genius evil

Chapter 286 Playing cards out of common sense

Chapter 286 Playing cards out of common sense
Jiang Chen did not wait for those guys to do it first. He had no choice but to wait impatiently.

If you want to do it, do it, bluffing is a fart, if you don’t like it, just chop it off with a knife and smash it down with a steel rod. After knocking down the opponent, do you want the opponent to have one hand or two? Toss is.

With so much nonsense, it's no wonder that he was born with a flat appearance.

Jiang Chen took a step forward, and slapped the bald head on the face. Just as the bald head finished speaking, he was knocked to the ground by Jiang Chen's slap.

Then Jiang Chen gave another slap, another slap, then a kick, and another kick, knocking the people behind the bald head to the ground.

As if taking a stroll in the garden, Jiang Chen turned around and stepped on the bald-headed left foot.

"You said you want my two legs, is that so?" Jiang Chen grinned, exerting force on his feet, and suddenly there was a sound of bones bursting.

"Or, is it like this?" After crippling one of the bald-headed legs, Jiang Chen kept on stepping, Shi Shiran stepped on the bald-headed right foot, and forcibly broke the bald-headed right foot.

"Or is it like this?" That was not enough, one of Jiang Chen's feet stepped on the bald head's right hand, and the bald head's right hand was broken off.

"No wonder you said that my two legs are not enough, but you also need my two hands. This feeling is really cool. I guess you must be very happy now." Condescendingly, Jiang Chen looked at The bald head, by the way, the only left hand left by the bald head was also abolished.

Jiang Chen scrapped the bald head's two legs and two hands one after another. It seemed that the process was very slow, but with the time he spent talking, it was only a short ten seconds or so.

It wasn't until the bald head's hands and feet were all abolished that the bald head had a chance to let out a scream like a pig, curled up on the ground, his whole body was twitching non-stop, and he couldn't speak at all.


The hair of those guys who were knocked to the ground by Jiang Chen was all numb for a while, and the way they looked at Jiang Chen was like seeing a ghost.

It's all like this, is it cool?
Too domineering, too cruel.

And looking at Jiang Chen's smiling, innocent appearance, it seemed that he didn't destroy his bald hands and feet, but just inadvertently trampled to death a few ants on the ground.

"Could it be that the shot was too heavy?" Jiang Chen said to Tang Tian, ​​turning his head after looking at those frightened fools.

"Too violent." Tang Tian murmured.

This guy just doesn't make a move, it's so bloody when he makes a move, he doesn't follow the principle of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger at all, which makes those real pig heads, how dare they provoke him?
It's completely unreasonable to play cards.

"Actually, I've always been a very gentle person. You don't know that after doing such a thing, my little heart is beating wildly." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Tang Tian couldn't help laughing out loud, and rolled her eyes, this guy is really bad, if he didn't beat the bald head to death, he probably just used a big move to kill him.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Jiang Chen straightened his face, his face was serious, and while talking, Jiang Chen waved to the crowd that slowly gathered, and said, "Ah Jin, don't hide!" Tuck it in, even though you are a shady mouse, I don't have the hobby of being a cat."

"Jiang Shao, why are you here?" A figure squeezed out from behind the crowd, and said flatteringly, who else could it be except Ah Jin.

"I came here specially to find you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I don't know why Young Master Jiang is looking for me?" Ajin was stunned for a moment, and then said immediately.

"You came here by car, give me the car keys." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand as he spoke.

As soon as he saw Jiang Chen's action, Ah Jin trembled all over, a bad premonition swept through his whole body, and he couldn't help being very annoyed.

What does Jiang Chen mean by asking him to hand over the car keys? Could it be that he wants to snatch his car again?What on earth is Jiang Chen thinking? Once is enough to rob him, and he wants to rob him a second time. Could it be that he is addicted to robbing his car?
His lips twitched, and A Jin said dryly: "Jiang Shao, I drove here today in a friend's car, this..."

"You can't even tell a lie? Shouldn't you say that you didn't drive, but walked here. In that case, maybe the credibility will be higher." Jiang Chen squinted and said.

A sentence without smoke and fire made A Jin's heart jump suddenly. No matter how reluctant he was, no matter how much he scolded Jiang Chen in the depths of his heart, A Jin still gave the car keys to him. Pulled out.

"Ferrari." When Tang Tian saw the car key, her eyes lit up, and before Jiang Chen could make a move, she snatched the car key.

Tang Tian took the car key and pressed it, only to hear a "beep" unlocking sound not far away.

"Ferrari 458." Following the sound, Tang Tian glanced at it, feeling a little disappointed again. She thought it was a LaFerrari, but if it wasn't true, it would be fine even if it was an F12berlinetta, but it was just an entry-level 458.

But seeing A Jin's constipated face, Tang Tian's mood became better again. She raised the car key in her hand and said, "Jiang Chen, I want this car."

