genius evil

Chapter 311 Father and son turned against each other, brothers became enemies

Chapter 311 Father and son turned against each other, brothers became enemies


A few seconds later, the stunned Jiang Yanyan screamed.That decibel almost pierced Jiang Chen's eardrums.

"Student Yanyan, can you keep your voice down." Jiang Chen casually patted it again.


Jiang Yanyan yelled louder, she stared at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

Does spanking count as spanking?
It seems to count, but it doesn't seem to count.

However, no matter whether it counts or not, how could Jiang Chen spank her butt, even twice.

Ah - thinking about Jiang Yanyan, I feel like I'm going crazy.

"Yanyan, stop barking." Xu Anqi blushed and stopped, and gave Jiang Chen a bit of resentment.

It's not good for Jiang Chen to hit Jiang Yanyan, but to hit Jiang Yanyan's ass, this action is too easy to make people think.

"An Qi, it's not that I want to call, it's that this guy is going too far." Jiang Yanyan said with an aggrieved face.

"Who asked you to provoke him." Xu Anqi said with a smile.

"Okay, I knew it, An Qi, you turned your elbows out, you two should join forces to bully me alone." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

Xu Anqi blushed slightly. Although Jiang Yanyan often teased her about the matter between her and Jiang Chen, it was the first time that she was so direct in front of Jiang Chen.

"Student Yanyan, do you still need to join forces with others to bully you? Um, so you don't have to go to class?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right, An Qi, let's hurry back to the classroom and go to class." Jiang Yanyan said, pulling Xu Anqi away.

She was in a rather awkward mood right now, even if she didn't have class in the morning, she was planning to find a reason to run away first, but Jiang Chen reminded her that she was naturally dragging Xu Anqi away quickly.

"An Qi, Jiang Chen is going too far now. He dared to bully me like this in front of you. If you weren't around, he might not be able to bully me." After walking far away, Jiang Yanyan whispered in Xu Anqi's ear. .

Xu Anqi smiled lightly: "Don't be angry, Jiang Chen didn't do it on purpose."

"If he only hit me once, I can still assume that he didn't mean it, but he hit me twice, which is obviously intentional." Jiang Yanyan was very angry.

"Are you really angry?" Xu Anqi looked sideways at Jiang Yanyan and asked.

Jiang Yanyan was inexplicably guilty, and said vaguely: "I'm not very angry, I just think, how could Jiang Chen hit me there."

"I knew you weren't really angry." Xu Anqi smiled.

"An Qi, I'm not angry, it's because of your face, otherwise I will never end with Jiang Chen." Jiang Yanyan said loudly.

In the end, Jiang Yanyan's voice suddenly lowered, and she said cautiously: "An Qi, Jiang Chen is just playing a little joke on me, you must be angry, right?"

"No." Xu Anqi shook her head.

"If you really don't have one, then you have to smile, and you have to look good." Jiang Yanyan said.

The corners of her lips parted, and Xu Anqi smiled, just like a spring flower blooming.

Seeing Xu Anqi smile, Jiang Yanyan also smirked, her eyes rolling around while laughing.

Seeing Jiang Yanyan like this, Xu Anqi sighed from the bottom of her heart.


Qiu family.

In the backyard of the villa, under a big tree, Qiu Shaojie and Qiu Huaishan sat face to face.

On the small stove, the tea was boiling, and the fragrance of the tea leaves diffused everywhere, and the whole yard was filled with a faint fragrance.

Qiu Huaishan picked up the teapot, poured Qiu Shaojie a cup of tea, and then poured himself a cup.

"Dad, have you made up your mind?" Qiu Shaojie asked aloud after taking a sip of tea.

"Think it over." Qiu Huaishan nodded, looked at Qiu Shaojie and said, "Are you surprised, or do you think it's too early?"

"To be honest, I'm both surprised and think it's too early." Qiu Shaojie said truthfully.

"That's why you are good." Qiu Huaishan pointed at Qiu Shaojie, and said with relief: "If you understand, you understand. If you don't understand, you don't understand. It's not hypocritical."

Qiu Shaojie smiled slightly, and said: "You have entrusted me to take care of the Qiu family now. How can I be hypocritical about this kind of thing? Of course, this matter was too sudden for me. I originally thought, It's going to be a few more years, at least until I graduate from college."

"Sooner or later, it will be handed over to you. It is better to be sooner rather than later. If you really wait until you graduate from university, this family will have already broken up." In a low voice, Qiu Huaishan sighed.

"Qiu Huaishan, if this family really disperses, it will be caused by you alone." Almost as soon as Qiu Huaishan's voice fell, a sharp voice sounded suddenly.

Two figures hurried into the backyard, it was Tan Xia and Qiu Shaowei.

Tan Xia's face was full of frost, and her voice had already reached the ears of Qiu Huaishan and Qiu Shaojie before she came over.

"Why are you here?" Looking at the two of them, Qiu Huaishan asked in astonishment.

Tan Xia sneered, and said sharply: "Why, you father and son are plotting to sell our mother and son here, so we can't come? Is it possible that you have to wait until you sell us mother and son, then come back?" Can I count the money for you?"

