genius evil

Chapter 301 Let You Be Happy

Chapter 301 Let You Be Happy Forever

After that, the signing ceremony became very simple.

After the contract was revised, Ye Sichen signed it readily, took a sip of champagne in passing, and was dragged away by Miss Mi like a thief.

As for the subsequent commercial shooting, it will be followed up by the newly established advertising department and public relations department of Feifei Medical Beauty Co., Ltd. Basically, Jiang Chen has nothing to do.

"Si Chen, how can you say 1000 million." The car slowly drove away from Hongji Building, and Mi Jie was so angry that iron could not be made into steel.

God knows, in order to prevent Ye Sichen from being sold by Jiang Chen, how much effort she has made, it is good at the moment, Jiang Chen hasn't sold Ye Sichen yet, Ye Sichen just took the initiative to sell himself .

Sister Mi couldn't tell whether it was Jiang Chen who was too charming, or Ye Sichen who was too stupid and naive!
"Sister Mi, it's because Jiang Chen and I are friends." Ye Sichen said.


This is the last thing Sister Mi wants to hear. In today's society, where are there any friends? She has seen too many, and she understands too well that the so-called friends are just a group of people who maintain a common interest line.

Furthermore, the most important point is, Ye Sichen regards Jiang Chen as a friend, does Jiang Chen regard Ye Sichen as a friend?
Sister Mi almost couldn't resist reminding Ye Sichen - Jiang Chen is going to pick you up, so don't fall into it foolishly.

After all, Sister Mi didn't say this, and sighed, Sister Mi said: "The contract has been signed, it's too late to say anything now, I can only hope that their cosmetics company will have a good prospect."

"Yes." Ye Sichen said with certainty.

"It doesn't mean that if the quality is good, it will sell well." Sister Mi argued.

"That's why Jiang Chen invited me to speak for him." Ye Sichen blinked lightly, a little complacent and proud.

"But you won't get any benefits at all." Sister Mi said speechlessly, not understanding what to be proud of in such a thing?Proud that she was sold by Jiang Chen?

"But I got a very good friend. I believe that Jiang Chen will be a very good friend." Ye Sichen said with a smile.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." Sister Mi was extremely depressed.

Ye Sichen giggled coquettishly, hugged Sister Mi's arm, and said, "Sister Mi, don't be angry, why don't we go shopping."

"No." Without even thinking about it, Sister Mi refused, and said, "Let's continue chatting."


In Liu Yufei's office at Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei were also chatting.

"Big Feifei, have you noticed that I'm really a genius." Jiang Chenchou said shamelessly, with an attitude that if you praise me, please praise me quickly, or if you don't praise me, I will die.

"What kind of genius?" Liu Yufei was stunned.

"Naturally a business genius." Jiang Chen said without pretense.

"Business genius?" Liu Yufei laughed and said, "If Ye Sichen and Miss Mi find out that you have cheated them, they will definitely hate you to death."

"Did I lie to them?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid, and said, "I just showed them the effect of the sample, and I didn't say that it was the final product."

The company's production line has not yet been fully rolled out, and there are still several products that have not been officially put into production. Take the acne cream and scar cream that Jiang Chen tried, in fact, they are all samples processed by other factories. .

The exchange ratio between the final product and the sample will reach [-]:[-], and the scar cream will reach [-]:[-].

This is mainly out of interest considerations.

In this way, the actual effect after use is naturally a few discounts compared to the effect of the sample.

If Jiang Chen is talking about the final product, it doesn't mean that it has no effect, but it is absolutely impossible to create such a miraculous effect.

"Anyway, this matter will be discovered in due time. You can explain it. It has nothing to do with me." Liu Yufei said.

"Da Feifei, why do I smell a sour smell?" Jiang Chen sniffed.

"I'm not jealous." Liu Yufei said angrily.

She said she wasn't jealous, but her tone of voice was obviously more sour.

Last time, when Jiang Chen brought Ye Sichen to the company, Liu Yufei didn't notice anything. This time, even if she wanted to pretend that she didn't see anything, it would be useless.

The most important point is that Ye Sichen actually lowered his social status for Jiang Chen. The 1000 million advertising endorsement is basically a free transaction.

If it wasn't for his close relationship with Jiang Chen, would Ye Sichen do such a thing?

From a woman's point of view, Liu Yufei felt that it was absolutely impossible.

"Da Feifei, let's eat sweet and sour pork ribs at noon. Order a sweet and sour fish, you will definitely like it." Jiang Chen joked.

"I don't like sour food. Also, I have something to do at noon. If you want to find someone to eat, go find someone else. I think Ye Sichen is good." Liu Yufei said feigning displeasure.

