genius evil

Chapter 289 Something Is Not Right

Chapter 289 Something Is Not Right
The one-night spring night was short, and the aftermath of the half-night madness last night was that Jiang Chen woke up much later than in the past.

It was past nine o'clock when Jiang Chen woke up, Tang Tian was still curled up in the quilt, sleeping like a kitten, lazily.

Seeing Tang Tian poking her mouth in sleep, Jiang Chen found it both funny and heartwarming.

It has to be said that even if Jiang Chen was a human being in two lives, not to mention the experience of this life, the experience of the previous life was so rich that it would not be an exaggeration to say that he has read all kinds of flowers.

But how have you ever met a crazy woman like Tang Tian? Even when it comes to things like men and women, she is straightforward, unabashed, and doesn't hide her desires.

Not smart, certainly not naive, the only advantage is probably a true character.

real me.

It seems a very simple term. There are thousands of people in the world, but only a handful can do it. Even Jiang Chen himself thinks he can't do it.

"The real me." Jiang Chen silently said a few words in his heart, then suddenly turned his head to look at Tang Tian who was lying on the bed.

What is cultivation?
Even in the True Spirit Continent, there is no specific answer to this question.

Some people say that cultivating is longevity, some say cultivating the body, and some say cultivating the mind.

As far as Jiang Chen himself is concerned, immortality is the ultimate goal that every cultivator sets for himself the moment he embarks on the road of cultivation, but immortality, how illusory is it?
Deep in Jiang Chen's heart, the closest answer was to cultivate his mind.

Cultivate with a rock-like heart, cultivate with no distractions, and cultivate with a clear mind—what the clear mind points to is the essence of true self-cultivation, the true self.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly had an inexplicable urge to pull Tang Tian to accompany him to cultivate together.

With the heart of true self, the heart is as flawless as jade, Jiang Chen can be sure that with a little training, with Tang Tian's heart, he will definitely be able to shine in the journey of cultivation.

But impulsiveness is only a matter of a moment, and Jiang Chen quickly dismissed this idea.

Jiang Chen dismissed this idea, not because he didn't want Tang Tian to accompany him to cultivate together. In fact, Tang Tian had left a mark on his heart the moment Tang Tian became his real woman. He will definitely find a way to prolong Tang Tian's life and keep her youthful.

Regardless of whether it is to prolong life or stay youthful, cultivation is basically the only choice, but the reason why Jiang Chen dismissed the idea is because he understands how difficult it is to cultivate on the earth. Things.

Even for him, at a basic stage of body tempering, it is necessary to rely on a large amount of medicinal materials to accumulate. If Tang Tian wants to complete body tempering at this stage, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as heaven, unless he gives Tang Tian Taking the elixir directly allowed Tang Tian to step into the foundation building stage.

"Building Foundation Pill." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Jiang Chen himself knew how to refine Foundation Establishment Pills. Even with his current cultivation base, refining Foundation Establishment Pills was not too difficult as long as he had enough medicinal materials.

However, in Jiang Chen's cultivation, what he pays attention to is to follow his will, and he pays attention to the unity of nature and man. He himself does not need some assistance such as pills, so he has not given much thought to this aspect in the usual time.

Now, because of this sudden impulse, Jiang Chen had some thoughts in his heart, and he began to think about the possibility of certain things.

"It seems that if there is a chance, we should find a way to find some materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, but I don't know if there are such materials on the earth." Jiang Chen said silently.

Tang Tian was still sleeping, Jiang Chen didn't bother, after getting dressed and getting out of bed, he pushed the door and left the bedroom.

Downstairs, breakfast was already set on the dining table, Jiang Chen casually ate some, went to the yard, and saw Shuang'er.

I saw Shuang'er holding a soft branch, facing the corner of the wall, hitting the branch in his hand again and again.

The branch is soft and fragile, so every time Shuang'er hits the branch, the branch does not directly touch the wall, but the moment it touches the wall, the force is absorbed suddenly.

Obviously, this is not a simple matter. Under Shuang'er's feet, many broken branches have been discarded.A small tree not far from the side was picked bare by Shuang'er.

"Master." Sensing someone behind him, Shuang'er turned around and called out quickly.

"You continue." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Master, I always feel that my practice is not very good." Shuang'er said embarrassingly.

"I've made great progress." Jiang Chen felt a little ashamed.

Speaking of which, as a master, he really didn't teach Shuang'er anything. He asked Shuang'er to hit the lake with willow branches in order to exercise Shuang'er's body coordination.

As for how to exert force and how to withdraw force, I haven't really taught him much, but seeing Shuang'er's training like this, it seems that Shuang'er has deeply understood his original intention.

While speaking, Jiang Chen picked a branch casually, straightened his right arm suddenly, and with all his strength, the branch in his hand was struck straight out.

