that this was an unfair deal for her, because she couldn't confirm whether Jiang Chen could cure her illness at all.

It was precisely because of the unequal situation that Ling Qingluo had a considerable sense of superiority. Therefore, Ling Qingluo felt that Jiang Chen had no way to refuse.

After all, Jiang Chen took a big advantage, didn't he?

Who would have thought that in the end, Jiang Chen thought this deal was unfair to him, which made Ling Qingluo a little confused and puzzled, and even a little bit unable to understand Jiang Chen.

"Ignorant, boring and shameless, greedy and lustful, you shouldn't have told me to stop, Miss just now, it would be better to just kill him." Gritting his teeth, Uncle Zhong said.

Uncle Zhong had a bad impression of Jiang Chen from the very beginning, and it's even worse now. Who made Jiang Chen actually use the method of cutting off children and grandchildren? Is that a move that should be used for old people like him?

"Killing Jiang Chen is not an easy task." Ling Qingluo said slowly.

"I'm [-]% sure." Uncle Zhong seemed very confident, and after a pause, Uncle Zhong continued: "Miss, if you make a move, you will slap him to death with one slap."

"It's really possible that he can cure me." Ling Qingluo didn't answer Uncle Zhong's words, but changed the subject suddenly.

Uncle Zhong was taken aback, and immediately said: "Miss, what do you mean, Jiang Chen can't be killed?"

"If he dies, I will die too." Ling Qingluo sighed, and said: "Jiang Chen's saying is true, don't underestimate his IQ."

"Miss, you also said maybe, not sure." Uncle Zhong said.

"Jiang Chen can afford to bet on this kind of thing, but we can't." Ling Qingluo shook her head.

Can't afford to gamble and can afford to gamble, there is only one word difference between the two words, but the meanings are vastly different. It is this difference that is destined, no matter how much strength Ling Qingluo has, on Jiang Chen's body, Can't make it work.

This is not something that makes Ling Qingluo helpless.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen was so contemptuous of her, and he kept asking her to be his woman. She had already slapped Jiang Chen to death, so why would he be humiliated in front of Jiang Chen again and again?
"Miss, we have increased the consultation fee to one billion this time. I believe that soon, famous doctors will flock here, and there will always be a chance." Uncle Zhong said.

Ling Qingluo was silent for a while, and said: "The difference between [-] million consultation fees and one billion consultation fees is only a numerical difference, and there is no difference in essence."

So Uncle Zhong fell silent.

He understood the meaning of Ling Qingluo's words. One billion consultation fee seems to be more attractive and more tempting than [-] million consultation fee. Gold is no different.

This is just a number game that doesn't make much sense. If someone can cure Ling Qingluo's illness, the [-] million consultation fee is already enough temptation, there is no need to wait until now.

"Miss, I'm going to ask Jiang Chen." After thinking about it, Uncle Zhong said.

"It won't be of much use. He is not a talkative person. I can see that his attitude is very firm and will not change." Ling Qingluo shook her head.

"If he is really so obsessed with obsession, then don't blame us for being cruel and merciless. If he really killed him, he is courting death himself." Uncle Zhong's aura changed, and his killing intent became awe-inspiring.

Ling Qingluo didn't answer Uncle Zhong's words again, she pondered and said: "I have read Jiang Chen's information, I have always thought that kind of information is a bit strange, seeing you fighting him tonight makes me a little skeptical. "

"Miss, could it be that you suspect that Jiang Chen, like us, came from a certain ancient martial sect?" Uncle Zhong asked in a low voice.

"Besides, there are many situations that are difficult to explain." Ling Qingluo nodded.

"In the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, there are two major sects based on the way of medicine. One is the Heavenly Medicine Sect, and the other is Qingxin Valley. Qingxin Valley only accepts female disciples. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to be related to Qingxin Valley. If there is such a possibility If so, Jiang Chen can only be a member of the Heavenly Medicine Sect... But this does not make sense, if Jiang Chen is really a member of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, how could he not know you, Miss? There is no way to cure your illness, miss, so what can he do with Jiang Chen?" Uncle Zhong said in a deep voice.

"In the land of China, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance covers everything, but by no means covers everything. As far as I know, some ancient and powerful sects don't even bother to join the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance." Ling Qingluo said softly.

Speaking of this, Ling Qingluo smiled again, and said: "Of course, this is only a possibility. Before it is confirmed, it is unknown."

