genius evil

Chapter 284 Love Is Blind

Chapter 284 Love Is Blind
A black Land Rover found Shenxing, drove into Guilan Garden, and the car directly entered the courtyard of Villa No.18. Jiang Chen pushed the door to get off, and walked into the house with big strides.

In the living room of the villa, on the soft sofa, Tang Tian, ​​who was dressed casually and coolly, lay there like a cat and fiddled with her mobile phone. From time to time, she picked up the potato chips on the side and ate a bite or two.

"Xiao Tiantian, you asked me to help?" Jiang Chen leaned over and said with a smile.

"Ah - why are you here so soon?" Tang Tian turned over and got up from the sofa.

"You said you saved your life, can I come quickly, tell me, how do you want me to save you." With a movement of Jiang Chen's right hand, a silver needle appeared in his hand, and his smile became brighter and brighter.

"Jiang Chen, I miss you. If I hadn't said that, you must still be fooling around with other women. How could you come so soon?" Tang Tian said charmingly, walking towards Jiang Chen on catwalks .

Not to mention, Tang Tian also quickly pulled her clothes, revealing a large white chest on her chest, slender legs, stepping on the steps of a model, showing her temptation with full firepower.

"Xiao Tiantian, your brain is flooded." Jiang Chen looked at the woman's show off with a smile, like a kitten in heat.

"Jiang Chen, you just lost your mind, didn't you see that I'm seducing you?" Tang Tian cursed.

"You're really out of your mind." Jiang Chen pulled Tang Tian into his arms, and the silver needle stabbed into Tang Tian's ass.

"Ah—" Tang Tian yelled.

Jiang Chen moved his right hand and gave Tang Tian another injection.

"Jiang Chen, I just want to have sex with you, is it easy for me?" Tang Tian was wronged beyond words.

This damned incomprehensible man, it's fine if he doesn't take the initiative to contact her when he comes back to Yilan City, but she tricked her into saying that she was out of her mind, which really drove her to death.

This made Tang Tian wonder whether her charm had declined. Otherwise, apart from pushing Jiang Chen back for the first time, why would it be so difficult to have sex with Jiang Chen afterwards?
"Speak well." Jiang Chen said with a bluff, and gave Tang Tian a third injection.

"My mother, I will fight with you." Tang Tian bared her teeth and claws.

So, Jiang Chen gave Tang Tian a fourth shot.

"Jiang Chen, it hurts so much, don't bully him, okay?" Tang Tian said sweetly.


Jiang Chen almost threw up, this style of painting is too magical.

Tang Tian gritted her teeth, and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, tell me what you mean, you can't stand being hot, you can't stand being gentle, what exactly do you want?"

"Don't talk about it, let's go and have sex." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"It's too early to finish." Tang Tian glared at Jiang Chen, grabbed Jiang Chen's collar and pulled Jiang Chen upstairs. She had an incomparably pure face with a seductive crimson color. It's almost as if the four characters of desire and dissatisfaction are written on the face.

When Jiang Chen and Tang Tian finally finished rolling the bed sheets, it was already three hours later, the little gluttonous cat, who had been fed, lay lazily in Jiang Chen's arms, and didn't even have the strength to move.

"It's so cool." Tang Tian said with satisfaction.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, when did this woman become such a hooligan? In other words, shouldn't this be said by a man, that is, him?

"Jiang Chen, what did you say to my dad last night?" Tang Tian asked lazily, regardless of what Jiang Chen was thinking.

Jiang Chen would know that Jiang Chen returned to Yilan City because of Tang Tianxiong. Although Tang Tianxiong only met Jiang Chen once, Tang Tianxiong paid attention to Jiang Chen's every move in Tiannan City.

"I didn't say anything, my father-in-law has been praising me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"No wonder my dad said you are shameless, you are really shameless." Tang Tian grinned and said.

"I invited the old man to dinner and drink, and he actually arranged for me behind the scenes?" Jiang Chen felt very hurt and wronged.

"A lunch box for ten yuan, and a bottle of beer for five yuan, are you willing to say so?" Tang Tian said angrily.

The Tang family is in Tiannan City, although it is a relatively special existence, a bit obscure, but who is Tang Tianxiong?Even the Song family would not dare to provoke them easily.

If Jiang Chen invites you to dinner, just eat. Tang Tianxiong is in a good mood and agrees. It is for Jiang Chen's face, so the minimum should start with a five-star restaurant, right?Not to mention drinking Lafite, old Moutai Wuliangye is also fine.

Jiang Chen was kind enough to invite Tang Tianxiong to eat fast food. He had to have a lot of brains to do such a thing?

"It's not ten yuan, it's 15 yuan." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Is there a difference between ten yuan and 15 yuan? Can't you be a little more generous when you treat my dad to dinner?" Tang Tian became even more angry. She felt that she was about to be pissed off by Jiang Chen.