The moment the branches were close to the wall, Jiang Chen's right arm swelled, and the force stopped abruptly.

"See clearly?" Jiang Chen asked.

"En." Shuang'er nodded vigorously.

"What did you see?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"I saw beauty, power, and destruction." Hesitating, Shuang'er said.

"That's right, it's these three points, but in fact, whether it's beauty or strength, in the final analysis, it's for the ultimate destruction... Beauty doesn't really require every movement to be graceful and beautiful, but the body exerts strength The coordination of the body, the coordination of the body, and the ability to control one's own power with ease, can achieve the degree of destruction you want with the best strength." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and listened carefully, unwilling to miss every word.

"Many people think that practicing martial arts is for self-cultivation, but I don't think so. Practicing martial arts is to have enough ability to protect yourself. While protecting yourself, it is often accompanied by a certain degree of damage. Damage is an unavoidable thing. , It’s like drinking water when you’re thirsty, and eating when you’re hungry.”

"How to destroy and the extent of the damage are all in your own hands. The more properly you use your power, the more you can do whatever you want. You may understand what I mean?"

While speaking, Jiang Chen looked at Shuang'er.

"I understand, but how can I protect myself?" Shuang'er asked.

"While destroying, we are protecting ourselves." Jiang Chen said simply.

Shuang'er seemed to understand, his eyes were full of doubts, Jiang Chen didn't explain too much, and he didn't think he shouldn't say these things to Shuang'er.

Because, these principles are actually his own principles for dealing with people, and this set of principles may not be suitable for modern society.

If you don't want to destroy, you can only avoid being destroyed by others, just like if you don't want to die, you can only kill the other party as much as possible!
The control and application of power is nothing more than this way!
Jiang Chen and Shuang'er said something, didn't stay long, and soon drove away from Guilan Garden.

Jiang Chen drove the Pagani that belonged to Luo Feifan, and the Land Rover was left in the yard of the villa.

After leaving Guilan Garden, Jiang Chen drove directly to Yilan Middle School.

"Teacher Tang...Teacher Tang..."

Jiang Chen drove into Yilan Middle School not far away, when he saw a figure, it was Tangyue.

Holding a stack of lesson plans in Tangyue's hands, a mature and delicate woman is always so meticulous and dignified. She wears a skirt, stockings and high heels, and a pair of dull black-rimmed glasses, which just cover the corners of her eyes and eyebrows. Somewhat decent.

I don't know if it was because she didn't have a good rest, but Tangyue's face was slightly pale, and she seemed to be a little absent-minded.

Tangyue was walking on the road, and saw a Pagani from a distance, but she didn't look at it much, and walked on as usual, until the sound of Jiang Chen calling out from inside the car, Tangyue looked up in astonishment, and then, through the co-pilot, she landed. Looking through the window of the car, Tangyue saw a hideous smiling face.

"Teacher Tang, what do you think of the weather today?" Jiang Chen asked loudly.

Tangyue raised her head and looked at the sky. The sky was full of white clouds and the sun was shining brightly. She looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously again.

"Teacher Tang, you see the weather is so good, why don't we go for a drive to relax." Jiang Chen invited.

"Jiang Chen, there will be an exam in these two days, are you ready?" Tangyue didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but said.

"Teacher Tang, aren't you? Talking about studying at this time is too much to burn the piano and cook the cranes. It's too bad for the scenery." Jiang Chen said with a mournful face.

Tangyue was teased by Jiang Chen, this guy really doesn't care about studying more and more.

"I have something to do later, so I won't go." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, let me treat you to dinner at noon." Jiang Chen did not give up the invitation.

"I invite you." Tangyue said, she didn't want to go out to dinner with Jiang Chen again, and be mistaken for Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

"You invited me?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. Although Tangyue had never invited him to dinner, it was the first time he took the initiative to do so. Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

"At 12:30 noon, the school cafeteria, come whenever you have time." Tangyue couldn't see that Jiang Chen was full of reverie, and quickly added.

"Okay, no problem, I will be on time." Jiang Chen smiled.

Tangyue nodded, she made an appointment with Jiang Chen, and walked away quickly.

"It's not right, something is not right." Looking at Tangyue's leaving back, Jiang Chen was thoughtful, and he could clearly see Tangyue's preoccupied face.

This was also the reason why Tangyue invited him to eat in the school cafeteria, and Jiang Chen readily agreed.

"When eating at noon, I have to find a chance to ask." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Tangyue didn't know that Jiang Chen had seen some clues. She did have something on her mind, and that kind of mind could not be resolved.

Not long after walking, the phone in Tangyue's pocket rang. Tangyue took out the phone and looked at it. Her face, unconsciously, became a little paler!

(End of this chapter)

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