genius evil

Chapter 304 Blaming You For Being Too Beautiful

Chapter 304 Blaming You For Being Too Beautiful

Ziyu didn't speak.

What she felt more was humiliation.

A woman was stripped off by a man in such a rough way, and then possessed even more brutally.There is nothing that can humiliate a woman more than this.

"Let me guess, it's a humiliation, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile while looking at Zi Yu.

"You are deliberately humiliating me, aren't you?" Ziyu said coldly.

"Of course it wasn't intentional. You have to know one thing. You are still very attractive to me. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to live to this day." Jiang Chen said with a very honest look.

"You want to tell me that from the first time you started belittling me, the reason is because I'm too attractive?" Ziyu said, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

She really didn't want the glamor at all if she could!
"That's right, it's like this, if you are ugly, if you are fat, if your legs are not so long, the first time you kill me, I will kill you." Jiang Chen said with a curled lip.

"So, it's all my fault for the current situation?" Zi Yu's eyes widened.

"It's not your fault, is it my fault?" Jiang Chen expressed his innocence.

"This is just an excuse for your own shameless lust." Zi Yu sneered.

What is Jiang Chen?
When she was a three-year-old child?

Even a three-year-old child is not so easily deceived, right?
"This is not an excuse. I'm just telling the truth. If you want to blame you, you are too beautiful...You say you are so beautiful and have such a good figure. Which man doesn't want to take a second look at you when he sees you? Other men are just a little bit better, how can they be exempt?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"You keep saying that I'm frivolous to you, but that's not frivolity. It's like a little boy who likes a little girl but doesn't know how to express it, so he uses some clumsy ways to attract that girl's attention. , I am sorry if this has caused you trouble." Before Ziyu could speak, Jiang Chen hurriedly added another sentence.

"I won't believe your nonsense." Gritting her teeth slightly, Ziyu shook her head, as if she wanted to shake Jiang Chen's words out of her mind.

There is no woman who does not like to listen to sweet talk, just like there is no woman who does not love beauty. This can be said to be a kind of nature, which is inherent in the bones.

Jiang Chen's sigh, Jiang Chen's soft voice, Jiang Chen's explanation... These three points completely satisfied the prerequisite for a woman to be flattered.

Ziyu found out strangely that she was a little moved by Jiang Chen's persuasion, and looking at Jiang Chen's eyes, she felt that Jiang Chen was not like that to make her hate him.

This is definitely not a good sign. Ziyu said that he would not believe Jiang Chen's nonsense. It seemed to be denying Jiang Chen's words, but it was actually almost self-hypnosis.

"I didn't make you believe me." Jiang Chen showed a little disappointment just right, and he said, "I have always wanted to tell you these words, and now that I have finally said them, I am also satisfied."

"Jiang Chen, stop acting." Zi Yu forcefully said in a cold tone.

"If you want to say that I'm acting, then just treat it like I'm acting." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen smiled helplessly, and asked, "Is there any wine here?"

"You want to drink?" Zi Yu asked with a slight frown.

"If you are willing to have a drink with me, of course it would be a great thing." Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

"I'll drink with you." Zi Yu immediately said.

Drinking is better than going to bed, and Ziyu naturally won't refuse.

"I'll go out first, you can find some clothes and put them on." Jiang Chen walked outside and came to the small living room of the guest room. He went to the bathroom to wash the cup before sitting down on the sofa.

Jiang Chen poured two glasses of red wine, and after a few sips, Ziyu came out of the room.

Zi Yu didn't bring too many clothes. After the jeans were torn off by Jiang Chen, he was wearing a long purple skirt, walking like an elf.

Ziyu sat down on the sofa opposite Jiang Chen, besides a glass of red wine, there was a gun beside him.

Zi Yu lowered her head, glanced at the red wine glass, and then at the gun.

Ziyu was suddenly moved. She had been looking forward to having a gun in her hand before, but now, the opportunity came, and this opportunity was given to her by Jiang Chen.

Ziyu didn't know whether Jiang Chen had intentions or not, but what she had to say was that if she wanted to kill Jiang Chen, now was the best chance.

As long as she picks up the gun and shoots quickly when Jiang Chen is not paying attention, even if she can't kill Jiang Chen, she can definitely seriously injure Jiang Chen.

Pick up the wine glass, or pick up the gun, it's a conundrum.

Unintentionally, Ziyu fell into a dilemma.

"Come on, let's have a drink." Jiang Chen raised the wine glass in his hand and signaled.

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, for some reason, Ziyu felt relieved, because she found that she no longer needed to make a choice, Jiang Chen had already helped her make a choice.

