genius evil

Chapter 309 Don't Joke With Me

Chapter 309 Don't Joke With Me
The battle ended quickly.

Of course, if Jiang Chen wanted to, it could have ended faster.

This is not to say that the hedgehog's strength is too weak, in fact, the real strength of the hedgehog, under Jiang Chen's temptation, is about the same as that of Song Yan who had fought against before.

That is to say, the cultivation base of the acquired third level is about the same as the combat effectiveness of the bronze level members in the ground group.

However, Jiang Chen's current combat power is no longer comparable to what it was back then.

Even though Jiang Chen is still at the third level of Body Tempering, the realm has not changed, but Jiang Chen's physical quality is changing every day.

Especially Jiang Chen's body, tempered and transformed by the liquid medicine, far exceeded the physical quality that should be possessed by the third layer of body quenching under normal circumstances.

With pure physical strength, Jiang Chen would definitely crush the hedgehog, not to mention that it would definitely be enough to make the hedgehog suffer. Not to mention, in terms of fighting skills, Jiang Chen has an incomparable advantage for the hedgehog.

Therefore, even though it was just a collision of physical strength, Jiang Chen was enough to have a fairly accurate assessment of the strength of the acquired third layer.

With Jiang Chen's current strength of the third level of body tempering, the ancient martial arts practitioners with the third level of cultivation in the day after tomorrow are completely suppressed in front of him. Nothing to be afraid of.Unless, the other party is that kind of evildoer who can be called a pervert!

"According to what the hedgehog said, among the major sects, even among the top ancient martial arts sects, congenital masters are rare, and even among all ancient martial sects, there may be no congenital masters. , is almost the limit of ancient martial arts cultivation." Jiang Chen said to himself in his heart.

Faintly, Jiang Chen felt that something was wrong with this situation.

After all, in this way, the strength of Gu Wu's lineage is too weak, and the barriers of cultivation can almost be touched with one's hand.

So, what is the significance of practicing ancient martial arts?

Maybe for some people, they can have relatively strong strength, but for Jiang Chen, it can be said that it is meaningless at all.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen felt something was wrong.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen couldn't figure out what was wrong for a while.

"Jiang Chen, can you tell me how you cultivated?" Rubbing his arms, the hedgehog looked at Jiang Chen with a depressed expression.

This guy didn't join any ancient martial arts sect, and he didn't even know the division of the ancient martial arts realm. He was a genuine casual cultivator, but how could he be so powerful in combat?
He has a cultivation base of the acquired third level, among the younger generation, looking at the entire Blackwater Sect, he is also the best, but in front of Jiang Chen, he is completely suppressed and beaten.

"Well, just practice casually, maybe it's because of my bone structure and outstanding talent." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


The hedgehog looked at Jiang Chen, it sounded like a joke, but the hedgehog almost believed it.

Ancient martial arts practice itself pays attention to talent.

The more talented you are, the more astonishing your cultivation speed is... It's not uncommon for hedgehogs to have heard of this kind of pervert. There was once a guy who was under 30 years old and had already cultivated to the ninth level of Houtian. It is necessary to step into the innate cultivation base.

Maybe Jiang Chen is that kind of pervert?

After believing it, Hedgehog's heart was burning hot. He realized that with Jiang Chen's talent, if he joined the Black Water Sect, in time, Jiang Chen would rise up and a single person could support a sect.

Maybe at that time, the entire Black Water Sect will be able to advance from the second-rate ancient martial arts sect to the top ancient martial arts sect because of Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, your talent is indeed amazing, but casual cultivators are casual cultivators after all. Without the guidance of famous teachers, it is difficult to sustain cultivation resources. If you join my Black Water Sect, I will definitely do my best to cultivate you. Yours." The hedgehog said earnestly.

"Didn't I already refuse?" Jiang Chen pretended to be puzzled and said.

The hedgehog didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I think Brother Jiang, you really need to reconsider."

"How about we fight again?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"do not--"

The hedgehog hurriedly waved his hands, his face turned pale.His whole body was almost torn apart by Jiang Chen, if there was another fight, maybe it would really fall apart.

Where is the fight? It's basically rape, or unilateral rape. He's not a masochist. How could Jiang Chen bully people like this?
Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "You are quite a good person, you can make friends, let me join the Blackwater Sect, forget it."

"Friend?" Hedgehog's eyes lit up.

"I, Jiang Chen, don't have many friends." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Okay, thanks to Brother Jiang, we are friends from now on." Hedgehog said excitedly.

It is said that with Jiang Chen as a monster as a friend, maybe in the future Jiang Chen will rise to the top, and he will be more or less cheap, right?
The most important thing is that if the Blackwater Sect encounters any unsolvable troubles, if they can ask Jiang Chen to help, it will be a great help.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, how could he not see why the hedgehog was excited.

However, he did find hedgehogs pleasing to the eye, and it was not bad to have such a friend.

Another point is that because the Baishan Gate wanted to deal with him, the Blackwater Sect specially sent the hedgehog over, which was a small favor.

