genius evil

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

The drizzle falling from the sky was pattering like a cow's hair.

The sky was a little dark, but the weather was already quite hot, and this drizzle brought some coolness just right.

This is the weather that makes people feel comfortable both physically and mentally.

The scenery in the rain is not very beautiful, but whether it is Liu Yufei or Ye Sichen, they are all picturesque scenery, which makes people deeply intoxicated.

If there is no Jiang Chen's pure hug!

The moment Jiang Chen hugged Ye Sichen, it was like a beautiful picture scroll. Suddenly, it seemed to be torn apart abruptly, and countless people's eyes were staring straight at him.


Countless people meditate in their hearts.

If Jiang Chen hugging Liu Yufei is still understandable, then Jiang Chen hugging Ye Sichen, what is going on?

Most importantly, Jiang Chen hugged Ye Sichen in front of Liu Yufei.Moreover, after being hugged by Jiang Chen, Ye Sichen didn't resist at all. Instead, he snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms and hugged Jiang Chen with his backhand. The intimacy between the two can be seen!
But it was precisely because of this that countless people, regardless of gender, secretly scolded Jiang Chen as a beast in their hearts, and the beast was heinous.

You know, Liu Yufei is a rare stunner with a perfect figure, appearance and temperament. Apart from Feifei Medical Beauty Company, but also in the entire Hongji Building, there are countless single men or men pretending to be single. dream lover.

As for Ye Sichen, let alone Ye Sichen, since her debut, she has been dubbed the title of beautiful national girl, from eighty to eight years old, men, women and children all the way, she is the goddess The pronoun is the most ideal candidate for a daughter-in-law in the minds of countless mothers-in-law and the ideal wife candidate in the minds of countless men. Even her face is a template for plastic surgery hospitals.

Such two women and one man can hold one of them in their arms. In some people's eyes, that is a blessing that can only be obtained after eight lifetimes of cultivation. What's more, it is one in front of the other. Is embraced.

Even though there may not be any ambiguous relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen, this hug will definitely make countless people envious, jealous and hateful. Girl let me come.

"Jiang Chen, let me go." Sister Mi's face twitched. Because of the previous incidents, although Jiang Chen could be regarded as Ye Sichen's savior, Sister Mi's impression of Jiang Chen was not good. More than a star and a half.

When Ye Sichen got out of the car, Jiang Chen came over and talked nonsense, saying that Ye Sichen came to see him on purpose, which made Miss Mi's impression of Jiang Chen extremely bad.

This guy actually hugged Ye Sichen in his arms. Sister Mi wanted to pick up a knife and chop off Jiang Chen's two paws. Wouldn't there be a lower limit if he didn't take advantage of others like this?

"Give me another 2 minutes." Jiang Chen said.

"Let go." Sister Mi shouted, let alone 2 minutes, Sister Mi was unwilling to give even a second.

"A woman who doesn't have any interest at all, why did she sing a song, give me 2 more minutes, let me hug her tighter, isn't that the case?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Let go." Miss Mi couldn't bear it any longer.

"But, I always let go of my hands." Jiang Chen spread out his hands, expressing his innocence.

Sister Mi looked at Jiang Chen's spread hands, and gritted her teeth angrily. That's right, after Jiang Chen hugged Ye Sichen into his arms, he let go of his hands, but, Jiang Chen let go, and Ye Sichen But he didn't let go, he was hugging Jiang Chen tightly.

"Sichen, let go." Sister Mi went to give Ye Sichen a hand.

"Oh." Ye Sichen let go of his hand, took two steps back, his face was flushed, and his big eyes shone with narrowness and excitement.

Mi Jie took a step forward and stood between Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen. She was so angry that Ye Sichen was flirting with Jiang Chen right under her nose. What is this called?This is called sending sheep into the mouth of tigers.

"I said it was a pure hug, why are you so nervous." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you dare to mess around again, the business will be lost." Miss Mi said angrily.

"What business?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Sister Mi and I came here to sign the endorsement contract today." Ye Sichen chuckled.

"Hey, endorsement, oh, I remembered." Jiang Chen nodded belatedly, and said with a smile, "Has this matter been negotiated? It seems that my charm is really great."

"It's money." Sister Mi said bluntly.

It has nothing to do with Jiang Chen's charm or not, it's purely for the sake of money.

According to the endorsement fee that Jiang Chen said earlier, [-] million a year, [-] million in three years, this price, looking at the country, it is enough to buy no matter which star it is, even buying a dozen is not a problem.

Sister Mi is not indifferent to such a large endorsement fee, and the agency is not indifferent either.

