genius evil

Chapter 296 smashing people with money

Chapter 296 smashing people with money
Jiang Chen accompanied Sister Lan to buy clothes.

For about half an hour, Sister Lan casually bought two pieces of clothes and one pair of trousers, and held them in her hands without letting Jiang Chen carry them.

After buying it, Sister Lan was a little worried about Xiaodie, and immediately returned to the dessert shop with Jiang Chen.

"Stingy ghost, why are you here?" In the dessert shop, a young couple and a fat boy had just finished shopping, when the fat boy saw Xiaodie who was happily eating ice cream, he just went for it. In the past, said aloud.

"I'm not a cheapskate." Xiaodie frowned and argued.

"Lan Xiaodie, you are a cheapskate. Everyone in our class calls you a cheapskate. Don't deny it." The little fat man pointed at Xiaodie.

"I've said it all, don't call me a cheapskate." Xiaodie's voice raised a lot.

"You are a cheapskate." The little fat man curled his lips, saw Xiaodie eating ice cream, and said, "Stingy ghost, where did you get the money to buy ice cream, and you bought such a big doll , You shouldn’t be stealing other people’s money.”

"I didn't." Xiaodie said loudly.

"You must have stolen other people's money, otherwise you are so stingy, how could you be so rich." The little fat man said firmly.

"I really haven't." Xiaodie was about to cry in anger.

"It's useless for you to cry, you just stole money, come and see, everyone, there is a thief here." The little fat man yelled.

"I'm not a thief, I didn't steal money, you are not allowed to slander me." Xiaodie tried hard to defend.

The young couple, watching the little fat man talk to Xiaodie, originally saw that Xiaodie was beautiful and cute, and liked it a little bit, but when the little fat man said that Xiaodie was a thief, they immediately showed disgusted expressions.

"Son, don't talk to the thief." The woman said contemptuously as she pulled the little fat man.

"Mom, I want to expose her and let everyone know that she is not only a cheapskate, but also a thief." The little fat man made a grimace.

"Auntie, I'm not a thief." Xiaodie said to the woman tremblingly.

"My son said you are a thief, so you must be a thief." The woman said firmly, and then said to other people in the dessert shop: "You all pay attention, check if your wallet and mobile phone are still there, Don't let someone steal it."

"No way, how could this little girl be a thief?" someone said.

"Yeah, could it be a mistake?" Another person said.

"Maybe it's really a thief. I heard that many people now specially instigate some children to steal things." Another person said.


The voice of discussion rang out in the small dessert shop, and everyone really checked the items on their bodies, and they breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that nothing was lost.

"Auntie, I didn't steal anything, I never stole anything." Xiaodie looked at the woman with big eyes, with a stubborn and stubborn light shining in her eyes.

"If you didn't steal anything, how could my son call you a thief." The woman sneered.

"I...I..." Xiaodie opened her mouth, unable to speak.

After all, she was just a little girl, no matter how smart she was, how could she cope with such a situation, but she still clenched her teeth tightly to keep her tears from falling.

"I'm not, I'm really not." Xiaodie muttered to herself.

"What happened?" Jiang Chen and Sister Lan had just entered the dessert shop when they saw Xiaodie's eyes filled with tears. Sister Lan quickly walked a few steps and hugged Xiaodie into her arms.

"You are the mother of this little girl, right? This little girl is a thief." When the woman saw Sister Lan, she couldn't help sizing her up, and said bitterly.

"Thief, it's impossible. My daughter can't be a thief." Without even thinking about it, Sister Lan said loudly.

"Don't quibble, everyone has seen that your daughter is a thief." The woman said leisurely.

"Oh, you said that everyone has seen that Xiaodie is a thief. Excuse me, who did Xiaodie steal?" Jiang Chen walked over, patted Sister Lan on the shoulder, and signaled her not to speak. Let him handle it.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, but can this deny the fact that she is a thief?" the woman said meanly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, he saw me eating ice cream and hugging a big doll, so he said that I stole money to buy it." Xiaodie pointed at the little fat man and complained to Jiang Chen aggrievedly.

"If you hadn't stolen from others before, why would my son call you a thief?" the woman defended her son.

"Eating ice cream and hugging a doll, according to your logic, is a thief? Are these two things valuable? Or, in your opinion, are they very valuable things?" Jiang Chen's expression was a bit cold.

"What do you mean by that? Our family has a lot of money, but for some people, maybe it's not certain." The woman said sarcastically.