"It's all a family, why do you say it so meanly?" Qiu Huaishan gave a wry smile, and greeted: "Tan Xia, Shaowei, you both sit down and drink tea together. If you don't come, I just want to call you too." Come on you two, it's just right to come, let's talk together."

"Talk?" Tan Xia sneered, and said, "Qiu Huaishan, you can't put away your hypocrisy. Is there anything else to talk about between us?"

"Dad, if you want to talk about it, you can take back your previous decision and leave the Qiu family to me." Qiu Shaowei said following Tan Xia.

"Leaving the Qiu family to Shaojie to take care of is the result of my deliberation." Qiu Huaishan said with a frown.

"That means you don't want to talk about it, right? Since you don't want to talk about it, what exactly do you want to talk about?" Tan Xia said angrily.

"Talk about how the Qiu family can be brought to a higher level in a short period of time after the Qiu family is handed over to Shaojie." Qiu Huaishan said seriously.

"Fart!" Tan Xia yelled.

"Dad, I think you have forgotten one thing. You can have today's achievements, and the Qiu family can have today's situation. Who brought it... All of this was brought to you by my mother. To become famous is to kick our mother and son away, is there such a reason in this world?" Qiu Shaowei said gloomyly.

Tan Xia is the wife of Qiu Huaishan's matchmaker, and he is the first heir of the Qiu family. As for Qiu Shaojie, he is just an illegitimate child of Qiu Huaishan who didn't know which wild woman he had, a shady existence.

The illegitimate son usurped the host and took away what belonged to him, which made Qiu Shaowei furious.

"You should be able to understand that I did this for the Qiu family and for your own good." Qiu Huaishan said helplessly.

It is indeed because of Tan Xia that he is today... But these days, whether it is Tan Xia or Qiu Shaowei, they are becoming more and more perverted.If this continues, it is inevitable that the Qiu family will go downhill.

The Qiu family was handed over to Qiu Shaojie, of course, on the one hand because of the relationship between Qiu Shaojie and Jiang Chen, and on the other hand, it was because of Qiu Huaishan's appreciation for Qiu Shaojie.

Qiu Shaojie is not as good as Qiu Shaowei in terms of fame, but it is precisely because of this that Qiu Shaojie has developed a mature and prudent temperament. Not to mention other things, this point alone is definitely much, much better than Qiu Shaowei.

Qiu Huaishan said that it was for the good of Tan Xia and Qiu Shaowei, it was not just empty words, what they should have, anyway, there will be no less, maybe even more than now, what is there to be dissatisfied with?What's the fuss?

"Qiu Huaishan, even if it's the hype you said, I won't believe your nonsense. In short, I warn you, if you really dare to hand over the Qiu family to Qiu Shaojie, then our mother and son can do anything." Tan Tan Xia Xia said in a vicious voice.

"Tan Xia, what do you mean? Are you threatening me?" Qiu Huaishan was also a little angry.

For these years, he has been living under the strong oppression of Tan Xia, and he is not unaffected. Tan Xia is so unscrupulous, which makes him very angry.

"It's true that the Qiu family's surname is Qiu, but in private, who doesn't know that the real surname of the Qiu family is Tan? Qiu Huaishan, if you don't let us have a good life, how can I let you live a good life?" Tan Xia grimly endlessly said.

"Qiu Shaojie, don't think that if you have a good master, you can bully our mother and son at will. We are not so easy to bully." Tan Xia turned to look at Qiu Shaojie and said sharply.

"I never thought of bullying you. In fact, as long as you don't bully me, when did I bully you?" Qiu Shaojie said lightly.

"Plundering what originally belonged to me, isn't that bullying? Qiu Shaojie, you've reached this point, and you've taken all the benefits. Do you still need to be so hypocritical?" Qiu Shaowei said disdainfully.

"You're wrong, I'm not robbing you, I'm just exchanging it with my own ability." Qiu Shaojie said.

"Qiu Shaojie, you are really arrogant. You seem to be very capable when you say that some things are yours, they are yours, and they are not yours. No matter what you do, it is useless to hold what does not belong to you. Things, be careful to take them with your life, and enjoy them with your life." Qiu Shaowei said in a grim voice.

Tan Xia and Qiu Shaowei didn't stay long, and after declaring their sovereignty, they left, but it was conceivable that the Qiu family would be like chickens and dogs.

"Father and son turned against each other, brothers became enemies, Shaojie, tell me, did I do something wrong?" Qiu Huaishan said in frustration after rubbing his face.

"Since they said that Qiu's family name is Tan, it's time to get everything back on track, right?" Qiu Shaojie didn't answer Qiu Huaishan's question, but said.

"If possible, try to be gentle." Qiu Huaishan reminded.

"Really?" Qiu Shaojie smiled indifferently. This kind of thing is not something he can be gentle if he wants to be gentle.

"Dad, if it's okay, I should go back to school." Qiu Shaojie said again, and after saying that, he got up and left without waiting for Qiu Huaishan to respond.

"Shaojie, I hope you don't blame me." Seeing Qiu Shaojie leave, Qiu Huaishan muttered to himself, with struggle and madness in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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