genius evil

Chapter 305 I Want to Kill You

Chapter 305 I Want to Kill You
The time is about eight o'clock in the evening.

Ziyu was alone, lying limply on the big soft bed.

She just felt that there was no place in her body that was not sore, and there was no place that was not painful.

The bones all over her body seemed to have been disassembled and reassembled. She had always been able to control every part of her body extremely flexibly, but now it was estimated that even a small movement would be extremely laborious.

Ziyu didn't want to move either, she was too tired.

I never knew that this kind of thing between a man and a woman needs to consume such an astonishing amount of physical strength.

Now, she finally knows.

Maybe it can be regarded as a very pleasant few hours, but Ziyu's scalp is a little numb when he thinks that he might have to do this kind of thing with Jiang Chen in the future.

I don't know how Jiang Chen, who doesn't seem to be very strong, has such strong energy. Several times, Zi Yu almost felt that he was going to be tossed to death by Jiang Chen.

The most terrible thing is that Jiang Chen didn't just come again, but several times. For her who was new to human affairs, how could she be Jiang Chen's opponent.

"I'm really going to be killed by Jiang Chen." Zi Yu muttered to himself.

Because of his physical discomfort, when he said this, Zi Yu's expression was somewhat depressed, then, he turned his head, glanced at the place where Jiang Chen had been lying beside him, and touched Kong Bian's stomach, Zi Yu was even more depressed. depressed.

Jiang Chen didn't leave, but went out to buy food.

This hotel, whose price is comparable to a four-star hotel, does not provide meals inside, so you have to go out to buy something if you want to eat.

The two tossed and tossed for several hours, Jiang Chen was fine, but Zi Yu was hungry, that feeling of being hungry and tired was really too uncomfortable.

While feeling depressed, Ziyu found out inexplicably that her state of mind had changed unknowingly, and she became hypocritical.

Yes, it is hypocritical.

It is common for a killer to not eat, drink or sleep all day and all night during the execution of a mission.

If it was normal, no matter how tired or hungry, Ziyu would not be depressed, but now, she is complaining.

"Could it be because I have a man now?" Ziyu said to herself in her heart.

Ziyu doesn't know what it's like for a woman to act coquettishly and complain to a man, but she has seen such situations many times.

When she saw her before, she always thought it was unbelievable, because it was really hard for her to imagine how some women could have such a serious princess disease.

Complaining about being tired from walking, complaining about hair being messed up by the wind, complaining about bad food, complaining about bad clothes... Anyway, it’s all kinds of complaints, endless.

Ziyu never thought that she would become that kind of woman, she is a killer, she is in the business of murder, her hands are stained with blood, if she is to be like a weak little girl, complaining about this and that at every turn .

God, that would have been better than shooting her dead.

But now, Ziyu realizes that he has a tendency to become the kind of woman he hated at the beginning.

This trend makes Ziyu feel uneasy, it's too awkward and weird, isn't it?
"Why are you depressed?" Ziyu covered her face with her hands, feeling extremely ashamed.

After all, deep down, Ziyu didn't feel that she had any relationship with Jiang Chen, even if she had sex, she wouldn't really regard herself as Jiang Chen's woman just because of that.

Even if it is a physical need, it seems that Jiang Chen needs too much.

"Yeah, what is my relationship with Jiang Chen?" Ziyu then said to himself.

After saying this, it seemed that she had found herself again, and the complaints in Ziyu's heart were washed away a lot at once.

"I came to kill Jiang Chen. I originally thought about telling Jiang Chen that he was betrayed by Mulanhua before killing Jiang Chen... I wanted to break his hands, but now, we But went to bed?" Zi Yu said a little dumbfounded.

If it is said that every time she kills Jiang Chen, she has to pay a little price.

Then I have to say that the price she paid this time was too great, not only her body fell, but even her heart almost fell.

"Something's not quite right." When such thoughts popped up, Ziyu immediately became vigilant.

"Jiang Chen said that it is enough for him to get my people. He has got me now... I didn't resist, and even indulged in it. Jiang Chen got what he wanted without any effort." Zi Yu His face turned slightly serious.

"I came to Yilan City to kill Jiang Chen this time, but even the people in the Flower God Association didn't know about it. The only one who knew was the Magnolia. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to know that I came. There is only one possibility, that is, the Magnolia I tipped him off, so before I had time to kill him, he came to the door, and I was betrayed by Magnolia." Ziyu's face became more serious, serious and stern.

She panicked, and the more she thought about it, the more flustered she became.

After carefully sorting out the cause and effect, Ziyu suddenly felt that she was the most idiotic and stupid woman in the world, and it took so long to react after being played with.

After throwing off the quilt and getting up, Ziyu picked up the clothes on the ground expressionlessly, put them on, and went to the living room.

