genius evil

Chapter 291 Open a Room and Fight a Landlord

Chapter 291 Open a Room and Fight a Landlord

I am here.

This is not a love story, and it is hard to say whether it has the beauty that love words are better than love words.

This, perhaps, can be understood as a kind of responsibility.

The simple three words are to dissect the complex emotions deep in Tangyue's heart.

Tangyue's eyes were wet, and only by holding back, could she not let the tears fall from the corners of her eyes.

It turned out that Jiang Chen had already seen through her concealment in just one glance at the meeting yesterday.

He held her hand with a tired and rascal attitude, but he was not molesting her, but he wanted to tell her...that he was there; told her that she could trust and rely on him.

This was a feeling she had never had before. Even the last time, when Jiang Chen killed someone in front of her, the impact was not as great as the impact brought by these simple three words.

Just like a river bursting its embankment, what Tangyue was unprepared for was that she was wrapped tightly by the overflowing tenderness, almost suffocating.

"Don't cry." Tangyue told herself in her heart.

She wasn't afraid that crying would stain her face, but she was afraid that her tears would embarrass Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan who were on the opposite side.

Sniffing gently, Tangyue raised her head, took a deep look at Jiang Chen, got up and left without saying hello to Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

"What happened to Teacher Tang?" Jiang Yanyan asked Jiang Chen in bewilderment.

"Let's eat." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said casually.

"Oh." Jiang Yanyan nodded, took a mouthful of rice, and asked Xu Anqi again, "Anqi, what do you think is wrong with Teacher Tang? Why do I feel that Teacher Tang seems very sad."

"I don't know." Xu Anqi shook her head.

"Jiang Chen, could it be that you secretly bullied Teacher Tang behind An Qi's and me's backs?" Jiang Yanyan said, staring at Jiang Chen.

"How could it be?" Jiang Chen felt a little guilty.

"That's fine, why did you invite Teacher Tang to dinner?" Jiang Yanyan expressed doubts about this.

Xu Anqi was also a little puzzled. Perhaps in her opinion, even if Jiang Chen invited other women to dinner, it would probably be fine. Anyway, all kinds of beautiful women always appeared around Jiang Chen, and she didn't know how Jiang Chen would know such a woman. many women.

But it's a bit strange to invite Tangyue to dinner.

After all, Jiang Chen is a student and Tang Yue is a teacher.

"Actually, I didn't invite Teacher Tang to dinner, it was Teacher Tang who invited me to dinner." Jiang Chen felt that he was very innocent.

"You thought you were Song Yu reborn, Pan An was reborn, Teacher Tang invited you to dinner, you thought it was beautiful." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes, and Xu Anqi teased her with a small smile.

Jiang Chen touched his face with his hand, and said angrily: "Student Yanyan, you can bully me, but you must not insult me. Song Yu was reborn and Pan An was reborn. I and them are almost the same class. Pretty boy."


Jiang Yanyan almost threw up.

Jiang Chen's cell phone rang at this moment.

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and saw that the call was from Bao Shifan, so he answered the call casually while eating.

After hearing a few sentences, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback. He casually put the phone on the table and pressed the speaker button. Bao Shifan's voice came clearly from the other end of the phone.

"What are you going to do? This is the Meixing Hotel. If you dare to mess around again, I will call the security guard."

"Wen Jing, you go to the elevator first, I'll argue with them, I don't believe it, how dare they treat me at the Maxim Hotel."


"It was Bao Shifan who called. What did he say about the Beauty Star Hotel? What are he and Wen Jing doing there?" Jiang Yanyan asked strangely.

"A man and a woman appear in a hotel, what do you think they are going to do?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Maybe it's Kaifangdou~Landlord." Jiang Yanyan curled her lips, realizing that she asked a rather stupid question, but she definitely wouldn't admit it.

"Then let's be the two of them fighting each other~landlords, you two take your time, and I'm going to the Beauty Star Hotel." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Bao Shifan's phone call was obviously to ask for help, a few words, and two named Meixing Hotel, made Jiang Chen look at Bao Shifan with admiration.

This old friend of his seemed to have changed a lot during this time, especially Bao Shifan, who really dragged Wen Jing to open a room, which made Jiang Chen very happy.

"The two of them are fighting each other~ Landlord, what are you going to do?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Well, Dou~ aren't there three landlords?" Jiang Chen said casually, put away his phone, and walked slowly towards the outside of the cafeteria.

"Two people can also fight~ How about the landlord?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen's back and muttered.

"Isn't something going to happen to Bao Shifan?" Xu Anqi frowned slightly.

"Looking at Jiang Chen's attitude, you should understand that even if something happens, it won't be a big deal." Jiang Yanyan said.

