genius evil

Chapter 313 The last straw that broke the camel's back

Chapter 313 The straw that broke the camel's back

5 minute later.

Brilliant Bar, box on the second floor.

Ah Jin was sitting on the sofa, with a cigar in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, with the edge of the knife resting on the pig butcher's neck.

The pig butcher was forcibly knocked down by two people, and he knelt on the ground, staring at Ah Jin with wide-eyed eyes, with an expression of unwillingness and resentment.

"Brother Jin, what did my second master do wrong, don't make fun of me." The pig butcher said very annoyed.

When he made money, he invited Ah Jin to drink, thinking that he had nothing to say to Ah Jin.It was fine for A Jin to let him kneel down, but he actually pointed a knife at him, which made the pig butcher very upset.

"You don't know what you did wrong?" A Jin's expression was extremely gloomy, and with a flick of his wrist, the knife stabbed the pig butcher's shoulder.

The pig butcher was in pain and howled like a pig.

"When you stab someone, isn't it fun? You can make money after stabbing someone. You really know how to do business." Ajin was indifferent, and stabbed the pig butcher's arm with a backhand knife.

Blood spurted out, and the butcher rolled on the ground in pain, wailing: "Brother Jin, I just stabbed one person, and you're going to stab me, do you still think I'm your brother?"

"Brother? You're fucking about to kill me, and you still have the guts to say such a thing?" It's okay for the pig killer not to say this, but when he said Ah Jin, he became even more angry. He walked over and made the third cut. , and stabbed the pig butcher in the lower abdomen.

"I'm telling you, brother, that's not how it is done." Ajin said coldly.

He has already given orders to let the people below settle down a bit. It's fine for this bastard to be restless. If he provokes one or two unimportant people, that's fine.

Unexpectedly, it's not good for this guy to provoke anyone, he went to provoke Qiu Shaojie, and even stabbed Qiu Shaojie!

If he hadn't been cautious recently and asked too much, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known about it... If that was the case, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

If the pig butcher did this, it was tantamount to forcing him to think. Not to mention that he just stabbed the pig butcher a few times, even if he killed the pig butcher, it was the pig butcher's own fault!

"Brother Jin, why don't you kill this guy directly." The wretched A Bing said in a sinister voice, exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Did you kill it?" Ajin glanced at the blood-covered pig butcher, and frowned tightly.

Killing a pig butcher is very simple, but the subsequent troubles are not so easy to deal with?
Can't you apologize to Jiang Chen after killing the pig killer?Or, send someone over to teach Qiu Shaowei a lesson and stab Qiu Shaowei too?

Some accounts can be calculated in this way.

But the accounts between him and Jiang Chen were not so easy to settle.

The most important thing is that when facing Jiang Chen, he felt guilty from the bottom of his heart, and he was so frightened that he encountered these terrible things one after another.

"It's useless to keep it, it's useless to kill a hundred." A Bing said fiercely, "This bastard himself said that he just stabbed Qiu Shaojie, Qiu Shaojie can't die, we killed the pig killer, it's a gift to Jiang Chen Tell me, he can't still hold on to this matter, can he?"

"This matter is not as easy as you think." A Jin said silently after taking a deep puff on his cigar.

"Brother Jin, if Jiang Chen is really so unreasonable, maybe we are really afraid of him." A Bing said angrily.

"Reasonable?" Ajin's mouth twitched.

When did they actually need to reason with others?

It's unreasonable, isn't it always their patent?

A Jin glanced at the pig butcher, and cursed in his heart, damn it, if it wasn't for this bastard, why would he be in such a dilemma?
After kicking the pig killer heavily, Ah Jin ordered: "Tie me up first, Ah Bing, come with me."

"Where are you going?" A Bing asked suspiciously.

"Go to the hospital." A Jin said, and he walked out of the box.

A Jin led A Bing, and had just walked to the door of Huihuang Bar, when a figure walked towards him quickly.

There were people coming and going in the bar, and Ah Jin didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until the man called Brother Jin that Ah Jin looked at the man in astonishment.

"Brother Jin." The man was very enthusiastic, striding towards Ah Jin, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he hugged Ah Jin into his arms.

"who are you……"

A Jin was very puzzled, where did this guy come from, why did he have no memory at all, he just wanted to ask who you are, but before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Lowering his head, Ajin saw a knife piercing straight into his abdomen. As the man turned his right hand, the tip of the knife stirred in his abdomen.

"" Ah Jin looked at the person in disbelief.

He knew that he was going to die, but he never thought that he would die in such a way.

"Too useless." This was A Jin's last thought before he died, and immediately he dropped his head and fell into the embrace of the man.

Assassinated A Jin with a knife, the man pushed hard and knocked A Jin's body down on A Bing's body. He turned around and ran very fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ah Bing caught Ah Jin subconsciously, and it was very inexplicable. When he saw the knife in Ah Jin's abdomen, his face immediately turned pale.

