genius evil

Chapter 295

Chapter 295
At 08:30 the next morning, Jiang Chen drove a BMW and showed up at the entrance of Lan Jie's restaurant at the time agreed with Xiao Die.

This is a BMW X3, Brother Dao's car, because Jiang Chen's Pagani is a two-door car, it is not convenient for three people, so Jiang Chen asked Brother Dao to send the car over last night.

Xiaodie, who was wearing a pair of red shoes, bounced out of the restaurant, and without waiting for Jiang Chen to say hello, she just climbed up to the back seat.

With a small bag in her hand, Sister Lan pulled down the restaurant's rolling gate and locked it. After checking it carefully, she walked towards the car.

"Mom, you sit in the front seat." Xiaodie put down the window glass and stuck out her tongue at Sister Lan.

"I'll sit in the back row." Sister Lan said.

"It can't be done, you sit in the front row, he will be tired after a while, and he has to sleep." Xiaodie said.

"Okay, I'll sit in the front row." Sister Lan had no choice but to take the co-pilot seat because she had no choice but to take advantage of the eccentric Xiaodie.

After Jiang Chen asked where he was going to go shopping, he started the car and headed towards the city.

Half an hour later, the car came to a general shopping mall.

This is a common people's shopping mall, and the things inside are famous for their high-quality goods and prices, and are deeply loved by some working-class people and students.Xiaodie had been here before, after getting off the car, she led the way like a little adult, and entered a children's clothing store familiarly.

As soon as Xiaodie entered the clothing store, she ran towards the clothes, without the help of the waiter, picked up the clothes by herself, stood in front of the mirror one by one, and gestured decently.

"Sir, Ma'am, your daughter is so cute." The waiter probably had never seen such a little girl who was as big as a kid, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Er—" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

"We are not." Without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Sister Lan said hastily.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend?" the waiter asked tentatively.

"No." Sister Lan blushed.

Maybe it was because Sister Lan said no in a row, the waiter's eyes on Jiang Chen and Sister Lan became quite strange for a while.

Sister Lan was embarrassed by the look, and hurried to Xiaodie to get clothes for Xiaodie.

"Xiaodie, this one is pretty good, go and try it." Sister Lan said as she picked up a white princess dress.

"I like this one." Xiaodie held up a red skirt in her hand to show Sister Lan.

"Miss is really good at picking out clothes. This dress is the latest in our store." Another waiter said with a smile.

"I just said this one is pretty." Xiaodie said triumphantly.

"Miss, would you like to try it on?" the waiter asked.

"Yes." Xiaodie nodded her head like a chicken pecking rice, picked up the skirt and entered the fitting room without any help from Sister Lan.

Probably because she has long been used to Xiaodie's early wisdom, although she is a little helpless, Sister Lan can only let Xiaodie let her go.

Not long after, I saw Xiaodie running out of the fitting room with her nose wrinkled, shoving the red dress into Sister Lan's hand, and said, "No, it doesn't look good on you at all."

"Miss, doesn't it look good? Why don't you wear it on your body and let's see the effect together." The waiter said.

"No, no, it just doesn't look good." Xiaodie shook her head, and with her two little hands, she was pulling other clothes on the hanger.

Sister Lan smiled apologetically at the waiter. Since Xiaodie said it was not good-looking, she planned to put the skirt back, and when she saw the price tag on the skirt, Sister Lan's eyes were sore.

It's not that it doesn't look good, but that this skirt is expensive.

In the past, Xiaodie's clothes were all below 100 yuan, and there was never a single piece of clothing that cost more than 100 yuan. What Sister Lan can do is to wash Xiaodie's clothes thoroughly, so that it will not Let other children talk about Xiaodie because of clothes.

And the price of this red dress is 298. This price is not too expensive compared to some families, but for Sister Lan, it is expensive.

Obviously when Xiaodie was planning to change the skirt, she saw the price on the label, so she didn't even try it, she just ran out and said it didn't look good.

Taking a deep breath, Sister Lan suppressed the urge to cry. She didn't hang up the skirt, but held it in her hand.

"Mom, mom, do you think this dress looks good?" Xiaodie over there picked up a pink bubble skirt and showed it to Sister Lan.

"It's pretty." Sister Lan said with a smile.

"Then I'll try it on." Xiaodie grinned happily and ran into the fitting room again.

When Xiaodie put on a pink bubble skirt and came out of the fitting room, the eyes of the waiters including Jiang Chen brightened.

To be honest, because of the price of this bubble skirt, the material looks very cheap, and the style is very ordinary, but because of Xiaodie's cuteness, a very ordinary skirt looks like a fairy tale Like a princess in a story.

"Mom, I want to buy this dress." Xiaodie said loudly.

"Please wrap it up." Sister Lan said to the waiter.

When Xiaodie changed the skirt, the waiter just took it and packed it.

