genius evil

Chapter 293 Don't Think About Being Irresponsible

Chapter 293 Don't Think About Being Irresponsible

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Ah Jin brought the wretched-looking Ah Bing into a hospital ward.

In the ward, there were three people lying on each of the three beds, all of whom were wailing non-stop.

"Brother Jin is here." Ah Bing called out.

"Brother Jin...Brother Jin..."

The three people lying on the hospital bed immediately greeted Ah Jin after hearing the sound.

"Tell me, what's the matter with the three of you?" A Jin's face was very gloomy.

The car was robbed by Jiang Chen yesterday, Ah Jin's mood has always been very bad, and now that his subordinates have been sent to the hospital, Ah Jin's mood has become even worse.

"Brother Jin, it's like this, the three of us originally wanted to open a room in the hotel to play cards, and then I was stepped on by someone. When I tried to reason with that person, instead of apologizing, the person called The helpers beat us up." The long-haired young man said emphatically.


A Jin sneered in his heart, he still knew the virtues of these three guys, when did they reason with others?
But Ajin didn't care about these details, and said coldly: "Have you reported my name?"

"Yes, I told that person that our boss is Brother Jin. That guy didn't know what was going on, and said in a panic that he would give us a big gift, and then beat us up. Brother Jin, you know, we were It doesn't matter if you hit him, he didn't give you face, Brother Jin, you must show your anger." The long-haired young man gritted his teeth.

"Shut up." Ajin snorted coldly, interrupting the long-haired youth.

Ah Jin naturally cared about face.

In Yilan City, there may be people who don't give him face, but there are definitely not many.

After all, even if you don't look at his face, you still have to look at Master Quan's face. It doesn't matter if you offend him. If you offend Master Quan, you can imagine what will happen.

The long-haired young man was beaten after reporting his name. This inexplicable suddenly made A Jin have a bad association.

"Tell me what that man looks like." A Jin pointed at the long-haired youth.

The young man with long hair was apprehensive, and described Jiang Chen's appearance.

"It really is him." Ah Jin's face changed, and he became more and more gloomy.

Through the description of the long-haired youth, Ajin almost didn't need to ask for proof, he already knew that it was Jiang Chen who beat the person.

"It's Jiang Chen." A Bing said.

A Bing was also very impressed with Jiang Chen. On that day, in the water and clouds, Jiang Chen beat Ah Jin and took away Ah Jin's gold chain and Land Rover.

Hearing that Ah Jin's gold chain and Ferrari were taken away last night on Pipa Mountain, Ah Bing's impression of Jiang Chen was even more profound.

"That's right, it's Jiang Chen." Ajin said gloomyly.

"Brother Jin, that Jiang Chen is too deceitful. If this continues, next time he will ride on Brother Jin to shit and pee on your head. I can't bear it, kill him." A Bing said angrily.

"Fuck him to death? Are you going?" A Jin asked after glancing at A Bing.

A Bing shrank his neck, he didn't dare to go, if he really went, let alone kill Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen didn't kill him, he was blessed by the Bodhisattva.

"If you don't want to go, why don't I go?" Ah Jin asked again.

"Brother Jin, in your capacity, there is no need to fight Jiang Chen recklessly." A Bing said shyly.

"Then how should we deal with this matter?" Ajin asked again.

"This matter, let's just forget it like this. Anyway, they are not dead or disabled, so let's take it as a long memory." A Bing said after thinking about A Jin's meaning.

"It means that if you are dead or disabled, you can't forget it, right?" Ajin continued to ask with a serious face.

A Bing opened his mouth and was speechless.

"Actually, you are right in saying that Jiang Chen is indeed deceiving people too much, but you are wrong in another sentence, that is, Jiang Chen is now riding on my head, shitting and peeing." A Jin said quietly .

"That's Brother Jin, you have a good temper and don't care about him like him." A Bing said hurriedly.

"It's not that I don't care about him, but I can't care about it." Sighing, Ah Jin said with a dejected expression.

There is no way, it is impossible, and I dare not!

A Jin knew very well that if Jiang Chen snatched his car last night, it was just a trial at the initial stage, then after the long-haired youths reported their names, Jiang Chen would also beat up the three of them violently. Jiang Chen's temptation has been escalated.

Jiang Chen said that he was giving a big gift to the three young men with long hair, but in fact, he was giving him a big gift.

Jiang Chen was testing his tolerance. In other words, he was testing his bottom line. To put it more directly, he was forcing him to do something.

In that way, Jiang Chen didn't need to worry about anything, and he didn't need to find any evidence, and directly confronted the two sides head-on.

Head-to-head confrontation, even Master Quan has no confidence, how could Ah Jin have it, he is naturally unwilling, so he must continue to endure, and endure it if he can't bear it.

