genius evil

Chapter 307 The time left for you is running out

Chapter 307 The time left for you is running out

"I was teasing him." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

It's true that he is good at undressing his clothes, but it also depends on the situation. If it were a beautiful woman, he would definitely take it off faster than anyone else.

But in broad daylight, Jiang Chen didn't have a penchant for running naked.

"I was scared to death. I thought you were really going to take off your clothes." Ding Lingling patted her chest with a loud thud.

"What's the matter with this echo?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I want you to take care of it." Ding Lingling rolled her eyes.

I thought that I must get rid of the habit of taking pictures of breasts in the future. Isn't this telling others that her breasts are small?
"It doesn't seem to be very small, but why does it have an echo when it is photographed." Jiang Chen expressed his puzzlement.

"Is it really not young?" Ding Lingling asked with a blushing face.

"This question, we will find a hotel, open a room, and study it carefully." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'm going to die." Ding Lingling kicked Jiang Chen.

All the policemen, including Cheng Zhemao, were full of black lines.

Please, can you be a little more considerate of other people's feelings, is this the time to flirt?

Moreover, it doesn't matter if they can hear the voice slightly, but if the guy upstairs hears it, it will be a big deal.

"You're kidding me?" the middle-aged man said gloomily, apparently overheard the conversation between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling.

"Yeah, just to tease you, if you are not convinced, come and bite me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death." The middle-aged man was angry.

"I'm still young, and I'm living a very interesting life. I never do things like courting death, but you, with a bad face, look like the type who is dying. If you want me to tell you, don't let anything go." It's a bomb, just jump down and fall to your death, I think, when your head is smashed like a watermelon, that scene must be quite interesting." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking." Cheng Zhemao hurriedly stopped him.

Although Cheng Zhemao had never met Jiang Chen before, he knew Jiang Chen. After all, that time, when Jiang Chen was arrested in the detention room, there was so much commotion that almost shocked the entire Yilan City.

Jiang Chen unscrupulously provoked the middle-aged man, making Cheng Zhemao angry and anxious, what if the middle-aged man jumps over the wall in a hurry?

He originally wanted Jiang Chen to shut up, but he felt that the words were not suitable, so he changed his words. This change of words made his momentum weaker invisibly.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaled Cheng Zhemao not to speak, and said carelessly: "Let me tell you, what do you think of my suggestion?"

"Your suggestion is indeed very interesting. At the same time, I want to congratulate you. Congratulations on successfully angering me." The middle-aged man pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, furious.

"Director Cheng, I order you now to send me a hostage. Maybe I can consider changing the time limit of 5 minutes to 10 minutes, or even half an hour." Instead, the middle-aged man said to Cheng Zhemao .

"Who do you want to be your hostage?" Cheng Zhemao said almost without thinking.

Cheng Zhemao's heart was moved, and he couldn't help it. The difference between 5 minutes and half an hour was too great. If the time limit could be extended to half an hour, there might be a chance for a turnaround.

"Naturally, it's him." Jiang Chen pointed to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

Cheng Zhemao suddenly smiled wryly, although from the confrontation between Jiang Chen and the middle-aged man, he understood that the middle-aged man mentioned the hostage thing was aimed at Jiang Chen.

But he still had a chance, even if he himself went to act as a hostage, he would not hesitate.

But Jiang Chen, this matter gave Cheng Zhemao a headache.

"Tie up this kid and let him come up alone." The middle-aged man said arrogantly.

Isn't Jiang Chen looking for death wholeheartedly, then he will fulfill Jiang Chen's wish, and when Jiang Chen comes up to be a hostage, he will definitely send Jiang Chen a bomb immediately.

"Jiang Chen, do you see this?" Cheng Zhemao looked at Jiang Chen with some pleading.

"Of course not." Jiang Chen directly refused.

"..." Cheng Zhemao took a breath.

"Hey, this is playing a stripping game and a bondage game. I can't tell that you are so refined, but you have such a strong taste." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Director Cheng, you don't have much time left." The middle-aged man knew that he couldn't speak up to Jiang Chen, so he ignored Jiang Chen.

"You made a mistake, because you don't have much time left." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"Whether I made a mistake, you will understand soon." The middle-aged man said grimly.

"I understand now, and I'm sure I understand very well. I'll give you 1 minute to come downstairs for me, otherwise I'll kill you with one shot." Jiang Chen's tone became a little more stern.

"You—" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why, am I surprised? Still think I shouldn't say that?" Jiang Chen chuckled, and continued, "Actually, I'm really curious, how stupid do you have to be to do such a thing? "

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The middle-aged man said sharply.