Sitting down on the sofa, Zi Yu picked up the unfinished glass of red wine that Jiang Chen had poured for her, and drank it with her lips pursed. Afterwards, Zi Yu picked up the gun on the small table.

When Jiang Chen swiped his card and pushed open the door of the guest room to come in from the outside, he saw Ziyu holding a gun in his hand, and the black muzzle of the gun was aimed at him who came in from the outside.

"You're starving." As if Jiang Chen didn't see the gun, he raised the bag in his hand towards Zi Yu, walked over, opened the bag, and took out the contents one by one.

"I thought you didn't have much appetite, so I bought a millet porridge... This is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, pork ribs and winter melon soup, braised fish cubes..."

Every time Jiang Chen took out one item, he introduced it, took out the same item, and filled the entire small table.

"Okay, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold." Jiang Chen urged after finishing taking the food.

Ziyu has always been in a state of expressionlessness, the gun in her hand was pointed at Jiang Chen all the time, she didn't speak, and she didn't even look at the food.

"Don't like to eat?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I want to kill you." Zi Yu said indifferently.

Jiang Chen reached out with one hand, touched Ziyu's forehead, then touched his own forehead, and said to himself, "I don't have a fever, what's the matter?"

"I said I'm going to kill you." Ziyu repeated his words mechanically.

"Stop making trouble, let's eat." Jiang Chen took the gun from Ziyu's hand and handed over a pair of chopsticks.

Ziyu caught the chopsticks, but she didn't know what kind of feeling was in her heart. She looked at Jiang Chen fixedly, her emotions were extremely complicated.

"Do you want me to feed you?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Why?" Ziyu asked.

"Aren't you very hungry?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You answer my question." Ziyu said loudly.

Jiang Chen said helplessly, "I've heard that when a girl becomes a woman, there is a stage where it's easy to worry about gains and losses."

"You've been lying to me, haven't you?" Zi Yu didn't ask Jiang Chen why, but asked coldly.

Jiang Chen smiled, took the chopsticks from Zi Yu's hand, put the gun back again, and said, "Shoot."

"Do you think I dare not shoot?" Ziyu's voice trembled a little.

"It's not that you don't dare, it's that you don't know how to shoot me at all, don't you understand?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"You are too confident." Ziyu said with twinkling eyes.

"Then you shoot." Jiang Chen grabbed Ziyu's hand, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at his chest.

Ziyu's arm stiffened for a while, and subconsciously, she wanted to retract her hand, but when she thought that the action was too stupid, she just gritted her teeth, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against Jiang Chen's chest.

"You're right, I can't shoot." After a long time, Ziyu withdrew her hand and said silently, frustrated, frustrated, and all kinds of emotions.

She thought she could shoot, in order to dispel the hesitation, she also drank alcohol, she tried to pull the trigger, and gave Jiang Chen a bullet, but she couldn't do it at all.

"Then...can we eat now?" Jiang Chen asked cautiously.

"I'm leaving." Ziyu shook his head, stood up and walked into the room. After a while, Ziyu came over with a small box.

"There's too much food for me to finish by myself." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Don't look for me, I won't see you again in the future, otherwise, I'm very worried that I will kill you out of control." Ziyu ignored Jiang Chen's words and said indifferently.

The door opened and closed again, and Jiang Chen was the only one left in the guest room.

"As expected, it is easy to conquer a woman's body, but it is too difficult to conquer a woman's heart." Jiang Chen stuffed a piece of pork ribs into his mouth and chewed, and said vaguely.

Jiang Chen didn't keep Ziyu, let alone chase him out. He knew too well that no matter whether he kept him or chased him out, it would be of no use.

The biggest difference between killers and ordinary people is rationality and calmness.

Jiang Chen would not regard Ziyu as a vase, even if Ziyu looked like a vase, but she was a killer after all, and the temperature of the blood in her bones was cold after all.

If it is said that the passion on the bed caused Ziyu to lose himself, then, after the passion faded, there is no doubt that Ziyu quickly regained his rationality and calmness.

It doesn't matter whether Jiang Chen really regards Ziyu as his woman, but Ziyu has a huge hurdle to overcome in this matter.

They couldn't make it through, and there was a knot in their hearts. The relationship between them might be even worse than before.And if he passes by, then everything will come to fruition, and Ziyu will obediently be one of his women...

"Long-legged beauty, although you can be quite stingy sometimes, but in this matter, don't be too horny." Jiang Chen muttered.

When Jiang Chen wiped out more than half of the food, there was a knock on the door.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, but then he was overjoyed, Ziyu probably figured it out so quickly.

"Sir, a lady has already checked out this room just now, when will you leave?" the waiter standing outside the door asked politely.


Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines, his open mouth almost bit his tongue, how could a long-legged beauty do such a thing, it's so irritating!

(End of this chapter)

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