"Da Feifei, if you really don't like sour food, we can eat something else, how about western food?" Jiang Chen said flatteringly.

Thinking to himself, this situation seems to be a bit wrong, not to mention when Ding Lingling became jealous, Liu Yufei is also looking jealous today.

How could Jiang Chen follow Liu Yufei's words and really invite Ye Sichen to dinner? At this time, Liu Yufei's words must be reversed, otherwise, Liu Yufei's vat of vinegar could drown him.

"Jiang Chen, I think you should treat Ye Sichen to dinner." Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen and said seriously.

"Uh, are you serious?" Seeing that Liu Yufei didn't seem to be joking, Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

"This time, Ye Sichen's willingness to endorse the company's series of products is entirely out of your face. Even if you don't say anything else, you should treat Ye Sichen to dinner with friends," Liu Yufei said.

"Aren't you jealous anymore?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"I wasn't jealous at all." Liu Yufei glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Don't forget, the actual owner of this company is me. I'm so happy that you hired such an excellent and cheap spokesperson. It's too late, how could you be jealous."

"Why do I feel that you are scolding me?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"If you don't invite me, then I'll invite you, but they have a deep affection for you, if I treat you, they might be very disappointed." Liu Yufei said leisurely.

"Uh, the word deep affection is a bit wrong. This is mainly because I am so handsome, so it is easy to attract scandals, but I really don't want to be like this at all. Obviously I can rely on my talent to make a living. Why are there so many people?" People only look at my face." Jiang Chen had a melancholy look on his face, full of worries.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance of acting like a good boy after getting a bargain, Liu Yufei was so annoyed that she almost couldn't resist kicking Jiang Chen out of the office.

"Hurry up, I have to work." Liu Yufei hurried away.

"Da Feifei, I'll be leaving right away, but I have something to tell you. I think that beauty Cao Xiaoshan is quite clever. You may consider transferring her to be your secretary." Jiang Chen said.

When Jiang Chen asked Cao Xiaoshan to get the samples earlier, Cao Xiaoshan was very clever and brought a bunch of things, otherwise, his scene would not have been so easy to perform.

"I want you to tell me that she is now my secretary." Liu Yufei said with a smile, always feeling that Jiang Chen cares about these things, which is a bit nondescript.

"Oh, I also have something to tell you." When Jiang Chen said this, Liu Yufei suddenly remembered something, and she said: "Jiang Chen, the company's series of products have never had a name. After discussing it, I think the name Luoshen is not bad, do you think it can be used?"

"It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like a flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising to the morning glow... Luoshen, it's very good, let's use this name." Jiang Chen is quite satisfied.

She smiled again and said, "Da Feifei, if I guessed correctly, you actually thought of this name."

"The company has also proposed other plans." Liu Yufei said a little embarrassedly.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and asked, "Have you thought about the advertisement? I don't know what happened, but suddenly I felt like I had a diabetes insipidus."

"Vulgar." Liu Yufei scolded with a smile.

"Okay, it's the spring of spiritual thoughts... Luoshen, may you be happy for the rest of your life! What do you think of this advertisement?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"May you be happy forever... may you be happy forever..." Liu Yufei muttered to herself.

This short sentence doesn't seem too surprising to a rough listener, but after you read it silently from the bottom of your heart, you will discover what kind of emotion is contained in these simple six words.

It can be said that these six words are the most perfect interpretation of the Luoshen series products, and they are apt to the bone.

"That's right, I want you to be happy forever." Jiang Chen pulled Liu Yufei into his arms, lightly pecked Liu Yufei's red lips, and left the office with a big smile.

"Damn guy." Liu Yufei blushed, and reached out to wipe away the saliva left by Jiang Chen, halfway out, then retracted.

"May I be happy for the rest of my life?" Liu Yufei said in her heart, laughing lightly.

Liu Yufei knew that her mood today was not right. She was jealous, or more of a kind of grievance. The tacit understanding in the seemingly few interactions between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen made her feel There was a great sense of crisis.

If it were another woman, Liu Yufei might not have such a sense of crisis. For example, she gets along very well with Ding Lingling.

This is not to say that Ding Lingling is not as beautiful as Ye Sichen, but that the halo on a woman's body itself is a great pressure for other women.

The halo on Ye Sichen's body was too bright and strong. It is estimated that any woman would inevitably feel a contrast in her heart when facing Ye Sichen. How could Liu Yufei be immune to this.

However, with Jiang Chen's words, Liu Yufei felt that it was enough. Even if this guy was lustful and shameless, and had one or another bad thing, but as long as he could really make her happy for the rest of her life, then what would she not be satisfied with? ?

(End of this chapter)

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