genius evil

Chapter 298 A Pure Hug

Chapter 298 A Pure Hug
The sky was drizzling.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, in the mild wind and drizzle, there were already many people standing downstairs in the Hongji Building.

Standing at the front of the crowd was a woman in a white OL suit, which vividly outlined her exquisite and uneven figure.

Her slender legs were wrapped in black stockings, and under her feet were a pair of exquisite black high-heeled shoes... She felt delicate and gorgeous, but surprisingly, she didn't have any seductive aura on her body.

Even the adjective charming is difficult to apply to her. Of course, it's not glamorous, it's just the kind of pure beauty, bright and dazzling, like the sun, moon and stars in the sky, which is beyond reach!

Under the powerful aura, those people behind her all automatically stood one meter away from her. No matter whether they were men or women, no one had the courage to stand side by side with her.

Men may be out of inferiority complex, while women are out of shame.

The woman held a small floral umbrella in her hand and covered her head to ensure that her hair and makeup, which took two hours to carefully arrange, would not be messed up and messed up.

The reason why she is so cautious is because she is waiting here to welcome the arrival of another woman.

There is no reason between a beautiful woman and a beautiful woman, they are born like natural enemies.Even at this moment, the woman is not aware of this, but she still maintains her best state at all times, and does not allow any mistakes and slack.

At around [-]:[-], a silver-gray Pagani, like a bolt of lightning, appeared downstairs of the Hongji Building.

Seeing that Pagani, everyone including the woman's eyes lit up slightly, and their eyes subconsciously looked towards Pagani.

Pagani stopped, the car door was pushed open, and Jiang Chen got out of the car lazily.

Seeing the woman holding the flowered umbrella, Jiang Chen immediately felt amazed. With a smile on his face, he walked over quickly and hugged the woman.

"Da Feifei, is this a surprise you gave me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What?" Liu Yufei was taken aback.

"Tsk tsk, it's really embarrassing to have so many people here to welcome me. In fact, I only need to see you, Da Feifei." Jiang Chen said, but there was no sign of embarrassment at all. You can't be proud.

"I'm not here to welcome you." Liu Yufei said angrily, and pushed Jiang Chen away with her hand.

Hugging and hugging in front of so many people, Jiang Chen was thick-skinned and didn't care, but she was embarrassed. Besides, it wasn't to greet Jiang Chen at all, why was he so happy?
"Didn't you welcome me?" Now it was Jiang Chen's turn to be stunned.

Liu Yufei called him early in the morning and asked him to come to the company. Jiang Chen thought that he hadn't seen Liu Yufei for a while, and missed him so much, so he came here... Liu Yufei brought so many people to the upstairs Next, who else but greet him?
"When did you change your car?" Liu Yufei didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but changed the topic and asked.

When Pagani stopped just now, she thought that the person she was waiting for was coming, and she wanted to go forward to greet her as a show of friendship, but who knew it was actually Jiang Chen.

"Oh, just changed the car a few days ago. Do you like Da Feifei? If you like it, I will give it to you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay." Liu Yufei nodded.

"--" Jiang Chen's mouth instantly opened into an O shape, big enough to stuff a salted duck egg into it.

Jiang Chen swore to the sky, he was just saying it casually, how could Liu Yufei agree, shouldn't she say no?

"You don't want to give it?" Liu Yufei said amusedly.

"Of course not, don't talk about giving away one car, even if it's ten or eight cars, I'm very willing, just afraid that Da Feifei will be too embarrassed to ask for it... By the way, if I give this car to you, why should I drive it?" Car?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"I bought a new Hyundai Elantra. When you leave, don't forget to take the car keys. Also, the car is out of gas, so don't forget to refuel." Liu Yufei reminded solemnly.

"Da Feifei, you said that you drive such a big company, how can you drive such a cheap car, why don't you have to start with a Porsche president, that would be more in line with your domineering president's temperament?" Jiang Chen immediately became dissatisfied .

"Anyway, you're fine. I'll drive the Elantra for you. Let me drive this car. It's easier to do business." Liu Yufei said.

"Uh, can we discuss it, can I change a car and drive it for me?" Jiang Chen said coyly.

He finally traded a broken Mitsubishi for a Land Rover, and finally won a Pagani. He hasn't driven it for a few days, and he will return to the pre-liberation all day long. What is this all about?