While talking, Jiang Yanyan suddenly became gossiping, and said in a sly way: "An Qi, what do you think Bao Shifan and Wen Jing are doing at the Beauty Star Hotel?"

"Maybe it's really to fight~ the landlord." Xu Anqi said softly. In this regard, she is relatively conservative, but she is not as careless as Jiang Yanyan.

"Then An Qi, you and Jiang Chen used to go to the hotel to get a room. Could it be that you were also fighting the landlord?" Jiang Yanyan blinked and asked with a smile.

"No...yes...yes..." Xu Anqi was extremely shy, shaking her head looking around and nodding again.

Meixing Hotel is very close to Yilan Middle School. Jiang Chen drove that flamboyant Pagani and arrived in about 5 minutes.

After getting out of the car, before entering the hotel lobby, Jiang Chen saw the elevator entrance, Bao Shifan was like an old hen, protecting the thin and small Wen Jing behind him, and three people who looked a bit sloppy The young men confronted each other.

This is a small hotel, so it is naturally impossible for security guards to appear, and no one even called the police. Perhaps it was because of this that those three people were unscrupulous, and their subordinates became more aggressive, pushing Bao Shifan away. Pushing and shoving.

"Boy, be sensible and get the hell out of me as soon as possible, or I will destroy you." Among the three young men, a guy with long hair said fiercely.

"My girlfriend just accidentally stepped on you, don't you think this is too much?" Bao Shifan said angrily.

"Accidentally stepped on me, do you know how expensive my pair of shoes are? I told you, either you pay me 1 yuan, or this woman plays with us buddies, have you considered it yet? "The long-haired youth said aggressively.

"Your shoes are worth 100 yuan at most." Bao Shifan argued with a blushing neck.

"100 yuan? Fuck, are you looking down on me? Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and make a choice, I don't have the patience to talk to you." The long-haired young man said unhappily, a pair of thief eyes, hiding behind Bao Shifan quietly On his body, he was spinning around.

Wen Jing is not considered beautiful, and her figure is not very good, but she has a quiet temperament, which is just like her name, which more or less makes up for the lack of appearance and figure, but it is quite for attractive.

As for the long-haired young man, what he likes is the quiet temperament.

According to his own words, Wen Jing is the kind of woman who is so tall that people can't help but want to be bullied. When they meet in this hotel, even if there is no reason, he will create some unreasonable reasons to find fault, let alone He said that he has a reason now, although such a reason is very untenable.

"It is impossible for me to agree to your request. I will pay you 100 yuan at most." Bao Shifan said firmly.

"You don't have to eat fine wine for a toast, buddies, let's not waste time, let's do it directly." The long-haired young man said to the two young men standing behind him.

Bao Shifan's expression was ugly. He estimated his combat strength. If he fought one-on-one, it shouldn't be a big problem, but if he faced three, he would only be tortured.

He secretly called Jiang Chen, put the phone in his pants pocket, and said a few words loudly, not knowing whether Jiang Chen would come or not.

Nervous and worried, Bao Shifan kept looking at the hotel entrance, praying that Jiang Chen would come over quickly, otherwise if Wen Jing was ruined by these three people, he would never forgive himself in this life.

"Speak well, don't do it, don't do it." When Bao Shifan looked at the hotel entrance again, he saw a figure rushing in from outside.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the figure who rushed in happened to step on the long-haired young man's feet, leaving a black shoe print.

"Boy, you are looking for death, you dare to step on me." Being stepped on again, the long-haired youth was furious.

"It's just stepped on your foot, it's not okay to have such a big temper." The man said with a smile, who else could it be except Jiang Chen.

"Who are you, are you teaching me a lesson? Believe it or not, I have cleaned you up too." The long-haired young man said with a sullen face.

"To be honest, I don't believe it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Fuck, do it." The long-haired young man was angry. If he didn't believe it, he would beat him until he believed him. If he still didn't believe him, he would continue to beat him until he believed him.

The two people who followed behind the long-haired youth wanted to make a move a long time ago. Upon hearing the sound, the two rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"I said don't be so angry, I said you must never do anything, why are you so disobedient?" Jiang Chen sighed, and kicked the two guys who rushed over one after another. on the ground.

"I said that I don't believe you can take care of me. That means I'm telling you that if you want to take care of me, I'll take care of you. Why can't you understand people's words?" Jiang Chen babbled, then kicked, Kicked the long-haired youth over.

After easily overthrowing the three of them, Jiang Chen turned around and was about to say hello to Bao Shifan, telling the two of them to continue doing what they should do.

Then, when Jiang Chen saw what Bao Shifan was holding in his hand, Jiang Chen couldn't help being stunned. He thought he had made a mistake, so he opened his eyes wide and looked again. That's right, he asked angrily. Said: "Bao Shifan, let me tell you that the two of you are really here to open the house and fight the landlord, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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