genius evil

Chapter 285 Why Should I Consider You Highly

Chapter 285 Why Should I Consider You Highly
To the west of Yilan City, there is a hill called Pipa Mountain.

The mountain is not high and not well-known, and even on the map of Yilan City, there is only one inconspicuous sign.

Although in recent years, various commercial developments and land acquisitions in Yilan City have been buzzing, but none of that has anything to do with Pipa Mountain.

However, such an inconspicuous hill is a paradise for underground racing enthusiasts in Yilan City.

Jiang Chen accompanied Tang Tian to stroll around the street for a while, and drove straight to Pipa Mountain at about seven o'clock, and arrived at Pipa Mountain before eight o'clock.

High-power light bulbs illuminate the top of the mountain like daytime, and cars are parked in a mess, ranging from top-level supercars with tens of millions of dollars, to ordinary pickups with less than [-] dollars. auto show.

Heavy metal music roared, and the giant speakers transmitted the singing far and wide. There were crowds of people from far and near, like a carnival party in the doomsday hell.

Men and women gathered together, drinking and dancing, extremely wild, many people were kissing, and some women could even be seen boldly taking off all their clothes and running naked~.

Racing has never been considered a gentle and noble sport, wildness is the eternal theme.

"Land Rover Discovery Sport? Brother, are you here to play or to watch the fun?" The car stopped, and Jiang Chen got out of the car when a guy with a shaved head came over.

"How about having fun? How about watching the fun?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"For fun, it's not that I look down on you. Your car is really not qualified. If you watch the excitement, if you see that there is no one over there, go and pay some money. It's not much, 5000 yuan is the entrance fee. Of course, brother, if you don't want to It doesn't matter if you pay the money, then I'm sorry, just go back where you came." The bald head said with a smile, his face was kind.

"Death bald head, I think you have eaten the heart of a bear, and dared to ask my man for money." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Tang Tian kicked the door and got out of the car, with her hands on her hips. Ten's little sister poses.

"It's you, Sister Tang." When the bald head saw Tang Tian, ​​he subconsciously shrank his head, gently smacked his face with his hand, and said, "Sister Tang, didn't I miss you? I've been looking for a man, and I even found a pretty boy, I never thought that Miss Tang would be so small and fresh."

"Do you care what kind of man my mother is looking for?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"Sister Tang, it's not that I'm talking about you. If you say you're looking for a man, we don't have anything else in this place. There are only a lot of men, and everything is available. Sister Tang, why do you want to take advantage of outsiders? Isn't this a waste of money? Outsider Tian?" The bald man said flatteringly.

"Ma'am, whoever wants to be cheaper will be cheaper. It's none of your business. If you dare to talk too much, be careful that I will tear your mouth." Tang Tian said angrily.

She, Tang Tian, ​​is looking for a man, and she can't be judged by others, especially not by other men in front of her.

Besides, although Jiang Chen's face is a little pale, it's not to the point of a little white face, right?
What kind of look does this guy have? It looks like a model of lack of pumping.

"Yes, Sister Tang, what you say is right." The bald chick nodded like pecking rice, then turned to Jiang Chen and said, "Brother, you are really lucky to be spotted by Sister Tang. You don't even know how many people miss Miss Tang."

"It's true that there is a lot of good fortune, but don't be envious of this kind of thing. If you grow up like you, you won't be envious." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother, I'm a bit shabby, you shouldn't be so ignorant." The bald-headed face darkened.

"I just kindly remind you that it doesn't matter if this person is ugly. Self-knowledge is the most important thing. If you are ugly without self-knowledge, it is easy to scare people. If you don't scare people, it's not good to scare flowers and plants. You say what I say Right?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"Speaking of it, you just look down on me." The bald head briefly summarized Jiang Chen's words.

"Why should I think highly of you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Boy, I call you brother, it's for the sake of Sister Tang's face, what are you, you dare to look down on me?" The tone of the bald man changed, and he became angry.

While talking, the bald head waved his hands behind him, and said loudly: "Brothers, someone is here to make trouble, what do you think?"


"His parents didn't even know him when he beat him."

"Hit him, how dare you look down on you bald-headed brother, I'm getting impatient."


The activity of racing, especially underground racing, is undoubtedly the sport that stimulates the male hormones the most.

There is no doubt that at least 99 out of [-] men who appear in this kind of place belong to the one with excess hormones.

No, following the bald head's words, he immediately received countless responses, and even a few people rushed over fiercely.

"Whoever you hit, get lost, as far as you can go." Tang Tian waved her little hand impatiently, chasing away flies.

