genius evil

Chapter 294 I'm Still a Child

Chapter 294 I'm Still a Child

After the two phone calls, Jiang Chen turned his head to the side, looked at Ding Lingling and said, "Little girl, should we continue the drive, or go shopping now."

"I'm not going shopping anymore, I want to sleep." Stretching her waist, Ding Lingling said lazily.

Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly brightened, and the heat in his eyes seemed to burn the delicate and smooth skin on Ding Lingling's face.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly.

"I want to sleep too." Jiang Chen said with some embarrassment.

"I won't sleep with you." Ding Lingling yelled.

"Anyway, I've already slept once, so what does it matter if I sleep again? There is a saying, once born, secondly familiar." Jiang Chen bewitched.

"Hey, do you think I, Ding Lingling, is such a casual woman?" Ding Lingling said with a red face.

What nonsense is this guy talking about? Can such a thing as sleeping with a man be described in this way?What a mess.

"Of course you are not a casual woman, because you will only sleep with a man like me in this life." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Ding Lingling's pink face became even redder. She stretched out her hand, pinched Jiang Chen forcefully, and said loudly: "Don't even think about it, turn the car around quickly, and I'm going to fall asleep after talking about it."

Jiang Chen asked in a low voice: "Little girl, are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

"I've thought about it very clearly." Ding Lingling raised her neck, like a proud white swan, as if she was telling Jiang Chen that the toad was lucky enough to eat swan meat once, and the ancestral grave was already smoking. , I want to eat it a second time, but there is no door.

Besides, if you really slept with Jiang Chen, then don't even think about sleeping, it will only make you tired.

It seems that things like that between a man and a woman are very exhausting, right?
Ding Lingling, who was inexperienced, quickly estimated whether her physical strength was sufficient, and then felt that it would be better for her to sleep alone.

Although he was very reluctant, Jiang Chen had no choice but to send Ding Lingling back to sleep first, then drove back to Yilan Middle School, and went to Lanjie Restaurant.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." It was still early, between four o'clock and less than five o'clock, and the students hadn't finished class yet. Sister Lan rarely had some free time, so she was watching TV.

Seeing Jiang Chen walking in from the outside, Sister Lan smiled knowingly.

"Sister Lan." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Have you eaten yet? I'll cook two dishes for you?" Sister Lan said, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

Jiang Chen didn't stop him either, and let Sister Lan get busy.

After a while, Sister Lan came over with two plates and a bowl of rice. Jiang Chen didn't eat much at noon. He was really hungry at this time, so he didn't want to be polite to Sister Lan. He just picked up the chopsticks and ate. up.

And Sister Lan entered the kitchen again. On the gas stove, there was a pot of medicine frying on the fire.

Jiang Chen hasn't come these days, and Sister Lan still decocts medicine for Jiang Chen every day, which has become a habit.

When Jiang Chen finished his meal, Sister Lan just brought out the medicine.

Jiang Chen took the medicine bowl and poured it into his mouth in one breath.

"Jiang Chen, do you have to drink this medicine every day?" Sister Lan asked.

"I have to drink it every day, but it doesn't matter if I don't drink it." Jiang Chen said, after thinking about it, he said, "But sister Lan, you and Xiaodie still have to drink the medicine every day."

Sister Lan nodded lightly. The mother and daughter were drinking the medicine Jiang Chen gave her and Xiaodie every day, and the effect could be seen.

After saying these words, the two of them seemed to have nothing to say.

Jiang Chen smiled a little, and wanted to leave, but he saw Xiaodie running down the stairs in a hurry, and the little person bumped into Jiang Chen's arms.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I just heard your voice upstairs, I thought I missed you too much, I misheard." Xiaodie said pitifully.

Jiang Chen scratched Xiaodie's nose and said, "Does Xiaodie miss Brother Jiang Chen so much?"

"Yeah, I miss it very much, and my mother also misses Brother Jiang Chen very much." Xiaodie said very seriously.

"Xiaodie, don't talk nonsense." Sister Lan's face turned red, this child can really say anything.

"Mom, I didn't talk nonsense. Brother Jiang Chen hasn't come these few days. You've been chanting Brother Jiang Chen's name every day. I overheard it." Xiaodie stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"I—" Sister Lan's face turned red and burned.

"Your mother is thinking about elder brother Jiang Chen and me taking medicine." Jiang Chen rescued Sister Lan.

Jiang Chen was always verbal, but in front of Sister Lan, he always had an inexplicable restraint. It was not because Sister Lan was older than him.

Rather, Sister Lan's concern for him has always been free of any impurities.

Every time he came to Sister Lan's restaurant, for Jiang Chen, he always had the feeling of entering a home.

This feeling can be said to be quite complicated, so that the more Jiang Chen interacts with Sister Lan, the more he will not be easily presumptuous when facing Sister Lan.