However, even though I am excited, because this is Ye Sichen's first endorsement, and because it is an endorsement of more sensitive beauty products, after that, the economic company will evaluate the qualifications of Feifei Medical Beauty Company on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will Various inspections are carried out on its products.

After this series of procedures, it was delayed for several days, and it is the same. It is only today that the two parties come together to implement the endorsement contract and discuss matters such as endorsement advertisements.

"It has nothing to do with money." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"It's about money, otherwise what do you think it is?" Sister Mi sneered, hitting Jiang Chen wantonly.

"It's not what I thought, it's my relationship." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"Do you think that if you say that, we can give you a discount on the endorsement fee? Don't even think about it." Miss Mi said sharply.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said: "Actually, I originally wanted to add some more money. Since you said that you have nothing to do with me, then I won't be too affectionate."

"How much more?" Sister Mi asked almost instinctively.

"You think beautifully." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"You—" Sister Mi almost ran away.

"Silly Baitian, come on, let's go in and drink coffee." Jiang Chen took Ye Sichen's hand and walked into Hongji Building.

Liu Yufei walked over and invited, "Sister Mi, please come inside."

"Mr. Liu, Jiang Chen is your boyfriend, right? Why don't you just ignore him? Let me tell you, this man needs to be taken care of. He's acting like this in front of you now. If you're not around, then Aren't you going to go to heaven?" Sister Mi taught Liu Yufei her experience as someone who thought she had experienced it.

Liu Yufei chuckled lightly, and said, "Jiang Chen, he has such a character, and you will know it when Sister Mi gets to know him."

"It's best not to understand." Sister Mi said angrily.

Liu Yufei smiled. After all, she and Sister Mi are not very close, so this is the end of the point.

Go upstairs and go to Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. The meeting room has been vacated long ago. Tea, coffee and snacks are all available. In addition, a bottle of high-end champagne is prepared, which is used to celebrate after the signing ceremony .

These things have nothing to do with the company's employees. The senior executives filed into the conference room. Liu Yufei, as the host, invited Ye Sichen and Miss Mi to sit down.

"This time our company is very honored to have invited Ms. Ye Sichen to endorse our company's products, but I believe that this cooperation will be a win-win cooperation. I hope that in the future, we..." After taking a seat, Liu Yufei briefly to make a summary.

Before I finished speaking, I heard Jiang Chen's voice, "Silly Baitian, I heard that you are going to endorse a skin care product this time, right?"

"Yeah." Ye Sichen drank coffee, her good upbringing made her every movement very elegant and perfect, as if she had been measured with a standard mold, and she had a snack with Jiang Chen that day. The image of crazy eating snacks on the street is very different and interesting.

"Actually, our company's facial cleanser is also good." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"The mask is also good."

"It would be nice to have a product that removes acne and scars."

Jiang Chen was talking in a rambling manner.

Ye Sichen blinked, looked at Jiang Chen with a smile, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Oh, I'm just chatting with you casually." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Mr. Liu, if possible, I would like to invite this person out, is that possible?" Sister Mi couldn't bear it again, she stood up and pointed at Jiang Chen.

This guy, abducting Ye Sichen in front of him, is too shameless, no, it's hard to describe this level of shamelessness, this guy is completely shameless.

"Aren't these things mentioned in the endorsement contract?" Jiang Chen ignored Sister Mi, turned to look at Liu Yufei and said.

Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen a helpless look. It's not that they haven't talked, but they haven't reached an agreement for the time being, because Ye Sichen's brokerage company still depends on the final sales volume and effect of this product in the market. They took down Ye Sichen's brand and ruined Ye Sichen's popularity and image for many years.

"Then let's talk now." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Jiang Chen, what on earth are you going to do?" Miss Mi said angrily, it was obvious that she wanted to bully someone.

"Of course it's about business. We're familiar with each other. Business needs to be discussed separately. Otherwise, if you're not careful, what will you do if you lose money?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

We suffer?

Miss Mi was dumbfounded.

Is this saying the opposite? It should be that Jiang Chen is worried that he will suffer.

It's no wonder that this guy is an endorsement of [-] million a year when he opens his mouth. It seems that the money is not taken for money. I dare to have such an idea. It's really a shrewd calculation.

You know, if joining Ye Sichen to endorse not one product, but a series of products, Ye Sichen and the economic company he works for will definitely suffer a big loss if they are counted separately.

"Just like what Da Feifei said, cooperation is about win-win, I can't let you suffer... Miss Xiaoshan, go, get some samples, let's talk openly..." Jiang Chen told Cao Xiaoshan road.

"Okay." Cao Xiaoshan, who was in charge of running errands, nodded and hurried out of the meeting room...

(End of this chapter)

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