genius evil

Chapter 308 Ancient Martial Alliance

Chapter 308 Ancient Martial Alliance
"No, it's not coaxing." The hedgehog said seriously, waving his arms.

"Ancient martial arts practitioners, whether they belong to sects or casual cultivators, as long as they have been registered in the ancient martial arts alliance, they can be regarded as members of the ancient martial arts alliance." Immediately afterwards, the hedgehog said again.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are a practitioner of ancient martial arts, but you have never heard of the ancient martial arts alliance. Presumably, you have never registered in the ancient martial arts alliance. I came here this time to share with you, brother Jiang Chen. Make a good relationship." The hedgehog finally added sternly.

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and smiled, and said a little unhappily: "Do you know that you deserve to be beaten in this way?"


The hedgehog twitched cheekily, saying that he himself felt a little embarrassed by what he said just now.After being exposed by Jiang Chen, he felt even more embarrassed.

"Let's talk about it first, who wants to kill me." Jiang Chen asked the hedgehog, talking nonsense with the hedgehog.

"Baishan Gate." The hedgehog replied.

"I have never had anything to do with the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance. People from the Baishan Gate are going to kill me. Doesn't that make sense?" Jiang Chen felt innocent.

After all, it was the first time he had heard of the ancient martial arts practitioners of the ancient martial arts alliance and the ancient martial arts sect, so why did an ancient martial arts sect want to kill him?
This is too wrong!
"Brother Jiang Chen, you really have nothing to do with Baishanmen, but unfortunately, Baishanmen can't accommodate you. Baishanmen is just acting on behalf of Baishanmen." Hedgehog explained.

"Baishan Gate, Bai Family?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

"The Bai family is known as the No. [-] family in Tiannan City. The origin of this No. [-] family has a great relationship with the Baishan Gate. It can be said that the Baishan Gate is the backing of the Bai Family." Hedgehog explained again.

Jiang Chen nodded silently, and suddenly remembered what Guan Shan had said to him.

Guan He said convincingly that the strength of a family is not just because of its superficial strength, but more importantly, its foundation.


At that time, Jiang Chen didn't know what the so-called background was.

Now, through the hedgehog's explanation, Jiang Chen finally understood what the background was referring to.


The Baishan Gate is the backer of the Bai family, so the Bai family firmly sits on the throne of the first family in Tiannan City. No other family dares to offend or offend easily.

And he had offended Tiantian, and he refused to accept the Bai family's solicitation. The Bai family did not allow his existence, and the Baishanmen wanted to kill him!
"White Mountain Gate is very powerful?" Jiang Chen asked after realizing this.

"Looking at the entire Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, the Baishan Gate is nothing more than a second-rate ancient martial arts sect. However, the people of the Baishan Gate have always acted arrogantly and domineeringly, but they have a small reputation." Hedgehog said truthfully.

"Among the three major families in Tiannan City, the Bai family's backer is the Baishanmen. As for the Tong family and the Guan family, do they also have the Guwu sect as their backer?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"No." The hedgehog laughed, shook his head, and said: "There are so many families in China, it is impossible for every family to have an ancient martial arts sect behind them. Of course, there is one thing, the higher the top family, the more It cannot be underestimated, behind it must be supported by the ancient martial arts sect."

Jiang Chen was relieved.

It's no wonder that Guan He doesn't look very good, he can only use brute force.

Even if he doesn't know what ancient martial arts is, if Guan He has practiced ancient martial arts, Guan He's combat effectiveness will not be so bad.

"Since that's the case, I'm curious how the Bai family can accommodate the Tong family and the Guan family on an equal footing." Jiang Chen realized that he had a lot of questions and urgently needed more answers.

"Brother Jiang, have you had contact with the land group?" Hedgehog didn't directly answer Jiang Chen's question, turned a little corner, and then said, "The existence of the land group is actually to maintain a certain order in the country. Balance, if the Bai family dominates, the balance will be broken, which will not be allowed."

"The ground group may not be able to supervise the ancient martial arts alliance?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Really not, but there is a sky group above the ground group. The people in the sky group act as supervisors and have the right to directly deal with ancient martial arts practitioners." The hedgehog nodded.

Jiang Chen silently digested the information. The ancient martial arts alliance, the earth group, and the sky group formed a framework. Within the framework of this structure were some powerful forces that were difficult for the world to know.

These powers are hidden, but the tip of the iceberg has unknowingly surfaced in front of him.

Quietly, Jiang Chen felt some pressure.Also, he was excited.

"Hedgehog, right? What's the name of your sect?" Jiang Chen looked at the hedgehog and asked.

"Black Water Sect." Hedgehog replied proudly.

"Baishan and Heishui, one black and one white, are indeed natural enemies. No wonder you ran over here as soon as you heard that Baishanmen wanted to kill me." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

Hedgehog was a little embarrassed, and said: "We, the Blackwater Sect, do have some conflicts with the Baishanmen, but it's not to the point of life-and-death rivalry. We just don't understand the Baishanmen's way of doing things."

After a pause, the hedgehog continued: "Brother Jiang, if you join my Black Water Sect, then Baishanmen will not dare to do anything to you easily. I wonder what you think, Brother Jiang?"

