genius evil

Chapter 290 I'm Here

Chapter 290 I'm Here

Jiang Chen and Tangyue made an appointment to meet at the school cafeteria at 12:30. Jiang Chen was fine, so he arrived at the cafeteria at [-]:[-], prepared the meal, and specially ordered an extra glass of freshly squeezed for Tangyue. fruit juice.

But in the end, the juice drink became three cups, one for Xu Anqi, and one for Jiang Yanyan.

Seeing Xu Anqi drinking a drink quietly, watching Jiang Yanyan drinking a drink happily, Jiang Chen realized for the first time that there are too many women around him, which often means that there will be many troubles that other men can't understand.

Of course, this kind of trouble can be called the trouble of happiness.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to treat someone to dinner?" Jiang Yanyan asked looking at the two dinner plates in front of Jiang Chen.

Worrying about gains and losses yesterday, one night has passed, it seems that it no longer exists. A woman with a strong nerve will always be so carefree.

"Er—" Jiang Chen nodded.

"Don't talk, let An Qi and I guess, An Qi, do you guess first or I guess first." Jiang Yanyan gently tugged Xu Anqi's arm and said.

"How do you guess?" Xu Anqi smiled lightly.

"Just guess whether Jiang Chen's guest is a man or a woman." Jiang Yanyan urged.

"It's a man." Xu Anqi said with a smile.

How could she not understand that Jiang Yanyan was deliberately playing tricks on Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's face was as thick as a city wall, such a little teasing, Xu Anqi would not think it would be useful, so she gave an answer casually.

"An Qi, your answer is too perfunctory. If I had to guess, I'd guess it's a woman, [-]% a woman." Jiang Yanyan said swearingly, almost raising her hand to swear a poisonous oath.

"I invited Teacher Tang to dinner." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Look, An Qi, I really guessed it right, how could Jiang Chen invite a man to dinner... Who do you think you invited to dinner? Teacher Tang?" Xu said because of hindsight Afterwards, Jiang Yanyan barely grasped the key points in Jiang Chen's words.

"Teacher Tang?" Then, Jiang Yanyan's eyes widened in an instant, and her little head was running fast, thinking about the possibility of a certain situation happening or the possibility of it already happening.

In the end, probably feeling that the possibility of that happening was not great, and it was impossible for it to happen at all, Jiang Yanyan's wide eyes narrowed again, squinting at Jiang Chen, and said: "Jiang Chen, What are you doing when you invite Teacher Tang to dinner, tell me, what's your idea?"

Xu Anqi was also slightly surprised, Jiang Chen invited Tangyue to dinner?
It has to be said that ever since the hazy relationship with Jiang Chen in Tiannan City was half concealed and half revealed, Xu Anqi has become much more sensitive in this regard.

This kind of sensitivity may be called a woman's nature, which can be learned without a teacher.

"Does flattering Teacher Tang count?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Vulgar." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"What vulgarity?" Tangyue just came over and asked curiously when she heard Jiang Yanyan's words.

"Teacher Tang." Jiang Yanyan drooped her eyebrows, and hurriedly greeted Tangyue. She is a good student. Although it may be shameful to make a fuss in front of Jiang Chen, she is still very honest in front of the teacher.

"Teacher Tang, you have a drink." Jiang Yanyan picked up the drink and handed it to Tangyue.

Tangyue took the drink, glanced at Jiang Yanyan, then at Xu Anqi who was smiling slightly, and finally went to look at the sluggish Jiang Chen.

It was a bit funny for no reason, she said she invited Jiang Chen to dinner, now Jiang Chen invited her to dinner, but with Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan here, Jiang Chen should be more honest, right?
Tangyue was sitting next to Jiang Chen eating, and only picked up her chopsticks to take a bite when she realized that Jiang Chen had grasped her left hand under the table.

Tangyue was startled, she thought Jiang Chen would be more honest, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to become dishonest so quickly.

Tangyue's heart tightened, and she quickly glanced at Jiang Chen, but she didn't dare to be too obvious, lest Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan would see something, otherwise, her image as a teacher might be wiped out.

Tangyue tried to retract her hand with her hands, Jiang Chen closed her big hand, wrapped Tangyue's small hand in her palm, and said with concern: "Teacher Tang, hurry up and eat, the food won't taste good when it gets cold. gone."

"I'm not very hungry yet." Tangyue said, she was so angry that she was dying.

This guy dared to take advantage of her in front of Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, but on the surface he pretended to be nothing, this feeling was simply too strange to her.

She was too late to guard against Jiang Chen, how could she be in the mood to eat?
"Aren't you very hungry?" Jiang Chen glanced at Tangyue, and said, "Teacher Tang, you have a perfect figure, so you don't need to go on a diet. If you were a little thinner, you wouldn't look as good-looking as you do now."