You know, Jiang Chen is usually quite a clever person, how could he get confused at a critical moment? Doesn't he know how important it is to leave a good and deep impression on his father-in-law when he meets for the first time?

Well, having said that.Tang Tianxiong was really impressed by Jiang Chen's invitation to eat fast food.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "For things like eating, it doesn't matter what you eat, what matters is who you eat with, whether you are happy or not, anyway, I see that my father-in-law is very happy eating."

"I don't care if he's happy or not, I'm not happy anyway." Tang Tian argued.

Then Tang Tian said again: "Hurry up to coax me now, if I get angry, the consequences will be very serious, if you don't know how to coax me to make me happy, I will tell you, it's very simple, stay with me later go shopping."

"Xiao Tiantian, you are extorting." Jiang Chen said with a mournful face.

"Yeah, I'm blackmailing, so what." Tang Tian said triumphantly.

After finally having the opportunity to blackmail Jiang Chen, if she can't blackmail her once, she will feel embarrassed, okay?
When Jiang Chen and Tang Tian got dressed and went downstairs, Shuang'er had already prepared dinner.

"Master." Shuang'er didn't know that Jiang Chen was here, but when she saw Jiang Chen, she showed a cheerful smile, and hurried to the kitchen to get an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

As for Tang Tian, ​​she had already sat down on a chair, picked up chopsticks and started eating. Rolling the sheets also required physical strength, and she was already hungry.

"Nothing happened recently, right?" Jiang Chen took the bowl and chopsticks and sat down.

"Ah Jin's side, these days are normal." Shuang'er said.

Jiang Chen asked Bauhinia to come here to help him keep an eye on the situation of Lord Quan, especially the situation of Ajin.

"Normal?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Why are you smiling so maliciously?" Tang Tian asked.

"Shuang'er said that Ah Jin is normal, don't you find it strange?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It seems that there is nothing strange about it." Tang Tian thought for a while and said.

"It's just because there's nothing strange about it. By the way, has Ah Jin bought a new car?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Aren't you going to rob his car again?" Tang Tian's face was a little weird. This guy robbed someone's car, but he wanted to rob him again. Could it be that he is addicted to robbery?
But why, thinking about it, it seems to be very exciting?
"That Land Rover is too broken, if anyone of you wants to drive it, just take it and drive it." Jiang Chen laughed.

Since it is normal, then he should do something to make some seemingly normal situations become abnormal.

Now that the matter in Tiannan City has been dealt with, it is time to deal with the matter in Yilan City. Whether it is being framed and framed to destroy the Meng family, or being sniped by a sniper, Jiang Chen will always keep it in mind Woolen cloth.

"No, why don't you give it to me if you don't want it yourself? I want it. If you want to give me a car, you have to give me a new one. I don't need too expensive ones. Just give me a Porsche carrera GT casually." It is." Tang Tian said.

Tang Tian doesn't have any specific concepts about cars, she only likes the Porsche brand, and she is driving a Porsche 911 now.

For Tang Tian, ​​if she wanted to change her car, she had to change to a better and more expensive one than the 911. Anyway, she didn't pay for it, and Jiang Chen didn't seem to be short of money anyway... Anyway, she If you don't spend Jiang Chen's money, the money will be spent by other women, so it's better for her to spend it herself.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he quickly took out his mobile phone and searched for the car Tang Tian mentioned. After seeing the price, his face turned blue. Looking at it again, the limited edition, which has been discontinued in 06, looks a little better. .

"Production has been discontinued, and there are no new cars." Jiang Chen pretended to be indifferent.

"Then buy a Porsche 918." Tang Tian said casually.

"Hey, my stomach hurts suddenly, I'll go to the bathroom first, you two eat slowly." Jiang Chen got up and ran towards the bathroom quickly.

Could it be that he looks like he has been taken advantage of? How could Tang Tian have the heart to kill him like this?

"Stingy ghost." Tang Tian couldn't see that Jiang Chen was putting on a show, so she couldn't help being very upset.

"Miss, 918 is too expensive." Shuang'er reminded, dumbfounded.

"It's not really asking him to buy it, it's just trying to test his attitude. It's really chilling. Why do you think I was blind and fell in love with him? Could it be, it's really like the chicken soup for the soul said Is love blind? When a woman falls in love with a man, does that woman become blind?" Tang Tian muttered with a small mouth.

Shuang'er suppressed a smile and said: "Miss, I have never been in love, I don't understand."

"You don't understand, then I'll teach you. When you find a boyfriend in the future, not to mention someone as good as Jiang Chen, at least half as good as him. Those who are below this standard are called Get those stinky men out of here." Tang Tianhao said as a teacher.

"Miss, you scolded Master just now for being stingy, and you also said that you only fell in love with him when you were blind." Shuang'er had to remind.

"Yes, why did I forget?" Tang Tian's eyeballs kept rolling, she denied it, and said solemnly: "So, this just proves that love is blind."

(End of this chapter)

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