genius evil

Chapter 283 Are you in love with me?

Chapter 283 Are you in love with me?
"What's the difference between the two?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile, feeling that this question was quite interesting.

"If you are a spoiler, then the people who like you and the people who hate you are roughly divided into five or five; if you insist on being a spoiler, then the entire Tiannan City may not have a place for you Earth, you will become the target of public criticism." Tang Tianxiong said slowly.

Destruction is relative, but disruption is, to some extent, absolute.

In terms of the current structure and order of Tiannan City, some people may welcome the existence of a saboteur, but absolutely no one will welcome the appearance of a spoiler.

Jiang Chen understood Tang Tianxiong's meaning, he still smiled and said, "Is there a possibility, I mean, the third possibility."

"The third possibility?" Tang Tianxiong frowned slightly with thick black brows, "There are only these two options."

"Then, I won't choose." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Whether it's a saboteur or a spoiler, it's just a definition given to him by others, but what about Jiang Chen's own definition?

He is neither a destroyer nor a spoiler, provided that his interests are not violated and those he cares about are not harmed.

"You don't choose?" Tang Tianxiong looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Yeah, I won't choose." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Why should I choose? Some people think I'm a saboteur, and some people think I'm a spoiler. How they think it's their own business, it has nothing to do with me. what is the relationship?"

After a pause, Jiang Chen said lightly, "Besides, is it really that important whether I make a choice? Even if I make a choice, people who like me will still like me, and people who hate me will not choose me because of my choice." You have a choice and don't hate me anymore, don't you?"

"You think too simply." Tang Tianxiong said.

"If it's really that complicated, then find a way to make it simpler." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you understand what that means?" Tang Tianxiong said in a deep voice.

"I understand, it's just that there will be fewer people who like me, and more people who hate me." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Tang Tianxiong laughed loudly, and said, "You really understand, so I can feel relieved."

"What care do you have, what is the relationship between me and you, you are just a black car driver." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"I introduced my name, my name is Tang Tianxiong." Tang Tianxiong's face was full of black lines, it was really hard to tell whether this guy was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

The question is, would a person be a fool if he could understand an extremely complicated thing so simply?

"And then?" Jiang Chen waited for Tang Tianxiong to say the next.

"Tang Tian is my daughter." Tang Tianxiong said angrily.

Jiang Chen became enthusiastic all of a sudden, and respectfully shouted: "Father-in-law, it's you. Why do you look so familiar? I think you are very approachable and kind."


Tang Tianxiong suddenly had a feeling of hell, and almost didn't use the brake as the accelerator.

"Stop talking nonsense." Tang Tianxiong said with a straight face.

"Father-in-law, I swear that every word I say comes from the heart. If you don't believe me, I can still swear in the name of Xiao Tiantian." Jiang Chen expressed sincerity.

"I know that Ami will like you, probably because of your mouth... But I want to remind you, even if Ami is deceived by you, it is not that simple to be my son-in-law matter." Tang Tianxiong reprimanded.

"It turns out that Xiao Tiantian's nickname is Ami. Father-in-law's adult is not only kind, but also has a brilliant literary talent. This nickname is chosen so well." Jiang Chen fawned on him.

"Don't call me father-in-law." Tang Tianxiong had the urge to kick Jiang Chen off the car.

"Okay father-in-law, have you had dinner yet, old man? Let me treat you to a meal... You can't refuse this, otherwise Xiao Tiantian will be angry if she knows that I can't bear to treat you to a meal .” Jiang Chen sincerely invited.

"Don't say it so nicely." Tang Tianxiong's face turned a little brighter. Although this guy is a little bit hardworking and doesn't look so reliable, he is still good to Tang Tian, ​​and he knows that he cares about Tang Tian's feelings.

As a parent, I never expect my daughter to marry well, but she must marry a considerate man. Jiang Chen is so considerate at this time, other faults are not unforgivable.

Jiang Chen and Tang Tianxiong squatted on the side of the road eating fast food.

Tang Tianxiong glanced at the lunch box in his hand, then at the magnificent hotel across the road, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he still opened the lunch box, picked up the disposable chopsticks and began to eat.

The rice was very hard, and the fatty meat was too greasy. Fortunately, Jiang Chen was sensible enough to buy a bottle of cold beer, eat a piece of meat, and drink a sip of beer. Unexpectedly, the taste was not too bad.

"How much did you pay for this bottle of beer?" Tang Tianxiong raised the beer bottle in his hand.

"Five yuan." Jiang Chen said.

"The last time I drank this kind of beer, it was only sold for [-] yuan." Tang Tianxiong said with a little emotion.

