genius evil

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Almost half an hour later, a red Ferrari driving at high speed, with a fiery red shadow, like a burning flame, stopped beside the Land Rover parked on the side of the road.

The car had just stopped when Tang Tian suddenly pushed the door, got out of the car, squatted down and vomited beside the car.

After vomiting for a while, Tang Tian felt that the turbulent feeling in her internal organs was suppressed a lot, and she turned sideways and yelled at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you bastard, my mother almost scared me to death."

"Oh, that guy said just now that he didn't want to win too easily, so I did what he wanted and made it look easier for him to lose. Who knew you would actually get motion sickness. If I had known, I would have driven a little slower." Jiang Chen said slowly. Swallow said.

Tang Tian's head was full of black lines.

Is she motion sickness?It was simply frightened by Jiang Chen.

Especially when the car passed the last V-shaped curve, Jiang Chen didn't have to brake, it seemed that he even forgot to turn the steering wheel.

During the few tenths of a second when the wheel was off the ground, Tang Tian's heart almost stopped suddenly, and she was almost ready to make a pair of ghostly mandarin ducks with Jiang Chen.

"No matter what, I'm scared by you, you have to comfort me." Tang Tian said resolutely.

Jiang Chen stretched out his right arm, grabbed Tang Tian's arm, pulled Tang Tian into the car, and poked his head over, covering Tang Tian's soft red lips.

"Is this enough?" Ten seconds later, Jiang Chen moved his lips and said with a smile.

"Not enough." Tang Tian put her arms around Jiang Chen's neck proactively, and passionately offered her own sweet kiss.

After 2 minutes, the silver-gray Pagani arrived late.

After turning off the engine and pulling out the car key, Luo Feifan opened the door and got out of the car, handed the car key to Jiang Chen, and said, "I lost, this car is yours now."

Luo Feifan didn't expect that he would lose so badly. Jiang Chen's starting time was about 1 minute later than him, but he arrived at the finish line 2 minutes earlier than him, which meant that he was 3 minutes behind Jiang Chen.

On the track, not to mention 3 minutes, even if it is 3 seconds, the result is a world of difference, and [-] minutes is an insurmountable gap.

Luo Feifan lost, but he was convinced that he lost, and there was no way he could not be convinced, after all, Jiang Chen's strength lay there.

Not to mention, he has run this road on Pipa Mountain more than ten times, and he is far more familiar with the road conditions than Jiang Chen, and the performance of his car is far better than that of the Ferrari Jiang Chen drives.

In this case, there was such a big gap, how could Luo Feifan not be convinced, he didn't even have the courage to go to Jiang Chen again.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not be polite to Luo Feifan, he took the key without hesitation, and said with a smile: "Actually, you drove very well, but it's a pity that you chose the wrong opponent."

What Jiang Chen said was the truth, not just bragging.

Things like driving are essentially about being bold, careful and practice makes perfect.

Jiang Chen belongs to the type who doesn't change his face even when the sky is falling. As for practice makes perfect, in terms of his control over his own body, in the process of driving, he controls every detail of the control delicately, which is impossible. Make the slightest mistake.

In this way, no matter how superb Luo Feifan's driving skills are, if he wants to beat him in the racing car, it will be too far away.

Luo Feifan smiled wryly and said, "No matter what, if you lose, you lose."

Jiang Chen smiled. He admired Luo Feifan a little bit. Although he was a bit aggressive when he was invited for a visit, he was extremely open and aboveboard when he lost.

Casually, Jiang Chen threw a car key to Luo Feifan.

Luo Feifan took it, glanced at the logo on the car key, and recognized that it was the key of the Land Rover.

"This is?" Luo Feifan was a little puzzled, thinking that Jiang Chen won his own car, so he gave him the Land Rover.

"Oh, I have three cars now, it's not convenient for two people to drive back. Help me drive that Land Rover back." Jiang Chen said.

Luo Feifan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he nodded and said, "You lead the way, I'll follow."

Jiang Chen drove the Pagani he won, Tang Tian drove the Ferrari, and Luo Feifei drove Jiang Chen's Land Rover. The three cars lined up and headed towards the downtown area of ​​Yilan City.

And when Jiang Chen drove the car back to the urban area, Ah Jin, who sensed that something was wrong, was already in the small building where Master Quan lived.

"Master, something happened." Entering the door, Ah Jin greeted Master Quan and said.

"Jiang Chen robbed you of another car?" Master Quan asked, while speaking, he picked up the teacup in front of him to drink water, and found that the water in the teacup was empty, he gestured to A Jin.

A Jin took the teacup, poured a cup of hot water and brought it over, said with a wry smile, "Master, you already know."

"Aren't you angry?" Master Quan asked slowly after blowing away a piece of floating tea leaves.

A Jin was slightly taken aback, remembering that Jiang Chen had asked him this question before, how could Master Quan ask the same question?
"Angry." Ah Jin said truthfully.

After being slapped in the face by Jiang Chen like that, how could he not be angry?Not to mention that his temper is not good at all, he is like a clay figurine, if he is treated like that, he has a three-point temper.

