genius evil

Chapter 292 Is This Really the Point?

Chapter 292 Is This Really the Point?
Bao Shifan held a package of things in his hand, which was brand new and unopened. It looked a bit similar to some mysterious supplies, but it was not mysterious at all.

Because that's a box of poker.

That's right, it was a box of poker. After Jiang Chen saw it clearly, he felt a little bad.

"Today is Sunday, and there is no class in the afternoon, so let's... pass the time." Bao Shifan said embarrassedly.

"You can do something else to pass the time." Jiang Chen said depressingly.

"What are you doing?" Bao Shifan also looked depressed.

"Okay, then you two will fight~ the landlord, but you have to add some chips, for example, whoever loses can take off a piece of clothing...or, whoever wins can take off a piece of clothing... Wait until After one of them has finished taking off all his clothes, he will be responsible for undressing the other." Jiang Chen suggested solemnly.

Bao Shifan's face turned red, and his breathing became a lot rougher.

"What are you still doing in a daze, just follow my suggestion and go fight a landlord." Jiang Chen waved his hand away.

"Xiao Jing, let's go up." Bao Shifan said, holding Wen Jing's little hand.

Wen Jing's blush was as if it was on fire, Jiang Chen was too bad, and he vowed not to give up again and again not to teach Bao Shifan to be bad.

But she plucked up the courage to open a room with Bao Shifan, saying it was Dou~Landlord, how could it really be Dou~Landlord?Only an idiot like Bao Shifan would really buy a pair of poker, as if he wanted to fight her till dark.

Being held by Bao Shifan, Wen Jing didn't break free, and Nini was dragged into the elevator by Bao Shifan.

"Idiot." Wen Jing said angrily when the elevator door closed.

Bao Shifan smiled foolishly, naturally it was impossible to tell Wen Jing that he bought a pair of poker as a cover-up, and if he really wanted to open a room to fight the landlord, how stupid would he have to be to do such a thing?
They had already come to open the room. Between him and Wen Jing, there was only the last layer of tulle that hadn't been lifted. Jiang Chen is worthy of being a good brother. A divine assist directly fulfilled his good deed.

This made Bao Shifan thank those three guys a little bit. If those three guys hadn't found fault, he wouldn't have called Jiang Chen. If he hadn't called Jiang Chen, maybe he would really have to Open the room to fight ~ the landlord.

"The two of them are fighting each other~ The landlord has gone, you three, get out too." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you offended us today, I promise, you will die miserably." The long-haired young man got up from the ground and said angrily.

"That's right, our boss is Brother Jin, how dare you spoil our good deeds, wait for someone to collect the body." Another guy said harshly.

"Brother Jin? Ah Jin?" Jiang Chen was delighted when he heard this.

"That's right, it's Ah Jin. So you know Brother Jin's name, so you should understand what will happen if you offend us. Be sensible and ask your friend to let his woman out. Let's forget about it." .” The long-haired young man said triumphantly, still thinking about Wen Jing all the time.

"I'm sorry, forget it if you want to, but I don't want to just forget it like this. Since we met by such a coincidence, I'll give you a big gift." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

"What big gift?" The long-haired youth asked in confusion.

Jiang Chen didn't answer this question, and he didn't need to answer it, because the long-haired youth soon understood what the gift Jiang Chen was going to give him was.

Jiang Chen walked over and kicked the long-haired youth over.

Then, the front desk of the hotel saw that Jiang Chen kicked the three long-haired youths rolling around on the ground like kicking a football, kicking the three of them, screaming like pigs being slaughtered.

"Ah, stop hitting, I'm going to die."

"Call the police, call the police quickly."

"Please, my bones are breaking."


The three young men with long hair cried and howled like ghosts and wolves. For about ten minutes, after the three of them, there was almost only air in and out, and it was Jiang Chen who stopped kicking the ball.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" When Ding Lingling got off the police car, she happened to see the scene of Jiang Chen beating someone.

"Oh, playing football, why are you here?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Can't I come? Or, you don't want to see me?" Ding Lingling said angrily.

How many days has this guy been missing her?It's fine if people don't see her, but she doesn't even call her, it's so annoying.

"I mean, what are you doing here." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Don't worry about it." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"I'm just asking casually." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

"I knew you didn't really care about me at all." Ding Lingling said loudly.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, and he reminded: "Little girl, did you make a mistake? What's the point?"

"The point is that you don't care about me." Ding Lingling shouted.

"Is this really the point?" Now, including the three young men with long hair and the MM at the front desk who called the police, all of them have black lines on their heads.