After saying this, Tang Tianxiong put down the beer bottle, got up, got into the car and drove away.

"Times have changed, so many things have to change." Jiang Chen gulped down the beer and muttered to himself.


Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi returned to Yilan City the next day.

This time, there was plenty of time. When we returned to Yilan Middle School, just in time for lunch, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi went to the school cafeteria to eat.

"An Qi, you're finally back, I miss you so much." As soon as she saw Xu Anqi, Jiang Yanyan rushed over and hugged Xu Anqi in her arms.

"Student Yanyan, I miss you too." Jiang Chen stretched out his hands, waiting for Jiang Yanyan to throw himself into his arms.

"Don't try to take advantage of me." Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a white look, and dragged Xu Anqi to cook dinner.

After finishing the meal, she found a table and sat down, Xu Anqi looked Xu Anqi up and down, and said to herself: "It seems that there is no change, how strange."

"What change?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"It's just..." Jiang Yanyan twisted Nini, hesitating, hesitant to speak, and then yelled again, "It's nothing, hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when it gets cold."

"Student Yanyan, I think you are the one who is really strange." Jiang Chen laughed.

Not to mention, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I really miss fighting with Jiang Yanyan.

"It's not me that's weird, it's you." Glancing at Jiang Chen, Jiang Yanyan said quietly.

After dinner, Xu Anqi was going to find Tangyue to sell her vacation. Jiang Chen had nothing to do, but planned to go to Weiming Lake to sleep, and Jiang Yanyan came over like a little tail.

"Jiang Chen, you have already gone to meet the parents with An Qi, and you didn't take the opportunity to take An Qi down. It's a failure." Xu Anqi was not here, Jiang Yanyan was much more courageous, and she despised Jiang Chen very much.

"Student Yanyan, I have to remind you that class leader Xu and I are purely classmates, male and female." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"The relationship between a man and a woman is still pure. If you believe in you, you are a ghost." Jiang Yanyan sneered, and said: "If you are not charming enough, don't blame others."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I just think it's strange that An Qi is still a virgin after you've been out with An Qi for so many days, isn't it? Could it be you who can't do it?" Jiang Yanyan said with a blushing face.


Jiang Chen stretched out a finger, sighed on Jiang Yanyan's forehead, and said righteously, "How can you be so impure at such a young age."

"Can you do it?" Jiang Yanyan rubbed her forehead, chasing after him.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Jiang Yanyan's question, and pulled Jiang Yanyan away. Jiang Yanyan hurriedly wanted to shake Jiang Chen's hand away. How decent was the tugging and tugging in broad daylight? It's not too good to arrive.

"Where are you taking me?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously as Jiang Chen dragged her away involuntarily.

"Go to the hotel, get a room, and prove whether it's okay or not... You also know that in this kind of thing, words are not proven, but truth comes from practice." Jiang Chen walked quickly.

"Jiang Chen, I was joking." Jiang Yanyan became nervous.

This guy is lawless, but he can do anything. If he really pulls her into a hotel room, wouldn't it be a big loss.


Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and let go of Jiang Yanyan's little hand.

"Jiang Chen, what is your reaction? You despise me." Jiang Yanyan yelled, angry like a little lioness.

"Student Yanyan, you are really strange. Should I dislike you or not? Can you give me an answer?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Of course...don't dislike it." Jiang Yanyan said confidently.

Even if she is the green leaf on the side of Xu Anqi's big red flower, but the green leaf has human rights, okay? If there is no green leaf to set off, can the red flower be so gorgeous and brilliant?
"That is to say, you want to have a room with me... What you said just now was an aggressive method, right?" Jiang Chen analyzed.

"No." Jiang Yanyan denied it without thinking.

"Don't deny it, it's useless, just admit it, and tell me the truth, are you in love with me?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, her eyes were flickering, she just felt that she was flustered, and she quickly lowered her head, afraid that Jiang Chen would see a certain emotion in her eyes.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to see such a shy side of Jiang Yanyan, and he couldn't help but find it amusing. Just as he was about to tease him a few more words, the phone in his pocket rang at this moment.

"Jiang Chen, help, help, I'm dying, hurry up and save me." Jiang Chen connected smoothly, and just put the phone to his ear, there was an exaggerated scream on the other end of the phone, reaching him in the ears.

"A flirtatious man, I, Jiang Yanyan, will never fall in love with you even if no man wants me." Seeing Jiang Chen answering the phone while saying hello to her before leaving, Jiang Yanyan suddenly felt empty, as if Some kind of long-awaited thing, inadvertently missed...

(End of this chapter)

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