"You should be angry. What you shouldn't be is that you hide your anger in your heart." Master Quan put down the teacup in his hand and shook his head.

"Master, what do you mean?" Ah Jin's face changed slightly.

"A Jin, do you know why I value you so much?" Master Quan asked instead of answering A Jin's question.

"Yeah, you can appreciate it. Give me a bite of food, otherwise, I, Jin, would have starved to death on the street. Your great kindness, I, Jin, will never be forgotten." Ah Jin said with a flattering smile.

"You're not smart, you can't be honest, and it's even harder to be called loyal..." Master Quan nodded A Jin with his hand, and said slowly.

The cold sweat on Ah Jin's forehead broke out suddenly.

He lowered his head, not even daring to look at Master Quan's sharp eagle-like eyes, because he didn't understand what kind of meaning Master Quan meant when he said such words.

For someone like Master Quan, maybe he doesn't need a clever and honest subordinate, but the first priority is definitely loyalty. If a subordinate can't even be loyal, then what's the use of keeping it?
"Don't be too nervous." With Master Quan's sophistication, how could he not see A Jin's uneasiness, he waved his hand indifferently as a signal.

Then I heard Master Quan go on to say: "You are a person with such and such bad things, which is not very to my appetite, but I still value you and train you with all my strength, because I see a ruthless spirit in you." Dare to fight, dare to fight, dare to rush and dare to grab, that makes me seem to see the shadow of my youth in you. Unfortunately, you are not ruthless enough. Being ruthless to others is not really ruthless, only being ruthless to yourself, That's the real ruthlessness!"

"Master, I don't quite understand what you mean." A Jin said awkwardly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Jiang Chen has already robbed one of your cars, and then went to rob your second car, so blatant and unscrupulous, do you think he really took a fancy to your car? He takes one step forward, you take one step back, and he takes one step further, You can only take a step back, if anyone else treated you like this, would you react like this?" Leaning at A Jin, Master Quan asked.

"Let me answer this question, no, you won't, if others take advantage of you, you will definitely try your best to get back [-] points. In the final analysis, you are afraid, you are afraid that you will be like a bald head, and be taken by Jiang Chen. It's a slap, but have you ever thought that because you are not cruel enough to yourself, your end result will be a dead end?" With an accentuated tone, Master Quan said in a cold voice.

The cold sweat that had just been wiped off Ah's forehead broke out again.

"Master, you mean that Jiang Chen was testing me, but because of my tolerance, he saw my guilty conscience?" A Jin asked.

"At least not too stupid." Master Quan sneered.

"But—" Ah Jin still wanted to speak.

"It's nothing but, could it be that you are still lucky at this point?" Master Quan interrupted decisively.

"Master, what should I do?" Ah Jin said nervously.

"How did you do it before, do it now." Master Quan said expressionlessly.

Ah Jin nodded and backed out.

"Jiang Chen."

With one finger dipped in the tea, Master Quan wrote the word Jiang Chen on the tea table stroke by stroke.

"It's really not an easy character for you to scare Ah Jin like this." Staring at the two words on the table, he muttered to himself.

After finishing the words, Master Quan wiped away the water stains on the table with a big hand, and also wiped away Jiang Chen's name.

"I just came back from Tiannan City, are you so impatient to settle old accounts? It's a pity that you found the wrong person. You should find Ah Jin, and you should come to me."

"Ah Jin is just an insignificant little person, a chess piece that can be sacrificed at any time, a dog that I raise under my command to bite people, even if this dog temporarily shrinks its tail because of your fright, but A dog is a dog, and if it is not wild, it will bite people after all.”

A Jin left the small building, got into the car parked outside, lit a cigarette and smoked, his submissive expression quietly returned to normal.

"Master Quan, Master Quan, no matter how beautiful your words are, you think that I, Ajin, am really so stupid that I will fall for your tricks." Ajin sneered and said to himself.

A Jin has been with Master Quan for many years, and he is very clear about Master Quan's behavior style.

Master Quan is a genuine ruthless person, this ruthless character who cut off his right hand in order to survive, no matter who it is, once his interests are violated, the final result will be miserable.

But in the face of Jiang Chen's repeated provocations, Master Quan gave in again and again. How could Ah Jin not know that it was because Master Quan was not sure about dealing with Jiang Chen.

Master Quan was not sure, so he took him as a pawn and asked him to fight Jiang Chen!
If it was a few years ago, Ah Jin would really do this kind of thing under the heat of his head, but in the past few years, his life has become more and more comfortable, and he has been soaked in sensuality all year round. He lives so comfortably , So, he didn't want to die so early.

"Master Quan, you keep saying that if Jiang Chen takes one step further, I will take a step back, and if he takes another step, I will take another step back. On the surface, you are talking about me, so why are you talking about your own situation? You are afraid of Jiang Chen, so you want to They use me as cannon fodder, there is no door." Taking a big puff, Ah Jin threw away the cigarette butt, and drove away...

(End of this chapter)

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