Picking up the wine glass, lightly touching the glass in Jiang Chen's hand, pursing his lips, taking a sip of the red wine, letting the alcohol bloom on the tip of his tongue, Zi Yu asked, "Aren't you worried that I'll kill you with this gun?"

"Perhaps those words of mine didn't tempt you, but they won't cause you to kill me, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm not sure about killing you." Ziyu said silently.

"It's because you don't want to kill me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I... don't want to..." Zi Yu froze for a moment, then fell silent.

Maybe he just didn’t want to, Ziyu said in his heart.

Otherwise, she would not hesitate at all in the choice between picking up the wine glass and picking up the gun, and she would pick up the gun extremely sharply and pull the trigger at Jiang Chen.

She was hesitating which one to choose, but it didn't mean that she didn't want to kill Jiang Chen anymore!
"What do you think of this red wine?" Jiang Chen changed the topic indistinctly.

"You know more about red wine than I do." Ziyu said softly.

She is not addicted to alcohol, so she doesn't understand alcohol, but the bottle of wine Jiang Chen took is indeed much better than the bottle she drank before.

"Is this a compliment to me?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Out of politeness, should I also praise you... This dress of yours is very nice. I have never seen any woman before. A skirt with such a simple style, wearing it like you.”

Zi Yu blushed slightly, and said, "It's too deliberate."

"I want to kiss you." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Ah—" Ziyu was dumbfounded.

"This is called deliberate." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, put down the wine glass in his hand, walked over to embrace Zi Yu, and kissed her red lips.


Ziyu didn't expect Jiang Chen to move so fast, she couldn't guard against it at all, her lips were blocked by Jiang Chen, she hurriedly pushed Jiang Chen with her hands.

"Sorry, maybe I'm a little drunk." Jiang Chen moved his mouth, said something in a low voice, and kissed Zi Yu's red lips again.

"Don't do this." Ziyu was extremely flustered.

"Don't talk, just enjoy it with your heart." Jiang Chen had no choice but to move his lips again, and whispered a word in Ziyu's ear.

The itchy feeling swept over her whole body, and Ziyu felt goosebumps all over her body. She stared blankly at Jiang Chen's profile, and felt a trembling emotion welling up deep in her heart.

Surprising, not repulsive, just shy, just instinctively wanting to push Jiang Chen away because he has never had this experience.

When the red lips were covered by Jiang Chen for the third time, as if resigned to fate, Ziyu's eyes slowly closed bit by bit, and both hands, not knowing when, hugged It touched Jiang Chen's waist.

It wasn't until his body was suspended in the air that Ziyu's eyes opened again.

Jiang Chen picked up Ziyu, walked to the inner room for the second time, and put Ziyu on the bed for the second time.

"Just this time." Ziyu said to Jiang Chen.

She is not a casual woman, and there is no way to be casual, but maybe she drank too much today, or maybe too many things happened today, subverting her obsession, Jiang Chen wants, she I don't mind giving it to Jiang Chen, but it can only be this time. In the future, the two sides will have nothing to do with each other.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word, and gently took off the skirt on Ziyu's body.

God cherishes this woman to the extreme. Her long legs, slender waist, large breasts and stunning face are like a work of art that has been carefully polished. Any movement seems to inadvertently leave flaws on her body. lead to imperfection.

Jiang Chen is a lover of works of art, but what he likes more is to leave his own marks on works of art. After admiring them, Jiang Chen took off his clothes without hesitation.

The big bed, soon followed by Ziyu's body being torn apart, began to shake slowly.

Ziyu's tense body relaxed quietly, bearing the impact of waves like waves, she felt like a flat boat in the sea, her whole body was out of control, yes So ecstatic.

"This damn bad guy finally got what he wanted." Zi Yu said silently in his heart.

I don't know how long it has passed, the clouds and rain have just stopped.

"What did you just say?" Jiang Chen's hand wandered fondly over Zi Yu's body, feeling the silky smooth skin, and asked.

"It's only this time between us." Ziyu said.

The blush on his face never dissipated, and the tingling and trembling feeling affected every nerve and every cell in the body. Ziyu said this, and he felt that he lacked confidence.

"Are you serious?" Jiang Chen looked into Zi Yu's eyes and asked.

"I...I..." Ziyu hesitated and couldn't speak.

She knew that it was impossible for her to fall in love with Jiang Chen just because she slept with him once, but it seemed that she could answer Jiang Chen's question very easily, but it made it difficult for her to have the confidence to say this for the first time. and confidence again.

"Then do it again." Jiang Chen then said.


(End of this chapter)

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