"Sister Tang, as a human being, you should pay attention to a word of reason, right? You man, if you don't give me face with a bald head, then I'm sorry. I am a person with a bald head. If someone doesn't give me face, then I just It can make him lose face." The bald head looked at Tang Tian, ​​with a lewd and evil light in his eyes.

The underground racing in Pipa Mountain was not spontaneous, but organized. The bald head was one of the organizers, so he collected the entrance fee, which was extremely aboveboard.

Everyone is messing around here, knows the rules, and everyone gives him face, which naturally makes the bald head feel a little smug.The bald head was naturally quite upset when he met Jiang Chen, a stupefied young man who didn't show face.

Tang Tian drove a white Porsche before, and she came here twice, because she is a single woman, and she is also a beautiful single woman, so it naturally attracted the attention of countless people, and many people would Tang Tian Sweet is quite interested.

When Tang Tian came here for the first time, the bald head got close to Tang Tian, ​​and called Tang Tian one by one. The reason why Tang Tian was called Tang Tian was entirely because of Tang Tian's pretty face. for the sake.

You know, the bald head is still counting on Tang Tian to come again, thinking that the fire is almost ready, maybe he can conquer this hot chick.

Never thought that Tang Tianlai came, but she didn't come alone, she brought a man here, just this point alone gave the bald head the urge to give Jiang Chen a meal.

It just so happened that Jiang Chen spoke quite aggressively, which made the already unhappy bald head even more unhappy. At this time, it was not as simple as a whole Jiang Chen.

"Baldhead, you are not afraid, you are the one who loses face?" Tang Tian said coldly.

"Then it depends on how strong your little boy is. If he is not strong enough, I advise you to find another man." The bald man said with a snort.

"Brother Baldhead is right, I think you are fine, Brother Baldhead."

"Sister Tang, the bald brother has nothing to say to you, you can't make the bald brother sad."


The few people who appeared behind the bald head coaxed with hippie smiles.

"Baldhead, I thought you were a nice person, and I wanted to save you some face. Since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for not giving you face." Tang Tian snorted coldly, pulled out a pistol, and directly pointed at you. Got a bald head.

"Whoever wants to hit my man, stand up to me now." Tang Tianjiao shouted.

"Hey, even the gun is taken out, who are you trying to scare?" The bald head laughed loudly.


The trigger was pulled, and a bullet hit the bald head's feet. Tang Tian said with a half-smile, "Who do you think I'm scaring?"

"Tang Tian, ​​if you really have the ability, just shoot at me directly, otherwise, put away the gun in your hand as soon as possible." The bald head patted his chest with a crackling sound.

"You think I dare not?" Tang Tian smiled, her smile was extraordinarily charming and enchanting.

With Tang Tian's smile, her bald head and eyes looked straight, and he said, "Tang Tian, ​​it's just a man, it's worth making such a big fight, as I said just now, there is nothing else in this place, there are many men Yes, look at you, you even took out your gun, but your man just hides behind you and doesn't say a word, you'd better get rid of such a man as soon as possible."

"Shoot." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"What?" The bald man thought he was hallucinating.

"Didn't you say that I will keep silent? As you wish, I will keep silent now, let's shoot." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Okay." Tang Tian smiled sweetly and pulled the trigger again.

She was not that stupid, she directly killed the bald head with a single shot, Tang Tian slightly pressed down on her wrist, and a bullet was accurately sent into the bald head's thigh.

With a bald head and suffering from pain, she screamed and looked at Tang Tian like a ghost.

She didn't expect that Tang Tian would dare to shoot, let alone that Tang Tian was ordered by Jiang Chen to shoot, which made it impossible for him to tell whether it was Jiang Chen who was stupid and bold, or Tang Tian who was stupid and bold!

"Take that guy out for me, I want that kid's two legs." The bald man growled sharply, pointed at Jiang Chen with one finger, and said viciously.

He was shot and wounded by Tang Tian in one leg, so he had to break Jiang Chen's two legs. Only in this way could he relieve the anger in his heart. As for Tang Tian, ​​he was a bit reluctant to let Tang Tian get hurt. How ugly would that beautiful little face be if it was accidentally scratched.

Immediately, the bald head pointed at Tang Tian, ​​and said viciously: "Tang Tian, ​​since you play so well, then I will definitely have a good time with you tonight."

Accompanied by the voice of the bald man talking, the people behind him each took out their tools, machetes, axes and steel pipes, staring at Jiang Chen covetously, ready to strike at any time.

"I see which one of you dares to move." Tang Tian said coldly.

"Tang Tian, ​​you only have one gun, six bullets... No, you only have five bullets, and you are too young to threaten us." The bald head said sinisterly.

While talking, he shouted again: "Why are you still standing still, give me hands, two legs are not enough, this time, I still need his two hands."

(End of this chapter)

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