Xiaodie giggled, and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, I'm thinking about you taking medicine every day, and what's more, I got [-] points in the exam last time, what gift do you plan to give him, Brother Jiang Chen?" Woolen cloth?"

"Can girls casually ask boys for gifts?" Jiang Chen deliberately teased Xiaodie.

"I'm not a girl, I'm still a child, of course I can ask Brother Jiang Chen for a gift." Xiaodie said as a matter of course.

"Then what gift do you want, I'll buy it for you." Jiang Chen patted Xiaodie's head and smiled lightly.

"I want a big doll, a very big one, and a white one that looks good and is cute." Xiaodie said briskly, gesticulating with both hands to let Jiang Chen know that she What is said in the mouth is very big, how big is it?

"Okay, I'll buy it for you tomorrow." Jiang Chen agreed.

Speaking of which, since I have known Xiaodie for so long, I have never given Xiaodie a gift. It is rare that Xiaodie took the initiative to ask, and Jiang Chen naturally wanted to give it.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why don't you just buy it for me tomorrow?" Xiaodie blinked and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes.

"That is to say, Brother Jiang Chen, you have time tomorrow, right?" Xiaodie asked again.

"Is there something wrong?" Seeing Xiaodie's clever and weird face, Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Mom said, take me to buy summer clothes tomorrow, brother Jiang Chen, if you have time, you can go with me and mom, okay?" Xiaodie asked cautiously.

Jiang Chen glanced at Sister Lan and nodded, "No problem."

"Okay, then my mother and I don't have to squeeze the bus tomorrow, we can take brother Jiang Chen's car." Xiaodie shouted happily.

"Xiaodie, your brother Jiang Chen is very busy, don't mess around." Sister Lan said at this time.

"But I really don't want to take the bus." Xiaodie said with an aggrieved face.

"Mom will take you in a taxi tomorrow." Sister Lan said distressedly.

She runs a small restaurant with limited income, so she can't provide Xiaodie with a good living and learning environment. Every time she goes to school, she sees other parents driving a small car to pick up the children. Sister Lan feels sorry for Xiaodie. Feels sorry.

Although, recently, because of Jiang Chen, the living conditions of the mother and daughter have improved a lot, but it is also because of this that Sister Lan is unwilling to trouble Jiang Chen.

"No, I want to take Brother Jiang Chen's car." Xiaodie said loudly.

"Sister Lan, I have nothing to do tomorrow, so let's go shopping with you." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Oh, Brother Jiang Chen, you are so kind, I love you so much." Xiaodie shook Jiang Chen's little hand vigorously, feeling very intimate.

"This child." Sister Lan was both helpless and distressed, but Jiang Chen had said so, so she could only let Xiaodie mess around.

After making an appointment with Xiaodie tomorrow, Jiang Chen just left, and Sister Lan reprimanded Xiaodie in the restaurant.

"Xiaodie, you have to be more obedient in the future, don't mess around like this." Sister Lan said with a straight face.

"Mom, you are so young and beautiful now." Xiaodie's mouth is as sweet as honey, and when she smiles, her eyelashes are curved, which is instantly cute.

"Mom is telling you something serious." Sister Lan couldn't hold back, this brat.

"Mom, they are telling you something serious. Mom, you are so young and beautiful now. If you get angry, you will grow old very easily. If you do that, you won't be able to find a boyfriend." Xiaodie said with a whimper.

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" Sister Lan was stunned.

"Mom, of course you are looking for a boyfriend. It is said in the book that a beautiful woman needs a man's care and nourishment." Xiaodie said seriously.

Sister Lan stared, "What books are you reading?"

"Mom, I made a mistake. It wasn't in the book, but on TV. Mom, when are you going to find a boyfriend?" Xiaodie asked.

"Mom doesn't look for a boyfriend." Sister Lan shook her head.

"No, why not look for it?" Xiaodie was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "He has grown up, so you don't need to worry about it, mom, you can rest assured to find a boyfriend, he won't mind La."

With black lines all over her hair, Sister Lan said, "If this is the case, you can't tell others in the future."

"No, I will only talk to brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie said with a smile.

Sister Lan was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that Xiaodie took Jiang Chen to go shopping tomorrow, thinking, could it be that Xiaodie wanted to match Jiang Chen with herself?
It seems, it seems that this is the case, Xiaodie is self-willed, but she is still very sensible, this time she is making a fuss about taking Jiang Chen's car, clearly trying to find a way to drag Jiang Chen to go shopping together tomorrow, in other words In short, Xiaodie found an excuse that had no flaws.

Anyway, she is a child, childlike speech is not taboo, acting like a baby is good at acting cute.

"This, it's really nonsense." After thinking about it for a while, Sister Lan is flustered and outrageous. This naughty brat is getting more and more outrageous. She must be strictly disciplined, otherwise she will be punished as a mother one day. It was sold, she still doesn't know what happened...

(End of this chapter)

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