"You don't want the Porsche anymore?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"I want it, but you won't buy it for me, so I have no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and reluctantly accept this Ferrari." Tang Tian said as a matter of course.

Anyway, she doesn't know much about cars. Although she likes Porsches very much, that 458 looks quite beautiful. Besides, this car was snatched, so don't want it for nothing. It's better than giving it to Jiang Chen to pick up girls and pretend All right?

It seems that the Land Rover Discovery God is enough to pretend to be aggressive, Tang Tian couldn't help thinking, should he consider changing Jiang Chen to a cheaper car, such as Audi's fellow student Alto?
"Actually, I just want to borrow Ah Jin's car to drive around, and then return it." Jiang Chen said coyly.

Hearing the sound, Ah Jin's eyes lit up.

Give it back to him after driving it for a while, is there such a good thing?
A Jin hurriedly said: "Jiang Shao, you can drive this car casually, and return it to me whenever you want."

Although Jiang Chen said to drive a lap, Ah Jin would not be so stupid as to really only let Jiang Chen drive a lap. At this time, the car is the most important thing. Just give him the car back.

"Jiang Chen, how could you do this, we two agreed on the way here, we are here to grab the car." Tang Tian said with a whimper.

"Did I say that?" Jiang Chen looked confused, and then Jiang Chen said: "It's not easy for Ah Jin to buy a good car. We've already robbed it once. It's not good to rob it again. Just borrow it." .”

"Just borrow it." Tang Tian was a little depressed.

"I heard that this car has a large displacement and high fuel consumption, right?" Jiang Chen's voice sounded again, and then he stretched out his hand towards Ah Jin again, and said, "Ah Jin, borrow another Give me some money."

Ah Jin's face immediately turned black.

He realized that he was still too naive. How could Jiang Chen really borrow his car?

Taking out his wallet, Ah Jin said, "Jiang Shao, I don't have any money in my wallet today, just a few small notes."

A Jin made up his mind, "borrowing a car" is fine, but "borrowing money" is absolutely impossible, otherwise, wouldn't Jiang Chen slap him on the left cheek and the right cheek again?

"Oh, it doesn't matter, your gold chain is worth a lot of money, I know a friend who owns a gold shop, and I can sell it to him at the original price." Jiang Chen said in a very easy-going tone.

"Jiang Shao, you..." Ah Jin was angry, deceiving people too much, completely deceiving people too much.

"Ah Jin, I have already borrowed these millions of cars, so you are not bad at lending me tens of thousands more, right?" Before Ah Jin could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted him, and said slowly .

Ah Jin's face turned red, and his heart was bleeding.

He hates it.

If I knew Jiang Chen was so shameless, why did he still buy a Ferrari after being robbed of a Land Rover? Wouldn’t it be nice to buy a domestic car worth tens of thousands of dollars? If there are eight cars, it won't feel bad at all.

There is also the gold necklace he is wearing, such a thick gold necklace is out of stock in Yilan City, or he bought it from Yanjing, and after wearing it for a few days, he asked for it again. Gone.

If possible, Ah Jin would really like to tear Jiang Chen into pieces, this bastard is too irritating.

"Jiang Shao, I didn't mean that, Jiang Shao, you can take it if you like it." Thinking that way in his heart, on the surface, Ah Jin smiled, took off the gold necklace, and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"It's not that I like it. Not everyone has the same hobby of wearing a dog leash as you do." Jiang Chen said contemptuously. Contempt is nothing but contempt, but he shot faster than anyone else. He grabbed the gold chain and stuffed it with his hand. into the pants pocket.

There is no way, it is better to put this thing away quickly, otherwise, if Tang Tian snatches it again, wouldn't he waste all his efforts tonight but get nothing?
Fortunately, Tang Tian didn't like the golden chain that looked like a dog chain at all, and yawned, Tang Tian lazily said: "Jiang Chen, have you finished your work? Go back when you're done, I'm going to be trapped to death gone."

Jiang Chen didn't answer Tang Tian's question, his eyes shot all over A Jin's body, A Jin's heart tightened, thinking that Jiang Chen might also have taken a fancy to other things on him?
"Ajin, aren't you angry?" Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Angry?" Ah Jin was stunned for a moment.

"Yeah, aren't you angry?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Jiang Shao, you are joking. Although I, Ajin, have no money, I have always been generous. Let alone Jiang Shao, you just borrowed my car to drive for a few days. Even if you give it to Jiang Shao, it's nothing." Ah Jin Qiangyan laughed happily.

"Then thank you." Jiang Chen said politely.

"Thank me for what?" A Jin was stunned again.

"Didn't you say to give me the car? Of course I have to thank you for giving me such a big gift for no reason." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Ajin's mouth opened wide into a big O shape, and he almost couldn't help slapping himself a few big mouths, why did he have to be so cheap, he said it was a loan, but in the end he just gave the car to Jiang Chen up.

(End of this chapter)

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