Uncle Zhong's heart felt heavy. If Ling Qingluo's suspicions were true, wouldn't that mean that Ling Qingluo could only be Jiang Chen's woman?

"A flower stuck in cow dung." Uncle Zhong had such a strange idea in his heart.

Shaking his head and getting rid of this thought, Uncle Zhong said: "Miss, we should talk to Jiang Chen again. If he really has some background, it's okay. If not, then there's no need to be polite to him. By then , Miss, you are sick, he will be cured if he is cured, and he will be cured if he is not cured. If he can't be cured, he will die!"


If Jiang Chen had heard the conversation between Ling Qingluo and Uncle Zhong, he would definitely be dumbfounded. He has a bullshit background, he is just a miserable child of a single-parent family.

And the ancient martial arts and the ancient martial arts alliance are things that I have never even heard of. Although it sounds very powerful, what does it have to do with him?
Of course Jiang Chen didn't know about the conversation between Ling Qingluo and Uncle Zhong, he was depressed right now.

Jiang Chen's depression wasn't because he didn't have a car to go back. He had already gotten into a car, and the car was heading towards Xu's house, but Jiang Chen was still quite depressed.

"You said your name was Tang Tianxiong?" After being depressed for a while, Jiang Chen finally couldn't hold back and opened his mouth.

Jiang Chen simply didn't understand what was going on. After the driver let him into the car, he didn't say anything except that his name was Tang Tianxiong.

Is Tang Tianxiong famous?
Anyway, Jiang Chen had never heard of this name before, but he had to say, that brief introduction and the subsequent silence were quite pretentious.

It's as if I told you your name, and you have to chase after it, it's almost like writing on your face that you've heard your name for a long time.

"Is it because my name is not good?" The middle-aged man driving the car asked with a smile.

The middle-aged man has a very serious Chinese character face, wide forehead and thick eyebrows, not handsome, and his voice is low, as if there is a mouthful of phlegm in his throat.

"Is there a lot of competition among black car drivers these days?" Jiang Chen asked instead of answering Tang Tianxiong's question.

"What?" Tang Tianxiong didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"Look, you introduced your name, didn't you just want me to remember you so that I can take care of your business next time? Not to mention, it really impressed me a little bit, give me a business card, and put it down The first time I need it, I'll be the first to call you... By the way, how much is the fare, don't try to blackmail me just because I'm a foreigner, I'm very poor, is 20 yuan enough?" Jiang Chen said seriously .

"20 yuan?" Tang Tianxiong smiled.

Jiang Chen, the majestic king of the underground world, was actually taken as a driver of a black car?
If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will make many people laugh out loud, right?

What's more, this guy has brought his daughter into harm's way, so he doesn't know the name of his future father-in-law. It's unreasonable.

"Don't think too little, I have also been a black car driver, and the price is almost the same." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"Then it's 20 yuan." Tang Tianxiong said casually, and then stretched out his hand.

Jiang Chen took out and took out from his pocket, finally took out a bill, it was fifty, took advantage of Tang Tianxiong's inattention, he hurriedly stuffed it back, took out again, took out a twenty's bill, took it In the hands of Tang Tianxiong.

Tang Tianxiong put the money in his pocket and said, "It's not easy to make money these days."

"Yes, the competition is too great." Jiang Chen felt the same feeling, and then asked again: "How much money can you make a day by driving an illegal car?"

"Tonight is the first business I do." Tang Tianxiong said.

"This is a good start, you should be free." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.


Tang Tianxiong was stunned for a moment. He had already accepted Jiang Chen's 20 yuan, which was equivalent to being humiliated by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen actually had the face to let him free?
"It's all about earning some hard money. If it's free, I don't even have enough gas money." Tang Tianxiong said.

"This first order of business is all about a lottery. You can't be so fussy about doing business, otherwise there will be no repeat customers." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I don't intend to do long-term business." Tang Tianxiong said.

"If you buy and sell, you will starve to death. How can you be so short-sighted? It doesn't matter if you starve yourself to death. What if you starve your wife and children? When I look at your face, I know that you must have given birth to a child." Daughter, this daughter must be well-off." Jiang Chen said kindly.

"What about you, this trip to Tiannan City, are you doing a one-shot business? Have you thought about it clearly, do you want to be a saboteur or a spoiler?" Tang Tianxiong turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen. , Said the purpose of his trip.

(End of this chapter)

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