After talking nonsense for a long time, this is what the hedgehog wanted to say.

He came here this time, saving Jiang Chen was just incidental, and pulling Jiang Chen into the Black Water Sect was a serious matter.

Naturally, from the point of view of the hedgehog, as long as Jiang Chen joined the Black Water Sect, it would be equivalent to saving Jiang Chen's life... The hedgehog believed that Jiang Chen understood this point.

After all, judging from what Jiang Chen did just now, Jiang Chen is a smart person, or a top smart one. It is impossible for Jiang Chen not to understand the stakes.

"How does the Black Water Sect compare to the White Mountain Gate?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"On par," said the hedgehog.

"You're lying." Jiang Chen raised his voice a little, and said angrily, "Hedgehog, I think you're quite honest, why don't you even blink when you panic, obviously the Black Water Sect is no match for you!" Go to the Baishan Gate."

The hedgehog was even more embarrassed, he always thought that his eloquence was not bad, otherwise the sect would not have entrusted him with the matter of wooing Jiang Chen.

But facing Jiang Chen, the hedgehog discovered that he was no match for Jiang Chen at all.

"It's a little bit inferior, but the White Mountain Sect doesn't dare to offend my Blackwater Sect easily." Hedgehog smiled wryly.

"Don't dare to offend easily, it doesn't mean that you don't dare to offend. Once important interests are involved, the Baishan Gate may not be shameless." Jiang Chen gave this guy a white look.

"If the Baishan Gate really dares to tear its face, I, the Black Water Sect, are not easy to bully." Hedgehog said seriously.

"Needless to say it's so righteous, and there are no members of your Blackwater Sect here, let's take it easy." Jiang Chen laughed.

"I'm serious." The hedgehog felt inexplicably frustrated.

"Then I can only seriously reject you." Jiang Chen also said seriously.

"Brother Jiang, you can think about it again." The hedgehog was a little anxious.

"Don't think about it," Jiang Chen said.

He even rejected the ground group, let alone a second-rate ancient martial arts sect. It seems that he is very tall, but it is hard to convince him at all.

"Once the people from Baishan Gate come to Yilan City, they will definitely not let you go." Hedgehog reminded.

"Then let them come." Jiang Chen said coldly, his face darkened.

"Brother Jiang, don't be careless, Baishan Gate is not as simple as you think." Hedgehog said helplessly.

"I'm not as simple as you think." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and said curiously, "What level of cultivation are you at now?"

"Third level after tomorrow." The hedgehog didn't hide anything. In his opinion, since he wanted to borrow a good relationship with Jiang Chen, there was no need to hide these things, and there was no great significance in hiding them.

"Gu Wu's acquired cultivation, um, above acquired, is there a master with innate cultivation?" Jiang Chen cheered up and asked.

Although Jiang Chen wasn't too worried about the Baishan Gate, but to learn more about ancient martial arts cultivation, Jiang Chen naturally wanted to know as much as possible.

"It seems that Brother Jiang, you really didn't join any sect." The hedgehog looked helpless, you know, these are the most basic common sense, and Jiang Chen didn't understand at all.

"Ancient martial arts are divided into acquired and innate. Acquired cultivation is divided into nine levels. After breaking through acquired cultivation, one is innate. However, innate is so difficult. As far as I know, even among the first-class top ancient martial arts sects, There are very few innate masters, and it is even possible that there is not a single innate master in the entire ancient martial arts sect." Hedgehog said in detail.

"Well... I understand, let's make a move, let's fight." Jiang Chen wiped his palms, looking eager to try.

"Fight?" The hedgehog couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's rhythm.

"That's right, it's just a fight, you can see that I don't know anything about ancient martial arts at all. Only when I fight with you, the third-level Houtian, can I understand what kind of cultivation I am in. Hurry up and do it!" Come on, don't be shy, go all out." Jiang Chen urged.

"You pervert!"

The hedgehog complained so much in his heart that he almost yelled.

The logic seemed to be this logic, but why did Jiang Chen's words make him unhappy at all.

"Don't be in a daze, make a move... If you don't make a move, I'll make a move." Jiang Chen couldn't wait any longer, and before he finished speaking, he launched an attack on the hedgehog.

The hedgehog kept complaining, but when Jiang Chen attacked, he could only brace himself to deal with it. He didn't want to be beaten up by Jiang Chen for no reason.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Jiang Chen kept punching and kicking, adding punches and kicks, and every time he made a move, he shot with absolute strength, colliding head-on with the hedgehog.

What Jiang Chen had to do was not to defeat the hedgehog, but to use the hedgehog to verify the strength of his current cultivation.

After a few minutes, the hedgehog couldn't take it any longer, and quickly jumped out of the fighting circle.

"Damn pervert." The hedgehog felt like crying.

Jiang Chen's physical strength was too terrifying. Even though it wasn't absolute suppression to him, every head-on collision made him feel as if he had been hit by a steamroller. It's almost falling apart.

"The third floor of the day after tomorrow, that's all." Jiang Chen stopped, and whispered to himself in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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