genius evil

Chapter 300 The Amazing Effect

Chapter 300 The Amazing Effect

"Jiang Chen, Mr. Liu, I think if your company insists on doing this, there is no need to sign today's contract." Sister Mi's face darkened.

"Don't worry, talk slowly, there will always be a result." Jiang Chen said with a leisurely smile, "When talking about business, it's like talking about boyfriend and girlfriend. You can't eat hot tofu if you're impatient."

"For example, you like a handsome guy, the kind of liking you like so much, you can't wait to drag him to bed and fight for [-] rounds... Hey, sister Mi, what are you doing looking at me like this, I know you You don't have a boyfriend, and I know you're still an old maid, but this is a metaphor, for example, do you understand?" Jiang Chen had a pure and innocent face.

"Shut up." Sister Mi gritted her teeth, and then felt guilty for no reason.

How did this guy's eyes grow?

It's fine to see that she doesn't have a boyfriend, but she is actually a virgin... But a virgin is a virgin, why add an old word in front?Does she look that old?

What's more, if you see it, you can see it. Is it really okay to say it openly in front of everyone?

You know, just now she was teaching Liu Yufei how to train her boyfriend, and when she turned around, she was slapped in the face by Jiang Chen, and it was the kind of slapping sound. You can't dig a hole in the ground and bury yourself.

Everyone else just laughed, even Ye Sichen couldn't help laughing, covering his mouth with his hands and laughing coquettishly.

"Don't say that about Miss Mi." Ye Sichen said angrily.

"I've said it all. This is just a metaphor. Let me ask you, can you stop being so impure and talk properly?" Jiang Chen pretended to complain.

Then Jiang Chen pointed at Sister Mi, and continued, "Although you really want to hit a home run in one go, but if you do this, that handsome guy will definitely run away in fright, so you can only take it step by step. Holding hands, then hugging, then kissing, and finally going to bed and hitting the home run of your own dreams."

"It's the same when talking about business. Just talk slowly. Whether it can work or not, you will know as you talk. Don't give up just because you can't hit a home run in one go, right?"

Although the tone was joking, what Jiang Chen said was quite serious.

Liu Yufei listened to it, the company executives listened to it, Ye Sichen listened to it, and Sister Mi listened to it... Although Sister Mi didn't want her to listen to it, there was no way, because Jiang Chen's words were too reasonable , she couldn't refute in a short time.

Cao Xiaoshan acted quickly, bringing in a bunch of samples.

Jiang Chen casually picked up one and saw that it was an acne-removing product. Then Jiang Chen casually swept his eyes across the meeting room and landed on a high-ranking female.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Gao Qin." The female executive replied.

"Your skin is very bad, do you know that?" Jiang Chen asked again.

Gao Qin subconsciously touched the skin on her face, it was still smooth, and said uncomfortably: "Boss Jiang, I think my skin is okay."

"Come here." Jiang Chen didn't answer Gao Qin's question, but waved and said.

Gao Qin just got up and stood beside Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen casually picked up a silver needle and pierced Gao Qin's body a few times. Then, immediately, a pimple appeared on Gao Qin's face. Acne, one after another, within a few seconds, Gao Qin's pretty face was completely unreadable.

"Who has a mirror?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"I have it here." Sister Mi opened Ye Sichen's small cosmetic bag, and took out a small mirror.

Although I don't know what Jiang Chen is going to do, but I have to say that Jiang Chen casually gave Gao Qin a few needles to make Gao Qin look like this. Sister was surprised.

Gao Qin looked in the mirror, and immediately yelled in horror.

"Stop screaming, I told you that your skin is very bad, just wipe it with this thing, it will be fine in 5 minutes." Jiang Chen threw the acne-removing product to Gao Qin.

Gao Qin's mind was in a mess, disfiguring her face, she didn't want to disfigure her face, she quickly unscrewed the cap, took the acne cream and rubbed it on her face.

"Jiang Chen, is this what you want?" Liu Yufei vaguely understood what Jiang Chen was going to do.

"Oh, I just want to prove the effect of our product, just wait for 5 minutes." Jiang Chen said casually.

"You only have 5 minutes." Sister Mi reminded.

Come here to sign the contract properly, and it has become like this. Sister Mi really thinks that there is no need to sign the contract, unless the pimples on Gao Qin's face can disappear within 5 minutes.

But is that possible?
Sister Mi used the cosmetics that Jiang Chen gave Ye Sichen, and she knew very well that the effect was good, but if it really had such an effect, wouldn't it be against the sky?How do other beauty and makeup companies live?Just close down!

"5 minutes is a long time, let's do another experiment." Jiang Chen said, this time, Jiang Chen picked up a scar cream.

"Who has scars?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

No one answered Jiang Chen's question.