If you can't hold back, you can live, if you can't hold back, you may die.

In the balance between life and death, Ajin will undoubtedly choose the former.

"Let's forget about this matter. You three, be honest with me during this period, otherwise I won't need others to do anything, and I will kill you directly." A Jin said in a deep voice.

"Yes Yes……"

The three people on the hospital bed responded quickly.

"A Bing, tell me to go down and tell the others below to be more honest." Ah Jin ordered again.

A Bing said with a bitter face, "Brother Jin, I will."


A silver-gray Pagani is driving quickly on a newly repaired road.

"Ah... ah... I finally feel better." Ding Lingling yelled a few times in the co-pilot seat.

"Stay with me, you will naturally have a good mood." Jiang Chen said smugly.

"Can you show some face?" Ding Lingling looked unbearable.

"Then tell me, why was your mood so bad before?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You don't know, there is a pervert who came out of nowhere. He sent a courier to the bureau for three days in a row, threatening to set off a bomb. Everyone panicked and turned their backs. We are looking for that damn pervert everywhere. , I have not had a good rest for three days." Ding Lingling complained.

"That guy just dropped the bomb if he wanted to. Why send you a courier?" Jiang Chen was very surprised. What kind of spirit is this?
"Who knows what that pervert is thinking, provoking the authority of our people's police." Ding Lingling said.

"Maybe it's a prank, don't be so nervous." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Pranks are not allowed, we must be responsible for the safety of the people of the city." Ding Lingling said seriously.

Jiang Chen was respectful, and said with a smile: "I just think that these three days are fine, if that guy sends couriers to the bureau for ten days and a half months in a row, don't talk about arresting people, no It’s good to be exhausted.”

"It seems quite reasonable." Ding Lingling was stunned for a moment, and then she looked depressed, "In that case, wouldn't it be possible for me to have a good rest for a long time, and wouldn't my skin become very bad? What if I'm ugly?"

Saying that, Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen and asked: "If I accidentally become ugly, you won't dislike me, right? I warn you, if you dare to dislike me, I will fight you hard."

"No, no." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Just kidding, even if you dislike him, you can't say it in front of Ding Lingling.

"No, no, I want a recording to prove it." Ding Lingling took out the phone, turned on the recording, and moved it to Jiang Chen's mouth to let Jiang Chen say it again.

"Little girl, can you be a little more reliable?" Jiang Chen always had the urge to bump his head to death.

"I know you are just talking casually, but even if I become ugly and you dislike me, I will rely on you not to let go." Ding Lingling muttered.

"It seems that we don't have that kind of relationship, do we?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"Ah—" Ding Lingling yelled, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, you've already put me to sleep, so don't think about being irresponsible."

"It seems that you put me to sleep?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Anyway, the two of us are sleeping. Does it make any difference who sleeps?" Ding Lingling argued confidently, without even turning red.

"Um, aren't we talking about that pervert who threatened to drop a bomb?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Oh, that's right, do you have a way to find out that damn pervert?" Ding Lingling calmed down in minutes.

"You can try it, there is no guarantee if it will work or not." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, just like what Ding Lingling said, the two of them are already sleeping on the same bed, so it's okay to do something for this chick.

Jiang Chen just took out his mobile phone and called Tang Tian, ​​asking Tang Tian to help him pay attention.

"Jiang Chen, you actually called other women in front of me and flirted on the phone?" Ding Lingling asked unhappily.

"I'll make another call." Jiang Chen raised Yang's phone and said.

Why does this chick look like she's in a vinegar jar, but when she was with Liu Yufei last time, she obviously got along very well?

"It must be because of not having a good rest and having an endocrine disorder. It's all caused by that damned pervert." Jiang Chen said in his heart, thinking that even in order to ensure a harmonious relationship with the women around him, that damned pervert must be caught as soon as possible. live.

Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, and asked, "A woman again?"

"No, man." Jiang Chen said.

It was indeed a man. Jiang Chen's second call was to A Jin.

When Jiang Chen asked the Bauhinia Society to keep an eye on some of Ajin's information, the Bauhinia Society specially collected it and sent a copy to Jiang Chen's mobile phone. Jiang Chen remembered Ajin's number.

"I'm Jiang Chen." After getting through the phone, Jiang Chen directly reported his name.

"Jiang Shao, what's the matter?" Ajin asked in great confusion.

"It's like this, there is something, please pay attention to me..." Jiang Chen explained the matter.

"Let me help you find someone?" The phone hung up, and Ah Jin murmured while holding the phone.


Vigorously smashing the phone to the ground, Ah Jin's expression could be as ugly as it wanted...

(End of this chapter)

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