"The Elantra is a good car, fuel-efficient, so that's the decision." Liu Yufei said without doubt.

It's fine if this guy didn't tell her when he changed his car, but he even changed to such an expensive car. Looking at the shape of that Pagani, it's just like Jiang Chen's personality, which makes Liu Yufei a little suspicious , This guy drives such a nice car, is it specially for picking up girls?

After all, these days, some little girls are famous for recognizing cars but not people.

If you ask them what is CEO and what is WTO, they don't understand at all, but they are all familiar with the luxury car brands.

Looking at the entire Yilan City, it is rare to see one of this Pagani. If Jiang Chen really drives this car to pick up girls, those little girls who see the car's eye will rush over like moths to a flame?
In order to prevent future troubles, Liu Yufei still felt that it would be better to let Jiang Chen drive the Elantra.

Of course, if Jiang Chen can still pick up girls by driving an Elantra, then she can only admire Jiang Chen's ability to pick up girls.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Chen bared his teeth, his heart was bleeding, and it was the first time he deeply understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

This simply gave Jiang Chen the urge to go to Pipa Mountain again tonight, maybe he could win another car if he was lucky?If you can't win, it's not bad to grab one, isn't it?
Seeing Jiang Chen's extremely distressed look, Liu Yufei secretly laughed in her heart, but this matter is settled like this, and she will not change her mind.

Besides, although she bought a few good cars at the company's discretion, if there is a Pagani as a front, it will be relatively easy to talk about business or something, right?

Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei were talking here, and the others were listening to the two. Jiang Chen's face was quite unfamiliar to the employees of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, but the higher-ups knew him. After someone reminded him, Everyone knew that this unreliable guy was the company's big boss.

The big BOSS and the general manager of the company are making out, so naturally they have nothing to do with them. Moreover, Jiang Chen's appearance is pretty good now. Handsome and pretty, it's quite right.

The young boss and the young general manager naturally cut off some bad unspoken rule associations. Apart from envy, the male employees are only envious. After all, although not every toad is lucky enough to eat swan meat, But if you don't even dare to have the idea of ​​eating swan meat, what is the difference from a salted fish?
As for the female employees, while they are envious, they also feel somewhat sad.

It's okay for Liu Yufei to be pretty, and it's okay to have a good figure, but they still have such a boyfriend, how can they live like this.

About ten minutes later, another car drove over.

It was a white Mercedes-Benz saloon, driving slowly.

The RV stopped behind Pagani. After stopping, the rear door opened, and a figure got out of the car first.

Slightly inclined to conservative clothing, well-dressed, it gives people a very shrewd and capable feeling.

After the woman got out of the car, she opened a big black umbrella. The black umbrella tilted to cover half of the car door. After a while, another figure got out of the car.

The first thing everyone saw was a leg, slender, white and round, with such a healthy pink color, it was easy to think of the color of jade.

Just seeing a leg, many people are breathless. While their eyes are attracted, they can't wait to see what a beautiful face a woman with such a beautiful leg will have.

Slowly, another leg stepped forward, and immediately after, the pretty figure finally got out of the car.

Slapped face, soft facial features, black long straight hair, casually floating behind the head, wearing a long black dress, not too carefully groomed.

However, that kind of friendly beauty like a girl next door, like a lily blooming brightly, is like a whirlpool, swallowing everyone's eyes into it.

When Liu Yufei saw the woman getting off the car, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Yufei's mouth, and she stepped forward to meet her.

But Liu Yufei had just moved her feet, and beside her, a figure was faster than her, almost leaping in front of the woman with a stride.

Liu Yufei was stunned and couldn't laugh or cry. This guy really couldn't see a beautiful woman. When he saw a beautiful woman, he walked faster than anyone else.

Jiang Chen ran up to the woman, looked up and down, and then, Jiang Chen also grinned, and when Jiang Chen smiled, the woman followed suit.

She smiled softly, and the corners of her eyes and brows all exuded a dizzying light.

"Silly Baitian, what are you doing here?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I'll come--" Ye Sichen replied.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Chen, "You must have known that I would come today, so you came here specially to see if I was right... Oh, I am so touched, come on, let's hug each other purely, It's really pure, if you think about it wildly, then you must be impure."

Jiang Chen opened his mouth to talk nonsense, and wrapped Ye Sichen in his arms!

(End of this chapter)

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