Even if Jiang Chen didn't need this favor, but the favor was sent over by force, Jiang Chen had to accept it if he didn't accept it.

In this way, if the Blackwater Sect has any troubles in the future, they don't mind helping them out.

After saying a few more words, the hedgehog left.Before leaving, he repeatedly reminded Jiang Chen to be careful of the people of Baishan Gate, which made Jiang Chen feel a little more fond of the hedgehog.

"Jiang Chen, who is that guy who looks a bit like a hedgehog? Why did you two have a fight?" Ding Lingling came over at some point.

"He said he was called a hedgehog." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, don't make fun of me." Ding Lingling said dissatisfied.

Even if someone really looks like a hedgehog, how can you call someone a hedgehog based on their appearance?
Is it their fault that they are not good-looking?
She is already unattractive, and even gives people nicknames indiscriminately. What if it hurts people's fragile hearts?

"I'm not joking, he is indeed called a hedgehog." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen's expression was innocent.

Ding Lingling was dumbfounded, did someone really have the name Hedgehog?
"You're done with the matter here. If it's done, I should go." Jiang Chen yawned and said.

"How can it be finished so quickly, and there are still cases to be tried, and bombs to be defamed everywhere... But Jiang Chen, thank you." Ding Lingling laughed as she spoke.

If Jiang Chen wasn't here today, it would be fine to give that guy 5000 million for no reason, and that guy would probably be able to walk away with 5000 million.

"Forget it if you thank me, why did you keep yelling to make me take responsibility for you?" Jiang Chen sighed, with a helpless look on his face.

Seeing that Ding Lingling was about to go berserk at the last moment, he quickly changed his words and said, "By the way, there is a bonus for this."

"Why do you always think about such a little bonus, you are not short of money." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"No way, if I don't want to find a way to earn more money, what can I support you with?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Oh, that's right." Ding Lingling nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, feeling that what Jiang Chen said was too reasonable.

Moreover, Jiang Chen actually started to make money to support her now, which made Ding Lingling so moved that he almost couldn't do it.

"Jiang Chen, this case is all due to you. Regarding the bonus, I will definitely actively apply to Director Cheng." Ding Lingling said seriously.

"Then you go quickly, remember, you absolutely can't let that Director Cheng renege on his debt." Jiang Chen said.

"He dares!" Ding Lingling snorted lightly.

That was the money Jiang Chen used to support her, and whoever dared to renege on the debt, she would overturn the table.

"Then get busy, I'll go first." Jiang Chen yawned again, waved his hands, and walked towards the car parked by the side of the road.

"How did you become an Elantra?" Ding Lingling couldn't help blinking as she watched Jiang Chen get into an Elantra.

She remembered very clearly that Jiang Chen drove a Pagani last time.

Pagani changed to Elantra, how did the painting style change so strangely?
"Close the team." At this moment, Cheng Zhemao's voice reached Ding Lingling's ears.

Hearing the sound, Ding Lingling hurried over and said, "Director, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Zhemao asked with a smile.

He knew Ding Lingling's identity, and he also understood that Jiang Chen would show up today, presumably because of Ding Lingling's relationship, but he saw Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling flirting on the spot with his own eyes... So, today Ding Lingling contributed to the successful resolution of this case. Cheng Zhemao was naturally satisfied with Ding Lingling.

"That's right, about the bonus. In this case, Jiang Chen can get the bonus." Blinking his eyes, Ding Lingling pretended to be embarrassed.

"Bonuses... oh, haha, yes." Cheng Zhemao was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"How many?" Ding Lingling asked.

"Uh... five thousand... no, ten thousand... Lingling, what do you think?" Cheng Zhemao asked thoughtfully.

When a case is solved, rewards are guaranteed in terms of meritorious deeds. Even if there was no bonus in the first place, Ding Lingling took the initiative to ask, how could he be stingy.

"Thank you, Director." Ding Lingling narrowed her eyes as she smiled.

A bonus of 1 yuan is her salary for three months. After she gets it, she can buy a good set of clothes and change a bag... As for the money, if you don’t have enough money, just swipe Jiang Chen’s card. alright.

If Jiang Chen didn't swipe the card for her, how dare he!
"Thank you. If Jiang Chen has time, I would like to treat him to a meal. I will have to connect with you when the time comes." Cheng Zhemao said.

A high school student is causing waves of disturbance in Yilan City. Cheng Zhemao has long wanted to get acquainted with Jiang Chen. On the other hand, Jiang Chen's existence itself is an extremely unstable factor, and Cheng Zhemao has to pay attention to it. .

"Okay." Ding Lingling smiled and agreed quickly.

She didn't care what reason Cheng Zhemao wanted to see Jiang Chen, but she was very happy to facilitate this matter, who made Jiang Chen always so restless and caused trouble everywhere.

If we met and got acquainted, Cheng Zhemao would be ashamed to embarrass Jiang Chen if Jiang Chen caused trouble in the future, right?

(End of this chapter)

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