genius evil

Chapter 310 He is someone you can't afford to mess with

Chapter 310 He is someone you can't afford to mess with

Yilan Middle School, by Weiming Lake.

It had been several days since he lay down on the grass to sleep, not to mention, Jiang Chen really missed this feeling.

"Damn, what kind of idiot is that, lying on the grass to sleep in such hot weather is not afraid of heatstroke."

"You said that guy is an idiot, how do we understand the idiot's world?"

"Maybe I feel that there is too much water in my brain, and I want to dry out the water in my brain."


Not long after Jiang Chen lay down, just when he was about to fall asleep, suddenly, the sound of chattering and talking came into his ears.

Jiang Chen was a little depressed, he just wanted to sleep here, who did he provoke?

"Whoever was a fool just now, stand up for me." Jiang Chen didn't sleep at all, got up, and said angrily.

A large group of people stood behind Jiang Chen, watching Jiang Chen like a gorilla.

Looking at the school uniforms they were wearing, it was obvious that they were students from a certain second-grade class in physical education class.

Jiang Chen was a little annoyed, these guys just take physical education class, what are they doing here to watch him?It's okay to watch onlookers, and he keeps yelling and crooking, which really deserves a beating.

"I said it, what do you want?" A tall boy stood up and said provocatively.

"I said that."

"I said it too."


One after another, six boys stood up and looked at Jiang Chen brazenly.

"I didn't think about it, I just wanted to prove a little bit, who is really stupid who has got into the water." Jiang Chen said lightly.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen strode over, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the guy who stood up first, and then raised his wrist.

A figure, in the shape of a parabola, was thrown into the Weiming Lake like Jiang Chen was throwing garbage.


The sound of falling into the water sounded, and everyone in the class was stunned, especially the few people who stood up looked at Jiang Chen like idiots.

"Boy, are you going to fight?" One of them said, staring at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen talked nonsense lazily, spotted this guy, followed suit, and threw him into the Weiming Lake... and then the next one... the next one...

It wasn't until the few guys who stood up were thrown into the Weiming Lake that Jiang Chen clapped his hands, "It's finally clean."

"Boy, you're dead." The first guy who was thrown into the water by Jiang Chen crawled out and yelled at Jiang Chen.

"So it's still not clean enough." Frowning, Jiang Chen walked over and kicked that guy into the water.


The guy yelled and flopped about in the water like a duck.

"Swim up quickly and give me a good beating." The guy yelled loudly.

When the other five people heard this, they all speeded up and swam to the shore.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and stood by the lake, and when he saw someone swimming over, he just kicked him over. Then, a strange scene happened. Several guys swimming in the water, thumping violently, stood on the shore. Jiang Chen next to him kicked very happily.

"Stop kicking, I've already drank several sips of water." Finally, a guy who is not very good at water said with a mournful face.

"It doesn't matter if you drink a few sips of water, what you are most afraid of is getting water in your head." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"I'll drown." The guy who spoke was about to cry.

"If you drown, just drown, there are so many idiots in this world, you are the only one." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Hey, how can you talk like this, you are killing people." Among the group of people, a girl wearing glasses couldn't stand it any longer, stood up and accused Jiang Chen loudly.

"That's right, you are killing people, we are going to call the police." Immediately afterwards, someone said again.

"Quick, quickly take out your phone and call the police." Someone else began to boo.

"Tsk tsk, all of them seem to have a sense of justice, but there is one thing I'm very curious about." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What I'm curious about is that when they call me a fool and call me crazy When the water was pouring, what did you all do?"

"When they bullied me, all of you were deaf and blind. Now, they can't bully me, but you are bullied by me instead, so you all stand up. Is it because I look honest? , easy to bully?" Jiang Chen stopped smiling, his face suddenly darkened.

"I...we..." The girl wearing glasses stuttered and couldn't speak.

"Look, you can't stand it when I'm unreasonable, and you can't stand it when I'm reasonable, so get the hell out of here." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said impatiently.

After 5 minutes, everyone, including those six flopping in the water, stayed away, and Jiang Chen's ears were completely cleansed. Jiang Chen was satisfied and fell asleep on the grass.

But this time, Jiang Chen didn't sleep for long. He estimated that it took about 10 minutes, and Jiang Chen was woken up again.

"Is that the guy?"

"That's right, that guy."

"They're not wearing school uniforms, and I don't know who they are. They probably came to our school to pick up girls."


A group of people, about seventy or eighty in number, rushed to the shore of Weiming Lake in a hurry, some pointing fingers, some fanning the flames.