"To put it simply, that's it, you are so stupid and hopelessly stupid, you are obviously greedy for life and afraid of death, but you still have to pretend that you are not afraid of death, are you tired?" Jiang Chen Debunked Road.

"If I detonate the bomb now, you will force me to do it all, and you will become a sinner." The middle-aged man said aggressively.

"You still have 30 seconds." Jiang Chen said indifferently.


What a big joke!
Not to mention that he has already seen through everything, even if many people really died, what does that have to do with him?
"I'll detonate the bomb right away." The middle-aged man threatened through gritted teeth.

"20 seconds." Jiang Chen said casually.

While talking, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and took the gun from Ding Lingling's hand, pointing the gun at the middle-aged man upstairs.

"There are no 20 seconds left, you still have 17 seconds." Jiang Chen said slowly, playing with the pistol in his hand.


On the forehead of the middle-aged man, cold sweat broke out.

As Jiang Chen said, he was indeed greedy for life and afraid of death.

But that's also because, in the part of his plan, he won't die at all, he can easily get a large sum of money, and then leave swaggeringly, and go abroad to enjoy himself.

The middle-aged man didn't understand at all how Jiang Chen could see that he was greedy for life and afraid of death.

But whether he could figure it out or not, the middle-aged man knew that he was driven to a dead end by Jiang Chen.

"Don't force me, I really don't want to kill so many people." The middle-aged man stammered.


At this moment, the gunshot rang out, and then, the middle-aged man upstairs fell back, howling.

"Little girl, don't be in a daze, go arrest someone." Xinshou put the pistol back to Ding Lingling, Jiang Chen patted Ding Lingling's cheek, and said with a smile.

"Hurry up... to arrest people..."

It was Cheng Zhemao who reacted and shouted loudly.

Cheng Zhemao was almost scared to death by Jiang Chen, but luckily there was no danger in the end, the sound of the explosion did not resound.

Cheng Zhemao had no idea how Jiang Chen did this. In short, he should arrest the middle-aged man who was shot as soon as possible.

Under Cheng Zhemao's order, the police quickly got busy.

Ding Lingling was the first to bear the brunt, running at the forefront, and winking at Jiang Chen while running, which made the policemen who followed Ding Lingling feel chills.


There was applause, which rang in Jiang Chen's ears.

"Not bad, very good." Accompanied by the applause, the voice came to Jiang Chen's ears, "But I'm still very curious, how did you tell that that guy is actually very afraid of death."

"Do you think that a vicious criminal would be interested in arranging his hairstyle?" Jiang Chen looked at the guy who was speaking, and said calmly.

"Then how do you know, maybe it's a habit of his?" The man asked again.

"So, this is a gamble. If he lost the bet, countless people would be buried with him. Fortunately, I was lucky and won the bet." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Gambling?" The speaker was slightly taken aback, and looked at Jiang Chen in surprise. Obviously, he never thought that Jiang Chen would give such an answer.

In other words, I didn't expect that the answer was actually so simple.

In gambling, there are winners and losers, even though Jiang Chen won in the end... But how many people have the courage to gamble like this?
"Let me introduce myself, my name is Hedgehog." The speaker said, reaching out his hand towards Jiang Chen.

"I'm not interested in your name, tell me, what do you want from me?" Jiang Chen asked directly without shaking hands with the hedgehog.

"If you say, I want to make friends with you, what do you think?" Hedgehog asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen just laughed, "There must be a reason."

"Someone wants to kill you, but I want to save you, is that a reason?" Hedgehog asked with a smile.

"Not bad, but why did you save me?" Jiang Chen asked noncommittally.

"Have you heard of the Guwu League?" Hedgehog asked.

"Ancient Martial Arts Alliance? What is it?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, of course it's not a thing." The hedgehog said, and suddenly felt that something was wrong as soon as the words came out of his mouth, so he burst out laughing.

"The Ancient Martial Alliance, the alliance of ancient martial arts practitioners in the world, Jiang Chen, as far as I know, you are an ancient martial arts practitioner. You are so young and your cultivation level is quite impressive. Have you never heard of the alliance?" After laughing, the hedgehog asked in wonder.

"If I've heard of it, then wouldn't you have lost a chance to win me over?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

But he was a little puzzled. He had never heard of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance before, and even the so-called Ancient Martial Arts practitioners didn't know anything about it. They didn't understand what Ancient Martial Arts was.

He is a cultivator, how could he become an ancient martial arts cultivator in the mouth of the hedgehog?

But Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't tell the hedgehog that he was a cultivator. At the same time, Jiang Chen was also very curious about the concept of ancient martial arts practitioners!
(End of this chapter)

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