genius evil

Chapter 287 A Good Thing Only a Fool Wouldn't Do

Chapter 287 A Good Thing Only a Fool Wouldn't Do
Jiang Chen and Tang Tian left soon, Tang Tian drove a Ferrari, Jiang Chen drove that Land Rover, one car when they came, and two cars when they went back.

In terms of the means of talking to the white wolf, probably in the entire Yilan City, no one can compare to Jiang Chen's means.

If you turn around casually, you can earn a car worth millions. Is there anyone else in the world who can make money so fast?
A Jin stared at the two cars one after the other and left. He was addicted to frustration and couldn't extricate himself. He was mad with hatred, but he had no way to stop Jiang Chen's act of robbery.

If the Land Rover was snatched away by Jiang Chen at the gate of Shuiyunjian last time, it is still excusable. After all, there was a conflict between the two sides, and paying for a car to settle things down or something, although the price is a little higher, it is not unaffordable.

But this time, it was completely complete, there was no reason at all, Jiang Chen said that he came here specially to find him, in other words, he came here specially to slap him in the face.

If the left side was not enough, he had to hit the right side, but he couldn't even fight back. To be exact, he didn't dare to.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen knew that I asked a sniper to kill him?" After the anger passed, Ah Jin calmed down slowly and thought to himself.

Immediately, Ah Jin shook his head secretly, and said in his heart: "No, Jiang Chen probably didn't know about it, otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as just stealing a car."

"It's suspicion." Ah Jin said to himself again.

After thinking about it for a while, Ah Jin became nervous, because he didn't know why Jiang Chen doubted him, or that Jiang Chen already had some kind of evidence, but he couldn't be sure, so today's behavior seemed to be a slap in the face, In fact, it is a test.

But no matter whether he was suspicious or sure, Ah Jin knew that he was missed by Jiang Chen.

"No, I have to talk to Master Quan." Ah Jin said to himself.

Although he has always been coveting the chair under Master Quan's buttocks, Ah Jin is very clear that if there is anyone in Yilan City who can compete with Jiang Chen, that person can only be Master Quan.

With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen didn't stay long, just took a car key and drove away.

And when Ah Jin left, those people who were a little messed up by Jiang Chen's actions, the voices of discussion rang out.

"Who was that guy just now, who dared to steal Brother Jin's car?" someone asked.

On the surface, it was borrowing or giving away, but anyone with a little brain would know what Jiang Chen's behavior meant, and the most terrible thing was that he really took A Jin's car away.

"Who else could it be? Didn't you hear Brother Jin call that person Young Master Jiang?" Someone took the conversation.

"Young Master Jiang, could it be that he is Jiang Chen?" Someone reacted and said involuntarily.

"Aside from Jiang Chen, who else in Yilan City would dare to disrespect brother Jin like this?" someone jokingly said.

Jiang Chen's fame may not be very good to ordinary people in Yilan City, but in the underground world of Yilan City, it is definitely an incomparably unique existence.

Subdue Brother Dao, establish the Bauhinia Society, experience the destruction of the Meng family, and the cobra being cut into a stick...

Among these few incidents, especially the incident of the cobra being cut into a human stick, it caused an uproar in the entire underground world.

Just like what Jiang Chen himself said, Cobra's fate is an example.

That is destined not to be a beautiful example, Jiang Chen's methods are so ruthless and poisonous that those who know the cause and effect of this matter will feel their scalps go numb.

Also because of that incident, after Lord Quan, Jiang Chen was listed as one of the people who should not be provoked.

"So it's really Jiang Chen, that bald brother's beating, isn't it for nothing." Someone said sighingly.

The bald-headed brother has some tricks, but compared to Jiang Chen, he is nothing. Not to mention that Jiang Chen just abolished the bald-headed man, even if he directly killed the bald-headed man, the bald-headed death would be in vain.

If you want to blame it, you can only blame the bald-headed tricks for not being bright enough. When you encounter a slap in the face, you can only admit it if you don’t want to admit it. There was nothing he could do about Jiang Chen.

This made some people feel lucky. Fortunately, when the bald head and Jiang Chen clashed, they didn't rush forward. Otherwise, it would be considered light to be beaten by Jiang Chen. In case Jiang Chen also set his sights For their car, it's too late to even cry.

Jiang Chen and Tang Tian didn't drive far down the mountain when they were overtaken by a car coming from behind, and then stopped by that car.

The car door opened, and a figure came out of the car. The man walked over, knocked on the window of the Land Rover, and asked, "Brother, are you interested in taking a trip?"

"Not interested." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

"Jiang Chen, run with him." But seeing Tang Tian running over from the Ferrari behind, she shouted loudly.

Hearing Tang Tian's words, the man just smiled, and he said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Luo Feifan."