"It means that you think we are poorer than you, so you think we are thieves, right? In other words, if I have more money than you, can I say that your family is all thieves?" Jiang Chen said coldly asked coldly.

"Are you rich?" the woman said disdainfully.

"It's not a lot, just a little money." Jiang Chen smiled, but even that smile was cold.

While talking, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Xiaodao, within 10 minutes, send me 100 million in cash."

After making the phone call, Jiang Chen casually put the phone into his pocket, and said lightly: "Now, everyone in this store is waiting here with me for 10 minutes. If anyone dares to go out within these 10 minutes, I will call Break whose leg."

"We didn't say that this little girl is a thief, aren't you being too domineering?" Someone immediately said dissatisfied.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, just walked over, grabbed the person who spoke and threw it on the ground, and then kicked another leg, directly breaking the person's leg.

"Probably like this, is the real domineering?" With one foot breaking the man's leg, a smile appeared on Jiang Chen's face instead.

"When a little girl is accused of being a thief for no reason, what are you doing? Oh, you may have done nothing, silent accomplices? Now, you'd better pray one by one, this matter, It won't leave any shadow in Xiaodie's heart, otherwise, I can guarantee that today will be a nightmare that all of you will never get rid of." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Call the police, call the police quickly." Seeing that something was wrong, the woman immediately yelled.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen slapped the woman over, directly throwing the woman to the ground.

" can you hit someone." The little fat man's father accused.

"Yeah, I just hit someone, so what?" Jiang Chen kicked over and knocked the man to the ground.

In the end, Jiang Chen's eyes fell on the little fat man, and he said slowly: "This kid is your son, tell me, should I teach him a lesson, or should you two do it yourself?"

"No." The woman got up and hugged the little fat man in her arms.

"Oh, it's your child, you feel sorry for it, you treat it like a piece of treasure, and someone else's child, you treat it like a piece of grass, I'm really curious, where does your inexplicable sense of superiority come from." Jiang Chen Another slap was slapped on the woman.

"We can apologize...Really, we apologize, we were wrong." The woman said with a mournful face.

"I apologize now, why did you go early?" Jiang Chen said mercilessly.

"It's our fault. We shouldn't slander the little girl as a thief. We are wrong. I'm sorry...I'm sorry." The woman said repeatedly.

"Jiang Shao, what's the situation?" When Brother Dao brought a few of his men and came over with 100 million cash, he saw the messy scene in the dessert shop.

"Bring the money?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Bring it." Brother Dao grabbed a bag and placed it in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen opened the bag, and immediately, the 100 million stacks of cash like a small mountain were revealed.

"That's a lot of money." Xiaodie, who was still lying in Sister Lan's arms, was aggrieved, when she saw the money, her eyes lit up, she looked like a little money fan.

The other people in the dessert shop were also stunned. When they heard Jiang Chen say that they would send 100 million in cash, they thought Jiang Chen was putting on a show, but when they really saw 100 million, they were all stunned.

"You must be very curious, what will I do with this 100 million cash." Jiang Chen said.

Everyone in the dessert shop stretched their necks when they heard the words. They were indeed very curious about this point. To be precise, they were wondering whether Jiang Chen would make a move to throw money at people.

"Actually, I just brought it here to show you." Jiang Chen continued.

Throw money at people?

Jiang Chen is not a fool, how could he do such a stupid thing?

"Now that you've seen it, it's time for me to put the money away." Jiang Chen said as he zipped the bag.

"If you are not blind, you should know that I am really rich." Looking at the woman, Jiang Chen said.

"It's our fault." The woman said hastily, not daring to refute.


Jiang Chen picked up the money bag and smashed it on the woman's head.

He is not stupid, this kind of thing looks quite stupid, but it has to be said that Jiang Chen has long wanted to do this kind of thing of throwing money at people.

"Sorry, slippery hand." Jiang Chen expressed his apology, then grabbed the bag and smashed it on the man's head, knocking the man unconscious.

"Xiaodie, Sister Lan, let's go." Jiang Chen went over and took Xiaodie's hand and said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, those money." Xiaodie's eyes were fixed on the bag containing the money, and she couldn't move her eyes.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "Xiaodie, what are you looking at?"

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm looking at you. I think your posture of throwing money at people is so handsome." Xiaodie said crisply.

"Want to watch it again?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yeah." Xiaodie nodded as if pecking at rice.

So, unfortunately, the woman who was a little dizzy from being hit by Jiang Chen, was hit directly this time and passed out!
(End of this chapter)

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