"I think what Jiang Chen said is quite right." Jiang Yanyan, who didn't know the inside story, took the words.

Tangyue's beauty was a very dignified beauty, never domineering, never pressured, and never condescending.

Her gentleness seemed to come out from deep within her bones.

Enlarged breasts, slender waist and fat ~ buttocks, if these three points are put on the body of an ordinary mature woman, there will always be a little bit of a monster, but Tangyue uses her own gentle temperament to perfectly express these three points. The three are balanced and integrated.

"Teacher Tang, you should eat more, the class is so hard." Jiang Yanyan said kindly.

Tangyue kept complaining, although she knew that Jiang Yanyan was concerned about her body, but in this situation, Jiang Yanyan always felt awkward when she joined her.

"You guys eat too, don't watch me eat alone." Tangyue then said, she lowered her head to pick up the chopsticks, and reluctantly ate a small mouthful.

Jiang Chen also lowered his head to eat, but he still held onto Tangyue's little hand, but changed from holding Tangyue's hand with his right hand to holding Tangyue's hand with his left hand, so Jiang Chen's posture looked like It's just awkward.

If Tangyue hadn't been here, Jiang Yanyan would have scolded Jiang Chen for having a convulsion, eating as he ate, showing any posses, and having no sense of beauty at all.

Xu Anqi felt a little ashamed. Jiang Chen, a clown, was fine if he didn't act upright in front of her, but he was acting like this in front of Tangyue. It was too embarrassing.

Tangyue's heart almost jumped out of her throat, and she almost couldn't hold back and jumped up from the chair.

Is Jiang Chen desperate?
Didn't he know that Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan could easily see through this posture?
Tangyue couldn't help being very annoyed. If there were only two of them, it would be fine for Jiang Chen to be a little more presumptuous and rude. Anyway, it was not the first time for Jiang Chen. Boyfriends have all impersonated.

But how can you do this in public?
While being annoyed, Tangyue was inexplicably aggrieved. Did Jiang Chen think about her psychological feelings when he did this? Did he have to make her feel ashamed for him to be happy?

How did Jiang Chen know that a small action by himself would cause the three women at the same table to dream about it. If Jiang Chen knew, he would definitely cry out for himself.

Jiang Chen's left hand was holding Tangyue's left hand. This posture was indeed quite awkward, but it was something he couldn't help. He and Tangyue had more than just eating.

He still has something to say to Tangyue.

With Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan around, there was no way to say those words. He could only find a way to say what he wanted to say in other ways.

Jiang Chen grasped Tangyue's little hand slightly to avoid being pulled out by Tangyue. At the same time, one of his fingers was gently wriggling in Tangyue's palm.

Feeling Jiang Chen's small movements, Tangyue's face almost turned pale, she secretly exerted force, trying very hard to pull her hand out.

Thus, the movement of pulling hands under the table turned into a tug of war, which made Jiang Chen's movements look even more awkward.

"I am here……"

Jiang Chen had no choice but to hold Tangyue's little hand tighter, his fingers squirmed faster, and scribbled these three words on Tangyue's palm, and then quickly let go of his hand.

The moment her hand was released, Tangyue quickly withdrew her hand. In order not to be raped by Jiang Chen again, Tangyue put her hand on the table.

The five fingers curled up slightly, and the white palm was clearly overflowing with sweat.

Tangyue felt that this situation was really too shameful, and it made her feel aggrieved by the shame.

But I don't know why, when Jiang Chen's finger squirmed in her palm, the itching feeling it brought seemed to be contagious, even if she had let go of her hand at this moment, it still It made her tremble slightly.

That kind of trembling seemed to come from the depths of her soul, and it was unbearably itchy, making Tangyue's cheeks hot and red.The sense of shame is getting heavier.

"This damn bastard." Tangyue cursed Jiang Chen's shamelessness in her heart, she would never admit that, to a certain extent, she secretly liked that feeling.

After all, once he admits it, wouldn't it mean he admits that he likes being harassed by Jiang Chen, or that he likes having an affair in front of Jiang Chen's rumored girlfriend Xu Anqi?
"No...not right..." After cursing in her heart, Tangyue suddenly realized that the situation didn't seem to be what she thought.

She was so nervous that when Jiang Chen's fingers squirmed on her palm, she subconsciously thought it was harassment, but at this time, when she recalled that itchy touch, she suddenly realized that it was, Jiang Chen wrote in her palm.

"I am here……"

Following that itchy touch, Tangyue worked hard to spell out the few words written by Jiang Chen bit by bit, and finally, she spelled out these three words.

When these three words were spelled out, Tangyue's breathing was suddenly suffocated. She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Chen in disbelief, then quickly retracted her gaze, and quickly lowered her head. It's already misty!

(End of this chapter)

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