"Brother Jin...Brother Jin..." Ah Bing screamed loudly.

After 1 minute, there was chaos at the Brilliant Bar!

When I was young, the entire underground world of Yilan City was in chaos!

"Crazy, are they all crazy?"

In Guilanyuan Villa, Tang Tian was lazily leaning on the sofa watching TV, holding the remote control in one hand and a bag of potato chips in the other.

Changing tables at will, grabbing a handful of potato chips from time to time, stuffing them into his mouth and eating them indiscriminately.

After receiving the call and hearing the message from the other end of the phone, Tang Tian's first feeling was that she didn't believe it, and the second feeling was that someone was crazy, otherwise, how could she do such a thing.

"Sister-in-law, they are indeed crazy. There are too many people, and we are almost overwhelmed." It was Gong Xi who called Tang Tian.

Gong Xi is now Tang Tian's number one confidant, and Tang Tian left all the rotten sesame millet matters in the Bauhinia Club to Gong Xi to take care of, while she became the hands-off shopkeeper.

"I can't stand the fart, and if I can't stand it, I have to fight it. Call me back." Tang Tian said angrily.

"Sister Tang, I'm really overwhelmed. Ah Jin is dead, do you know? These guys are here to avenge Ah Jin." Gong Xi said in a hurry.

"What did you say? Ah Jin? Dead?" Tang Tian was taken aback, when did this news come.

"Yes, Ah Jin died, and was killed in the Brilliant Bar. His people thought it was done by people from the Bauhinia Society, and they kept shouting for revenge." Gong Xi said.

Regarding this matter, Gong Xi himself was also very depressed. Ah Jin's death had nothing to do with the Bauhinia Society, so why did it involve the Bauhinia Society?
Moreover, these guys, all of them had red eyes, turned into a group of lunatics. If this continues, he will definitely be hacked to death.

"Will Bauhinia do anything?" Tang Tian asked.

"No." Gong Xi shook his head vigorously.

"What's going on, did you find out anything?" Tang Tian quickly asked again.

From Tang Tian's point of view, Ah Jin is just a running dog under Master Quan. She doesn't like it, but no matter how she looks down on it, she will definitely not take the blame.

"It seems that a guy named Pig Killer under Ah Jin stabbed Qiu Shaojie, and then Jiang Shao was very angry, and found someone to stab Ah Jin, who knew that Ah Jin was stabbed to death." Gong Xi explained.

"Qiu Shaojie? Jiang Chen's little brother, what are these things? I don't know anything about it. Wait a minute. I'll call Jiang Chen and ask." Tang Tian said, and hung up the phone.

Tang Tian called Jiang Chen, and when Jiang Chen heard Tang Tian say that Ah Jin was dead, he was quite surprised.

"Jiang Chen, is it you who asked someone to kill Ah Jin?" Tang Tian asked directly.

"Do I look like such a boring person?" Jiang Chen said lazily, if he really wanted to kill Ah Jin, he would kill him casually, and he still needed to find someone?
"I'm lazy to ask whether you are bored or not. Gong Xi just told me that several strongholds of the Bauhinia Society have been cut down. How do you solve this problem?" Tang Tian said angrily Said.

"How else can it be solved, isn't it just cutting it back? In other words, isn't this the best time to harvest the land?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"It seems to be right." Tang Tian said belatedly.

This family has hacked the door, so naturally they want to chop it back. Moreover, once Ah Jin died, the people under him were in a mess. This is a rare and great opportunity for the Bauhinia Society. With the territory won, the Bauhinia Society will become the largest underground force in Yilan City.

"Then let's cut it earlier, try to cut a few more, I'm going to sleep, don't bother me if I have nothing to do." Jiang Chen yawned.

"You are a pig, I went to bed so early, and there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Your little brother is called Qiu Shaojie, right? He was stabbed by Ah Jin's men." Tang Tian chirped.

"Qiu Shaojie was stabbed? Then, Ah Jin was stabbed?" After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and an intriguing smile gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"This matter is really interesting. It looks like I won't be able to sleep until late tonight." Jiang Chen then said softly.

Once Ah Jin died, the entire underground world of Yilan City fell into turmoil, and naturally there were some people who remained unmoved. Jiang Chen didn't think he was the one who remained unmoved, because he had already been involved.

The only one who stood still was Master Quan.

In other words, Master Quan will be the biggest beneficiary of Ah Jin's subordinates fighting with the Bauhinia Society...

"Master Quan, after being silent for such a long time, are you finally unable to hold back? Well, then this time, let's settle everything at once." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

A few minutes later, a black Elantra drove slowly out of Yilan Middle School under the contemptuous eyes of the school security guard...

(End of this chapter)

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