With Gao Qin's lessons learned, they were all a little worried, what if they stood up and got a few needles from Jiang Chen, and all the skin on their bodies would rot off?
"Don't you have any? It looks like your skin is very good, so I'll do it myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen rolled up his sleeves, and with a finger of his right hand, he gently stroked his left arm. Instantly, his skin was ripped apart and blood flowed horizontally.

"Jiang Chen, stop." Liu Yufei was startled, her face turned pale, and she wanted to find something to stop Jiang Chen's bleeding.

"Jiang Chen, you are..." Ye Sichen's voice was trembling, it was too scary.

"Sichen, don't talk." Before Ye Sichen could finish speaking, Sister Mi interrupted Ye Sichen's words, and jokingly said, "What is this? Bitter tricks?"

"My skin is so good that I don't have any scars. I can only create a temporary scar." Jiang Chen said simply, then picked up the silver needle and started to stop the bleeding.

After a few injections, the bleeding was stopped, and after a few more injections, the scar began to scab, a hideous scar, which was very conspicuous.


Everyone in the meeting room was stunned.

Isn't this really magic?

Except for Liu Yufei who knew Jiang Chen's medical skills were good, the rest of the people couldn't help but have such a thought in their minds.

It is not difficult to stop the bleeding of newly torn scars, but it is impossible for them to scab in such a short period of time. Jiang Chen's actions have greatly exceeded their cognition.

Jiang Chen didn't care what they thought, took the scar cream, and slowly rubbed it on the scar until it was evenly applied, then smiled and said: "It looks scary, but you have to treat us Are you confident in your products?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen casually peeled off that layer of blood scab, revealing a layer of tender skin... The wound is not completely healed, but it is enough to achieve this effect so quickly Breathtaking.

"Gao Qin, you can go wash your face." Jiang Chen said lightly after wiping his hands with a tissue.

After Gao Qin saw the effect of the wound on Jiang Chen's arm, she was not as panicked as before. She wanted to see the effect on her face for a long time, and when she heard Jiang Chen's words, she ran to the bathroom.

After 1 minute, Gao Qin returned to the meeting room.

"Well, the effect is not very good, mainly because your skin is really bad." Jiang Chen looked at Gao Qin and said a little dissatisfied.

Sister Mi was already shocked and speechless.

Yes, the effect is not very good, because there is still a layer of faint acne marks on Gao Qin's face, but God, I have only used it once, once, okay?
If you use it several times, you will definitely not see any acne marks.

This kind of effect can be said to be subversive. It is basically the greatest blessing for the vast number of acne patients in history. That's it, what else does Jiang Chen want?

"There is also a facial mask and facial cleanser here, do you want to try it again?" Jiang Chen looked at Sister Mi at this time and said Shi Shiran.

"You don't need to try." Sister Mi shook her head.

She has used facial cleanser and facial mask, so she has the right to speak, and the effect is indeed much better than those so-called international brands that she used in the past.

"Then what's next?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"The endorsement fee needs to be negotiated," Sister Mi said.

"Actually, my original price was the price of series products." Jiang Chen said seriously.

He is not a fool, how could he send himself there to be slaughtered?Even if he has a good relationship with Silly Baitian and he is willing to give money to Silly Baitianhua, that's not the way to give it.

For example, sending flowers, rings, houses, or packing yourself for Silly Baitian, which is better than giving money like this?

"No." Without even thinking about it, Sister Mi still refused.

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought about a question, what would happen if our company changed its spokesperson?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Sister Mi was stunned for a moment. To be honest, she really didn't think about this question, because she felt that Ye Sichen was the most perfect spokesperson.

But what would happen if Ye Sichen were to be abandoned and replaced by another spokesperson?
The biggest possibility is that it was not the spokesperson who made the products of Feifei Medical Beauty Co., Ltd. popular, but the products who made the spokesperson popular.

In that way, the endorsement fee may be lost, but the future commercial value can definitely be connected to several levels.

"If you figure it out, let's sign it." Jiang Chen knew that the matter was about to be concluded.

Sister Mi looked at Ye Sichen and was very depressed. How could she be eaten to death by Jiang Chen? This is different from what she thought.

"Let me sign it." Ye Sichen smiled sweetly, "However, the endorsement fee needs to be changed. It's too much, let's say 1000 million."

"1000 million?" Miss Mi almost jumped up and yelled, what a joke, she was reluctant to pay 1000 million, what the hell is [-] million?Just don't want money at all.

"Originally I didn't want money, but the company probably won't agree, so let's take 1000 million." Ye Sichen's expression was strangely innocent, she looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and said: "We are friends ah."


This time, it wasn't just Miss Mi who was messed up, Jiang Chen was also messed up.

"Silly Baitian, I have played so many tricks, and you are only telling me 1000 million now. You are not helping me, you are cheating me." Jiang Chen wailed endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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