genius evil

Chapter 297

Chapter 297
The white BMW X3 was driving on the road, Xiaodie had fallen asleep in the back seat.

"Jiang Chen, is it going too far?" Sister Lan looked back at Xiaodie, and asked worriedly.

"Is it too much? No, it's not too much at all. On the contrary, it's cheaper for them." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

In terms of his temper, even if he directly broke the necks of the couple, Jiang Chen wouldn't think it was too much.

If he hadn't dealt with this matter in front of Xiaodie, Jiang Chen's methods would not have been so gentle.

The child does not teach, the father too!

What kind of family, what kind of children to raise.

At such a young age, that little fat man turned black and white in such a way that one can imagine his family upbringing.

It is very unlikely that Jiang Chen would do anything to a child, but it is extremely natural for the couple to be blamed for this!

"I met that child once, he was a classmate of Xiaodie's class, I was mainly afraid that he would have bad influence in school." Sister Lan said softly.

This is what worries her most.

If the news of what happened in the dessert shop today spreads, will it make the school have a bad impression?Will other students isolate Xiaodie?

"Starting tomorrow, I won't be a classmate anymore." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Jiang Chen, do you want it?" Sister Lan's eyes widened slightly.

"That little guy is probably like a crap stick in the class. I've done a good deed for other parents...their family will leave Yilan City at the latest tonight. You can answer this question Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it,” Jiang Chen said.

Sister Lan was completely stunned.

She had previously thought that Jiang Chen's throwing money at people was a bit too much, but compared to this kind of method, it was completely nothing, not worth mentioning.

"Jiang Chen, in fact, Xiaodie and I have been insulted quite a few times in the past, and these have nothing to do with it." After being silent for a while, Sister Lan said quietly.

Single-parent families, whether they are adults or children, will have one or the other unsatisfactory?How can you care about everything?

"Sister Lan, you also said that it was in the past." Jiang Chen drove the car, glanced sideways at Sister Lan, and raised his voice slightly.

"You can ignore the past, but now and in the future, I will never allow such a thing to happen." Jiang Chen said firmly.

After the words fell, seeing Sister Lan's complexion was a bit strange, Jiang Chen realized that his words were a bit harsh, so he softened his voice a little, and said, "Sister Lan, you have worked so hard all these years, Isn’t the purpose of letting Xiaodie live a good life?”

"Yes." Sister Lan said softly.

"Our starting point is the same, but the way of doing things may be a little different." Jiang Chen said.

Sister Lan smiled wryly, it's not a little different, it's too different.

Over the years, she has gotten used to enduring, getting used to regressing, and getting used to letting go of things even if she suffers a loss.

And Jiang Chen, extremely domineering, directly used a crushing method of destruction to accomplish what he wanted to do.

After understanding this point, Sister Lan was stunned for a moment, because she realized that the reason why she couldn't adapt was because before this, there had never been a person, a man, who cared and protected their mother so much. two women.

Jiang Chen was such a man.

I don't know why, after understanding, Sister Lan's face became a little hot, she didn't dare to go to Jiang Chen again, and quietly lowered her head.

"Jiang Chen, is Xiaodie okay?" After a while, Sister Lan asked.

"No." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Xiaodie, the girl who asked me to throw money at people in the end did it on purpose for you to see."

"Ah—" Sister Lan raised her head.

"She is very smart." Jiang Chen said knowingly.

Sister Lan realized that at the time she thought that Xiaodie lost her temper because she was wronged, but it turned out that it was to make her feel at ease.

"It's because I didn't do well enough." Sister Lan said dejectedly.

"No one can do better than you. If you don't believe me, if you have the opportunity, you can ask Xiaodie, and you will know that there is really no one who can do better than you." Jiang Chen comforted.

After that, along the way, Sister Lan never spoke again.

The car returned to Sister Lan's restaurant, Sister Lan got out of the car to open the gate, turned around, and wanted to carry Xiaodie out of the car, but saw that Jiang Chen had already carried Xiaodie out.

Jiang Chen hugged Xiaodie, entered the hotel, stepped on the spiral staircase upstairs, and gently put Xiaodie on the bed.

The hotel has only one floor, and during the decoration, a half floor was deliberately separated in the middle. This half floor is where Sister Lan and Xiaodie's mother and daughter rest and sleep.

The space is cramped and dark, but it is clean and everything is organized neatly.

Jiang Chen didn't look much, pulled the quilt to cover Xiaodie, and went downstairs.

"Jiang Chen, are you hungry?" Sister Lan asked.

Jiang Chen just laughed, Sister Lan was a little embarrassed by Jiang Chen's laugh, and said coquettishly, "Don't laugh."

"Not to mention, I'm really hungry." Jiang Chen stopped laughing and said.