To be honest, the waiter has sold children's clothes in this store for several years, and has never seen such a cute and beautiful little girl as Xiaodie. From her point of view, if Xiaodie wears that red dress, she must look better than Xiaodie. This bubble skirt is ten times more beautiful.

"Not good-looking?" The waiter thought to himself, and glanced at the price, 68.

This is a special price skirt, after seeing the price, the waiter suddenly understood, and then, a little out of the blue, the waiter glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Pack up these skirts, too." Jiang Chen didn't know when, he took several clothes and skirts and walked over.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I've bought so many clothes that I can't finish them all." Xiaodie yelled.

"Xiaodie, this is a gift from my brother, don't let it go." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Xiaodie is very well-behaved and sensible, but it is precisely because she is too sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

The waiter could see the situation clearly, how could Jiang Chen not see it, even though he didn't look at the price, but he could already see some clues by looking at the comparison of the materials of the two skirts.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the gift you gave me is a big doll, don't be foolish." Xiaodie ran over and picked up those clothes and skirts to send back.

"The doll is a gift, and these clothes are also a gift." Jiang Chen laughed.

"But it will cost a lot of money." Xiaodie said a little worried.

"It's okay, brother, I have a lot of money." Jiang Chen picked up Xiaodie and let her hang on his body.

"How much is a lot of money?" Xiaodie blinked.

"It's the one with so many flowers that you can't finish it, it can make you wear new clothes every day, Xiaodie." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"But that's brother Jiang Chen's money." Xiaodie lowered her little head.

"Brother Jiang Chen's money is naturally Xiaodie's money." Jiang Chen coaxed.

"No, brother Jiang Chen, what you said is wrong, I'm not a child anymore, so don't lie to me like this." Xiaodie said coyly.

Jiang Chen just laughed out loud.

"Wrap it all up, and help me see if there are any other suitable clothes, and some shoes and socks, um, do you want anything else?" Jiang Chen asked Xiaodie with his head turned.

"It's not allowed to take a lot, just take a little." Xiaodie said softly.

When Jiang Chen and Sister Lan walked out of the children's clothing store with them, Jiang Chen had more than a dozen large and small bags in his hand, and Sister Lan also carried a few more in her hand.

"Jiang Chen, you spent too much money." Sister Lan complained in a low voice.

"It's rare to go out shopping with Xiaodie. As an older brother, of course I have to behave well. Let's go, let's go buy dolls now." Jiang Chen said dotingly.

"Okay, okay, I can buy a big doll." Xiaodie called happily, and ran ahead to lead the way.

"Xiaodie is very happy." Jiang Chen said to Sister Lan.

"It's me who failed as a mother~" Sister Lan said dejectedly.

"No, on the contrary, I think what you did was very successful. Xiaodie is smart, well-behaved and sensible. She is better than any other child. This is all thanks to you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"But..." Sister Lan opened her mouth.

"Sister Lan, you're just out of luck. Xiaodie calls me brother, so I'm not an outsider." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Mom, you are too slow, hurry up, I can't wait to buy a big doll." Xiaodie called out.

"Here we come." Jiang Chen quickly walked a few steps and chased after him.

Sister Lan also followed, thinking about Jiang Chen's words.

A little less luck?
Yes, I lost a little bit of luck, but the little bit of luck I lost has been made up for now, with such a sensible and well-behaved daughter, and——Jiang Chen.

After buying the doll, Xiaodie refused to let Jiang Chen take it, and hugged it by herself. The one-meter-tall doll was taller than a person, and Xiaodie couldn't even walk in her arms.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to hold the bag with one hand and hug Xiaodie with the other.

"Xiaodie, do you want to buy anything else?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Don't buy it, can I have an ice cream?" Xiaodie discussed with Jiang Chen.

"Of course." Jiang Chen replied, just in time to see a dessert shop around the corner, and went in with Xiaodie in his arms.

After buying ice cream and some small cakes, Xiaodie ate them with relish, and after a while, she ate herself into a big tabby cat.

Sister Lan took a tissue to wipe Xiaodie's face, Xiaodie took it and wiped it herself, and said, "Mom, don't worry about me, you can go shopping with brother Jiang Chen."

"Ah—" Sister Lan froze for a moment.

"Mom, why are you so stupid? I've bought my clothes, but you haven't bought any of your own clothes. It just so happens that brother Jiang Chen is here, so you can ask brother Jiang Chen to carry your bag for you." Little Butterfly The little ghost said loudly.

"I'll buy it next time." Sister Lan said.

"No, no, brother Jiang Chen won't be here next time, mom, hurry up and go with brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie pushed Sister Lan and Jiang Chen again.

"You take your time, I'll wait for you here." Xiaodie stuck out her tongue and licked the ice cream, saying vaguely.

"Xiaodie, can you do it alone?" Sister Lan asked worriedly.

"It's ok, but I want an ice cream, is that ok?" Xiaodie asked weakly, poking her small mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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