"Does this name have something to do with me?" Jiang Chen replied, looking at Tang Tian in confusion.

"Jiang Chen, I ran with this guy twice, and lost to him both times, you must help me regain face." Tang Tian said out of breath.

Tang Tian thinks that her driving skills are not bad. After coming to Yilan City, she heard that Pipa Mountain regularly organizes underground racing events. She came to participate in it twice, but lost to Luo Feifan both times.

When Tang Tian lost to Luo Feifan for the second time, she just happened to see Jiang Chen driving a BMW slowly dangling on the road. She was in a bad mood at that time, and she just wanted to take Jiang Chen to torture, how could she know? Not only did he fail to abuse Jiang Chen, but he was taken advantage of by Jiang Chen.

Even so, this Luo Feifan can be regarded as a half-matchmaker between Tang Tian and Jiang Chen. After all, if Tang Tian was not in a good mood that day, there would be no such thing as falling in love with Jiang Chen.

But Tang Tian was upset seeing Luo Feifan, and this time, Luo Feifan took the initiative to provoke her, which made Tang Tian even more upset.

Quickly, Tang Tian explained these things to Jiang Chen emphatically.

After listening, Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Xiao Tiantian, don't run away, I might as well beat this guy up and vent your anger."

"It seems like a good idea." Tang Tian said as she rolled her eyes in a circle.

Luo Feifan also smiled and said: "In the underground racing world, all grievances and grievances are settled by winning or losing."


Jiang Chen stretched out a fist from the car window and hit Luo Feifan on the chin, and said quietly: "I still prefer to use my fist to solve it."

Luo Feifan felt the pain and rubbed his chin, but he was not very angry. He said: "The speed of punching is good, but I don't know what will happen if you use this hand to drive."

"You just want to run with me so much? Give me a reason." Jiang Chen was teased.

"That car." Luo Feifan pointed to the Ferrari 458, and said, "The owner of that car is A Jin. Originally, it should be my trophy tonight, but unfortunately, A Jin hasn't If you have time to run with me, the car will fall into your hands."

"It turns out that Ah Jin already knew that he would lose to you, so we don't feel bad for the car being robbed by us." Tang Tian curled her lips.

"That car is not simple. Except for the shell, basically everything inside has been replaced. The price is not less than 1000 million, but it is about the same as the Pagani I drove." Luo Fanfan said.

"Has it been modified? Why didn't I feel it." Tang Tian said doubtfully.

Luo Feifan smiled and didn't explain. He couldn't say that this was the gap between professional drivers and amateur drivers.

And it was very simple for him to stop Jiang Chen, he wanted that car.

"So, if I beat you, your Pagani will be mine, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right." Luo Feifan nodded seriously.

"Jiang Chen, run with him and grab his car too." Tang Tian's eyes were shining brightly. She could bully Luo Feifan and earn a car at the same time. Only a fool would not do such a good thing.

It's just that Tang Tian completely forgot about Jiang Chen's driving skills. If he accidentally loses the Ferrari, then both husband and wife will be ravaged.

"Then let's go for a run." Jiang Chen said dispensable. Seeing Tang Tian so excited, he couldn't bear to spoil the fun. Although racing seems to be an exciting game, in fact, for him, it is not exciting at all. No.

"I hope you don't let me win too easily." Luo Feifan joked and got on his Pagani.

One minute later, the red Ferrari and the silver-gray Pagani were parked side by side on the road. Tang Tian sat in the co-pilot seat of the Ferrari. As for the Land Rover, she left it on the side of the road and left it alone.

The window glass of Pagani's co-pilot fell down. Luo Feifan stretched out three fingers with his left hand and counted three two one. rushed out.

"Jiang Chen, you drive." Seeing that the Pagani soon couldn't even see the rear of the car, and Jiang Chen didn't even step on the accelerator, Tang Tian was so angry.

It's not good for this guy to be in a daze, but he is in a daze at this time. Even if his driving skills are not as good as others, he can't just admit defeat like this... Well, at this time, Tang Tian finally started to think about Jiang Chen's driving skills.

"I'm thinking about a question, that guy said his car is worth 1000 million, is he lying?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know either." Tang Tian didn't know much about this. She quickly picked up her phone and searched, and then said, "Pagani is quite expensive."

"It's right that it's expensive, but there's another issue we need to discuss first. This Ferrari is yours, and that Pagani is yours. Don't snatch it from me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, hurry up and let me drive the car, don't talk about Pagani, I will lose this Ferrari to you." Tang Tian yelled.

Before the cry fell, Tang Tian's body trembled, and then there seemed to be an invisible big hand pressing on her chest, squeezing her tightly on the seat, her breathing was stagnant, Ferrari roared, Like a ferocious beast, it rushed forward...

(End of this chapter)

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