"Fucking the girl in our school, I'll rub it, are you impatient?" A heavy voice sounded.

"That's right, the girls in our school can't even get married by themselves, so how can they take advantage of outsiders and fuck him." Someone immediately responded.

"Fuck him!"

"Beat him up and kick him out."


"Shut up." Jiang Chen really couldn't take it anymore, could he still make someone get a good night's sleep?

"Who are you, dare to tell us to shut up." Someone said angrily.


Almost as soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of a slap, a slap in the face of the guy who was speaking.

"Brother Shan, what are you beating me for?" The guy who was beaten said aggrievedly.


Another slap was slapped on that guy's face, and the person called Brother Shan said nervously: "Shut up, shut up, I will beat anyone who dares to talk too much."

After saying that, Brother Shan stepped forward and said flatteringly, "Young Master Jiang, I didn't expect it to be you. If I knew it was you, I would definitely not come."

"Li Shan, it looks like you're doing pretty well, and you have a lot of younger brothers." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

This guy was exactly Li Shan who had been abused by Jiang Chen twice. Although he was in the same school, he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Jiang Shao, stop laughing at me." Li Shan smiled wryly.

I was so depressed, even though the battle was so big, but if I really wanted to attack Jiang Chen, even if I lent him a hundred more guts, he would not dare.

How did Shi Lei die, how did the Meng family get destroyed... Li Shan didn't know the whole story, but that didn't prevent Li Shan from being afraid of Jiang Chen to the bone.

These guys, who didn't even know who the other party was, just yelled and yelled and yelled, and it was fine if they were beaten, but don't get him involved, he doesn't want to disappear from this world forever inexplicably.

"How dare I laugh at you, by the way, who said that I was impatient just now?" Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran.

Having been disturbed while sleeping twice, not to mention that Jiang Chen's temper is not very good, even if he is a clay figurine, he still has a bit of anger.

If the tiger doesn't show his power, treat him like a hellokitty. If this matter can't be resolved well today, he probably won't be able to sleep well in this place in the future.

He is very low-key, okay? He doesn't want to be surrounded by people casually.


Li Shan raised his foot, just kicked a big man, and said angrily: "Jiang Shao asked you something, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Jiang Shao."

"Jiang Shao, I was wrong, I said the wrong thing." The man trembled in fright, and hurriedly said.

"It seems that some people are going to beat me up, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Now, there is no need for Li Shan to remind, a guy hastily stood up and bowed to apologize, his attitude is called pious.

There is no way, Li Shan is cowardly, and they have no choice but to be cowardly.

"Hurry up, everyone. Don't let Young Master Jiang call you by name. If you should apologize, apologize quickly, and get out of here after you apologize." Li Shan said bluffing.

"Jiang Shao, I was wrong."

"Jiang Shao, your lord has a lot, don't care about us like us."


All of them drooped their heads, shrunk their necks and yawned, all amused Jiang Chen.

"Okay, get the hell out of here. Also, remember, don't come to this place if you can." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"Yes Yes……"

All the people nodded and left quickly under Li Shan's leadership.

"Brother Shan, what is the origin of Young Master Jiang?" After walking a long distance, a student from a lower grade asked.

"Jiang Chen." Li Shan said dully.

"Is that Jiang Chen who cheated away our school's belle Xu Anqi?" Someone suddenly realized.

"Who else but him?" Li Shan said angrily.

"Is he awesome?" Someone asked again wondering.

"Awesome or not, I don't know. Anyway, remember one sentence, he is someone you can't afford to mess with." Li Shan warned solemnly.

If it is said that Jiang Chen was only famous in the third grade of high school before, then after today's incident, his name will be known to everyone in Yilan Middle School.

Everyone will know about a person named Jiang Chen, an existence who has been warned and cannot be offended.

"Jiang Chen, what happened, I see those people are aggressive, as if they are going to hit you, you haven't been hit, are you?" Jiang Yanyan pulled Xu Anqi to sit beside Jiang Chen, her eyes gleaming with gossip.

Jiang Yanyan just saw so many people rushing to Weiming Lake, dragging Xu Anqi to watch the excitement, it was really lively.

"You really want me to be beaten? Why are you so excited?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Yeah, who told you to look like you deserve a beating." Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

"Be careful, I'll beat you up." Jiang Chen said depressingly.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands." Jiang Yanyan pouted, she was not afraid of Jiang Chen beating her.


As soon as Jiang Chen raised his hand, he slapped Jiang Yanyan's upright buttocks hard!
(End of this chapter)

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