"Then how do I care about you?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

"Come shopping with me, treat me to dinner." Ding Lingling said confidently.

"Let's go." Such a simple request, Jiang Chen naturally had no difficulty in agreeing.

"Officer, didn't you come to arrest people?" Seeing Jiang Chen asking Ding Lingling to leave, the long-haired young man who was beaten up badly couldn't help reminding.

"That's right, I'm here to arrest people." After being reminded, Ding Lingling realized that she had forgotten her business.

"Officer, he is the one who beat us, you arrest him quickly." Seeing this, the long-haired youth pointed at Jiang Chen, asking Ding Lingling to arrest Jiang Chen.

Ding Lingling became angry when she saw it: "You idiot, I arrested him, who will accompany me shopping, who will treat me to dinner?"

"But, he hit people." The long-haired young man muttered.

"Which hand did he hit?" Ding Lingling asked.

"It's not hands, it's feet. He kicked us with his feet." The long-haired young man explained.

"How did you kick it?" Ding Lingling asked again.

The long-haired young man was stunned for a moment. How should he answer this question? He can't let Jiang Chen's original scene reappear and kick them again, right?

Seeing Ding Lingling's malicious expression again, the long-haired young man's heart skipped a beat. This policewoman who appeared from nowhere clearly has a lot to do with Jiang Chen, and she is still waiting to go. For a date, he asked the policewoman to arrest someone at this time, maybe it would be himself who was arrested.

The long-haired young man couldn't help cursing himself for being an idiot, and hurriedly said: "I remember wrongly, he didn't kick us, we fell down by ourselves."

While talking, he winked at the other two guys.

"That's right, that's right, we fell down by ourselves." The two guys were also playing the role of adapting to the wind, and they changed their faces faster than turning the pages of a book.

"Did you fall down? So badly? Is it true? Let me tell you, don't be afraid, I will definitely uphold justice for you." Ding Lingling said awe-inspiringly.

"It really fell down." The long-haired youth said with great certainty.

"That means, someone here reported a false alarm, right?" Ding Lingling suddenly turned his face.

"Ah—" The long-haired young man opened his mouth wide enough to almost stuff an egg in.

After Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling walked out of the hotel, Ding Lingling just went out, but Ding Lingling couldn't help it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Jiang Chen, my acting skills are not bad, right?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, as if begging for praise.

"You mean, what you said just now was all fake?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"Otherwise?" Ding Lingling rolled her eyes, quite dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's way of despising her own IQ.

"Shall we go shopping and eat?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Do you think that everyone is like you, idle around all day long, doing nothing but fighting and making trouble, and chasing girls all over the world? I'm very busy, okay?" Ding Lingling took out the car key and pressed it, and walked towards the police car .

Jiang Chen also took out the car key, pressed it casually, and walked towards Pagani.

Before Jiang Chen got into the car, Ding Lingling ran over, "Jiang Chen, is this car yours? Did you buy it?"

"I won it." Jiang Chen replied honestly.

"Anyway, it's yours, so let's go for a ride." Ding Lingling looked excited, Pagani, well, she doesn't know the brand of this car at all, but just looking at the smooth lines, That thick exhaust pipe and exaggerated shape must be very expensive, okay?
Anyway, it was the type of car that was so expensive that she had never had a chance to ride in it.

"Little girl, didn't you say you were very busy?" Jiang Chen was depressed.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car quickly." Ding Lingling had already gone around, opened the co-pilot's door and sat in, and took the initiative to fasten her seat belt.

"Go for a drive first, then go shopping, and then go to eat." After Jiang Chen got into the car, Ding Lingling said like a treasure.

"Little girl, do you have amnesia? Did you forget what you said just now?" Jiang Chen asked worriedly.

"Is this the point?" Ding Lingling asked back.

"Then what is the point?" Jiang Chen said.

"The point is that this car is so handsome, okay? You don't know. When I drove over just now, I saw this car at first sight. I was curious about whose car it was. I didn't expect it to be your car." " Ding Lingling said in a rambling manner.

"Is this really the point?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart, and then he wanted to discuss the point with a chick who couldn't grasp the point. .

"Ah, it's too fast, please drive slowly." Not long after the car was on the road, Ding Lingling screamed from inside the car.

Jiang Chen silently looked at the speedometer, forty yards, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he stepped on the accelerator silently to accelerate.

"Ah, it's too slow, please drive faster." Ding Lingling screamed again.

Jiang Chen looked at the speedometer again, eighty, the headache is about to explode!
(End of this chapter)

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