"I'm going to cook." Sister Lan turned and went to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, Sister Lan touched her face with her hands, and felt that her cheeks were so hot, she didn't know if she was wrong, or she was thinking too much. When Jiang Chen laughed just now, she felt that Jiang Chen had a sense of humor when he laughed. An ambiguous feeling outside.

And she spoke so coquettishly, as if following Jiang Chen's seemingly ambiguous smile, she burst out unconsciously, which made Sister Lan feel extremely ashamed.

Especially, Sister Lan faintly realized that Xiaodie was intentionally matching her and Jiang Chen, and the feeling of shame just became heavier.

Concerned about gains and losses, Sister Lan took 10 minutes to prepare these two dishes.After serving it to Jiang Chen, he hurried into the kitchen again.

Jiang Chen didn't notice Sister Lan's strangeness. He picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. After eating, he saw that Sister Lan was still busy in the kitchen. , is to leave the hotel.

Jiang Chen walked out of the hotel, got into the car parked outside, took out his mobile phone and made a call, waited for about 2 minutes, a figure flashed over, opened the car door and got into the passenger seat, Jiang Chen drove away immediately .

"Jiang Shao." Magnolia said respectfully.

"Has the Flower God Association contacted you recently?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"No." Mulan shook her head, looking at Jiang Chen with some doubts, not understanding why Jiang Chen would ask about this.

Doubt her?

Or is Jiang Chen planning for the Flower God Association?

Jiang Chen was indeed thinking of the Flower God Association, to be precise, it was the idea of ​​the long-legged beauty Ziyu, and Mulanhua said no, which somewhat disappointed Jiang Chen.

He made an appointment with Ziyu, and anyone is welcome to kill him at any time. It has been so long, why hasn't Ziyu come to kill him?

Not to mention, Jiang Chen misses Ziyu's long legs a little bit.

Concentrating his boring thoughts, Jiang Chen asked again: "Do you know Tangyue?"

"I know." Magnolia nodded.

Tangyue was a well-known beautiful teacher in Yilan Middle School. She had been around here all the time. Although she hadn't dealt with Tangyue directly, she had heard of it and had seen Tangyue a few times from afar.

Not to mention, there was some vague ambiguity between Jiang Chen and Tangyue, so Mulan naturally wanted to pay attention.

"There seems to be something wrong with her, you can help me look at it, if there is any situation, call me at any time." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen faintly sensed that Tangyue's affairs might be a bit troublesome, but he didn't feel comfortable asking Tangyue directly, and Tangyue might not tell him if he asked, so he could only ask Mulanhua to pay more attention.

"No problem." Magnolia agreed.

Magnolia Zhengchou was bored at Sister Lan's restaurant every day, and Jiang Chen didn't assign her to do anything. According to Li Yuehan, Xian's body was about to rust, and she almost forgot her killer instinct.

It was rare that Jiang Chen needed to go to her place, so Mulan naturally agreed without even thinking about it.

"The most important point is to ensure Tangyue's personal safety." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Shao, the critical moment?" Mulanhua hesitated.

"You can kill people." Jiang Chen answered simply and rudely.

After finishing speaking, the car stopped and Mulan got out of the car.

Li Yuehan came out of nowhere, staring at Magnolia and laughing.

"Little Huahua, why did Young Master Jiang find you?" John Li asked.

"My name is Magnolia." Magnolia said displeased.

"Okay, little flower." John Li said with a playful smile.

"Shut up." Magnolia lowered her face.

"Tsk tsk, we're so familiar, it's just a little joke, there's no need to be so angry." John Li said, "Is there something to do?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Mulan chatted lazily with John Li.

"Well, it seems that it has nothing to do with me at all. But there is something that must be related to you. Someone came to you just now." John Li shrugged.

"Who?" Magnolia became wary.

"A woman, a very beautiful woman, pointed a pistol at my head and asked me what was my relationship with you." John Li said innocently.

"Zi Yu!" Upon hearing the sound, Mulan Hua's expression changed quietly.

"It's me." Just as Mulanhua finished speaking, she saw a figure walking out from a corner slowly.

The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of long legs that are enough to make 90.00% of the women in the world feel ashamed, and then the purple hair that exudes a dazzling luster under the sun.

Ziyu walked over, like an elf walking in the world.

Her beauty is the kind of dizzying beauty, even Li Yuehan said that Ziyu had pointed a gun at his head just now, and when he saw Ziyu, he looked out of his mind.

Magnolia is uneasy, deeply uneasy.

When Jiang Chen was in the car just now, he asked if Huashenhui had contacted her, but Mulanhua never expected that Ziyu would come to her so soon.

Forcing herself to calm down a bit, Mulanhua asked: "Ziyu, you came to see me, what's the matter?"

"It's something, I want you to help me kill someone." The corners of her lips parted slightly, and Ziyu smiled, beautiful and dangerous!
(End of this chapter)

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